hunter commando

Chapter 196 Geng Shuai leads the recruits

Chapter 196 Geng Shuai leads the recruits

The first ray of sunshine in the morning spread across Beauty Peak and fell over a large area of ​​the Third Brigade, where four infantry battalions were stationed.

Dozens of teams were neatly lined up on the basketball court of the Second Battalion, one for each class, all of them recruits wearing winter jungle training uniforms.

It has been a week since the last batch of recruits entered the camp.

Geng Shuai glanced at the twelve recruits with high spirits. Their camouflage uniforms were all bare. They would not be recognized by the Yan Kingdom soldiers until the recruit training was completed, so they did not have any markings.

Strictly speaking, the two to three months of recruit training is a dark time that many recruits fail to notice.They no longer exist in the local area, and their military status has not yet been recorded in the military system.

Everything can only be determined until the next company is assigned.

At the beginning of the training class, the military posture remains unchanged for thousands of years. The military posture comes from the military posture!
If you don't stand well, you can't say that Hua Lai is not a qualified soldier.

"Don't blink! Let's see who can cry first, and whoever can calm down first will have a rest!" Geng Shuai said to the soldiers, correcting his movements one by one from the front to the end of the team.The new recruits' movements will deform when they stand, and they must be constantly corrected, otherwise it will be difficult to correct them once they are formed.

"You guys, good luck! What I wore when I joined the army was cucumber rind. Do you know what cucumber rind is? I'll show you later. Hello, I just put on the 07-style camouflage uniform." Geng Shuai said.

No soldier dared to answer. In the first two days, some soldiers saw that the squad leader was talking like a family, so they just answered a few words. In the end, they were either scolded or punished.

No talking was allowed in the queue unless approved, and this was ingrained into the minds of the recruits.

Looking at these new recruits, Geng Shuai missed his comrades in Class [-], and he couldn't help but feel secretly sad.

In order to stay in the team, he did not hesitate to hurt his comrades for two years. As luck would have it, he participated in the manhunt, was injured and made meritorious service, and he was also the only person who captured the fugitive alive with his bare hands. He had a big and long face, and the brigade leaders came to him many times. Look, award the prizes in person, hold a commendation meeting, feel proud.

As for staying in the team, it couldn't be easier.

But in the end, he chose to agree to Du Xiaofan's original request and became the deputy squad leader of the seventh squad. It was logical that he became the backbone of the recruit company, with eleven recruits under his command.Among the many squad leaders in the recruit company, he is the most well-known.

The injury brought an increase in popularity and prestige, and it was not limited to the Second Battalion.

I thought I would be very happy, but in fact it was not the case.After coming back, I learned that Li Mu and the others had gone to a special training camp, along with Du Xiaofan.I’m not sure exactly what kind of training it was, but at least what I heard from the guard commander’s instructor was just this sentence—a training session to prepare for the reform of a new type of infantry.

Geng Shuai felt that he might have picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon, but the instructor said that there would be another chance in the future, and he felt a little better.

But there was a feeling that he couldn't understand. Without Li Mu, he always felt like he was in trouble.He seriously recalled that in the past, Class [-] of the [-]th Company was definitely the most naughty class in the whole camp. With squad leader Li Mu here, there was nothing he couldn't do, and no one dared to look at Class [-] the same way he looked at other classes.What you gain is a high sense of pride, which is very comfortable.

Geng Shuai thought that he and Li Mu were soldiers of the same year. Basically, even if there was a slight difference in military quality, the difference was definitely not big. He could still become an excellent squad leader.It wasn't until he actually brought in new recruits that he discovered that it wasn't really that easy to do.

It had only been a week, but a thorn appeared in his class.

"Huang Chengming! Lean forward!" Geng Shuai's eyes fell on the face of the recruit who was second in line and scolded him.

The queue is arranged according to height, from left to right, high to low.

Huang Chengming had no reaction.

Geng Shuai walked up to him, stood less than half a meter away from him, stared into Huang Chengming's eyes, "Can't you understand people? Lean forward!"

Huang Chengming remained motionless. It could be seen from his facial expression that he clenched his teeth tightly.This soldier has fair features and fair complexion. It can be seen that he grew up in a good environment, and Geng Shuai judged that this soldier must have been spoiled at home.

Rebellion psychology is very strong.

Geng Shuai knew why Huang Chengming was like this, because ten minutes before washing up last night, Geng Shuai asked the soldiers in the squad to start a small stove and do a few push-ups, while the other two squads in the platoon did not do it.Huang Chengming raised his opinion last night and was naturally scolded severely by the three squad leaders in the platoon, especially Geng Shuai.

Recruits with such sharp spikes must be suppressed at a lightning speed, otherwise the team will not be able to lead.

What Geng Shuai didn't expect was that Huang Chengming was now openly disobeying orders.

"Huang Chengming, do you know what you are doing?" Geng Shuai said coldly.

Huang Chengming closed his mouth tightly and gritted his teeth, but stood still without moving.The standard military posture requires the body to lean forward slightly, with the center of gravity of the body falling on the soles of the feet, but he does not.

Geng Shuai suddenly ordered: "Others, listen to the command! Take a step back - go!"

Except for Huang Chengming, everyone else took a step back and stood up, but he had not yet learned how to step back, and his movements seemed a bit chaotic.But these are not important at this time, no one can smell the smell of gunpowder.

Everyone was waiting to see Geng Shuai's reaction. It could be seen from his expression that the squad leader was angry, feeling secretly happy but also secretly afraid.Who knows if he will hit someone.At this time, the thoughts of the recruits are still the thoughts of the common people. It is completely normal to think and be afraid like this.

However, Geng Shuai did nothing. He just stared at Huang Chengming for a while, said nothing, and walked to the queue that was missing Huang Chengming.

It was only after the others came to their senses that they realized what a brilliant move!

Geng Shuai neither beats you nor scolds you, he just needs to ignore you.Nowadays, the army explicitly prohibits beating, scolding and corporal punishment, but for experienced squad leaders, dealing with you new recruits is just one less method out of a thousand and one, and there are still a thousand more.

"Let's continue training." Geng Shuai said, "Listen to the password! Look to the right! Look forward! Stand up! Keep your chest up and your hands down naturally! Keep your legs straight! Keep your chin down! Don't stick your head out like a turtle !”

The key is not how Geng Shuai trains other soldiers, but that at this time, Huang Chengming, standing alone in front, became the focus of the backbone of the entire field.

Huang Chengming saw the eyes of the two officers who were talking in front of the company's barracks fell behind him. He knew the two officers. He had met them during the meeting. They were the guards and instructors of the recruit company.He gritted his teeth and persisted, insisting not to admit defeat!

In fact, even Geng Shuai didn't realize that the hidden danger was buried in this little thing.

(End of this chapter)

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