hunter commando

Chapter 195 A good boy makes trouble for a child

Chapter 195 A good boy makes trouble for a child

The girl at the front desk watched several military vehicles leave, and at this moment the genius shone brightly.The fishing village once again fell into silence. The small episode passed and only the girl at the front desk was aware of it.I believe it will be an unforgettable experience for her. After all, it is rare to be so close and participate in the drills of the soldiers to a certain extent.

Ivekoli was shaking. The five members of Team 101 looked at each other without saying anything. Finally, their eyes fell on Chen Tao's face.

Chen Tao did not go to the warrior car, but came here to sit with the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a drill. It was absolutely realistic and fooled everyone.

After glancing at Team 101, Chen Tao smiled slightly. He thought he should say something, so he said, "Why, you are dejected. The drill is not exciting enough?"

Du Xiaofan smiled bitterly and replied, "It's so exciting."

Shi Lei also whispered politely, "Sir, as a director, you will definitely win the Oscar for Best Director."

Chen Tao was not angry and smiled slightly.

His eyes fell on Li Mu, but Li Mu lowered his eyebrows, as if thinking about something.

"No. [-], what are you thinking?" Chen Tao asked.

Li Mu raised his head, thought for a moment, and replied, "Look for loopholes. It doesn't look like a drill at all."

Smiling slightly, Chen Tao did not continue on this topic. Instead, he glanced at everyone and said, "The purpose of the exercise is to see your airborne combat capabilities. After physical training, there will be tactical training. I want to I know your level well."

Just as Li Mu was about to speak, Chen Tao waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "The person who plays the role of the spy is someone from the Special Forces Reconnaissance Battalion. In your previous battles, Special Forces did fall behind in some aspects. However, you have also seen that after all, the special forces They are special forces. At least, their ability to resist attacks is much stronger than yours."

Everyone nodded silently.

Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun, who have done it before, know best that when they hit people, they punched people to the flesh, and they hit them as if they were enemies.In another position, if he was beaten like this, he obviously wouldn't be able to withstand it.

This must be admitted.

Compared with other majors, especially in hard subjects, the gap is huge.This drill also made Team 101 clearly aware of the gap between themselves and the Jida.Of course, it is not ruled out that some people may think that this exercise was arranged to rectify the name of the super power.

But, it doesn’t matter anymore.

"I will take this opportunity to have a chat with you in the car. Putting aside my identity as an instructor for the time being, let's have a discussion or analysis." Chen Tao put away his smile and said in a deep voice.

Li Mu and others couldn't help but sit up straight and looked at Chen Tao.

After sorting it out, Chen Tao said, "I told you when the training started that this training is very special, so it is called special training. This is the first time in our army. The army must take the road of modernization and development. This is not the case. The strategic direction of development will change. Our military, especially the Army, has been out of touch with society for too long. Until now, the training focus of many Army field troops is still on traditional land field operations. The road to change is long and difficult. It’s hard to leave. I’m talking to you because you are the vanguard of reform and the pioneers. Of course, it makes sense for you to think that you are guinea pigs and guinea pigs. We need to test it on you and find out the most suitable training method. So you must be clear The mission you shoulder. Let alone your third brigade, how the infantry units of the third brigade will be trained in the future basically depends on your performance in special training."

"The reform of the new infantry is not a small aspect, and covers a very wide range. Specifically speaking of your third brigade, you can understand that you will be changed into an air assault force. I believe you have all heard of the 101st Air Assault Force of the Northern Federal Soldiers. Assault division. It can be regarded as a target, but for now, we don't have that strength yet."

"Supporting the operations of a 101st Air Assault Division with more than 1 people is not as simple as visible weapons and equipment, but requires a complete national defense combat system, including a unified command and control intelligence system, including satellite reconnaissance that can cover the world. system, as well as countless logistical support guarantees, etc.”

"We won't be able to do this for at least ten years."

Chen Tao paused, his eyes falling on Li Mu's face, "So, in this situation, we have only one way."

Li Mu noticed that Chen Tao did not continue speaking, but stared at him.Helpless, Li Mu could only take over the conversation and speak for Chen Tao, "Start with the soldiers and use them to improve their combat qualities to temporarily make up for the shortcomings in other aspects."

"That's right." Chen Tao nodded appreciatively and glanced again, "Now you should understand why the training should be held in a special training camp and why we should ask you to meet the requirements of special forces. We do not want to turn every infantryman into a special forces. , but to improve the combat quality of every soldier facing the new infantry reform as much as possible."

"Including tonight's assault drill. Do you think that this is to let Jida vent his anger and rectify his name? After all, they were actually defeated by you before." Chen Tao smiled and shook his head, "Relax your mind , has extraordinarily large ambitions, and a unit that has never been able to prove its defeat cannot win the battle."

Li Mu looked at Chen Tao and said, "Sir, your main purpose is to test our quick reaction ability, right?"

"No. [-] is on to the point." Chen Tao nodded, "To find out your airborne combat capabilities is one purpose, and to see your quick reaction ability is also one of the purposes. Basically, it can be said that your performance is passing. "

"If we didn't find the traces left on the Y0759 highway and chased all the way to the departure point on the tidal flat, would we fail?" Li Mu asked.

Chen Tao nodded unabashedly and admitted, "That's true."

Li Mu sighed secretly, and he understood what Chen Tao meant.It was nothing more than two options, the first was a good child, and the second was a troublesome child. In the end, Team 101 chose the second option.Li Mu could basically foresee how sad the days to come would be.

Why do you say that?

First of all, the mission instructions clearly state that the end point is the beach departure point. It is a simple game of cat and mouse. Even if they find a rut and do not turn south, they can still be good children. No matter where they go, the 101 team can Can't be wrong.The hidden tasks that Chen Tao secretly arranged and were not reflected in the task instructions were what Chen Tao really valued.But choosing this will also show something - restlessness.

The key lies in the decision made by the commander Li Mu.

There is no doubt that the better he behaves, the harder Chen Tao will fuck them. The more obedient he behaves, the opposite will be the effect.This is the peculiarity of the army. If you do a good job in military training, the squad leader will definitely push you harder. If your performance is mediocre, then the squad leader will treat you with a mediocre attitude.

Because that means you have given up on yourself, and the monitor won't care about you.

"That's all. Be mentally prepared. The days ahead will be long."

Seeing Chen Tao speaking meaningfully, Li Mu and others secretly took a deep breath.

When Chen Tao said this, Iveco stopped, got out of the car, and returned to base 3026. There were already several vehicles waiting there. The soldiers changed into those military vehicles and returned to the super camp area.

(Due to some well-known reasons, the previous chapter was abruptly changed to a drill. Please bear with me, brothers.)
(End of this chapter)

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