Chen Qiming's influence in Hong Kong, Taiwan and even Asia is absolutely huge.

The next day, when his remarks were published by newspapers, they immediately exploded.

Perhaps they are still worried about what the three heroes of Moyan said at the concert.

In the afternoon after Chen Qiming's words were published, Aaron Kwok was interviewed by reporters. When asked what he thought of Dou Wei and other Moyan heroes, Aaron Kwok said this directly.

"Who are the three heroes of Demon Rock?"

This sentence detonated the entire Hong Kong and Taiwan music scene.

"The Three Heroes of Demon Rock were careless and offended the Four Heavenly Kings and Chen Qiming"

"Aaron Kwok and Chen Qiming publicly denounced the three heroes of Moyan"

"Who is Dou Wei?" 》


The media likes nothing more than today’s scene.

A lot of news about Dou Wei and the Three Heroes of Moyan were released.

Of course, it's a scandal-like story.

However, for Dou Wei and the three heroes of Moyan.

Colleagues in the music industry may know.

But for fans and audiences, these names are very unfamiliar.

Many fans were confused after seeing the news.

Who is Dou Wei?

This is the question that most fans have.

To be honest, the name Dou Wei is not that famous in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or even in the mainland.

If you mention the Black Panthers, mainland fans may be familiar with them.

But Hong Kong and Taiwan...

The Black Panther Band's first album "Black Panther" of the same name was indeed released first in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

But to say that they are very popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan is not necessarily true.

You see, Beyond is not very popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan, let alone Black Panther.

Even the Black Panthers are not well-known in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Dou Wei is even less well-known.

Therefore, when fans saw the news, they helped Chen Qiming scold Dou Wei, while at the same time they began to get to know Dou Wei as a person.

The media knows the public best.

When the majority of the public is confused about something, the media will naturally act as the interpreter.

As a result, newspapers introduced Black Panther, the Three Heroes of Magic Rock, and Dou Wei.

It also introduced the whole story of Chen Qiming's confrontation with Dou Wei.

When the public knew that Chen Qiming was first criticized by Dou Wei and then refuted.

Something surprising happened...

At that time, Chen Qiming was holding a book signing in Taipei.

Yesterday was the release day of his new album "Hello, Friend".

Once this album was released, it topped the Asian sales chart with a single sales of 76 across Asia.

This is a data that makes Chen Qiming a little disappointed, but also makes other singers envious.

70 in a single day. This achievement is currently only achieved by Chen Qiming in Asia.

All others are far behind.

The reason why Chen Qiming is a little disappointed is that this data is not as good as his previous two albums.

The first-day sales of his first two albums exceeded this one by nearly [-] copies.

One hundred thousand, which is almost equivalent to the total sales of an album by other singers.

The data of this album has dropped compared to the previous one, which naturally disappoints Chen Qiming.

It's like a person who had received a salary of [-] suddenly only received [-].

A total of two thousand less, the feeling of gap is very uncomfortable.

However, Chen Qiming can also accept this data.

Piracy has been rampant in the past two years, and genuine albums have been more or less affected.

Moreover, the first-day sales of his album ranked third in the history of the Chinese music scene.

Such a result cannot be better than it is already good.

In order to increase the sales of the record, Chen Qiming began to promote the record on the second day after the record was released.

However, he had just finished a book signing in Taipei and was about to rush to Kaohsiung for a radio interview in the evening.

A phone call from Hong Kong forced him to postpone his trip for the next few days.

"Call the Hong Kong side and ask them to stabilize the situation. Also call the police station and ask them not to hurt those fans!"

On the way to the airport, Chen Qiming explained to Li Xiaowen while flipping through the newspaper in his hand.

"A large number of Chen Qiming fans gathered in Repulse Bay, Dou Wei was beaten"

The first newspaper I picked up was the Taipei Daily Evening News just released.

The title is about Chen Qiming.

The cover shows a large number of fans holding cards supporting Chen Qiming gathered in front of a car.

In addition to fans, a large number of police officers can clearly be seen in the photo.

In addition, in the middle of the photo, there is a man and a woman being protected by the police. The man is plain-looking and almost no one knows him.

But many people know the woman.

Although she is wearing a mask, her eyebrows can still let familiar people know that she is Faye Wong, one of the four great queens in Hong Kong.

It can be seen that the two people in the photo are very embarrassed.

Chen Qiming glanced at the cover twice and then focused on the article.

"At [-] o'clock this morning, a large number of Chen Qiming fans gathered in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong and intercepted a moving car.

The man in the car was taken out of the car and beaten.

It is reported that the man who was beaten was Dou Wei, who had made inappropriate remarks to attack Chen Qiming a few days ago!
In addition, a reporter discovered that Queen Faye Wong and Dou Wei were in the same car and had a close relationship. The two were suspected to be dating! "

"shock!The reason for Dou Wei’s hatred of Chen Qiming was found”

Open the second newspaper, the contents of the newspaper are similar to the previous one.

Only the title is different.

The person who introduced the previous title was Chen Qiming.

The title character of the latter picture is Faye Wong.

The relationship between Faye Wong and Dou Wei was exposed.

Of course, this is not the reason why Chen Qiming postponed the event and rushed to Hong Kong.

The reason he rushed to Hong Kong was because his fans beat up Dou Wei.

Moreover, according to Chen Qiming's understanding, Dou Wei seemed to be seriously injured and was sent to the hospital.

The attackers are fans of Chen Qiming, and they have all been arrested and taken to the police station.

If it's just fans hitting people, it actually has nothing to do with Chen Qiming.

However, after entering the hospital, Dou Wei directly called the police and filed a lawsuit with the court, accusing Chen Qiming of paying for the murder...

Chen Qiming naturally couldn't avoid being involved in criminal matters. The Kowloon Police Station called him and summoned him.

Considering that although the matter was urgent, it could be handled, Chen Qiming accepted the summons.


Looking at the group of fans on the cover, Chen Qiming couldn't help but have a headache.

He really didn't expect his group of fans to be so stubborn.

In addition, he had to admire these guys' magical powers.

The traces of Faye Wong and Dou Wei are not even accessible to reporters.

As a result, not only did they find out, they actually blocked people on the road.

Of course, he felt helpless and moved that these guys actually beat up Dou Wei for themselves.

Unfortunately, this obviously adds trouble to myself.

It is easy to attribute the actions of fans to the idols themselves.

It is foreseeable that in the next few days, I will definitely fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

What's touching is that there is a group of fans willing to stand up for you.

Although this approach may be wrong.

But Chen Qiming is still very happy to have such a group of fans.


This incident should be considered a big deal.

For the first time in many years, fans of celebrities physically beat others for their idols.Therefore, the Hong Kong and Taiwan media that day were almost full of news about this incident.

Not only Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States also reported on this incident, and it attracted considerable attention.

On the way to the airport, Chen Qiming received many calls and greetings from foreign friends.

"Chen, your fans are so cool! Are all your Chinese fans so loyal?"

Brad Pitt was envious of Chen Qiming for having such a loyal fan base.

In response, Chen Qiming could only smile bitterly.

He didn't know how to answer this question either.

All he could say was: "This kind of thing is rare here. This should be considered a special case!"

“I’m so envious that you have such a group of lovely fans!

By the way, I am trying to take on an action movie and need to find a master. Do you have any recommendations? "

Because he has a good relationship with Chen Qiming, by the way, Brad Pitt is also very interested in China.

Especially kung fu.

He once asked Chen Qiming to help him find a kung fu master.

But Chen Qiming never paid much attention.

I didn't expect him to mention this matter again.

A master who can teach kung fu!
To be honest, Chen Qiming didn't know who could teach him.

After thinking about it, he could only say: "If you want to learn kung fu and act in action movies, I can introduce you to the best action actors here.

They are all very accomplished in action movies, maybe they can help you! "

"OK! I listen to you!"

Brad Pitt had no special requirements for this. He simply wanted to learn some experience in acting in action movies.

Hong Kong is famous for its action scenes, and the top action actors here can really help him a lot.

The two chatted for a while, and when they were about to hang up the phone, Brad Pitt suddenly asked a question.

"Have you paid attention to Thailand recently?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Qiming was a little confused.

Brad Pitt on the other end of the phone paused and said hesitantly:
“You know, I have some contacts in North America, and I got word that Wall Street is paying attention to Thailand recently.

If, and I mean if, you are knowledgeable about stocks, you might want to look at Thailand! "

Brad's words suddenly exploded in Chen Qiming's mind like a bomb.

He suddenly remembered that something very big was about to happen in his dream.

The location is Thailand.

Asia financial crisis!

Many financial crises have occurred in dreams.

This time in the 90s should be considered a very famous one.

The financial crisis caused Southeast Asia's economy to plummet, which was a sensation.

The financial crisis started with the Thai currency, the baht.

Among the financial markets of Southeast Asian countries, Thailand has the highest degree of liberalization. The currency is closely pegged to the U.S. dollar and capital can enter and exit freely.

As early as 1992, under the stimulation of the rapidly developing and prosperous economy, the arrogant Thais could not help but come up with a whimsical idea - to replace Hong Kong, which was about to return to China, with Bangkok to become the financial center of Southeast Asia and the second largest city in the world. Hong Kong.

Driven and stimulated by this unrealistic idea that is simply equivalent to the Great Leap Forward.

The Thai government has opened the financial market to foreign capital on its own wishful thinking.

Sure enough, foreign banks brought a large number of low-interest U.S. dollar loans, and Thailand's financial industry reaped the benefits. It became rich and overjoyed, and began to have a strong interest in basic industries such as real estate.

As a result, many banks rushed to invest nearly 30% of their loans in the real estate industry.

However, the ensuing downturn in the real estate market has caused a surge in bank bad debts and bad debts, making it difficult to collect many loans and severely deteriorating asset quality.

The wanton squandering of low-interest capital and huge required project deficits directly attracted the attention of Soros, the North American capital tycoon who tried to short Malaysia in 1993.

Under the leadership of Soros, a large amount of Jewish capital entered Thailand, frantically borrowed Thai baht, and then converted it into US dollars to short the Thai baht.

Thailand's economy itself has entered an unstable stage.

After a large amount of Thai baht was sold off, it directly triggered panic among the Thai people.

A large number of people followed suit by selling the baht.

This directly led to the rapid decline in the exchange rate between the Thai baht and the US dollar.

The large-scale selling of Thai baht by Soros and other arbitrage fund managers directly caused the Thai foreign exchange market to surge like a tsunami.The baht has fallen sharply, falling to 1 per dollar in just two months.

Of course, Chen Qiming is not interested in how Soros shorted the Thai baht.

After hearing what Brad Pitt said, his first reaction was whether he could benefit from it.

"Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention!"

Chen Qiming replied to Brad, and the two chatted for a few more words.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Qiming thought for a moment and immediately called his fund manager.

He didn't say the baht was about to plummet.

Instead, ask the other party if it is possible to borrow Thai baht from Thailand.

After chatting for a few minutes, the car arrived at the airport. Chen Qiming had to hang up the phone and start preparing to board the plane.


Hong Kong Airport.

"Mingzai, what do you think about your fans beating Dou Wei? Some people say that this was done under your instructions. Is that true?"

"Chen Qiming, Dou Wei has filed a lawsuit with the Hong Kong court, accusing you of instructing fans to commit crimes. Is it really you who instructed fans to do this?"

"Mingzai...are you leaving for Hong Kong just to deal with this matter?"


The news that Chen Qiming came to Hong Kong was not concealed, and many people spotted him on the plane.

Therefore, as soon as he got off the plane, he was blocked by reporters at the airport.

A large number of reporters and fans completely blocked the passage.

Fans shouted Chen Qiming's name loudly, causing waves of noise.

The reporters crowded around him frantically, trying to get some news from him that the outside world didn't know.

"No comment!"

"Please let me, thank you!"

"Please give in!"

To be honest, Chen Qiming hasn't encountered a situation like today for a long time.

Chen Qiming has always been known as the creator of chaos at the airport.

But the level of chaos every time is actually just that.

But this time, the incident of fans beating people was very sensational.

The sudden big news brought a large number of reporters together, coupled with fans' support.

The result of this is that the airport was directly blocked today.

A large number of fans and reporters gathered, completely blocking the traffic near the airport.

Chen Qiming was directly blocked at the airport, and was protected by airport personnel and hid in the VIP room.

What made Chen Qiming even more helpless was that he was influenced by him.

The entire airport was affected.

Several flights departing from Hong Kong had to be delayed because of the large number of passengers stuck on the road.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry for causing such trouble to the airport!"

In the VIP room, Chen Qiming met the person in charge of the airport.

Seeing the other party rushing in angrily, Chen Qiming apologized hastily.

He also understands the other party's anger.

He has caused airport congestion problems several times before.

The airport didn't care much.

But this time, a large number of reporters came because of his fans' beatings, as well as fans who cared about him. They actually blocked all the traffic to the airport.

It also caused a large number of flight delays.

It would be strange if the other party greeted such a heinous incident with a smile.


The person in charge of the airport, a foreigner, took a deep breath.

"Chen, the situation is very serious this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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