Chapter 385 We are not little bastards

This time the situation is indeed serious.

Affected by Chen Qiming, a group of elites outside the airport were clamoring for compensation from Chen Qiming.

It can be seen that the person in charge of the airport also has such a plan.

He may have thought that Chen Qiming's money was easy to make, so 2 minutes after he came in, he vaguely asked Chen Qiming to make compensation.

"I'm sorry for what happened today, really, I'm sorry!"

Chen Qiming heard the meaning of the other party's words.

But he pretended not to understand.


Pay a hen!

I really thought his money was blown away by the strong wind.

Faced with Chen Qiming's pretense of ignorance, the white person in charge in suits and ties said again:
"Chen, there are several passengers whose flights were delayed because of you who want to meet you.

They think you should be compensated for today's flight delay!
In addition, at the airport, we also hope that you can respond!
After all, several flights have been delayed because of you! "

"I don't understand, why are you asking me for compensation? Am I not a victim too?"

Chen Qiming raised his head.

There is nothing wrong with what he said.

He really is the victim.

It has been more than two hours since he got off the plane, and he is still stuck at the airport.

He is a person who can earn hundreds of thousands per minute.

After being delayed for several hours, it would be fine if he didn't cause trouble for the airport, but the airport actually came to cause trouble for him.

After all, although the people outside blocking the airport traffic are Chen Qiming fans.

But they were not organized by Chen Qiming.

Anyway, in a word, Chen Qiming has no responsibility!
When Chen Qiming said something, the white person in charge immediately shut up.

Although I knew Chen Qiming was playing rogue.

But unfortunately, the airport really couldn't do anything to him.

Chen Qiming is a big customer of the airport.

He takes countless flights throughout the year.

I have been to Hong Kong several times.

Every time he travels, he always sits in the first class cabin.

Moreover, he is not just alone every time he travels.

His team totals more than 15 people.

These people traveled with him every time.

Even though most of these people are flying in ordinary economy class, Chen Qiming's air tickets between Hong Kong and Taiwan are a lot of money all year round.

In addition, Chen Qiming owns several companies.

When traveling, its employees take flights.

For such a big customer, it would be rude for the airline not to be the father of the customer.

If you continue to push the envelope and offend him, you can imagine the subsequent impact on the airline.

Unhappy, but helpless, this is how the white person in charge feels now.

He didn't want to see Chen Qiming for even a minute.

After arranging Chen Qiming to wait in a comfortable VIP room, he left in a hurry.

He didn't want to see Chen Qiming, and Chen Qiming naturally didn't want to offend him.

In Hong Kong, the last thing he wanted to deal with were these British people.

It was clear that he was about to pack up and leave, but he still looked aloof.

After the white person in charge left, Chen Qiming stayed in the VIP room for about half an hour.

At around four o'clock, news finally came from outside.

Thanks to the hard work of the Huang family traffic police, the traffic problem outside was finally solved.

After receiving the news that he could leave, Chen Qiming immediately left the airport with his people without any further ado.

Although there were still many reporters and fans at the airport, this time, he left the airport smoothly and took the pick-up vehicle and went straight to the Kowloon Police Station.

In the police station, he saw the group of fans who beat Dou Wei.

There were seven people in total, all young people aged sixteen or seventeen.

Judging by their attire, except for one or two who looked very ordinary, several of them looked like they were from rich families.

Especially one of the guys who had a Chen Qiming-style haircut.

Chen Qiming wanted to beat him when he saw him.When police officers took Chen Qiming in to see them, he heard his arrogant voice before he even entered the detention room.

“I’m telling you, you don’t have to worry at all.

There is a saying that I like very much.

When you come out to hang out, you have to talk about the background.

We are not little bastards. Don’t worry, we can leave here openly and openly no later than tomorrow morning. "

Although I was speechless at what this guy said.

But Chen Qiming had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Because, in addition to hiring a lawyer for these little guys as soon as he heard the news, their families also took action.

Just when Chen Qiming entered the police station, there was a well-known barrister in Hong Kong standing outside.

The other party was talking to the superintendent of the police station.

The purpose is naturally to bail these guys out.

Chen Qiming believed that even if he didn't come forward, these guys would be released soon.

"Awen is right, my family is already looking for a lawyer for us, and we won't be able to stay here for long.

The biggest regret I have now is that I didn’t punch him more.

He was so arrogant that when he was being taken away on a stretcher, he even shouted that he would not let us go.

You guys think, should we give him some color after we get out? "

Several guys were lazily leaning against the wall of the detention room, talking about how they wanted to trouble Dou Wei.

"I don't want you to do this!"

With a click, the door opened and Chen Qiming walked in.


"OMG, it's Mingzai..."

"Ah...Brother Qiming, it's really you!"

Several people were attracted by the sound and all looked towards the door.

After seeing Chen Qiming, several people were stunned for a moment, and then immediately screamed.

The guy with Chen Qiming's short hair reacted the fastest. He rushed to Chen Qiming in one swift step and grabbed Chen Qiming's clothes with both hands.

"Mingzi! It's really you! Why are you here! Are you here to see us?
Oh my God!I'm so excited, you know?I like you so much, I have every record and poster of yours.

I have a room specially prepared to store your records and posters.

Can you sign it for me?Just sign it on my clothes, I hope he can always be with me!

Chen Qiming has a headache. This guy talks too much.

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was like a machine gun firing, clicking, clicking, clicking. Chen Qiming, who had so many questions, couldn't even remember it.

“I will give you my autograph, but I don’t want you to do anything like this again.

Even if I have a dispute with Dou Wei and others, it is our own business.

I don't want you to stand up for me.

For me, as long as you can support my records and movies, it is already my greatest support!
in addition……"

Chen Qiming gave a few people a serious education.

Then a few people were asked to follow the police to sign and prepare to leave.

After bringing these crazy fans out of the police station, Chen Qiming's affairs were not over yet.

He had to go to the hospital to see Dou Wei on behalf of these fans.

By the way, talk to him about compensation.

Although Chen Qiming knew that this matter might not be easy to talk about.

But there's no way, it's his fans who beat people.

This thing is different from what happened at the airport.

At the airport, it's totally fine if he doesn't pay compensation.

But on Dou Wei's part, if he doesn't compensate, he will not only disappoint his fans, but his reputation in the industry will also be in trouble.

Therefore, he must go to see Dou Wei in person.

As for the final outcome of the talks, Chen Qiming doesn't know and doesn't care.

After he comes forward, if Dou Wei is unwilling to reconcile, the worst he can do is go to court.

However, in terms of public opinion, it is currently somewhat unfavorable to him.

I don't know whether it was Polygram or another company, but most of the newspapers today condemned Chen Qiming.

(End of this chapter)

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