Chapter 383 Rock Death Caused by Bad Mouth
Chen Qiming didn't know until the afternoon that Dou Wei had attacked him in the newspaper on behalf of Faye Wong.

He was invited by Voice of Asia Radio the night before to attend the music radio program "Close Contact with Chen Qiming" they specially produced for Chen Qiming.

As early as last year, Voice of Asia was questioned by some people because Chen Qiming's songs were always on the list.

To this end, Voice of Asia has specially launched a radio program "Chen Qiming Song Collection" to put Chen Qiming's songs on this radio program to prevent Chen Qiming from occupying too many radio chart resources after he releases his songs.

However, after this radio program was launched, it was not very popular among fans.

After all, a radio show is devoted to one person's songs.

If it's just an issue once in a while, that's nothing.

But if it were to be released once a week, fans would definitely get tired of it.

"Collection of Chen Qiming Songs" is troubled by this.

At that time, after Voice of Asia launched this program, the first few episodes did receive a lot of attention, and the radio listening rate has been very good.

But as time went by, fans became a little tired of this program, and the listening rate began to gradually decline.

Voice of Asia is a commercial radio station.

All the radio programs they created had one purpose.

That is to focus on profit.

The program "Collection of Chan Qi Ming Songs" later saw a decline in audience ratings, and the radio station's revenue was not good. Naturally, the radio station would not continue to produce it at a loss.

So, about a month after the listening ratings dropped, Voice of Asia Radio revamped the program.

The broadcast time of this program was changed from once a week to once a month.

Moreover, in order to increase the listening rate, Voice of Asia paid a lot of money.

At a price of HK$1000 million per year, he signed a two-year contract with Chen Qiming.

NO.15 every month, invites Chen Qiming to attend the show, answer some questions from fans, and sing some of his own new songs or classics on the radio.

Needless to say, Voice of Asia’s operation has brought this radio station back to life.

Starting from March this year, Chen Qiming will attend this program once a month.

So far, I have attended six times, that is, six sessions.

In each of these six episodes, the listening rate of the program was so good that it exploded.

So far, the listening rate of this program ranks No. 3 among many Voice of Asia radio programs.

It has become one of the main programs of Voice of Asia.

Yesterday it happened to be NO.15.

Moreover, songs from Chen Qiming's new album are very popular on major radio charts.

Therefore, while Chen Qiming attended "Close Encounter with Chen Qiming", Voice of Asia also asked him to produce a program in which he discussed the songs of the new album in detail.

Due to various reasons, Chen Qiming was busy almost all night before finishing two episodes of the program centered on him.

It was around six o'clock this morning that Chen Qiming got some rest time.

After sleeping, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon, and he got up to wash up and eat something. The delay meant that Chen Qiming didn't have time to read today's newspapers until after five o'clock.

Then, he realized that he was attacked by Dou Wei.

What should you do after being attacked by a peer?
If it were before, Chen Qiming would usually treat him as a clown and ignore him.

In the past few years, because of his popularity, he has been attacked frequently.

Some people are like this. In order to be famous, they will never tire of it, even if it means sensationalizing.

At that time, the measure Chen Qiming took was to ignore it.

As long as you ignore it, no one will be in line.

After these attackers don't get much popularity, they will naturally shut up.

However, this is obviously Chen Qiming's wishful thinking.

Just because he generally doesn't respond, many guys seem to think he's a pushover.

Every now and then, as long as Chen Qiming's new song or movie comes out, these people will join in and get involved.

This time Faye Wong is an example.

In the past two years, when Faye Wong released her album, she often took advantage of Chen Qiming's popularity.

In 94, news about Chen Qiming's relationship with Faye Wong was flying all over Hong Kong and Taiwan. Among them, the team behind Faye Wong was promoting it to increase Faye Wong's popularity and boost Faye Wong's album sales.In the past, there was a limit to Faye Wong's popularity, which was nothing more than touching magnets.

Chen Qiming naturally ignored this.

But this time, the team behind Faye Wong is trying to step on Chen Qiming's body to become the number one female singer in the Chinese music industry.

Chen Qiming is naturally unwilling.

So, this is why he almost named Faye Wong in the show.

Originally, if Faye Wong had shut up about it, Chen Qiming had already planned not to continue paying attention to this matter.

But when Chen Qiming saw what Dou Wei said in the newspaper, he was really angry.

That night, he contacted the media and made such remarks.

“Some people think their rock n roll look is cool.

But in my opinion, it's just a clown howling mindlessly.

Why has rock music suddenly stagnated in recent years?

The main reason is that my mouth smells too bad.

If you don't keep your mouth shut, the stench will permeate the air. How can rock and roll not die? "

In the dream, there are many reasons for the decline of Chinese rock music, and everyone has a different opinion.

But there is one thing in common.

That means being careless.

This is something Chen Qiming agrees with.

Especially mainland rock people.

Each of them has such a bad mouth that there is no limit to what should be said and what should not be said.

The mouths of these rockers were like machine guns, jabbing this way and jabbing that way.

Politics, humanities, business...

In short, in the eyes of these unruly rockers, there is nothing that cannot be said.

There are some things that really shouldn’t be said carelessly.

No, with that mouth, rock people not only made their superiors dissatisfied, but also offended a large number of their peers.

In the future generations in the dream, there is another theory about the decline of Chinese rock music, and that is that it was sniped by Hong Kong and Taiwan capital.

This statement cannot be verified.

But in Chen Qiming's opinion, it makes sense.

The problem still lies in not being aware of the situation.

Rock people are so critical of the world that they even dare to criticize the people with the labels set up above. Naturally, the already criticized commercial music industry in Hong Kong and Taiwan will not be spared.

"Hong Kong and Taiwan music is just a commercial product!"

"Except for Jacky Cheung, the four kings are all clowns!"

"This land is not suitable for rock and roll!"


A bunch of remarks made even Chen Qiming frown, let alone others.

Rock music is originally a niche music, and it offends the public by being niche.

If you don't die, who will die!
Chen Qiming was not happy with these talkative guys.

Now that Dou Wei is at gunpoint, he will naturally not show mercy and attack without mercy.

He is not afraid of offending people either.

To be honest, I'm not afraid even if I offend him.

Dou Wei!

Rock people regard him as a god.

But in Chen Qiming's view, he is just a guy who is about to expire.

(End of this chapter)

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