Start with hooves

Chapter 337 Persecution Paranoia

Chapter 337 Persecution Paranoia

Suri, the company owner, is more famous than the movie itself.

Not only has his previous songs become popular all over the world, Netflix Entertainment has also launched several popular online dramas, which has also made the audience recognize his strength and reputation, and his global influence is increasing day by day.

be influenced by him.

"Death Comes to Me" has been attracting widespread attention since it started filming. Compared with other unknown movies, it can easily attract audiences.

In addition, the quality of the film itself is indeed good, so the overseas distribution work has been very smooth. Several internal distributor previews have been held successively and achieved good results.

After the premiere.

Many Americans feel itchy and can only go out to watch midnight shows.

Due to the time difference, in many theaters in Europe and Asia, the screening time happens to be during the day, and audiences can already experience it in advance.

Whether in Paris, Munich, Moscow, London or Tokyo, there are a group of audiences who like thriller-themed movies and are the first to buy tickets to support the show.

Although the film scheduling rate is not high, compared with many start-up film companies, the start is relatively perfect.

At the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, many stars who attended the premiere had trouble sleeping that night.

Many viewers who watched the movie were also frightened.

Someone posted something online.

He said that after watching "Death is Coming", he became very nervous. He dug out the tool box overnight and repaired the wires that had been exposed for several years.

Some people also said that after eating late night snacks and lying down in bed, they got up twice in succession. They always felt that the fire on the gas stove was not turned off. In addition, they had to wipe the floor dry before going to the toilet.

Unlike many traditional horror films.

"Death Is Coming" tells people how fragile and short life is. If you are not careful about everything around you, you may encounter unexpected disasters at any time.

And even if you are careful, it may not be useful.

Some things just don't make sense. Behind every seemingly correct behavior, there may be the reason for the result you don't want.

This successfully amplified people's fear of death, affecting the audience's outlook and giving people heavy pressure.

Many daring horror movie lovers will have symptoms of "persecution paranoia" after watching it, and find that the originally beautiful and harmonious life hides many dangers that may ensnare them.

in short.

The first batch of audience feedback came out quickly, and it can be said that there was a lot of wailing and howling.

There was even a trending topic on Facebook, with the title "#我是什么意思是什么意思". Some celebrities also joined in, complaining about insomnia and not falling asleep until 02:30 in the morning.

Seeing that the topic was so lively, many young people did not believe in evil. It happened to be another Saturday holiday, so they immediately bought tickets and went to the cinema. After watching it, most of the audience were sold out by this movie.

Suri had been tortured in her previous life and knew the script beforehand.

So last night I held Daddario in my arms, and had a good night's sleep, a good night's sleep, and a sound sleep.

The morning after the premiere.

After he got up, he lay on the bed and checked his mobile phone. Seeing that many viewers were frightened, he found it very interesting.Daddario had already finished washing, put on light makeup, and was wearing a silk suspender nightgown. He also returned to the bed and lay down on his stomach.

The choppy neckline is very head-turning.

She spoke with a smile at the moment:
"The Rotten Tomatoes score has come out, and it was rated 85 points by the first batch of viewers, which is much better than I expected."

Suri said:

"It is already very good. Its production cost is relatively low, and many scenes are limited by the budget. With such a large viewing base, it is difficult for everyone to like it. Now I am more worried that too many viewers will say it is scary, but instead Keep others away.”

There are only a few people who want to give it a try even though they know there is a pit ahead of them.

Some fans of Suri left a message saying - "If it is a concert ticket, even if it sells for 300 US dollars a piece, I will support it. But forget about horror movies. The better the filming, the less I dare to do it." Go and see..."

Some people also commented that
——"I only read some reviews online. Compared with traditional horror films, it is more like a performance art about death. The bad society has made me very stressed and I am very worried about being robbed by black people when I go out, so I don't Going to see it because I can’t afford the psychiatrist’s bill.”

as predicted.

Under this message, a group of black people yelled and cursed.

Although the crime rate among black people is indeed high, and there are various data to prove this, this sensitive topic cannot be mentioned in the United States, otherwise it will be discrimination.

The movie had already been released, and Suri couldn't do much. He held Daddario for a while and then got up to wash up.

During the period, he then asked: "I see that the crew has arranged some activities for you. Are you going to be traveling around in the next few days?"

Daddario replied:
"That's right. I will pack my bags later and set off in the afternoon to Los Angeles first, then to Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Maybe I will also go to Europe and Asia, depending on how the publisher arranges it. It hasn’t been finalized yet.”

Suri muttered while brushing her teeth:
"Don't put any pressure on me. As long as the box office is more than 4000 million US dollars, I can recover the cost, and the rest will be profits."

"Based on its current performance, it has basically been successful. When it is released from theaters, it can still make another fortune through paid on-demand viewing. The previous bad movie "Anaconda" starring Nicolas Cage has already attracted more than 200 million people. Pay-on-demand... ugh..."

Suri choked on the toothpaste foam and retched, so she hurriedly rinsed her mouth.

Daddario didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He came over and asked, "More than 200 million paid on-demand videos, how much does it cost each time?"

"It's only 1 dollar and 69 cents. I originally wanted to set it at 99 cents, but the theater alliance didn't agree. They were worried that it would affect the enthusiasm of the audience."

Su Rui washed his face and continued:

"It's just a bad movie. If it were replaced by "Death Comes", the results might be better. I also have shares in Netflix Entertainment, which means I can get 60% or even 70% of the paid on-demand revenue. It is estimated that there will be at least three $400 million."

Daddario nodded.

From the current point of view, the movie she starred in is considered a success. At least not many people online criticized her for her poor acting skills, but more viewers praised her.

This made her feel very good, and she continued:

"By tonight, we should be able to calculate the box office on the first day of release. My parents plan to go to the movies today, but this is not their favorite subject."

Suri joked:
"I hope it doesn't scare them. Middle-aged people can experience its power more, and the sequelae may last a lifetime. To be honest, I think it should be rated PG-13, and many naughty children should be scared. Only then will you understand the importance of paying attention to safety, and don’t ride a scooter or twist around on the road, as this can easily lead to accidents.”

Daddario smiled and said:
"Forget it, parents will just join forces to sue you, accusing the movie of scaring their children..."

(End of this chapter)

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