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Chapter 336 First-hand viewing feedback

Chapter 336 First-hand feedback from watching the movie
The movie "Death Is Coming" is a bit special.

There is no depiction of death from beginning to end, and there is not even a violent plot commonly used in American thrillers, such as "The Shining".

However, through various accidents that follow closely, it evokes people's deepest fears and creates a strong sense of substitution.

Many film critics present were already prepared for Suri's first film to hit the streets.

For the sake of giving enough benefits, I plan to forcefully blow it when the time comes, so as to achieve a long-term success.

The golden age of film critics has long passed. Now they just want to earn a living. The bottom line has become more and more flexible. Young people prefer to find dramas to watch through review websites, Netflix film libraries, social platforms and other channels instead of flipping through them. Newspapers and magazines.

The group of film critics with old-fashioned personalities have been gradually eliminated in recent years and disappeared from people's sight.

As the plot of the movie plays out halfway through.

This group of film critics found that both the content and the rhythm were unexpectedly good.

Although the scenes were relatively simple, only the airplane explosion scene at the beginning cost a little money. However, after nearly an hour, not many viewers got up to go to the toilet, and there were very few guests secretly playing with their mobile phones.

This kind of performance is enough to show that they are really watching the movie seriously.

Even the many professional actors are very dedicated. Needless to say, the quality of the film is very novel. The subject matter is quite novel.

Some theater executives present also discovered through their rich industry experience that the atmosphere at tonight's premiere was unusual.

The term "box office dark horse" has flashed through many people's minds, thinking that they should prepare in advance to avoid being caught off guard and missing out on a good opportunity to make money.

on the screen.

When the third companion "accidentally" died, Daddario and the remaining two friends were almost emotionally broken, and gathered together to review the entire incident.

Through the sequence of the accident, Daddario, the heroine, discovered that the sequence of death on the plane was the same as in the memory.

It then came to the conclusion that "it was like the god of death discovered a wrong loophole and finally targeted them again." As the dark clouds once again enveloped the moon on the screen, a gust of wind blew through the town, once again making the audience shudder.

Some viewers who like to watch horror movies were a little scared at this moment.

Mainly because they know that ghosts and stuff are all fake. However, accidents accompany everyone's life, and they may encounter them in daily life, so they naturally have a strong sense of immersion.

In the play, Daddario and his two companions began to offer to help each other, taking turns guarding their fourth companion who was supposed to die day and night, and fighting against the "god of death".

The audience in the theater subconsciously thought that this would produce a good result, but it was not as good as fate. They escaped from falling, escaped from a raging fire, and escaped from an out-of-control horse. In the end, they were escaped while fishing in the wild. The crocodile was bitten to death.

During the filming of this scene, Suri happened to visit the crew and did not expect that the strange sloping woods would be so impressive when filmed.

The fifth unlucky guy finally has his turn as the protagonist.

In the subsequent plot, she did successfully escape. Three sudden accidents were solved by her and her companions, and the feeling of being targeted seemed to disappear.

In the next week, no new surprises occurred.

Just when the audience thought they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, "Death" skipped the protagonist Daddario and went directly to the sixth unlucky guy.

The poor girl was almost shot by a bow and arrow, and then was chased by a wasp. After an emotional breakdown, she panicked and fell into the wood chipper.

Daddario, who witnessed his friend's accident, finally developed mental problems and was imprisoned in a mental hospital.

the end of the movie.

In the corridor of the mental hospital, there is the sound of wind blowing, the candles after the power outage, the poisonous snakes outside the wall, and the staff's out-of-control cart all symbolize that new accidents may occur at any time.

Finally, with an open ending, the screen suddenly goes black.

According to the plan, Daddario will make a guest appearance in "Death Comes 2", and the leading actors will be replaced by another group of surviving unlucky guys.

The lights in the theater came on, and many spectators could not recover for a long time.Whether it is the exquisite suspended ceiling overhead or the exquisite railings on the second floor, in the eyes of some guests, they have become murder weapons that may kill them at any time.

The whole theater was silent.

This made director Wen Ziren and other crew members sweat.

Followed by.

Suri's friends and acquaintances were the first to start applauding, and the applause didn't stop for a long time.

This is one of the traditions of Hollywood premieres. The longer the applause, the more exciting the film.

It is different from the high energy when entering the venue.

When leaving the venue, a group of spectators were a little nervous and no longer crowded. They deliberately kept their distance from each other and their faces were full of vigilance.

Someone dropped the key in his hand, making others almost jump in fright.

Outside the theater.

There are also reporters waiting for first-hand evaluation. Someone asked "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr.: "Good evening, what do you think of this movie created by Suri?"

Robert Downey Jr. was silent for a few seconds and replied:

"It makes me feel like I'm so lucky to be alive to this age. It's the best thriller I've ever seen, and it might even change my life. Don't even think about getting on a plane again. I don't even want to fly anymore." Dare you drive home.”


Several self-media reporters who were not able to attend were a little confused after hearing this. They couldn't understand why Robert Downey Jr., who had always been so chic, looked a little lost.

Someone else put the microphone in front of Shaquille O'Neal.

This big NBA player actually trembled all over and looked around nervously, even looking at the sky, and then said:
"Although Suri is my partner, I have to say that the movie "Death Comes" is particularly exciting. No one in their right mind could create such a crazy movie. It is different from other horror movies, you guys You must go and see it, if you are lucky, you may have a chance to live for a few more decades because of it.”

"...What kind of story is it?" the reporter asked.

O'Neal was in no joking mood, adding:
"You'll know after you finish reading it. I have to check the whole house tonight, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

In the past, people liked to be polite in person, but now after attending the premiere, it is polite to help with a few compliments and advertisements online.

First-hand movie viewing feedback quickly appeared on major platforms.

Especially on Facebook, which is the most popular nowadays, celebrities from all walks of life have praised "Death is Coming" as being particularly exciting.

The beautiful actress Jessica Alba, who came to support tonight with her husband, posted on Facebook:
"Many friends may not be able to sleep well tonight. As expected of Suri, "Death is Coming" is excellent. It is a very special work that will be unforgettable for a lifetime. I will live more cautiously in the future. This work made me cherish life and finally understand that I am lucky enough to still be alive."

So many celebrities posted praises, and relevant news spread all over the Internet immediately.

Some netizens left a message saying that they would be able to watch midnight shows on the East Coast soon, and that they had already bought movie tickets with their girlfriends.

Some people said that their curiosity was aroused and they are now going out to wait for the movie to be released.

Ticket purchase data surged suddenly.

Tomorrow is Saturday, and many night owls in big cities just can't sleep, so they go out to watch movies with friends.

Still too young indeed.

I'm afraid they will regret this decision soon...

(End of this chapter)

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