Start with hooves

Chapter 338 Classical Magic Drama

Chapter 338 Classical Magic Drama

Daddario is about to go on a trip to promote a new movie.

Suri went to the Getty Art Center to visit an exhibition of ancient Greek and Roman artifacts.

Aristotle, who left a masterpiece with millions of words, as often promoted in the West, had achievements in many fields, which is unlikely even if you think about it.

Because there was no paper at that time, even if all the sheep in Greece were slaughtered, there would not be enough parchment to leave so many words.

Suri even doubted whether this person existed in real history.

The carefully woven ancient history of Europe and the United States is full of water.

For example, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, so-called one of the seven wonders of ancient times, have neither left any traces nor any evidence, and are completely hidden in the fog of history.

There is also cuneiform writing.

Even the many pictorial oracle bone inscriptions are difficult to decipher, let alone the so-called cuneiform inscriptions carved on clay tablets.

People can't even understand English words without consulting a dictionary, let alone decipher the meaning of some strange symbols.

During the visit, Suri had nothing to do and even used her mobile phone to check information.

After searching on Google, I couldn't find the process of how to interpret cuneiform in the first place. It seemed that the results were obtained directly and widely accepted by people.

From this point of view, the person who successfully interprets these "words" is probably the forger himself.

The West requires China to provide real cultural relics and sites, but uses the works of troubadours as ironclad evidence of the long history of its own culture.

According to this idea, if someone reads the novel thousands of years later, they may think that the earth has a history of "revival of spiritual energy", where everyone cultivated immortality and flew with swords.

From the perspective of someone outside the archaeological circle, Su Rui looks at the problem solely based on reason and logic.

The fact that they were unable to preserve a large amount of historical data in ancient times is enough to overturn many conclusions that have almost become a global consensus and have been written into textbooks.

After all, it is difficult to get a full picture of the entire picture with just one piece of the puzzle.

Without much knowledge of archeology, Su Rui could guess that some ancient Greek artifacts might be real, because people don't jump out of stones. People did live thousands of years ago, so something must have been left behind.

But most of the so-called cultural and classical works that have been handed down are imitations by predecessors.

Just like when people excavated the Sanxingdui ruins, it is impossible to deduce the group of people who created them, what works they originally wrote, and which celebrities appeared because of the ruins and relics themselves.

If this happens, the conclusion will only be a lie fabricated by future generations.

There may have been a time when Western archaeologists, in order to prove their greatness, might have been like the Japanese archaeologist Fujimura Shinichi, and they might have gone crazy in making false claims.

Since in modern times where science is strictly prohibited, there are artificial fakes and a large number of fake cultural relics have been copied. This phenomenon will definitely become more serious a hundred years ago.

The reason for considering these is that many of the ancient Greek artifacts on display at the Getty Art Center today are too new, and they are often labeled as hundreds of years BC.

When Suri talked about this matter with secretary Amanda.

She smiled and said:
"I noticed something was wrong a long time ago. When I was in college, I read an article in a magazine. Do you know how archeology started in Europe and America?"

"How did it start?" "In the 19th century, there was a field archaeologist from Germany named Heinrich Schliemann. He only went to school for three years, went to the United States to dig gold and open a bank, and then followed Russia A businessman who made a fortune in the arms business, especially loved Homer's epics, and vowed to find the city of Troy."

"Then, in 1870, he dug on the land bought by a British friend in Turkey and found the ruins of the city of Troy. Then he went to the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece to dig, and again found the ruins of Agamemnon. tomb."

"Later, an Englishman asked him for advice and excavated the labyrinth of Minos' palace in Greek mythology. It was as accurate as marking it on Google Maps. This is how modern archeology began..."

Su Rui suddenly understood, smiled and said no more, changed the topic and said:

"Originally, I wanted to refer to some cultural relics to get inspiration for preparing a new drama. It seems that it would be best to set the background of the story in modern times, such as the Renaissance."

Secretary Amanda asked curiously: "What kind of new drama? Renaissance love, or colonial pirates or something like that?"

"...No, it's strictly a classical fantasy drama, an ancient version of a superhero that allows ordinary people to gain some kind of god-given power, and then generates various stories."

In the past, I just copied and learned from it.

This new drama concept, which got a little inspiration from the "One Piece" cartoon, can basically be called original.

Suri was not sure whether he could succeed, so he wanted to make more preparations in advance, so he decided to come and visit this cultural relics exhibition.

If everything is ready, we can start writing the script soon and wait until filming starts next year to test the waters. It is expected that the total investment will be much higher than "The Walking Dead 2" and "Breaking Bad".

The average cost of setting up a venue and producing special effects will probably exceed US$400 million per episode. If some big-name actors are hired, the cost will only be even greater.

The specific script creation can be left to others, but the framework of the entire drama needs to be controlled by Suri personally.

He continued now:
"My idea is that in the world of the new drama, mortals can get a chance to challenge as long as they contribute a special gold coin and open the legendary Ark of the Covenant. According to different special tasks and formulas, they can then receive baptism and obtain gods. The ability given.”

"Such as controlling fire, thunder and lightning, sea water, or transforming into a beast, etc. When the time comes, the protagonist will have to avoid the beasts and a special organization. The mastermind behind the scenes hopes to become an immortal god or resurrect his beloved woman."

"Do you think it will become a hit if you shoot it like this?"


After listening to Suri's words, Secretary Amanda said:
"This requires a high budget. I personally think it is very interesting. Can I play a role when the time comes, preferably a very sexy one? I don't mind showing off the results of years of exercise."

Seeing Secretary Amanda finish speaking and pointing to her own body, Suri immediately understood what the so-called "results" meant.

The corners of his mouth twitched and he asked:
"Why do you want to be an actor? Who will help me in the future?"

Secretary Amanda told:

"It's just a small role. I like my current job very much and have no plans to change jobs. When I become an actor, I will have the opportunity to work with big stars so that I won't have difficulty integrating into their circle."

Su Rui looked at her sideways and said:
"Compared to big stars, I think you prefer dominance, so find some understanding and energetic little puppies."

Secretary Amanda laughed from ear to ear and said as a funny story:

"Physical strength is of course very important. I used to know a man who took two pills of Viagra in a row and was sent to the hospital for bloodletting, which delayed my rest in the middle of the night. It was a really bad experience. However, as early as when Pfizer developed this drug, I I knew it would be a hit, but it was a pity that I didn’t have the money to invest in this company.”

Suri told:
"I was also very optimistic about Pfizer at the beginning. Unlike you, my father invested US$1997 million as early as 360..."

(End of this chapter)

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