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Chapter 104 River Valley Camp

Chapter 104 River Valley Camp
"Hey! Wake up!"

Zhang Tian was good at patting Xiao Xiao's face lightly with his hand. The wilderness was nothing like a cave. Even though there was an animal skin tent to block the wind, it was still terribly cold. Besides, they didn't bring quilts to go out, so they could only cuddle up to each other to keep warm.

It's nothing, Zhang Tian also snuggled into Lin Yu's arms like a bird last night—no way, who made Dr. Lin half a head taller than him?Although embarrassing, this position is the most comfortable.

It's just that Xiao Xiao hugged her too tightly, even on her legs. Sheberry woke up early, but she was tightly entangled by this guy, and she couldn't move, but judging by her appearance, she didn't seem to want to move either.

Xiao Xiao woke up slowly, and opened his sleepy eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Tian asked him, "I never oversleep, but today I have a younger sister in my arms, so I can't bear to wake up?"


Xiaolue uttered a slightly suspicious syllable, and quickly realized that he was sober, and immediately jumped up, blushing, and hurriedly defended: "I don't know! I thought I was hugging a quilt!"

Wolf Claw shook his head, and said in a tone of hating iron and steel: "Stupid boy, what is there to explain? Hug it and hug it, so what if you kiss it again? You are almost an adult, your mother didn't teach you How do you deal with women?"

Xiao Xiao didn't want to hear this, so he got out of the camp as if fleeing.

Everyone laughed, and the camp was full of joy.


Although the valley camp is called the valley camp, it is not actually stationed in the valley, but on the rock wall on the south side of the valley, overlooking the canyon condescendingly.

At first glance, this canyon looks like any other canyon in this area, with flowing water and hardy vegetation.

But standing on the rock wall and looking at the whole picture, you will find that the canyon is shaped like a pocket. The opening facing the west is very wide, and it gradually narrows inward. At the end, huge rocks pile up into mountains, completely blocking the way.

If a herd of beasts accidentally walked into this dead end, what awaited them would be a sneak attack and siege by the terrifying Homo erectus, who did not speak martial arts.

"Get up! What time are you still sleeping! How can you sleep at this age?!"

Angry roars echoed through the camp.

The clansmen who were sent to work woke up yawning. In a daze, they saw their new chief, Yun, standing at the entrance of the camp with an angry face. His belly paled, and he felt sleepy again.

Everyone's tiredness made Yun very angry.

He never hid his anger, and immediately taught with a stern voice: "Do you want to embarrass me? Do you want to embarrass our tribe? Get me up! Go and repair the camp for me and get ready to welcome guests !"

At this time, Black Bear walked to Yun, and said in a low voice, "We have repaired the camp, and all the things needed for the tribal meeting and sacrifice to Xue Ling have been prepared. Everyone had a busy day yesterday and went to sleep very late. It’s understandable to sleep for a while.”

Yun was startled, knowing that what Hei Xiong said was reasonable, but the anger that had already been vented could never be taken back, otherwise where would his face be placed, where would his majesty as the leader of the tribe be placed?
"Then check it again!" He raised his voice, "This tribal meeting must be held perfectly, do you understand! No mistakes are allowed!"

Hei Xiong nodded in agreement and greeted the clansmen to work.

Everyone was depressed, but they didn't say anything.

They knew that this was the first tribal meeting held since Yun took over as the chief. The young chief wanted to save some face and show the power of the tribe to prove that he was a good leader.

Cloud walked out of the camp, and the howling north wind was invincible in this open area lacking trees to block it. The wind blew across the wilderness, and the extremely luxurious camp made of mammoth bones and fur, hunting.

Cloud squinted his eyes and raised his head to face the cold north wind.The wind lifted his long hair, flapped the thick fur that encased his legs, and blew his bushy beard against his face.He is smug.

Suddenly, he felt movement in the distance, turned his head to look, and saw two black dots flying from far away, and the figures became clearer and clearer.

He became inexplicably excited, maybe it was intuition, or maybe it was because his keen senses could detect the subtle emotions of the other party.

They brought good news, he thought.

As they got closer, the two figures also saw Yun standing alone, immediately waved their hands, and ran over with all their might.

"Mammoth! The mammoth is coming!"

Hawkeye gasped and screamed excitedly.

The clansmen who were "grinding foreign workers" heard it, and immediately rushed from all directions to surround the two excited-looking men.

Hawkeye has the sharp eyes of an eagle, and he has always been responsible for monitoring the movements of giant beasts from the nearby commanding heights.

There are no undulating mountains and rivers in this area, and there are no layers of trees that grow wantonly. The field of vision is wide, and majestic giants like mammoths can be seen clearly even if they are hundreds of miles away.

He has never missed it, and he will never miss it this time.

"Here comes the mammoths! A herd!" he said, dancing.

"How far?" Yun asked.

"It's hard to say. According to past experience, they may only take two or three days to get here."

"Two or three days..."

Yun calculated the time in his mind, one day was used for holding the conference, and one day was used for offering sacrifices to Xue Ling. It would take two days. If the guests could arrive within today, it could be completed before the arrival of the herd. , it is bound to cut some projects... Why haven't the guests arrived yet?

He couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

Of course, he hoped that the first tribal meeting held after taking over the chieftainship would be successful, so that other tribes would marvel at the strength of his own tribe, and be impressed by the leadership of the new chieftain of the Salt tribe. Talk enthusiastically about this conference and proclaim his name.

A castrated version of the Tribal Conference was clearly not enough to boost his popularity.

Thinking of this, Yun felt angry again.

Forget about the other tribes. After all, they live far away, and the timing may not be so accurate. There are tiger tribes and cave lion tribes who live so close, and they can arrive in less than half a day. Why are they so late?

Do you look down on me because I am young?
The more Yun thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he ordered: "Crow, take two people to the Tiger Tribe and the Cave Lion Tribe, and tell them that the mammoth is coming!"

The young man named Crow in the crowd responded yes, and called the two brothers to leave quickly.

Not long after, the three turned back again.

Yun was already very displeased, and when he saw this, he became even more annoyed, and scolded: "What are you doing so procrastinating!"

"I do not have……"

The crow looked aggrieved, pointed to the back of the tent, and said, "They are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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