back to prehistoric savage

Chapter 103 Ecstasy

Chapter 103 Ecstasy
Everyone looked at the gradually clear figure in astonishment.

There was a slight smile on Xiao Xiao's face, in stark contrast to the increasingly ugly faces of the hunters of the Shepi Tribe.

They know Sheberry too well, this girl is definitely not here to send warmth, and mother will never let her run so far alone!

The boa constrictor walked from the front of the team to the rear.

Sheberry rushed to the crowd like a silly roe deer, panting.He ran non-stop all the way, at least he caught up, and finally he could stop to catch his breath.

"What are you doing here?" Big Python frowned and asked.

Sheberry took a breath, raised her head, and said confidently, "I'm going to the tribal meeting!"

"Nonsense! Why are you going to a tribal meeting as a child!"

"What's wrong with the kids? Aren't they kids too? If they can go, I'll go too!"

Sheberry pointed to Zhang Tian and the others.

"Can you be the same as them? Tian is a person guided by the ancestors. Even a child is a special child..."

"Me too! I am going to be the woman who gave birth to the tribe!"

Snakeberry patted her chest and swore.

Big Python wanted to scold people very much, but his family ugliness should not be publicized, and it would not be easy to get angry in front of outsiders. He asked with a dark face: "Does mother know?"

"I told Snake Gallbladder to wait until night to tell mother."

"You... Nonsense! You are simply nonsense! Have you ever thought that if you run out without permission like this, everyone will worry about you!"

"I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again, I promise!"

Snakeberry decisively admits his mistake.She knew that Big Mang brother loved her the most, and she was so angry that she would never let her go back alone, let alone leave her alone.

After thinking about it, Da Mang realized that he had no other choice but to take her along, and felt even more depressed.

It's cumbersome to go out and bring a child who lacks the ability to survive, let alone the most worrying child in the tribe.

"I'll take care of you when I go back!" Big Python gritted his teeth.

Sheberry showed her face and smiled: "Thank you brother! You don't need to worry about me, I will follow them and promise not to cause trouble for you!"

"You better be."

Big Python turned his head and walked towards the front of the team, beckoning the clansmen to continue on their way.

Sheberry immediately ran to the camp of women and children in the middle of the team, and winked at the three who were also children: "I said we will see each other soon!"

Zhang Tian couldn't help but look at her differently, thinking that this little girl is rebellious and bold enough, a personality that is rare in this era.

Departing from the Shepi Tribe to the River Valley Camp, it will not be until noon tomorrow at the earliest, but you should be able to get out of the dense forest today, and usually camp by the stream at night, and then proceed until the next day's sunrise.

The terrain in the northwest of the hills is relatively rugged, and the gentle slopes of the mountains suddenly turned into deep and narrow canyons and steep cliffs. There are jagged stone walls on both sides of the canyon. The canyon is densely covered with broken stones. It has become a dead end, and at this time, you can only go up the mountain and walk the difficult mountain road.

The sights along the way made Lin Yu sigh with emotion: "These are the results of the violent activities of the earth's crust in the past, which liberated the binding force of limestone crystals. Geologists must be ecstatic!"

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "According to your logic, there are countless prehistoric humans and prehistoric creatures here. The archaeologists must be ecstatic. Now that you are here, dare to ask you ecstatic?"


Lin Yu defended himself: "I'm mainly too young, and my mentality is not mature enough. If I come back at an older age, I will definitely be ecstatic!"

"How old is too old?"

"When dying?"

"Oh, humans!"

The wolf claws, pine cones, and boa constrictors who led the way cooperated with the slower members of the team to adjust their speed, but everyone still walked very hard.

For Lin Yu, this journey was particularly difficult, but the excitement of participating in the gathering of prehistoric humans and the anticipation of the prehistoric beasts lifted her spirits. Although she was sweating profusely, out of breath, and had blisters on her toes, she did not feel tired. hinder the young archaeologist from unleashing her psychic powers.

The further you go northwest, the sparser the forest.

They walked along the rugged mountain road for almost a whole day, crossed the occasional stream, passed through a monotonous and low oak forest, and finally entered the relatively gentle sparse wooded mountains, where the deep and narrow canyons turned into river valleys with flowing water.

The valley is not eroded by the cold north wind, and there is plenty of water vapor. In addition to oak trees, tall and hardy fir trees are also the mainstream tree species in this area. Ivy, clematis and other vines climb on the trunks.

There are more low shrubs and mosses of various kinds, which grow wildly in this no man's land, and are closer to the number they should be.

Lin Yu looked around and recognized these plants that are very common in the northern coniferous forest belt.

She said to Zhang Tian: "This should be the forest and grassland in the west of the northeast, and further to the west is the Mongolian Plateau, which is a paradise for giant beasts. The largest mammoth skeleton in my country was unearthed from Inner Mongolia."

"In other words, the giant beast will come from the west."

"That's right, with today's temperature, the herbs in the plateau are basically dead. They can only eat moss and lichens, and slowly come here. The temperature is higher here, and the plants are relatively rich. In addition to eating moss and lichen, You can also gnaw on bushes and leaves without starving to death."

Occasionally, small animals such as wild boars, wolverines, foxes, and rabbits and mice passed by, but the hunters turned a blind eye and continued on their way without stopping.

These wild beasts are rare and delicious in normal times, but Dongshou pays attention to catching the big and letting go of the small. Little guys like this can't get into the eyes of hunters at all.

They also encountered wolves.

The wolves were obviously frightened by this group of two-legged beasts, they met each other from a distance and ran away.

Lin Yu could see Erha's shadow from the running figures of these rascals.

If there is a chance in the future, I must catch a few wolf cubs and bring them back to domesticate... Lin Yu thought to himself.

In this way, she will be a cat and a dog!Who would have thought that as a modern person, she would have a chance to realize her wish that she had never been able to achieve when she returned to prehistoric times, which is really surprising!
Wolfpaw announced loudly: "Not far ahead, we will arrive at tonight's camp!"

Everyone cheered up. Although their legs were sore and sore, they were used to this kind of fast walking, and they walked like flying without getting tired.

It's getting darker.

The torches were lit in the team, and after another night's journey, they finally arrived at the camp for tonight.

The boa constrictors just came here not long ago. In the simple camp made of wood and animal skins, there are still fresh plant ash and traces of camping. There are unkempt bushes growing on both sides of the stream, forming a winding figure of the stream. .

The men lit a fire in the camp, and the women fetched water from the stream, boiled the water to make tea, and distributed dried meat and fruits to the tribe.

The three tribes sat around their respective fires, sipping tea and dry food to replenish their stamina that had already bottomed out.

Sheberry was originally sitting among the people of the Shepi Tribe, but later slipped to the fire of the Dahe Tribe and sat down between Zhang Tian and Xiao.

Big Python glared at her angrily, thinking that it is normal for adults to eat a table with children, so he didn't stop it.

Everyone felt hot when they were running fast, but when they stopped to rest, they felt chilly again. After the flames burned for a while, the camp gradually warmed up.

The three night watchmen were left behind, and the rest cuddled up to each other and slept on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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