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Chapter 105 Assemble

Chapter 105 Assemble
"Brother Yun, why are you in a hurry? Our three families have lived next to each other for generations, can we still come late?"

Saber Tooth, the chief of the Tiger Tribe, and Lion Heart, the chief of the Cave Lion Tribe, led their respective tribesmen across the camp and appeared in front of everyone.

The expression on Yun's face changed from anger to joy, he went forward to meet him, and said with a smile, "It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's just that the herd of mammoths has appeared, and I'm worried that my brothers will be delayed from hunting."

Saber Tooth laughed heartily, compared to Lion Heart, who was much more restrained. He was originally the oldest of the three, and he was older and more serious.

"Did you make an appointment to come together?"

"It's nothing, it's just a coincidence on the road. It can only be said that Mr. Lion Heart and I are in the same mind, and the timing of departure is exactly the same."

The old man Lion Heart didn't want to pay attention to him, raised his eyes to look around, and asked Yun: "The mountain stream didn't come?"

"Shanxi arrived later. He is getting older and his mental state is not as good as before. I will let him rest and come back again."

"Hmm... so the black bear is a priest now?"

"Nominally not yet, but I think the black bear's ability is enough to be a priest."

While joking, Yun led the guests into the most luxurious mammoth tent, which was the host's tent and also the meeting hall.

Everyone sat around the campfire.

The women boiled water, poured it into wooden bowls, and served it to the guests.

The guests present gifts for the host.

As the two most "wealthy" tribes among the nine tribes, the gifts prepared by Saber Tooth and Lion Heart are naturally quite generous.

The presents are mainly handmade products, including exquisite hollow weaving baskets, cushions sewn with fine leather, containers polished with high-quality wood, and strong ropes made of tendons, hairs and plant fibers of wild animals. ...these are all kinds of things.

While talking about being polite to his brothers, Yun asked the women to put the presents on the outside of the tent, where everyone could see them.

When all the tribes are present, a circle of gifts not only shows the grandeur of the tribal meeting, but also shows that the host has held it successfully, and also reflects the enthusiasm and generosity of the guests.

The tribal assembly is not the home of women, and there are no competitive events specially set up for women, but most of these handicrafts come from women's hands, so during the assembly, bored women will carefully watch the gifts of other tribes and talk about each other's craftsmanship in private. be judged.

This kind of judgment will not have to be distinguished like a formal competitive event. Communication, discussion and judgment are a kind of fun in themselves.

Lion Heart took a sip of hot water and said slowly: "We just came from the sacrificial pit and found a new pit. We thought Shanxi no longer served as a priest and replaced it with a black bear."

After the new priest takes office, the new pit will be used to hold the sacrificial ceremony, while the old pit will be filled, which represents the end and exit of the old priest, implying the alternation of the old and the new, and the continuation of inheritance.

That's why Lionheart felt strange, why did the new one come before the old one was gone?Just as one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, how can a tribe have two priests?
Yun smiled and said: "As I said, Black Bear's ability is enough to be a priest. In fact, Black Bear is in charge of all the preparations for this sacrificial ceremony. In essence, what is the difference between him and a priest? I Think he deserves this new pit."

Lion Heart and Sword Tooth looked at each other, and they both thought: This young man is planning to force Shan Xi to abdicate!

Then he thought of some rumors he had heard before. It was said that Shanxi didn't seem to be used to the new chief's behavior style. The two were on opposite sides in many things, so there were many quarrels and the relationship was not harmonious.

Even Saber Tooth, who has always been informal, felt that Yun had gone too far, and couldn't help reminding him: "Since the mountain stream has not receded, opening a new sacrificial pit does not seem to be in line with tradition."

Yun said disapprovingly, "What does it matter? I didn't fill up the old pit, so he can still use his pit."

Seeing that his attitude is tough, he is determined to embarrass Shan Xi, even if Saber Tooth and Lion Heart are outsiders, it is hard to say anything.

The two understood why Shanxi didn't like him anymore, and at the same time secretly felt worthless for Shanxi. Thinking that he had worked hard all his life, it was really unfair to be treated like this when he was old.

At this time, the crow ran in in a hurry and said loudly: "The giant rock tribe and the cave tribe are here!"

Yun immediately stood up and walked out of the camp to greet him, followed by Lion Heart and Saber Tooth.

Gao Shan, the chief of the Giant Rock Tribe, and Coyote, the leader of the Cave Tribe, lead the people of their respective tribes.

The caves where the two tribes live are adjacent to each other, and every time they attend a tribal meeting, they go together like the Big Tree Tribe, the Big River Tribe and the Snakeskin Tribe.

Unlike the tiger and lion-heart tribes, which have a large array and are in good spirits, the giant rock tribe and the cave tribe attended the meeting with far fewer people. , everyone looked haggard and exhausted.

Yun welcomed the guests into the tent and asked the coyote, "Why didn't the leopard come? Is he in good health?"

Huabao is the current chief of the Youxue tribe. He is too old to travel long distances, so he didn't come.

Coyotes tell the truth.

Gao Shan soon discovered that Shanxi was not there, and the Juyan tribe knew the old priest very well, and the snow and salt land discovered by their tribe was made by Shanxi to offer sacrifices.

He asked the same question, and Yun replied with the same words.

The two sides saluted like a ritual, the hosts served tea and water, and the guests presented gifts.

In contrast, the Giant Rock Tribe and Youxue Tribe are much more common. They have smooth wooden bowls, bone cups and plates, and leather products such as hats, gloves, socks, bags, etc. Although things are not unusual, they are It can be seen that it has been carefully crafted.

The women accepted the gifts from the guests and put them on display outside the tent.

With the arrival of the four tribes, the empty camp suddenly became lively. This valley is rarely visited by people. Only at this time of the year does the smoke rise from the kitchen and cheerful human voices resound.

Seeing the state of the newly arrived hunters, Yun knew that their stomachs were empty, so he asked, "Do you need some food?"

The host doesn't care about food, there are more than a hundred people in the eight tribes, and they are all elite hunters with big appetites. Even the big tribes with sufficient food cannot afford such a huge consumption.

Besides, they are willing to accept these small tribes to hunt here, which is kind enough, and they are not doing charity. How can there be free food in the world?

Gao Shan nodded and said, "We want to borrow some meat and return it to you when we hunt enough prey."

"What if we fail to hunt enough prey?"

Gao Shan hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Then give you back a young woman."

"Okay, that's it!"

Yun ordered the crow to take the people of the giant rock tribe to fetch meat.

Seeing this, the hyena also exchanged food with Yun on the same terms.The hunters are all exhausted. It is impossible to hunt giant beasts in this state. A full stomach is a necessary investment.

The giant rock tribe and the cave tribe went back to their camps to light a fire and barbecue.

Now only those three tribes are missing.

Yun boarded the valley wall and looked to the southeast. He knew that the three tribes would appear from this direction.

The thought of those three tribes always arriving last made his anxiety intensified.

(End of this chapter)

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