Chapter 605 The Republic and the Emperor ([-])

Hurricane Island

Thousands of slaves are digging volcanic ash here, and most of the volcanic ash here will be transported to Shanhaiguan.

Some slaves died at the foot of the volcano after their lungs were infected by volcanic ash.

However, no one felt sorry for them, but when it was time for meals, the soldiers would chop up the corpses and make meals for these short black indigenous slaves.

While the slaves were working, they found a little girl in a white kilt watching them.

There is a lot of confusion and incomprehension in the eyes.

The little girl is too young to understand this.

However, the slave overseer recognized the little girl, and cared about the little girl: "Miss, why did you come here?"

It turned out that this was the daughter of a nobleman of the Yan Kingdom. The nobleman of the Yan Kingdom had a large plantation near here. Even the volcanic eruption here belonged to the plantation and was the property of that nobleman.

The little girl is only six years old, her name is "Jane", she has no surname, because she has not yet obtained the nobility status, so she cannot be surnamed Yan, and because her father wants to inherit the nobility status to her in the future, so she is not allowed to have other names. surname, because other surnames are too humble.

In recent years, a new religion/thought has become popular in Yan State, called "Sacred Teachings". It is no longer known who the founder is.

"Holy religion" believes that the saint Wang Kang was sent down from heaven to save the lost lambs in the world. The descendants of the saint Kang, their original mission was to save the common people, but some demons controlled the saint's descendants, so that the saint's descendants could not respond. Whatever you do, however, evil cannot prevail against righteousness, demons will eventually be defeated, and the heir of the sage Kang will eventually become the savior of the world.

At the same time, the "Holy Cult" advocates the equality of all beings, no matter noble or common people, they are all the descendants of the sage Kang, and everyone has the same mission.

It is said that the "Sacred Church" was founded by a deviant from Hongyan Dao. The deviant believed that overthrowing the upper class was meaningless violence. of truth, kindness and beauty.

It can be said that "Sacred Teaching" is also a branch of Hongyan Dao, just as Taiping Dao is also a branch of Hongyan Dao, but "Sacred Teaching" is also like Taiping Dao, breaking away from the original teachings of Hongyan Dao and incorporating some Confucianism , that the existence of classes is reasonable, if you want to build a real Utopia, you should educate the rulers to become saints with noble morals, rather than use violence to overthrow the rulers.

As soon as the "Holy Cult" appeared, it spread rapidly in the country of Yan. Because it was not like Hongyan Dao, which shouted to rebel every day, the government of Yan State allowed the spread of the Holy Cult in the country, and in the teachings of the Holy Cult, it recognized The rule of the Wang family gave the ancestor Kang sanctity.

Many people at the bottom also believe in holy religion, they dare not rebel, they can only long for the demons to be defeated as soon as possible, and let the nobles of truth, kindness and beauty rule them.

The little girl's aristocratic father is a devout believer of the holy religion. He firmly believes that he was born to rule his subjects, but he needs to cultivate his morals, otherwise he will be possessed by demons.

Shengjiao believes that the heirs of the sage Kang are born noble and lofty. If they can’t do it, they will be possessed by demons. The same is true in reverse. If a nobleman can’t be true, kind and beautiful, then he must be Possessed by a demon.

The "Holy Church" believes that the world needs a savior, and this savior is Saint Kang.

After a while, a maid brought the little girl back to the castle.

At the foot of the volcano, there are still slaves digging up the volcanic ash, and slaves who believe in the holy religion are silently praying, hoping that the demon will be defeated.

Ships docked at the pier, and slaves carried the volcanic ash onto the ships.

The ship loaded with volcanic ash sailed to Shanhaiguan.

at the same time
Linyu Pass

"Yan Kingdom wants to surrender to us?"

Yu Wenshu was very surprised. How could Yan people suddenly be willing to surrender?
He originally planned to continue to attack Shanhaiguan. After all, these days, as the empire became more and more familiar with Shanhaiguan, it became easier to attack.

In the past, the empire could only hit the coast, and it would be defeated. At most, it could hit the outer periphery of the bunker group, and it couldn't kill even a single Yan countryman, but a large number of people would die.

Now, the empire has been able to reach the depths of the bunker group, and at an average cost of 1000 people, it can kill a regular army of Yan State, and can also take advantage of the opportunity to charge and kill A large number of Yan State servants.

All in all, everything is going in a good direction.

"Yan Kingdom suddenly surrendered. There may be fraud in it. We don't need to pay attention to it and continue to attack!" A general suggested.

However, Yu Wenshu shook his head and said: "Have you forgotten His Majesty's order? If Yan Guo surrenders voluntarily, we will not be able to attack, otherwise, regardless of victory or defeat, military law will follow!"

As soon as this remark came out, many generals present fell silent.

Although they feel that the surrender of Yan State may be fraudulent, they cannot easily believe it, they should continue to attack and test Yan State's reaction.

However, His Majesty's orders are the most important, unless they are willing to lose their heads!
Being fooled by the Yan State, at most, more soldiers will be killed, and the battle to attack the Yan State will be delayed, but if you dare to disobey the emperor's order, you will lose your head, and if it is serious, you may even have to kill the entire clan!
After thinking about it, many generals of the Sui army still dare not use their entire family's lives to test whether the people of Yan State are falsely surrendering. Therefore, they can only be forced to believe that Yan State really surrendered. After all, the emperor's order is the most important thing of.

Subsequently, the general manager of Shanhaiguan Customs sent envoys to Linyu Pass for negotiations to discuss specific surrender matters.

The head of the Shanhaiguan Customs procrastinated deliberately at first, saying that he was selecting candidates for envoys. After a few days, he actually sent envoys to negotiate.

The envoy was even more important. After entering Linyu Pass, he took various opportunities to go to the toilet, deliberately changed the topic, and chatted about the customs of the Central Plains, but he did not take the initiative to mention surrender.

After the generals of the Sui Empire proposed it on their own initiative, the envoy of the Yan Kingdom faltered and mumbled some demands for surrender, talking about some things and nothing.

The generals of the Sui army were helpless, they did not dare to make decisions without authorization, so they had to send scouts to report to Emperor Yang Guang that Yan State wanted to surrender.

And Yang Guang, who is currently in Zhuo County, is personally supervising the army's operations. The reason why he didn't go to Linyu Pass, the front line, was because he heard that a plague was breaking out in Linyu Pass, so he didn't dare to go.

When the scouts of the Sui army arrived in Zhuojun and reported the "surrender" of the Yan State, the [-] troops from Shanhaiguan had quietly arrived at the old capital of the Yan State, and a big battle was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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