Chapter 604 Final Battle ([-])

Two months later
After two months of rest and investigation, Yang Xuangan finally figured out the location of Yandu. He set off from the city that never sleeps again and headed straight for the old capital of Yanguo, intending to destroy the general command post of Yanguo, so that the command system of Yanguo could be destroyed. Paralyzed, and then go to capture the new capital of Yan State.

The Yan State Navy is currently in Shanhaiguan, assisting the defenders of Shanhaiguan to bombard the Sui army.

The news that the Armada was coming towards the old capital was soon known by Yan Xu, and he immediately ordered the chief of the navy, Nangong Wenya, to suspend the support to Shanhaiguan, and immediately come to the old capital to support, and at the same time, the chief of Shanhaiguan dispatched 4 Thousands of people came to help the old capital.

"The total strength of Shanhaiguan is only [-]. If we do this, Shanhaiguan has insufficient troops. I'm afraid..."

Someone worried.

"That's why we need to be fast!" Yan Xu calmly analyzed: "The ancestor Jue once said that the way to use troops is to be fast, quickly concentrate superior forces/firepower, and attack the enemy's single corps. It's a great time for us to lure them ashore and wipe them out!"

"As for Shanhaiguan, have you forgotten the order issued by Emperor Sui to their generals?"

"The emperor of the Sui Dynasty, told his generals that once our country of Yan surrenders, they cannot take the initiative to attack us."

"We can take advantage of this loophole and let the generals in Shanhaiguan pretend to surrender to the Sui captives, so that the Sui captives in Linyu Pass will suspend their attack on our Shanhaiguan. Then, when we concentrate our superior forces/firepower, we will go straight After the invincible fleet from the old capital is wiped out, and then rush back to Shanhaiguan, you can tear your face and don't have to pretend to surrender."

Yan Xu's analysis was straightforward, but Jiuqing still worried: "As the saying goes, the generals are outside, and the emperor's orders are not accepted. What if the generals of the Sui captives did not obey their emperor's orders, but insisted on attacking Shanhaiguan? What about us? There are only 1 people left in Shanhaiguan, most of them are servants, how can we resist the millions of troops attacking Shanhaiguan?"

Faced with Jiuqing's doubts, Yan Xu looked at the sky and muttered to himself: "No one understands the Central Plains better than me. The concept of the monarch, the minister, the father, and the son is an unbreakable truth for them. They will never dare to openly violate it." Order of their emperor."

"They will never disobey their emperor's orders! Absolutely not! Never! Never!"

In the end, Jiuqing voted, and most of them were persuaded by Yan Xu and decided to adopt this risky strategy.

Temporarily transfer the main force of Shanhaiguan to the old capital, concentrate forces, wipe out the Armada, and then return to Fangshanguan. Let them take Shanhaiguan.

Right now


A new round of charge began again. This was the number of times the Sui army had charged. Every time they rushed to the coast, they were beaten back. Had to flee in a hurry.

During this period, the sea tide was high again, making it more difficult for them to attack, but fortunately, the sea tide ebbed again a few days ago.

But this rise and fall made the Sui army's offensive achievements in the past few months all come to naught, and everything had to start all over again.

What's more terrible is that, at some point, the plague began to spread in the barracks, and it was said that it was infected from Lulong.

The soldiers vomited up and down, had fever on their foreheads, pale faces, and some even collapsed and died.

In the past few months, the Sui army has killed a total of 20 people, of which 13 died in the battle to attack Shanhaiguan, and more than 7 people died in the plague that just broke out on a large scale.

There were as many as 30 soldiers who were unable to fight because of the plague, and 20 other wounded soldiers.

Of the empire's 110 million and 40 troops, only about [-] are still able to fight.

After several months of continuous attacks, they have not even scratched the skin of Shanhaiguan, and half of the million-strong army has lost their combat effectiveness.

"This Shanhaiguan, the dog will shake his head when he sees it, and he will have to run away with a bucket when he gets up."

Yu Wenshu shook his head and sighed, this Shanhaiguan Pass is really too difficult to chew.

While shaking his head, the soldiers of the Sui army had already started charging.

With so many months of combat (death) experience, the soldiers of the Sui army who charged this time held up shields to resist the damage of the gun shield chariot.

At the same time, some soldiers of the Sui Army were still carrying sandbags to fill up the coast with sandbags, which was much safer than climbing the ladder directly, but it was a little troublesome.

At the same time, soldiers of the Sui Army pushed catapults into the exposed ground of the strait and began to throw boulders to fight back.

Not only that, the Sui Army also began to have officers who specialize in commanding the flow of personnel. Although it was not as streamlined and regularized as the Yan Army, at least there were, and it could be said that they had grown from scratch.

Although these improvements seem to be very simple, they were only made after the Sui army spent several months and paid a heavy price.

The Sui army paid the price of their lives, but they got the progress of war technology. This war technology is not only the weapons and equipment on the surface, but also the combat ideas and combat details.

The archers of the Sui army at the front shot arrows forward, and the arrows hit the iron skin of the gun shield chariot.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The arrows were bounced off, and only a few arrows pierced through the iron sheet and stuck on the wooden shield of the firearms shield.

Bang bang bang!
The blunderbuss shield chariot launched a counterattack, and the stones wounded the Sui army archers in the front row. However, the Sui army shieldmen stepped forward to protect the archers, and blocked the stones fired by the blunderbuss with their shields.

The Sui army launched a catapult, and a huge boulder fell on the gun shield chariot, killing the gunman of Yan State directly.

It took the empire two months to finally temporarily make fifty catapults.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

After more than three months, finally, finally, they finally killed a native of Yan!

After fighting for more than three months, none of the regular army of Yan State died, only a few hundred servants died, while the Sui army lost 20 soldiers for various reasons. All the soldiers of the Sui army felt desperate. The gap, after fighting, it was discovered that there was already such a big gap between the Central Plains and the Yan Kingdom without knowing it.

Is this the power accumulated by Yan Guo's insignificant development for hundreds of years?fear!
Now, they finally, finally, killed a regular Yan army!

Imperial guards, noble soldiers, guild mercenaries, these are considered to be the regular army of Yan State.

It took the empire more than three months and cost the lives of 20 soldiers to finally kill a regular army of Yan.

The Sui army is also making progress. They absorb experience and lessons in the war and learn the fighting methods of Yan State.

It took hundreds of years for the Yan Kingdom to accumulate advanced combat experience with great difficulty, and the Sui Empire only paid 20 lives before learning it.

Who is more at a loss?Hard to say!

One pays time, the other pays life.

Immediately afterwards, the original cannon of Yan State also fired flints, smashing the catapults of the Sui Empire who were preparing to throw boulders.

The original god cannon (the latest catapult) of Yan State has far stronger range and power than the catapult of the Central Plains.

The imperial catapults were smashed to pieces by the flints. The nearby imperial soldiers were also stabbed in the face by the flying sawdust, and some were killed by the flints.

At this time, the army of the empire rushed to the shore carrying sandbags. They held shields in their right hands and a bag of sand under their left arms.

Since the last time, the Kingdom of Yan cleared the sandbags that the empire had painstakingly filled, so after that, whenever the Kingdom of Yan sent servants to remove the sandbags, the Empire would take the opportunity to attack, making it impossible for the Kingdom of Yan to remove the sandbags with peace of mind.

Therefore, at this moment, there are already sandbags left by the last time on the coast, and now it is just continuing to fill in and complete the final project.

Not only that, the empire also imitated the Yan State, and also produced a shield car that could fight back, but because the empire did not have firecrackers, it was not a firecracker shield car, but an imitation of a [Strong Crossbow Shield Car], that is, the Yan The fire guns of the National Fire Gun Shield Vehicles are replaced with strong crossbows, and the others remain unchanged.

The soldiers of the empire pushed the crossbow shield cart like this, and used the crossbow shield cart to resist the damage of Yan Guo's firecrackers, and fired crossbow bolts to counterattack from time to time.


Civilizations always influence each other and communicate with each other. If the Sui Empire hadn't used its own national fortune to test the true strength of the empire on which the sun never sets, the Central Plains would never know the true strength of the never-setting sun. Without the strength of our country, we will never learn from the sun that never sets. Then, the development of the Central Plains will be countless times slower than the history we are familiar with.

We now have all kinds of firearms, even machine guns and cannons. It is because of the [Shanhaiguan Battle] known as the "meat grinder", which made our ancestors understand the gap and then learn to imitate it.

If there is no Shanhaiguan Meat Grinder, the history of our Song Dynasty may not have machine guns and artillery.

We think it is normal to have these things in this era. It is because of the emergence of the empire on which the sun never sets. Although it has caused us a lot of harm, it has also objectively accelerated the development of our Central Plains civilization, so that we no longer need to be like before the Sui Dynasty. The development is also slow. If there is no empire on which the sun never sets, we may still be living in the classical era where the cavalry is king. ——"General History of the World Song Qin Hui"

(End of this chapter)

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