Chapter 606 The Final Battle ([-])

Old Capital (Taohua Port/Dalian City)

This is the birthplace of the civilization of the Yan Kingdom, the birthplace of Hongyan Road, and the birthplace of the pirate civilization. It has witnessed the emergence of a civilization from scratch, just like Jianan/Jerusalem in the East.

The State of Yan cannot lose its old capital, just as the Central Plains cannot lose Confucius.

Although the plain has long been turned into a city, and the city was destroyed in the war, the glory of the past can still be seen, and the city has been rebuilt, but it has lost the prosperity of the past.

On the distant bay, the Empire's Armada is about to arrive, with nearly 19 troops heading straight for the old capital.

Due to the last battle of Haizhongzhou, the Armada lost a lot of supplies, so Yang Xuangan was forced to set off early, hoping to make a big battle before the food and grass ran out.

He is very anxious now and wants to go ashore for a decisive battle as soon as possible, just like Zhao Kuo in the Battle of Changping, because the food and grass are about to be exhausted, so he is very anxious and wants to have a decisive battle as soon as possible.

People can't be too anxious, if they are anxious, they will be caught by the other party and fall into the other party's trap, just like Zhao Kuo.

The people in the old capital had been evacuated in advance, and there were only [-] troops left here, of which [-] were temporarily transferred from Shanhaiguan.

The configuration of both sides is as follows:
【Imperial Armada

Troop strength: 19

Warships: 96

Troop carriers: 976

Material ships: 6853]

【Old Capital of Yan State

Troop strength: 5

Warships: 100

Troop carriers: 200

Material ships: 500]

Yan State's strategy is to attack halfway, that is, to apply the halfway attack on land to naval warfare.

When the Imperial Armada began to land in the old capital, and halfway through the landing, the defense forces of the old capital took the opportunity to counterattack and fight to the death with the imperial landing forces. Back and forth.

In this way, the Armada Fleet will be attacked on both sides, and they will be entangled in the two choices of continuing to land or retreating to the Central Plains. In this entanglement, they will be wiped out by the Yan Kingdom.

An hour later, the Empire's Armada really began to land.

"The old capital of the Yan Kingdom has been occupied by me. Report it to the imperial court and say: Great victory! Annihilate... um... annihilate the 20 Yanlu army!"

Yang Xuangan was very happy and asked the scouts to return to the Central Plains on a material ship and report the urgent military situation of the "Great Victory" to the imperial court.

As for the so-called annihilation of 20 enemies, Yang Xuangan had already planned to massacre 20 Yan people in the old capital of Yan State, and use the heads of these 20 Yan people as elite soldiers of Yan State. Annihilate the [-] army of Yan captives.

The army of the empire began to land, and the ships docked in Peach Blossom Bay.

On the other side of the peninsula of the old capital, Yan's naval fleet also started to set off, circled behind the Imperial Armada, and launched a surprise attack.

Due to the special geography of the peninsula, the Imperial Armada did not discover the Yan State Navy Fleet, and the view was blocked by land.

Due to the sudden incident, Yan Xu only asked the soldiers to temporarily dig a few trenches, build a stone wall, and build a few watchtowers. They didn't even have time to build and bring the original cannons, and nothing else. The defense system Far inferior to Shanhaiguan.

"Prepare... let go!"

Tens of thousands of powerful crossbows were fired at the same time, and all the arrows were fired at once, and a large area of ​​the Sui Empire navy who was disembarking and disembarking was shot down.

However, more and more imperial soldiers came ashore. Holding shields in their hands, they withstood the shots from Yan Guo's powerful crossbows. Some imperial crossbowmen even fought back and shot many Yan Guo crossbowmen to death.


The vanguard of the imperial army formed a shield wall to resist the shooting of Yan Guo's strong crossbow and cover other comrades in arms to disembark and go ashore.

The imperial soldiers who went ashore took the opportunity to form a shield phalanx, and dismantled some supply ships, and used the decks of the supply ships as wooden bridges to cross the trenches.

Flags fluttered along the coast, and more and more imperial soldiers formed a neat shield phalanx, and rushed towards the crossbowmen of Yan Kingdom behind the stone wall.

In the army formations of the empire, various musical instruments were sounded to command the marching operations of the various legions.

And the armored cavalry of the empire also got off the ship and lined up between the gaps in the shield phalanx, ready to charge at any time.

Five thousand cavalry!

Among the 19 troops of the empire, there are actually [-] mounted cavalry!
So much fear!

At the end of the Han Dynasty, [-] mounted cavalry could conquer the world, and Lu Bu was famous all over the world because he had [-] mounted cavalry.

With the continuous development of the times, in this era, five thousand cavalry is only a part of the Central Plains, and there are more cavalry that are being blocked by Shanhaiguan.

With the continuous development of smelting technology, the armor rate in the Central Plains is also getting higher and higher.

If the army of the Sui Dynasty travels to the end of the Han Dynasty, it will be a blow to reduce dimensionality!
Don't think that only modern and ancient times are represented by science and technology. In fact, there is also a difference in technology between ancient and ancient times!

Yan State’s response method is also very simple, that is to use servant soldiers as bait to lure the Sui State’s armored cavalry, who is eager to make contributions, to chase and kill the fleeing servant soldiers. The Yan State Fleet at sea completely wiped out the main force of the Imperial Armada. When the imperial cavalry finished killing the Yan State's servants, they looked back and saw that their comrades had surrendered, and they were the only ones left to fight alone.

Sure enough, Yang Xuangan was eager to do meritorious service. When he saw Yan's servants start to flee, he ordered: "The time has come to make meritorious deeds and seal your wife and son. Kill!"


The imperial cavalry excitedly chased and killed tens of thousands of servant soldiers, beheading one after another, killing Goryeo soldiers, Fuyu soldiers, Wuji soldiers, and Turkic soldiers, crying for their fathers and mothers.

The servants didn't know about Yan Xu's master's battle plan. Yan Xu deceived them into thinking that he was the main force. However, they were just Yan Xu's abandoned sons.

"Iron Buddha, attack!"

Seeing that the imperial cavalry were chasing and killing the servants, Yan Xu quickly ordered the iron Buddha of Yan State to kill the imperial infantry who were coming ashore.

The shield can stop the arrows, but it can't stop the powerful impact of the armed cavalry. The impact of the Iron Buddha of the Three Thousand Yan Kingdom is terrifying.


More and more imperial shield phalanxes were crushed from the side, and their shields were vulnerable to the charge of the cavalry.

Yanxu and Yang Xuangan are like two players. On the Go board of the old capital, they control two huge armies. As the black chess player, Yang Xuangan is too greedy. In order to chase down a long white chess dragon, he abandoned his basic board. , so that his biggest black dragon was slaughtered by Baiqi, but he didn't know that the white dragon was originally Yan Xu's abandoned son. Jiren and Turkic people are all dead, and he will not feel the slightest bit of distress.

If the last drop of blood of the Korean people is not shed, we Yan people will never surrender to the empire!

Yan Xu, an 80-year-old veteran, played a wonderful hand, but Yang Xuangan, the son of a famous general, played a bad hand.

(End of this chapter)

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