Chapter 107 Galactic Community

"...This is really a big event in the whole galaxy!"

When Brainen received a message from the receiver at the trading post to the entire galaxy, he showed an extremely excited expression.

Since the crisis of the "Circle", various civilizations have deepened their exchanges with each other, and Kribo is no exception.

As a universal enterprise, the current galaxy full of vitality and everything competing for development is their favorite situation.

Only by continuously trading and opening branches can they bring them enough profits.

For this reason, Kribo didn’t know how many times it gave gifts, how many diplomatic relations it took, and how much face it took to successfully open their branches in a few civilized colonies.

Even so, the benefits brought about have already left them speechless.

And as one of the company's employees, Brying is naturally very concerned about the company's profits.While he believes he won't be laid off, his staff can't tell.

But now, he feels that the dawn of Huanyu Enterprise is about to begin.

Li Wenyuan, who was staying at the border of the Milky Way, also received this broadcast-like news.

Unlike other lost empires who dismissed it, he always cared about major events in the galaxy, especially the broadcast to the whole galaxy.

"...The Galactic Community?"

After he finished reading the content, he finally felt that the Galactic Civilizations did something that he expected.

How could such a large interstellar society not have something similar to an international organization once on Earth?
"It seems that the crisis brought about by the 'circle' finally gave them some sense of unity... This is normal, the stage of the galaxy is finally getting more and more perfect..."

After consultation, more than half of the civilizations agreed to establish the "Galactic Community". This large-scale interstellar organization will be established in the next year of the galactic calendar.

And this notice is for those civilizations who don't care about worldly affairs and are well versed in the way of internal sages. The "Galaxy Community" welcomes most civilizations to join.

As for civilizations like the "Bee Killing Swarm", they will not join the "Galactic Community", and the "Galactic Community" will not allow them to join.

This organization also sent a special message to the lost empires in the galaxy. For the sake of ritual, they hope that these ancient civilizations can come to witness such a historic event.

"Observers" received this message, but they really didn't have much interest in this kind of "political event", so they left it behind after reading it.

As for the "Silent Man" and "Far Traveler", these two lost empires have already filtered out this "junk information" through their own means, and immersed themselves in their own world.

The remaining three lost empires each reacted differently.

"Can I go?" Gray Wind showed full curiosity about this matter.

At this time, the upsurge of Galaxy on "Awakened Empire" has come to an end, and merchants who are very sensitive to hot spots have quickly changed their direction and started to work on "Galaxy Crisis".

And Gray Wind, who has no new games to play and no new movies to watch, has fallen into a state of boredom again, and her enthusiasm for "Galactic Crisis" is not as high as "Awakened Empire".

Because of this, when she received the news of "witnessing the establishment of the Galactic Community", she was a little eager to try.

Li Wenyuan will not stop this, or he is actually planning to take a look.

If it's this kind of excitement, he wants to join in the fun.After all, I have been in the galaxy for so long, it is good to be a witness once in a while.

So they made their own responses.

And "Pressolin" also received the news of "invitation to witness", and the queen was still hesitating whether to refuse this matter.

She doesn't want to participate in these chores, but humans once told her to "make more friends", which made her very contradictory.

But when she saw that the thank you gift attached to the "invitation to witness" was a "farm planet" full of food in advance, she happily agreed to the invitation.

"There is something to eat...then, let's go..."

Even though the current "Pressolin" no longer has to worry about food, this species wandering from outside the galaxy will still hoard food without limit.

They even found a galaxy specifically to store food, which was named "granary", which is a high-risk area in the Milky Way star map.

Even the "Pressolin", who has always been pacifist, takes this place very seriously and will clean up any creatures that come close to this galaxy.

But of course normal interstellar civilizations will not lose their minds and approach the "granary".

In this interstellar space, although food is a necessity for civilization, there is basically no civilization that lacks this.

If a normal civilization has not even solved its own internal food problem, how can it talk about marching towards the stars?
Because of this, when they encountered a lost beehive empire that had a soft spot for food, they almost always sent people to discuss deals immediately.

And both parties got satisfactory results.

"Pressolin" got food, no need to worry about hunger; and other civilizations also exchanged unimportant food for some "Pressolin" biological materials, which were used to promote the progress of biotechnology.

So most of the galaxy civilizations now like this "hive lost empire" very much, because this is the only civilization that can exchange food for resources.

And this invitation to the Lost Empire naturally included them.

Soon, as time passed, more and more civilizations knew the news of the "galactic community".

Although several authoritarian civilizations also promised to join the "galactic community", they all scoffed at this galactic organization behind their backs.

Because they feel that this kind of scattered organizational structure is completely useless, and only by a supreme authority to manage is the most efficient way.

They even formed a small group to discuss how to maximize their own influence, with a view to reforming the "Galaxy Community" into the "Galaxy Empire" after it was formally established.

As for who will be the "Galaxy Emperor" at that time, they all avoided this topic very tacitly, and it seems that they have their own ideas.

And some extremely xenophobic civilizations are also worried about this news. They are afraid of all aliens, but now it seems that the integration of the galaxy may be an inevitable process.

They just want to stay on their own three-acre lot, but derailing the galaxy would be a dangerous thing to do.

For this reason, they also had to promise to join the "Galaxy Community" and try to improve the domestic trend of thought, at least to make "xenophobia" less extreme.

So under the eyes of many people who are either looking forward to, or rejoicing, or examining, or worrying, the day when the "Galaxy Community" is formally established has arrived.

Countless spaceships carrying dignitaries from all walks of life from various civilizations headed for designated galaxies, while those civilizations that were far away had already organized their manpower to go there.

The headquarters of the "Galactic Community" is set in a galaxy that is not under the control of any civilization and has the most convenient nearby interstellar routes.

This is a "three-star galaxy". The celestial system composed of three stars makes the environment here in dire straits.

But the "galactic community" chose this place deliberately, and successfully built a stable giant space station in this place with funding.

There are many variables in the Samsung system, but it is generally stable, and those dangers are not a big problem for these interstellar civilizations.

They chose this place because they took a fancy to the meaning of it.Even three stars can form a stable structure, so why can't these galactic civilizations gather together?

So the first people who came here, apart from the staff of the "Galactic Community", were naturally the "Lost Empires" who possessed technologies that other civilizations could hardly match.

The "Mechanical Lost Empire" and the "Nano Lost Empire" represented by Li Wenyuan and Gray Wind both came here early, and the "Hive Lost Empire", which can use special means to navigate subspace, also arrived later.

Queen "Pressolin" sent a worker bee, while Li Wenyuan came with a scientific research spacecraft as usual.

Gray Wind was there in person. In fact, she likes to do everything by herself. As a nano-robot aggregate, it is difficult to find anything that can threaten her in this galaxy.

"...Triple star?" Li Wenyuan was slightly surprised when he saw that the place chosen by the "Galaxy Community" was such a celestial system.

Although there are not many such celestial systems in the Milky Way, they are not rare, and due to the harsh environment, only astronomers usually come to such places.

However, it is clear that the symbolism of the "galactic community" is very firm. In addition to a solid and huge space station, there are also many garrison fleets in this place, and the first Galactic Conference will be held in this place.

And as time passed, more and more representatives of civilizations came here.They all gathered in that space station, waiting for the official start of the meeting.

This meeting will decide on the program document of the "Galaxy Community" and further regulate many matters.

However, "Pressolin" and Li Wenyuan did not enter the conference venue. One of them could not enter, and the other did not bring anyone at all.

Gray Wind did go in, but she was obviously there for fun and wasn't interested in the content of the meeting.

Just as the "Star Sea Community" invited them, they were just "witnesses".

In this new giant space station, countless species from various civilizations and races have gathered at this time.

The "Star Sea World Records" engraved an achievement for this: the largest meeting in the galaxy with the largest number of participating civilizations.

This is the most special day in the galaxy. On this day, these civilizations have finally reached a consensus. At least on the bright side, they will make progress hand in hand.

All frictions can be brought to the table and disputes resolved with less drastic means.

The original intention of the establishment of the "Galaxy Community" will be to maintain the stability and order of the galaxy and reduce internal friction between civilizations. The galaxy still has so much space that they can develop together.

Even those civilizations with ulterior motives, at this moment their representatives are using the same language and taking the same oath.

Everything seems to be thriving and going in a good direction.

Accompanied by the sentence "The Galactic Community is officially established", cheers erupted in the entire space station.

Those fleets stationed in this galaxy also received the news at this time, and the main guns fired the fireworks bombs prepared in advance, illuminating the dead space in a gorgeous space, and even the light of the triple star could not cover up the excitement of this moment. color.

"...It's such a long-lost event. This is what the galaxy should be like. There are not enough civilizations participating in this event, and the galaxy needs to work harder..."

From the bottom of his heart, Li Wenyuan expects this place to become more and more lively. Just like human beings, he also hates loneliness.

Being able to see this kind of scene like a family reunion here, he couldn't help but feel that human beings built roads back then was really right.

If there is no "hyperspace channel" that allows countless civilizations to cross long distances between galaxies, this galaxy will only become more and more indifferent until it becomes a dark zone.

In that case, can such a scene still exist?
After the cheers, the purpose of holding the meeting was also put on the agenda.

All civilizations had important matters to settle at this great conference, but none of them spoke, but looked to each other, waiting for the first person.

In the end, the Tinder Alliance came forward first and brought up the first pending issue:
"...Since everyone can't hold back, let's take the lead. What do you think... a 'Space Whale Protection Law'?"

 There is a chapter that has not been coded yet. The author is writing hard.

(End of this chapter)

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