Chapter 106 After the curtain ends
After gaining nothing from the Void Realm, Li Wenyuan didn't have much thought.

According to the records of Idealistic Civilization, it is normal for him not to encounter anything in the Void Realm, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

But after his trip, the idealistic civilizations found that the virtual world seemed to be much more stable.

Even though the powerful help they can get is much less, the price they pay is almost nothing.

Gradually, it has become a common way for idealistic civilizations to use the virtual world to prostitute all kinds of small profits and small benefits from the virtual world, and occasionally pay a little price in exchange for good blessings.

As for the "dangerous gift", the current idealistic civilizations are already cautious about it. After all, no one wants to "be happy for decades and be liquidated once."

Fortunately, with their in-depth exploration of the virtual world, they finally discovered that "the end of reincarnation" is not the only ancient existence in the virtual world.

In addition to "End of Reincarnation", they can sign contracts with other ancient existences. Even if the effect is not as strong as "End of Reincarnation", the price is much easier, and it will not take the entire civilization.

And the materialistic civilizations, after witnessing two "liquidations", have put the virtual world on the shelf, and even the research is only on the surface.

At the same time, because these two "liquidations" were brought about by idealistic civilizations, some extremists believe that idealistic civilizations are the scourge of the galaxy, and wantonly promote their hatred of idealists, seeming to want to trigger a war between the two sides.

However, these commotions were quickly suppressed, because more than half of the civilizations had their political giants participate in a secret meeting to discuss the details of a major event.

At this juncture, naturally no turmoil is allowed.

In addition, the "Last Watchmen" led by Zaklan also started their long road to recovery.

Although the extinct "Watchmen" brought a "reckoning" to the entire galaxy, Zaklan's special group of exiles did not encounter hostility.

The Prophet's act of standing up at the first moment of the "reckoning" and trying to fight the "Circle" to the death has indeed won the favor of many civilizations.

Even though there are still some people who complain about this, but under the environment of the entire galaxy, these dissents finally calmed down.

At this time, Zaklan, who had arrived at the former home planet of "Watcher" "The Throne of Heaven", looked sadly at the planet below that had become unfamiliar in the spaceship.

This huge planet, which once carried countless people and beliefs, is now wrapped in a thick purple mist.

The "virtual planet" formed by the liquidation of "the end of reincarnation" seems to be more difficult than the "barrier planet".

All detectors are unable to pass through the thick purple atmosphere, and then transmit the situation inside.They lost contact the moment they entered the "virtual planet".

Based on this strange phenomenon, Zaklan has no way of knowing what is going on inside the planet, and his idea of ​​reclaiming the inheritance has also become a fantasy.

Believers who explored in other galaxies also sent the same news-those former homes have become virtual planets.

Zachlan sighed, and finally led these "last watchers" away from this sad place.

He still decided to restore the country in the galaxy near the Holy Land, and continue this responsibility that has been passed down from ancient times.

This will be a long process, but they still have a lot of technology as a lost empire, if it is just to protect the Holy Land, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As the leader of this group of exiles, he decided to abandon the title of "Watcher" that had become dust in history, and use a brand new name as a symbol of this new civilization.

In the end, according to the duty that has been handed down from ancient times, he named this civilization "Guardian of the Holy Land".

Time passed quietly, and the chaotic galaxy returned to calm again.

After the ancient enemies of the "far traveler" died, they did not expand again, but changed back to their former lazy appearance.

The war between the lost empires that spread across the galaxy seemed like a farce, and the winner won only because he lived long enough.

Their pre-expansion rhetoric, which seemed like a joke, has become an evasive topic after the Ring was taken.

Now they are once again addicted to pleasure and indifferent to the outside world, except for occasionally asking other civilizations for scientists.

And the criminal enterprise "Kur Federation" who had taken refuge in "Farwalker" early on regretted it very much at first. They didn't expect that the expansion of "Farwalker" would only last for a short while.

Now they need to spend a lot of money on scientific research and education, because the "far traveler" will occasionally send some "small problems" for these vassal civilizations to solve.

If it can't be solved, it may be "scientific research restructuring" by the very unhappy "far traveler". At that time, I don't know how many former high-ranking people will be reduced to the status of pigs and dogs.

In order to maintain their high-level status, this civilization with considerable experience in the criminal field has actually invested heavily in education, and at the same time, its investment in scientific research has increased unprecedentedly.

Even the colonial planets of other civilizations invaded by them with various gray industries, there have been ironic situations.

It can be seen that in a gray area full of chaos, trade and crime, schools have been built, and at the same time, there are special personnel who use violence to force all school-age persons to enroll.

Among them, the talented and intelligent people will stand out at this time, and will be brought back to China by the Kool Federation to receive further education and become their scientific research experts.

This situation is undoubtedly an excellent way for those chaotic low-level people to make a leap forward. Children from many families study desperately in order to get rid of this terrible environment.

So in the gray area of ​​these other civilizations, the reputation of the Kuer Federation unexpectedly improved.

Because some gray areas exist in these civilizations themselves, and the entry of the Kool Federation has given some hope to the people in these areas.

This is something that the Kool Union did not expect.

Although they need to bear the pressure from the "far traveler", there is a Lost Empire covering their heads, which makes the pressure from the outside world much less, and they can develop their criminal industry in the colonies of other civilizations with peace of mind.

As a result, the disgusting civilizations had to increase their investment in law enforcement, trying to prevent the Kurdish Federation from interfering as much as possible. Even if there were gray industries, they had to control them themselves.

Of course, the "calm" of the galaxy is only general. Although most of the civilizations that were originally at war have signed peace treaties, those life and death enemies have not changed in any way because of the appearance of the "circle".

The war between the Chien Empire and the Segulius Avenging Crusade is coming to an end.

After the Turbulent Empire managed to withdraw the attacking troops on both sides, nothing could hold back the vengeful Segulius.

After entering the late stage of the war, the increasingly anxious battle situation made Segulius not caring about the safety of the "Lost Empire Fleet", and participated in many major battles in important galaxies.

Either because of improper operation, or because of lack of maintenance, this "Lost Empire Fleet" is now only left with a somewhat dilapidated flagship battlecruiser and two frigates.

Even though it was already appalling, the Kion Empire had already paid a heavy enough price for this fleet to become like this - that was the defeat of the war.

Now that their home planet has been captured, the government-in-exile of the Chien Empire began to travel to several other monarchy civilizations, seeking opportunities for restoration.

Some of the refugees from the Chien Empire fled to other civilizations with good reputations that accepted refugees.

Contrary to imagination, there are actually many civilizations in the galaxy that welcome refugees.

At the level of interstellar civilization, a few refugees will not cause a burden, and these refugees are also extremely useful productive forces.

Those who eat too much and are lazy can't enjoy themselves. Every civilization has its own means to force these people to become "hardworking".

Although there are interstellar organizations like the "Refugee Protection Organization", these civilizations that accept refugees will be required to give refugees preferential treatment that is even better than the natives.

The reason is weird: "These refugees have lost their homes, don't they deserve better?"

But these civilizations will not be affected by these powerless condemnations. We are all in the interstellar era, and the species are different. If you don’t make refugees into food, you are showing mercy, and you want better treatment?

And the vast majority of these refugees are also aware of their status. They are just a group of homeless people. In order to obtain partial or even full citizenship rights, they are working hard to demonstrate their value.

As for those idiots who don't know their own situation and haven't transformed from the status of "superior people", there will naturally be someone specially assigned to teach them what "labor produces value".

After Segulius destroyed the Kien Empire, he did not reproduce the treatment of their vacation planet on a certain colony planet of the Kien Empire.

The people, dazzled by the vengeance frenzy, strongly demanded to drive the people of the Kion Empire together, and then blow up the entire planet.

But this voice was suppressed, and now all the Chien people under Seculius' rule have become slaves of Seculius' revenge crusader.

And the slaves originally controlled by the Chien Empire also became their slaves.

Among the Seculius, only the species of their own race enjoyed full civil rights.

The previous encounters and this bloody battle with the Chien Empire made Segulius understand that only being strong is the only capital, and the so-called "friendship" in exchange for being pro-foreign is vulnerable under the deterrence of strength.

In order to become stronger, they need more people, even if these people come from the enemy.

This once friendly civilization has become extremely radical, and they have begun to research neural implants and genetic tailoring technology, aiming to perfectly control these huge numbers of slaves.

And this is also the method used by the enemy they just destroyed - the Chien Empire.

As for the Turbulent Empire located near Segulius, its strength was greatly reduced due to the appearance of the rebels. Many important output galaxies were taken away and they could not even use all their troops. Their remaining reserves were not enough to support the troops. Operation and maintenance.

Therefore, after many confrontations with the "Turbulent Empire Rebels", they had no choice but to sign an armistice treaty, and seize the time to reverse the collapsed domestic economy.

Although the Turbulent Empire did not recognize the legitimacy of these "rebels", those civilizations that had long disliked the Turbulent Empire immediately recognized the autonomy and independence of these rebels and established diplomatic relations with them.

Thus, in today's Milky Way, two "turbulent empires" have emerged.

One of them uses aquatic parasites as the main species, and the other uses terrestrial organisms with desert planet fitness as the main species.

They all call themselves the "Turbulent Empire", claim that they are the real masters of the "Turbulent Empire", and give their own explanations.

Aquatic creatures directly say that "turbulence" is the environment in which they live, and they name their civilizations based on this.

The terrestrial creatures said that they lived in the desert from ancient times and knew the preciousness of water sources, so they took "spring water" as a symbol of their civilization.

Since each has its own statement, the galactic civilizations treat these two "turbulent empires" according to their respective diplomatic needs.

So in the star map of the Milky Way, there are two closely connected civilizations. There are countless space fortresses and fleets stationed on their borders, and they are strictly guarding against the enemies on the opposite side.

In order to distinguish these two civilizations, the Milky Way calls the aquatic Turbulent Empire the "First Turbulent Empire", and then calls the land-born Turbulent Empire the "Second Turbulent Empire".

(End of this chapter)

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