Chapter 108 The Strange Loop
The meeting place of the "Galaxy Community" was very lively, or overly lively.

Due to various reasons, the representatives of these civilizations fought directly in the conference hall. If everyone was not trying to restrain themselves, it might have turned into a bloody conflict.

"... Where are you protecting your X's space whales? Have you finished saving the indigenous civilization or rebuilt the nature reserve, and are you taking care of the space wild animals here?"

"...Heh! Has it touched your interests? Hunting space whales is one of your important incomes, right? I think you are just greedy!"

This was the initial scolding war. The issues raised by the Tinder Alliance were ridiculed by another civilization, and then the verbal conflict between the two sides continued to escalate until it turned into a physical conflict.

Some people saw that it was wrong and tried to attract everyone's attention with a new topic. As a result, the topic he proposed "Space Amoeba Protection Law" attracted more people's ridicule.

So more than one person, more and more people raised more incredible issues.

For example, some kind of embargo issue that will cause more than 90% of civilizations to be sanctioned, and this 90% even includes the civilization behind the issuer.

These incomprehensible topics further led to confusion in the meeting, and it was difficult to proceed with the discussion.

Discussable normal issues such as "banning robot labor" and "limiting arms expansion" were covered up, causing the conference hall to fall into chaos.

Even the security personnel responsible for stabilizing order did not know how to stop the commotion because of the intricate relationship between civilizations.

Li Wenyuan, who directly invaded the monitoring of the conference venue and saw what was going on inside, was somewhat at a loss for what to say.

The stars are united, but they are also divided. This situation should have been expected long ago.

This scene reminded him of the previous earth.

"...Conflicts can arise within civilizations, let alone a large group of interstellar civilizations with different origins, different cultures, different ideas, and different thinking?"

He shook his head, and decided to temporarily break away from his identity as a "witness" to quell the farce.

As a result, the equipment in the meeting room, which was originally normal, suddenly had a large number of errors, and all the original lights were flashing dangerous red, which looked like something bad was about to happen.

This abnormality finally calmed down the representatives in the field for a while, and looked at the scene in front of them in amazement.

Especially the personnel in charge of maintaining the space station, who are sweating profusely in rush repairs, but are completely powerless against the existence that has invaded here.

In the end, a holographic projection of a string of red characters appeared on the seats in front of all the civilization representatives.

[Subject: Establishment of Pan-Galaxy Trade Market]

[Propose Civilization: Guardian]

After that, the red light covering the meeting room returned to calm, and the equipment that kept popping up error reports also returned to normal. Everything before seemed to be an illusion, only the holographic projection that was still showing words was telling what happened just now .

At this moment, everyone immediately understood that the delegates who had been arguing just now silently returned to their seats, and started the first round of discussions on topics in a real sense.

But in fact, there is no need to discuss this matter, because the identity of the proposer is enough for this issue to pass.

In the end, "establishing a pan-galactic trade market" became the first goal of the "Galaxy Community" with a 100% pass rate.

After that, various issues were raised in turn, and after a "harmonious discussion", it was decided whether to pass or not.

After the "Guardian" raised an issue, he never appeared again, but all the representatives of civilizations present felt ashamed.

They felt that they were really inappropriate, and they fought directly in the venue, and finally even needed the "guardian" to come forward.

How would their actions make the Guardian of the Galaxy think of them?Do you think they are a bunch of idiots?

All in all, the first Galactic Conference ended in peaceful exchange.

As for the initial issue proposed by the Tinder Alliance: the establishment of a space whale protection law, it was retained until the next meeting with the result of 35% in favor, 35% against, and 30% abstention.

Although they were unwilling, they also knew that this would not be a problem that could be resolved in a short time, so they had to continue to do various "protection of space whales" propaganda, hoping to pass this issue at the next meeting.

The worker bees of "Pressolin" returned to the "Hatchery" early when the battleships were releasing fireworks, and it felt that its mission had been completed.

And Li Wenyuan, who lamented that "Galaxy still needs more growth", dragged Gray Wind away from the three-in-one star.

"Oh~ I don't think it's interesting..." Gray Wind seemed rather bored, it seemed that this trip to the "Galactic Community" didn't give her enough fun.

Li Wenyuan felt okay, but the fun in Hui Feng's eyes was different from the fun in ordinary people's eyes.

After thinking for a while, he remembered the anomaly he found somewhere in the Milky Way, so he jumped there with the gray wind.

"Any new adventures here?"

"...It feels like a new adventure, after all, this galaxy is too special..."

What he jumped to was a special "black hole galaxy".

He had never had the chance to come here because of the battle with the "Ring", but now he has time.

And when one of his scientific research spacecraft first came to this galaxy, he felt that something must have happened here, and he marked this place.

This is a "black hole galaxy", in which a medium-sized black hole in the center replaces ordinary stars and becomes the main source of gravity of the galaxy.

And the most special thing here is that all the planets here are "dead planets".

Dead planets are a special kind of colonial planets in the Milky Way. Generally speaking, dead planets are "habitable planets" that have lost most of their habitability after a series of events such as wars and catastrophes.

The vast majority of civilized species cannot survive on this planet, but there are indeed creatures living on this planet, such as certain insects similar to cockroaches, which live very moist on this planet.

Therefore, this kind of planet is regarded as a "livable candidate". When the technological level of civilization or the environmental suitability of species is significantly improved, the dead planet will become a reliable colony.

And this black hole galaxy has more than ten dead planets, not even an asteroid belt or a gas giant planet, but all these "livable candidate" stars, which makes Li Wenyuan feel that there is something wrong here.

It is unclear whether it is related to humans, but he believes that after exploration, he will be able to discover the secrets here.

So after coming here with Gray Wind, he began to scan those dead planets one by one.

The black hole is spinning and time is passing.

To Li Wenyuan's surprise, he didn't find any abnormalities on these dead planets, just like the names of the planets, except dead silence.

"...Could it be that the secrets in it have been taken away first? Or is it really formed naturally..."

He was still thinking about the situation in this galaxy, but he didn't notice Gray Wind's increasingly weird expression.

She began to look at the black hole at the center of the galaxy from time to time, as if she heard something.

However, the equipment on Li Wenyuan's research spacecraft did not detect any signal.

It wasn't until he was about to leave that he saw Gray Wind's hesitant expression.

"What's wrong?" He was a little surprised, according to Gray Wind's character, she shouldn't make such an expression.

But Gray Wind thought for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: "...I seem to hear something calling me..."

"What?" Li Wenyuan was taken aback, and then checked the readings of the equipment on the spacecraft again. He was sure that no abnormalities were detected.

But Gray Wind pointed at the black hole, as if he didn't know what expression to show now: " seems to be coming from the black hole... I know this is against common sense and idealistic, but I feel that it is in that direction ..."

What she said made Li Wenyuan gradually frowned. He began to look at the black hole cautiously, and then said to Gray Wind:

"...Don't follow me, I'll let the spaceship go over and have a look."

With that said, the scientific research spacecraft began to accelerate and approach the black hole.

The black hole is still spinning, but the matter it is gravitationally pulling in and rubbing against it emits so much radiation that it forms a glowing accretion disk around the black hole.

It looks... like a "ring"?
At a certain moment, Li Wenyuan thought of the "end of reincarnation" in the virtual world, but he quickly denied this guess, and increased the scanning of the spaceship instead.

It was not until after reaching a very dangerous distance that the spacecraft finally detected a certain weak and special signal.

This signal is like being bound around the black hole. Only by bravely approaching this distance can this series of signals be discovered.

And Li Wenyuan is also very familiar with this signal, which means it is related to humans.

With doubts, he interpreted the signal.

This seems to be a piece of audio, and many parts have been dissipated in the long river of time, but the content still surprised Li Wenyuan.

[——{signal interruption}{signal interruption} appeared again]

[This time it was me who was named, more than ten of our warriors entered here, and then did not return]

[Everyone is persuading me not to go in, but the last instinct of my life is telling me that this is a journey I must go through]

[I am a professor, a person who has studied physics all his life, and now my life is coming to an end, in this black hole]

[But it would also be a great discovery, because I saw the end of time, the never-ending cycle]

【And everything will be recorded here】

This passage sounded very strange, and Li Wenyuan didn't know where to record it in the file.

But the database's response to this signal made Li Wenyuan's consciousness stagnate.

【Strange cycle】

[Technology level: 10]

[Introduction: This is a set of social norms based on contradictory intuitions, love, and above.We don't want to just have an impact, we want to be in control.The progress of science and technology will no longer have an upper limit, we will have an infinite loop, and then improve ourselves infinitely until we can break the loop]

[Possible Technology: None]

(End of this chapter)

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