only monsters

Chapter 247 NO.10: No coincidence makes a book

Chapter 247 NO.10: No coincidence makes a book
Those who are newcomers, have no understanding, and start to gamble, can be described as the purest gamblers.

There are very few such people in the ranks of horse racing, because the influence of horse girls in this world is huge enough, and the horse girl competition has even completely replaced the horse racing itself-making the status of those four-legged primitive creatures embarrassing.

After there is no demand indicator for mounts, there is only a stocking or protection status as a pure animal.

Hömer was not interested in that kind of creature, all he studied was racehorses.

What horse gamblers need is the understanding and research of horse racing girls.

As the race schedule progresses step by step, the bounty status of the horse race girl also rises, which in turn affects the odds ratio of the game.

Considering that there are enough rich cases in the history of horse racing to illustrate the career history of the "late bloomers", "flash in the pan", and "anticlimactic" types of horse racing girls, gamblers should also be patient enough to look at the horse racing girls.

Not only must you be patient, but you must also have a thorough understanding - this can easily turn a horse gambler into a single pusher who is the target of betting - the more you study those horse girls, the more you will be attracted to them... What, like this developments abound.

At this time, the longing for the horse girl will hinder the original intention of betting on horses.

So, how to bet on horses rationally while becoming a single pusher?

The answer is simple.

"Become DD."

"I'm asking you how to make money and restore blood, but you want me to give money to people!"

"Does it have to be paid to become a DD?"

"What?! Are you a disgraceful prostitute!" the young man with black hair and brown eyes said bitterly, quite a bit of "ashamed to be with you".

Then he said loudly: "I have a monthly membership card for the live broadcast room!"


During that short silence, Omer would pretend to look at the terminal and hum a few words.

It's like talking to a human being!
Prove that you didn't talk to this alien, you won't get that kaizi virus.

And the money-poor alien who has attracted the attention of others will jump up violently: "What are you pretending to do! I clearly see so many 17-level brands!!"

In this way, the 'torch' was put on, in order not to be reduced to a person who was roasted on the fire, Omer would sneer and take the initiative to step into the flames.

"Hehe, this is my free interaction with Mao."

"What did several Umastagram fans talk about!"

"That's someone else's title, I was just hired to write it."

"Damn it! Why can someone like you who doesn't have the heart to blame documents be able to live with Ma Niang and stick to it, but I have to ponder boring spell macros with a group of old men and women!!"

"Is it possible, I mean possible, that you can only be trusted if you don't have that strange heart."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! In this world, there will definitely be a horse racing girl who can be invited as a fellow of strange document lovers! I think Digi-chan has potential...! What are you doing?"

Bize saw this guy twitching his fingers in mid-air again. Although he had seen the other party's fake moves before, he still asked a question.

"Send a message to Ms. Ellie Digital," Omer replied frankly, the finger touching the mid-air hesitated slightly, "By the way, I hesitated whether to send the recording file as well."

"Don't! Let's be good brothers—" "Who is your brother?"

Now it's Omer's turn to enter the contempt link of "I am a good man Omer, how can I be brothers like you!"

Well, Caibu, さいふ, wallet in Far East.

It's better to be a bread than a wallet!You piece of char siu! ——The cold eyes with a bit of disgust undoubtedly revealed such a meaning.

Therefore, this alien treasure should have been given a gift from the captain in the palace, changed his mind on the spot, changed his past, and cried about the evil things he had done since he was a child, and even fell and ate shit when he just crossed over. He said it all out—but helplessly, he still has the basic passive of stubbornness, and he was rated particularly high.

"Aren't we friends! Aren't we Tormodaki?!" A social terrorist who can say this in public will undoubtedly make Omer work harder to pretend that he is calling someone.

Especially that guy still said: "Besides, it's not strange to subsidize talented women. You see, in ancient literature, there are elegant anecdotes between literati and elegant scholars, um, so you can understand it?"

This makes people dare to question the Dongyan language literacy of the Baide people who lived in this area 16 years earlier than him.

"I give up on the evaluation." Omer, who looked away from the light screen, was tortured by such a different face and had nothing to say.

As an earth resident, we should accept the deviation of aliens' understanding of earth culture.

"What about Alice?" The alien asked, rubbing his palms.

Seeing that Omer didn't answer immediately, he stared again in the next second:
"I sent you the full set of Ultraman Zeta resources circulating in the circle! How dare you say it didn't help you!"

"...It was deleted just now."

He raised his hand and twisted the bridge of his nose. In the mental state of 'can't bear to look directly at' and 'slightly tired', Omer couldn't help but glance at the display case next to him to divert his attention.

The dark gray mechanical staff in the showcase is capable and sharp, and it looks like a spear. It can be said to be earthy and new.

The soil is the combination of soil in the positioning of the staff, and the new is the new source energy spell system etched on the staff itself-looking at the information in front of the display cabinet that requires concentration to see clearly, the system is still the 3.211 version of the spirit call.

It is indeed a new work of the Magic Association Investment Company, which is a big version ahead of the market.

Presumably, the casting speed and the ability to accommodate spell nesting are also more powerful——When Omer just thought this way, he saw the following series of version update announcements that read:

[Fixed the bug of spell disorder]

[Added two spell slots]

【Provide more customized options】

[Fixed brand conflicts on the Seance magic branch]


No, why not enhance spell nesting performance and spell macro delay?Isn't the summoning system a wand system that focuses on nesting optimization of summoning and spell combinations?

Do developers really know what customers want?

Omer frowned, but the guy beside him looked at the thing and yelled awesomely: "My super, six spell slots! Three magic boost tags!! Is this a new product?"

Then look at the price.

"My day, forget it."

He seemed genuinely tempted, and Omer began to express concern about the quality of his classes.

But before Omer could say anything, the man turned around again: "By the way, you really typed for Alice?"

Still thinking about it, I remembered the phrase "just deleted" that Omer replied not long ago.

"Is the recording real too?"

"The long-term function enabled by default on the terminal doesn't take up much memory," Omo said flatly, "It's quite convenient for my main business."

"Can trainers still use this function?" Bize asked in surprise, then nodded thoughtfully, "That's kind of weird."

Now Amo couldn't be calm anymore, and raised his brows: "My main job is a trainer?"

"?" Now it was Bize's turn to squint at him, "You don't mean to say that your main business is mercenary?"

These words made Omer's eyes dead fish.

"Think about why I met you here." He sighed without ups and downs.

On the surface of Jiemen District, the magic wand exchange exhibition is jointly sponsored by eleven magic wand brand companies headed by Honglong Staff Co., Ltd.

Here, even Bize is carrying a dark blue mechanical staff, and Homa, who is just carrying a handbag, is somewhat out of place.

He himself was not used to it when he first came.

The silence when traveling alone should have been his first habit, but recently he has always gotten used to the noisy people around him, whether it is the irritable Sunday Tranquility or Mostima who is quite a leader, or it seems to be calculating What kind of Ari Tachyon, or the representative of Qianming who leads the rhythm freely and unrestrainedly.

Being too profound hinders the cognition of habits. Homa is introspecting in his heart, and the eyes that step into the exhibition are sharp with a bit of entering the working state.

He came here at the invitation of a certain member of the Hall of Return to the Origin. That member was an immortal who had met the merchant. To be more precise, he was a western dragon.

A dragon who is very passionate about the study of magical machines is very interested in the Galatron card in his hand.

After all, Galatron is indeed a somewhat magical mechanical creation.

It also goes well with things like magic wands.

And the other party didn't plan to buy directly, but invited him to come here to have a look first, as if he was very patient and planned to get to know each other first.

So Omer lamented to Akane Shinjo, "At first glance, the Hall of Return to the Source does not seem to be a criminal den."

There is a lot of communication among the members, but it is rare to actually meet offline, which can make other members wonder, or suggest rejection, or remind the level of caution.

It made Ao Mo faintly realize that the usual state here is actually quite stagnant, and only when new talents appear will the state suddenly become more active.

All in all, he decided to accept the invitation. After all, he planned to meet other members. He was also interested in the magic wand, not to mention that a friend seemed to be busy tinkering with it recently.

I was so busy that I didn't have time to meet, and the office didn't come to visit, so I chatted occasionally on the Internet.

Then he received his admission ticket.


But there are barcodes and QR codes.

With such advanced technology, physical tickets still exist, but it is somewhat redundant to hang barcodes and QR codes on them, but Aumer saw that the two coding scales faintly formed some kind of spell inscription lines, so he decided not to To rashly evaluate.

He has some research on the magic wand and the basics of magic, but it is still at the level of basic conversation, and it would be self-defeating to talk more deeply.

However, he has also heard that the tickets for such exhibitions are mostly expensive and hard to find. The colleague who can hold the tickets of this kind of cutting-edge technology exhibition and give them away at will is probably a senior executive of the company.

Considering the name of Honglong Company, Omer can even make a bold guess, guessing that the colleague of the Hall of Guiyuan whose portrait is "Dragon of Magic" assembled in English is the leader of Honglong Staff Co., Ltd. or something.

Carrying such a ticket, Omer also considered whether he should change into a more 'mage' attire.

He has just made a fortune, has some spare cash on hand, and has a 'businessman' as a guarantee for investment. His vision for the future economy is relatively optimistic, thinking that wearing a mage costume can indeed give him some boost to the magic of those essentially demonic methods .

Most of the mage costumes of the magic wand genre are relatively modern, but the traditional robes are not without market.

After all, how many spell amplification bars can be etched in the capacious robe - this kind of question can still surprise the other party.

But when Omer saw the economic crisis cry from Bizer early in the morning, he decided to save some money and not fall into the situation of the other party.

But... what should I say?

After all, I saw the news in the morning and bumped into him here at noon.

Or rather.

Poor people must have something to hate?

This guy is in an economic crisis and can still go here to see the exhibition, isn't the ticket cheap?
"What? Didn't you come here on purpose to give me a reference for the staff? I was so moved when I first saw you!"

"Is it possible that I was invited here in a capacity other than a trainer?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Have you had this conversation before?Aomer didn't want to continue, but just as he was about to cut off the conversation, he saw the other party pointing behind him:
"Look over there! They are all here, I would think that it is not surprising that you came here as a trainer!"

"..." Homa looked back at the crowd he was pointing at. Through the gaps in the crowded crowd, he could vaguely see the two horse girls in the center of the crowd.

Those were indeed two racehorse girls.

The little brown-haired girl wearing a witch hat style hat and another little gray-haired girl who was seen at the Treyson Football Stadium at the moment were wearing a black and white dress.

Dongshang reform and real wit, Ao Mo will not miss the name of the horse race girl who has already enrolled.


"They're not the horse girls I'm in charge of." Homa turned around and said blankly.

They're still in junior high school, and it's not time for them to play.

 Thanks to Baiyinmo, he is calling me to hold on to the victory, sister control のShiki fungus for the reward!

  thanks, thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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