only monsters

Chapter 246 NO.9: The atmosphere of the new organization is very harmonious!

Chapter 246 NO.9: The atmosphere of the new organization is very harmonious!
It cannot be said that the negotiation with that 'businessman' was not smooth.

After reading all the text on the contract and scanning it with the contract review system built into the terminal applet for some hidden treaties that are 'invisible without special means', Omer signed the taboo.

The lack of manipulation in the contract can be described as unexpected, but it is also reasonable.

This kind of unhappiness caused by the first order is not conducive to long-term cooperation, whether it is for Omer or the businessman himself.

And after that, it was an invitation from the Hall of Returning to the Source.

Before that, Omer had to admit that he was surprised.

He thought that one of the conditions for being introduced to that organization was to cooperate with the businessman, but when he examined the rules on the parchment scroll, he found that there was nothing related to it, and the other party said it was another matter when he mentioned it .

It turns out that these are two different things.

———————Linton joined the Hall of Return—————

The app chat page on the electronic side runs with energy fluctuations that are so obvious that Aumer can perceive it, which makes Aomo wonder how he obtained the software download channel.

— that's a particularly awkward way:

Through the spirit energy technique provided by the 'merchant', communicate with a strange god-like existence, and let him bestow a set of plans that are directly imprinted in his mind.

Because this art of imprinting information directly into the mind appears to be a form of traditional 'divine bestowal', Homer regards it as 'divine-like'.

Although some contemporary studies can do similar things, they are all operations with a high threshold, and the strength of the other party is beyond doubt.

But compared to its strength, it was the plan that was awkward.

That is a two-wire synchronization scheme.

The app is downloaded according to the network operation plan of the superficial plan. When downloading, it needs to be supplemented with a set of strange source energy operation templates to guide the app download with the source energy of the communication information level.

He is not completely unfamiliar with this awkward method.

As a science and technology app, some kind of source energy processing is carried out during operation, so as to add app plug-ins.

This kind of structure is common in illegal chat software. There is nothing wrong with the app itself, but the additional source energy substrate can distort the network and even electromagnetic waves, making it easy to switch and adjust with a special receiver, and turn it into a secret communication that can hide from official monitoring.

Omer once joined a certain monster ecological resource exchange group, which is undoubtedly an illegal platform. After all, the monster ecological resources are at the R18G level, and there is no shortage of blood and weirdness.

If you watch too much, you will check whether your mental spectrum has shifted to the level—of course, this kind of detection method used by the science and technology department to confirm the degree of mental alienation is rare in the less sci-fi style of the gate area.

This is more of a direct round of 'Spirit Check' spells.


"Xinjo-kun, I heard that a certain guinea pig needs 'Hephaistos'?"

After the sudden knock on the door, there was such a question with the probe. Omer, who turned back early because he heard some footsteps, frowned when he saw that Arisuko: "You know this trick?"

Hephaestus, the god of forging in Histhia, or the god of fire is easier to understand.

And under the source energy system of the horse race girl, it is a speed skill: when the end of the game is close to the final straight line, head towards the apex, and start to increase the speed from the middle group.

This is the forging and sublimation of the whole body, naturally including the spirit.

Horse girls who are proficient in its skills can even use it on others, bringing a buff state that boosts spirits and strengthens physical strength.

Its training difficulty is undoubtedly relatively high, and it is also an inheritance skill and a talent skill.

Either learned by nature, or gifted from a retired racehorse mother.

There is no record of it in the skill record in the column of the statue of the three goddesses, but it is recorded in the skill list of the horse racing girl system.

Omer is quite aware of this. After all, this kind of skill that cannot be practiced traditionally and can be met but not sought after is endowed with additional value.

But that's the case, he has never heard of Aili Tachyon doing this trick.

It was not mentioned in the past records, nor was it shown in the recent relationship, nor was it paid attention to when formulating the training plan.

"I got it from someone else, that guy doesn't want to be known..." Tachoko said, seeing Shinjo Akane turn her head.

"Does it have an effect on the spirit?" Akane Shintiao, who was not familiar with this trick, asked, and then pointed at Omer, "Shoot it for him."

"? Is it necessary?"

It was useless to ask this question, Tachyon had already approached, and a ball of light emerged from his hand and slapped Aomo directly.

On the surface it doesn't seem to work.

This is also a matter of course, if the effect is really strong enough to have a visual picture, then the Tachyon can probably explode like a Saiyan when used by itself.

"It was supposed to be at the cafe, but she was making coffee."

It is true that the top students in the Department of Spirits should be more accomplished in spiritual skills, but the black-haired horse girl is too focused when she makes coffee, and understanding this can understand Tachyon's words.

"As for whether it's can ask her~" Tachyon shrugged and looked at Shinjo Akane, "I came here after seeing her asking in the chat room 'Who can optimize the energy of the spirit, take a picture for you' of."

Aomo just didn't pay attention to the cohabitant chat room or something.

His light screen was still on the chat platform of Guiyuanzhitang. Because the public mode was turned on, Suzi stood on the side and looked at it twice, and then moved between the two of them to ask.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Did you overlook a question before asking this?"

"What? Lock the door?" Tachyon looked back at the door.

"Although this is also a problem." Unreal's demonic hand pressed the door, and Omer also set up a soundproof enchantment covering the three people in the room, "but if the person who gave you the skill wants to keep it secret, why did you still use it in front of us?" ?”

Because she is a trainer, there is no reason why she doesn't care. The training she did a few days ago is useless. If she is in a hurry to interfere with the spirit, there is no problem in really disturbing the teahouse because of the reason.

"I think that guy is so familiar with Mr. Guinea Pig, so naturally it doesn't matter." The brown-haired Ma Niang shrugged, and then asked with a malicious smile as usual, "Can you guess? Who is that guy? "

"There is one point that I personally think is unbelievable, but it is reasonable enough." Recalling the change in Arisuko's attitude, recalling who she may have seen in the past few days, who she has seen under the circumstances she witnessed and what In his own communication, Omer's eyes became a little more weird.

"Remove all impossible, no matter how absurd, the rest is possible—this is a famous saying, Mr. Guinea Pig," she said with an unexpected standard of pronunciation, with an unfathomable appearance, "Remove all the rest is possible probable factors, and the rest as implausible as they are."

"It's hard to believe that you will read detective novels that have nothing to do with research. Can the Sherlock Holmes annals give you any inspiration?"

Omer was not surprised by Tachyon's standard in Hong English.

After all, her hometown is even in the Mars Development Zone, and many research works are written in the first edition in Hong Kong. If they are replaced with Far East or East Yan, they are all translations. When it comes to research, few researchers choose to retreat.

"Good question! This question is going to involve that Qianming representative," the smile suddenly became a little distorted, with a bit of malicious tachyon, and his eyes were dark and sullen, "Didn't that guy call himself Detective Qianming? I think we should teach her a lesson, Guinea Pig."

"If you're breaking the law, you should go to Sunday Tranquility." Omer raised his hand and pushed back her head that was close to her words.

The brown horse ear shook uncomfortably in the field of vision, and even the earrings replaced with the chemical diagram of phenylethylamine also shook, which made him add helplessly: "She has already given you skills, and you should be a good military advisor." bit."

Yes, the result of previous speculation is revealed: quiet Sunday.

It seems to be in line with the characteristics of a character who first hides all his things, and then interacts with Erisu's subtle past.

He even appeared in Tachyon's field of vision with Omer during the day, and at first glance they really had a good relationship.

Based on the relationship with the cafe in Manchester, this gift from Sunday Tranquility to Tachyon probably comes with some kind of responsibility attached.

"It doesn't matter, hey! Hey! Can you stop the detective game between the two of you?" Xintiao Qian, who clapped her hands, looked at the two with obvious displeasure. Tell me how you feel!"

Her address to Omer is still the version of the nickname of netizens, it does not seem that Omer has remembered and got used to her real name.

Let her go if she likes it, it doesn't matter.

The reason why Omer called it "Xinjo" was because after the real body was confirmed, "Kelif" was indeed a very unsuitable name, and even Eri Tachoko changed it to a version like "Xinjo-kun" It can be seen.

But she and Xinjo Akane, one called Omer a guinea pig, and the other called Omer a snake, but they didn't interfere with each other, and didn't change their words much... This is really subtle.

It is clear that these two kinds of creatures can also be regarded as eating and being eaten, giving people the impression that they are also diametrically opposite natural enemies.

As the other party involved, Omer is also indifferent to this: "How can you feel?"

"I can even withstand the instinctive will of the monster, how will I be affected by the app of the Hall of Return to the Origin?"

Omer looked at the light screen displayed by Da Lala in a speechless manner.

Since the matter of 'Returning to the Source' was not registered in the firm's entrustment list at all, he didn't regard it as a part of the 'Mercenary Mission' and hastened to hide something from Tachyon.

On the contrary, the content mentioned on the chat platform will probably also interest Tachyon.

[Code name Linton?I want to remind you, newcomer, we usually don’t recommend code names that are related to your real name]

[Yeah, newcomer, although your information has indeed been read by everyone, it is still better not to break the can, what if you are targeted by the police like the businessman?Oh, the businessman is quite famous, so there's no point in pretending to be a code name. 】

[Remind him earlier that at least he has changed his face, and he is too lazy to do it]

Emmm, not this one, Omer marked down the initial chat record that was originally showing Xintiao's painting style of the Hall of Return to the Source.

[Has the merchant already mentioned the "location" to you? 】

[I only mentioned these two words, why did I mention this suddenly? Is this a newcomer's notice? 】

[It can be counted, after all, our group is all related to monsters, and the monsters in recent years have all been purchased through time travel]

【You talk like a businessman】

【You talk like a hermit】

[Swear again! 】

[Ignore those two guys, let’s continue talking, newcomer, the "location" is easy to explain. You know that the hometown of most traversers now has an "earth", right?Like all similar anchors]

[Some people take it as proof of the parallel theory, saying that all traversers actually come from parallel worlds, because everyone has the earth and the solar system]

[Although I don't quite agree with the theory of parallel worlds, this theory can be used to describe "location".

Let's put it this way, because there is a "Linton" in this world, so the "Linton" in the parallel world can't get through]

[I took the seat? 】

[That's right, so if you don't dispose of some monsters that have passed through, there will be no monsters with the same name, unless the two monsters have the same name but are far apart in the inside——can there be such a huge monster? The contrast between the two is the only way to reach this world]

[In other words, even if it is not the same name in the true sense, as long as many places are similar enough, I may occupy a place? 】

[Did the businessman tell you anything else? 】

【He said that if I can use the beta igniter, it means that I have some personal connection with Mephilas】

[It is possible, but this problem is destined to be unsolvable]

【why? 】

【Because Mephilas is indeed dead, the card in the merchant's hand is the proof】

 Alive, but only a little bit, the first round of express delivery is over, waiting for the second round of express delivery consisting of computer desks and chairs to arrive

(End of this chapter)

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