only monsters

Chapter 245 NO.8: People who bet on horses are like this

Chapter 245 NO.8 People Who Bet on Horses Are Like This
Golden Ancient Bridge, Galatron.

Even without Ultraman Beria's card, the businessman has no doubt that the mercenary in front of him has the ability to reproduce the strength of King Galatron.

Just as he used himself to replace Ultraman Beria and merged into a Thunder Killer with a unique shape and strong strength.

There is obviously a difference in pure output, but the difference between the demon's body and Ultraman's body also brings wings and scales to Thunder Killer, and even the possibility of truly emitting the glory that belongs to the giant of light.

Different orientations lead to little difference in the results of comprehensive strength, and of course they will be wary of by businessmen.

Although he was still counting on getting wool from Omer, he would not forget the fact that the other party was a mercenary.

As for the mercenary business, although it is a prejudice to regard it as barbaric, Kingsley Moore obviously has many prejudices.

As an elf who is approaching a hundred years old, what he has experienced and what he has seen are indeed enough to form a certain prejudice.

So he will admit that stereotypes and regional blacks are not very reliable, but at the same time he really believes in his own 'prejudice'.

For example, it is really common for the mercenary industry to eat gangsters.

Whether it is Jinguqiao, Galatron, or even King Galatron, they are all mechanical bodies. It is not uncommon for their series of groups to be called mechanical groups and metal groups, and they are known as indestructible.

Businessmen who have mastered and been familiar with this power, even if they don't use it very well, have considered when this power is used by others.

The Sword of Broken Steel is naturally necessary, but at the same time, it is generally not used.

So put it in the gray area physical insurance bank.

It's not worth being happy to be used later, but when you find that the other party's eyes are almost as undisguised as your previous self... the businessman has a bit of anticipation for the future.

He was only 86 years old, and he was still an old and young elf.

Longevity species always have such contradictory spirituality.

On the one hand, he has a life experience that can cultivate a 'stereotype', and on the other hand, he has a young and motivated heart.

This state is actually more inclined to ordinary beings, and it is easy to collapse due to going to extremes in a long life.

But the indifferent temperament and abstinence of desires that really conform to the lifestyle of the immortals can easily make this kind of race gradually disappear in the high-intensity competition.

Although the land under the Holy Terra Federation is very peaceful, the competition for survival among races has never been shown only in wars.

Silently, slowly but steadily - gradually extinct.

This is exactly how extinct creatures usually perish.

There is nothing the government can do about such a population that cannot keep up with the times and is gradually disappearing.

You can't use brainwashing and other programs to forcibly reverse such a group's way of living as short-lived species, right?
In the early years, when the territory was vacant, they could be allocated to their autonomous region, in the form of a nature reserve, to build a long-lived peach blossom garden protected by law. Later, the land became tense, and it was the best of humanity to prepare a tailor-made electronic utopia for them.

Up to now, although interstellar development is in full swing, and there is space in the territory, the lord of the federation is already the heart of Terra.

Strong artificial intelligence is naturally correct and indifferent.

Designate a large piece of land for a group of long-lived species that cannot keep up with the social environment and can only increase the diversity of waste?

No! .jpg
The Heart of Terra thinks that you guys have no value as reference data, so be honestly shocked by the new culture——

——At this time, if there are a few freaks full of vitality and long-lived species...

That was something the Heart of Terra would have liked to see happen.

It is also under the development of this status quo that there are actually not many standard immortals under the stereotype in the past among the immortal species under the federation.

They are all "contradictory creatures" with the drive and adaptability of conventional creatures, but with a long life.

It is easier to be inauspicious in old age.

Or epilepsy.

Of course, there are ideal situations, for example—as long as they are strong enough, defects and so on can be tolerated, so some immortal species with powerful talents do still exist, such as angels, dragon beasts, and some Lazy dog ​​god.

As for why a certain part is mentioned, and why angels are mentioned but not demons, it is naturally because such guys do not lack excess energy.

There are always some longevity races that have nothing to do with slowness, and the world does not lack this possibility.

"So the first job you got into was dealing with a few dragons?"

"Strictly speaking, it's a company under the name of those dragons. It's quite an easy job. At first glance, it seems that Guiyuanzhitang is really not a criminal den."

"At first glance?"

"I have to look again, don't be in a hurry. By the way, what about the secret key?"

Akane Shinjo's room, apart from the puppet on the bed, lacks girly elements, but is full of horror elements, such as monster models standing in the shadows, and there are more than one place.

There are also unfinished models, pale and weird.

There are also strange surroundings of villains: time intercepts some kind of if hypothesis, the monster tramples on the protagonist in the traditional sense, pulls out his heart, and the bloody moment——

There were too many of these things, so Omer didn't feel uncomfortable breaking into the girl's boudoir.

Of course, the woman didn't feel uncomfortable being intruded into the boudoir. She was wearing a pair of glasses with countless lines on the bridge of her nose, and she was concentrating on the metal cylinder covered with crystals.

Secret key.

Since Omer threw this thing to her for research last night, she is still thinking about it until now.

——Although I said that, I didn't really spend much time studying it.

After all, she followed everyone out to Teresan during the day.

Omer said that he is not in a hurry to wait for the result, after all, he has not seen a monster that can be drawn.

Akane Shintjo really started touching without any pressure.

The time at dawn is spent watching the training of horse race girls, playing mobile games when bored, chatting with Dashock, or chatting with Tachyon and Bourbon when they are resting, and having dinner together later, but at night there is serious Research, but in terms of results...

Even with the dialysis equipment supported by Tachyko's friendship—that is, the glasses as an aid, Akane Shinjo's progress in analyzing the secret key is still slow.

Of course, this kind of equipment that can extract the power of monsters is also a black technology in Ao Peng, second only to the card drawer of the guaranteed black ghost Celebro and the research room of the light war criminal Hikali.

If Xinjo really figured it out so early, then she should also apply for a job in the defense team of Showa Okubaku.

But there are still results.

"It's exactly as you said, this thing should have been improved." Raising her hand to support the table and making the engineering chair turn around with herself, Xintiao Akane threw the secret key towards Omer, The throw was not accurate at all, but Homa could catch it.

The conjecture is based on the fact that Yeragand was drawn but did not die. In addition, Omer and Akane have both seen the secret key in the hands of the King of Stranger Things. The difference in appearance can be guessed as different individuals.

"The power can be adjusted by extracting the power of the monster. There is indeed a non-lethal option."

"How did you figure it out? It comes with an instruction manual?"

"Guess?" After taking off the glasses that were too mechanical, Xintiaoqian slightly lowered her head with an inscrutable smile in her pink eyes, but she didn't give Omer time to guess. , and asked, "Speaking of which, what happened to the elf? Did you sell him?"

"Not yet, the price is too low now."


(End of this chapter)

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