only monsters

Chapter 248 NO.11: Oops, she seems to know that she is cute

Chapter 248 NO.11: Oops, she seems to know that she is cute
In Jiemen District, it is not uncommon to see venues like the Magic Staff Exchange Exhibition.

In order to promote new products, to exchange new technologies, or purely as an academic discussion for professionals, or even simply to build momentum for a large-scale event in the future... All of the above, etc., any reason may hold such an exchange meeting.

They may be publicized with great fanfare, or they may have secret invitations. In the end, they must gather relevant professionals and even interested enthusiasts involved in their conference topics, regardless of gender, identity, or...race.

Humans, demihumans, and even magic wand lovers with beast faces gather here.

Among them, Saima Niang is already a relatively restrained existence, but because she is in the boundary gate area, she can be surrounded by popularity.

Some good people have counted that 50 out of every 42 people in Jiemen District have downloaded Umastagram, a social software that horse racing girls and related fans will register.

The high popularity rate can be seen, and there are also many spellcasters of the magic wand genre.

Are they all gathered there?
Omer thought so.

Leaving aside Dongshang’s reform, the real cleverness is to operate the account of Umastagram software to a considerable height.

As a horse racing girl who has not yet reached the age to set foot on the field and is just a pure student, she already has over one million fans. This purity is unmatched by other peers.

Even among those mages, the ratio of coming for real wit is much higher than that of Dongshang Reform who has the same topic.

Omer listened for a while, and from the disturbing human voices, he could tell that the mages were chattering to the two horse girls—mainly really witty advice about the magic wand. suggestion.

So he withdrew his gaze.

"Let's go elsewhere," he suggested to Bizer.

"Huh?" The latter was still looking at the crowd over there, a little surprised, "Aren't you going to help out? There is indeed the horse girl in your middle?"

It's not surprising that he still doesn't seem to see who the girl over there is.

Before the wand was activated, he was just an ordinary person, without the excellent farsightedness and dynamic vision to see through the gaps in the crowd

Not to mention that the height of the two girls is quite inferior, and they are not conspicuous in the crowd.

Bize identified the horse girl by the pricked up black earmuffs.

However, the horse girl is not necessarily a race horse girl. If it were Aomer, he would not make such an arbitrary judgment, but Bize didn't think so much.

"Yes, but no assistance is required."

"The gathered crowd are just flower protectors who obey orders, and the talk of relief is just unnecessary worry."

When distinguishing and extracting the content of the chaotic sound group, he filtered out the words of the girl who called herself 'Kalen', and Omer couldn't hear the slightest bit of trouble from it, so his eyes were quite appreciative.

However, the pace is towards the distance of detachment.

A junior high school student has been able to calmly face countless courteous words. Such a person can not only calmly stand in the public eye, but is also better at dealing with the focus of the press conference. Appreciation is appreciation, but trouble is really trouble.

If he just turned his back like this, he would naturally not notice that the two little girls in the distance turned their heads while their ears were shaking slightly, and looked towards them.

When you use your keen hearing to identify the words in the crowd, not only is your hearing not weak, but even stronger horse race girls can do better and stronger.

And the reason why they pay attention here is naturally because they heard the keyword "trainer".

"Can you see the trainer here too?" The little horse girl with a witch's hat on her head was inconspicuous in the crowd with her embarrassing height of 139 cm, even with the length of the horse's ears.

But she is the leader of this horse race girl group—the trainee witch Dongshang Gang who is really delving into the way of magic and is marching towards the way of magician.

So compared to the follow-up words, she was more surprised that there would be a trainer appearing in this kind of exhibition.

But being led by her, in her eyes, she came to ask for her staff's staff on a whim, but she paid attention to the following text: "Karen was also surprised, and said that there was no need to make a siege, as if she had figured out the problem. The situation is the same."

To like to call oneself by one's name often means to like one's own name very much.

This name represents the impression I particularly want to impress on others, rather than other names.

Really Jiling, Curren Chan, Dongyan's translation of Jiling is the second variant after the free translation, and the titles of Karen and Poor are more in line with the semantics of Jidongxia.

Obviously, she prefers the title of Na Kallen, rather than the smart impression of real wit, rather than the cute label.

This kind of self-proclaimed habit is already used to Dongshang Reform, but he looked at the friendly magicians in front of him helplessly, and asked her in a low voice: "I feel that I need help, how about dispersing the crowd? "

Although she is not a social fear, she is not good at dealing with many people.


The magician of the magic wand faction is the type that grandma doesn't like very much... she thought so.

It's true that popularized magic can bring happiness and smiles to people, but if you don't even have a solid foundation in magic, you'll still get a low score!
In comparison, Kalian Jiang's social skills are already at the level of a witch, right?

Dongshang Reform looked at this classmate with some shame.

Even though she was only a junior high school student, the little trainee witch could see that her companion was able to handle this situation with ease.

Even being able to take over the words of the mages who greeted her, her social pressure was greatly reduced.

"But student Chang, didn't you say that you don't know much about magic wands?"

"Anyway, it's a bit too much for so many people to talk about it! And the trainer seems to understand it!" Admitting his lack of knowledge, he let the little witch press the brim of his hat to cover his face, although this was just an excuse , she simply didn't want to be watched like this.

"OK then."

It seems that there is still something to say, the ears of the gray-haired girl, decorated with black earmuffs, droop slightly but stand up again.

"Karen also hopes that the reform students can be more comfortable!"


"It's okay, I thought I would have some opportunities to perform," Bize followed Aomer's pace with some regret, "The chance of meeting a horse girl in this kind of exhibition is like meeting a horse girl in a civil engineering class." goddess."

"You can't say that. If it's a pure magic exchange and intensive research exhibition, it is indeed comparable to the low probability of women in civil engineering and mechanical engineering. But for magic wands..."

Omer paused for a moment, then raised his finger and pointed to the showcase not far away. The shape of the staff inside could only be described as super pink.

"It can be regarded as one of the main manifestations of contemporary girls' hearts."

A girl with a dream of a magical girl will always choose the magic wand, a wand with only an economic threshold, as the first choice.

Regardless of whether they are interested in magic or not, the dressing and transformation magic on the staff itself is enough to satisfy their yearning for cuteness.

That's right, one of the main points of criticism against the magic wand system by the magicians of the classical faction is that the magicians under the magic wand system are a bit 'not doing their jobs'.

Several well-known magic wand manufacturers frequently cooperate with the fashion design industry to launch some cute women's clothing that can be directly applied to changing clothes and transforming magic.

It is aimed at a certain group of people.

There are also those aiming at the 'sexy' and 'mature' fields, but the actual feedback is not very good, so there is really nothing to mention.

In this regard, it depends on the "witches and succubus welfare girls" in the classical magic system to take up the big responsibility.

Leaving aside the latter, the results of the former are truly outstanding.

The sales of "Magic Girl Series" magic tools and magic staffs have not been low. These staffs have also been updated in the past. You can even see joint productions of well-known magicians, and there are some straight balls to pay tribute to. The staff of its shape and name.

For example, the heart of the rising sun, the thunder battle axe, and the kaleidoscope staff (red sapphire) etc. - they all play here and are exhibited in the form of follow-up units.

If you think about it this way... it seems that you have vaguely found a logic for the two horse race girls to appear here?

Omer raised his eyebrows, but decided not to think too much about it.

Glancing at the light screen of the terminal beside him, he confirmed that the magic dragon hadn't contacted him actively, and he didn't plan to contact him actively.

Taking advantage of this moment's free time, it's good to chat with friends who haven't seen for a while, even if he looks like an alien, the earth demon should be more tolerant of this.

But the first topic has to be:
"What kind of reference do you want?"

Looking down at the sky-blue staff in his hand, in Homa's impression, this guy should have just made a decision not long ago.

You shouldn't rush to modify a piece of equipment as soon as you get it.

"References? Ah, I took notes, wait a minute, I'll look them up—" Bize just took out the phone, and Omer heard two hurried footsteps from behind.

He turned his head and saw the two little girls who were attracting the hearts of many passers-by. His eyes inevitably turned to the leader, who was clearly responding to the plan, but dragged the person who proposed the plan to walk ahead. , looks like a passionate girl.

Compared with the side face seen from the slit before, she undoubtedly looks more complete at this moment, and she also presents a more lovely posture.

And she was smiling happily.

That smile was so sweet and gentle that Amo took a step back unconsciously. He had never been so afraid when he first met Arisuko.

"Really clever classmate."

Although it is summer vacation, there is no need to call her Miss because of this, and Homa also needs the teacher-student relationship between the trainer and the horse girl to emphasize the distance.

"That's right, trainer, it's Kallen!"

Greeted by smiling faces, it was Bize who raised his head in a daze, Ao Mo with a deadpan expression, and Dongshang Revolution who turned his head in surprise.

Looking at the somewhat familiar trainer, and then at Zhen Ji Ling, the little witch was first surprised at how the two greeted each other, and then noticed the weirdness of the atmosphere.

But she obviously couldn't understand it.

 The name of Zhenjiling mentioned in the article is a second-degree variation of free translation. The first translation was the Hong Kong Jockey Club translated it as 'true cleverness'.

  It's too straightforward, and "ling" in the Japanese context mostly refers to ghosts or the souls of the dead, unlike the meanings of "smart and agile" and "dexterity" in the Chinese context, so it is used by horse owners The request has been changed to the version of 'True Cleverness' - Gu Xinxuan will tell you other strange bean knowledge in the future
(End of this chapter)

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