Elf Mechanic

Chapter 18 Doctor Elf is also a high-risk occupation!

Chapter 18 Doctor Elf is also a high-risk occupation!

There was a little accident on the street yesterday, which caused all the houses on the street to go into a power outage.

Ye Sheng let Pichu use the charging device to generate electricity for the first time, which not only temporarily solved the electricity consumption situation at home, but Pichu even learned the brand-new electric move of charging by accident.

Going out early in the morning, Ye Sheng kept the promise and bought Pichu's favorite electric-type elf's energy cube at the elf store.

I have to say that energy cubes are really expensive, and Ye Sheng hopes that one day he can own a berry mixer to make the energy cubes that the elves love most.

When he returned to Jiangnan University, Ye Sheng's reputation skyrocketed again due to his outstanding fishing skills.

Handsome boys are very popular in college life. Ye Sheng didn't know how many V letters he was chasing for along the way, which caused him to be a little absent-minded during class.

Of course, this is only a small part of the reason.

What really distracted Ye Sheng was the third elf.

During the phone call, Ye Sheng contacted Mr. Nishino, Dr. Odaki's assistant, and explained in advance that he would visit Dr. Odaki's Institute on Sunday.

The other party readily agreed, expressing that Ye Sheng is welcome anytime.

But now Ye Sheng was deeply troubled.

He couldn't wait to meet a group of characteristic elves in the Hoenn region.

But at present, Ye Sheng has not decided which elf to subdue.

Is it super green Remla Rulas?
Or is it the original form of the dragon traitor Tanabata Blue Bird?

Or... Wait until the actual scene, will there be a better choice? ?
Next, because Ye Sheng didn't think about which elf to choose, even when his classmates invited Ye Sheng to participate in social activities, Ye Sheng politely declined.

They themselves don't particularly like to get together, and this kind of friendship is meaningless, it's better to stick to Pichu and take a comfortable bath with Uncle Li.

University, some things can be refused.


Time passed bit by bit, and finally the Sunday that Ye Sheng was looking forward to came.

Ye Sheng followed the route and came to Dr. Oda Scroll's research institute.

The one who went out to greet Ye Sheng was still the familiar Mr. Nishino.

"Mr. Nishino, I'm sorry for your trouble."

"Hahahahaha, it's okay, it's okay. We will be colleagues in the future, so don't be so polite."

When he first met Ye Sheng, the 27-year-old Mr. Nishino actually did not think highly of Ye Sheng.

What ability do you think a college student has to be recognized by Dr. Oda Maki?

But in the next period of contact, Mr. Nishino found that Ye Sheng was simply a genius scholar.

As far as academic elf knowledge is concerned, it is no worse than Dr. Oki's grandson Qinglu and Dr. Yamanashi's assistant Miss Sirona.

Therefore, Mr. Nishino's opinion of Ye Sheng has changed.

From arrogance at the beginning to admiration.

Now Ye Sheng can be regarded as Dr. Oda Scroll's assistant, and there is nothing inappropriate about calling them "colleagues".

Under the leadership of Mr. Nishino, Ye Sheng stepped into Dr. Oda Maki's research institute.

When I just stepped into Dr. Odaroll's research institute, the aroma of jasmine permeated the air, and a breeze came, and the fragrance came to my nostrils, which made me feel refreshed.

Dr. Oda Maki's taste is surprisingly good.

"Ye Sheng, you should know something about the elves in Fengyuan area these days, right? Is there any elf you like more?"

"Not yet, let me browse through it first."

Ye Sheng said.

"Okay, let's go to the ecological jurisdiction first."

After walking through several corridors, we came to the jurisdiction of wild elves.

When entering the ecological area, Ye Sheng saw several snake bears and coyotes chasing and running, while Dr. Odaroll was very contentedly watering the mushroom garden with a roaring whale watering can.

"Yo, Ye Sheng, you're here."

When Dr. Oda Scroll saw Ye Sheng, his smile gradually widened.

"Dr. Oda Scroll, I will trouble you today."

Ye Sheng said politely.

"Hahahahaha, it's okay. Most of the characteristic elves in the Fengyuan area are gathered in the ecological area. If there is a suitable one, you can choose it."

When Dr. Oda Scroll was talking to Ye Sheng, one of them accidentally stepped on the mushroom next to him.

In an instant, Mushroom became unhappy, quickly shook its body, and sprinkled dense yellow spores from the top of its head.

The yellow spores surrounded Dr. Oda Scroll, and in the next second Dr. Oda Scroll became numb all over.
"Num... paralyzed!!"

Dr. Oda Roll fell to the ground, and every joint in his body was in severe pain from the mushroom spores, which scared Ye Sheng and Mr. Nishino to back away quickly...

Seeing Dr. Oda Scroll twitching on the ground, Ye Sheng couldn't help but gasped.

It has to be said that not only trainers are a high-risk occupation, but why aren't researchers?Dr. Oda Scroll was paralyzed by mushroom paralysis powder in the research institute, and was often chased by serpentine bears or coyote dogs in the wild.

Dr. Oki in the Kanto area has to deal with smelly mud all day long, and also chases and fights with Kentaro who is galloping on the grassland.

It's not easy, it's not easy.

But when he saw the mushroom again, Ye Sheng's thoughts gradually drifted away.

He thought of the mushroom's evolutionary hat mushroom.

Cap mushroom, grass + fighting elf.

It can approach the enemy with light footwork, and its short arms will suddenly extend when it punches, knocking down the enemy with almost invisible fast punches, and has a technique that can make boxers ashamed.

The bamboo hat mushroom increase is one of the popular elves on the previous life elf battle platform.

There are mainly two cultivation modes.

One is with an imposing belt, which is characterized by the style of a technical master.

A technical expert who can increase the damage of moves with low power by 50%.

Usually, the hat mushroom will first use the mushroom spores to hypnotize the enemy, and then learn the seed machine gun, sonic punch, rock blockade and other moves to increase the power under the blessing of the technical master characteristic, so as to defeat the opponent.

Another combat mode is more dirty.

That is another characteristic of choosing the hat mushroom...

Toxic treatment!

After the poisonous bamboo mushroom carrying the highly poisonous orb is poisoned, the bamboo hat mushroom can continuously replenish its blood volume by relying on the characteristics of poison therapy.

Then use mushroom spores to hypnotize the opponent, and the parasitic seeds slowly eat away the energy of the opponent's elves.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, it can slowly wear and tear the opponent's physical strength, so as to win.

The two cultivation methods of hat mushrooms have different characteristics.

No one is the best way to cultivate, it depends entirely on the state of the bamboo hat mushroom and the cultivation direction of the trainer.

After careful observation, mushroom mushrooms seem to be pretty good?
Do you want to try it?or again...

Wait and see?
For a moment, Ye Sheng couldn't make up his mind.



PS: I have to say that the quality of the Pokémon in the Fengyuan area is quite high, and many of them are formerly popular Pokémon.Including in the battle of beasts, Gulardo and Kyoka are still the most used group of elves.

 Continue to update tomorrow! !Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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