Elf Mechanic

Chapter 19 The Calamity Beast Absol

Chapter 19 The Calamity Beast Absol
"Why, are you interested in mushrooms?"

Seeing Ye Sheng's deep thought, Mr. Nishino tried to ask.

"Well...how should I put it..."

Ye Sheng's eyes fell on dozens of mushrooms in the flower garden.

Mushroom's characteristics are generally spores and poison healing, and only a few have the hidden characteristic of scud.

After the poisonous mushroom evolves, it will still be the poisonous hat mushroom, and the one with the scud characteristic will become a technical master hat mushroom.

No matter what kind of cultivation method, it has been carefully studied by many elf battle masters in the previous life. It is the most suitable cultivation method for the bamboo hat mushroom, and there will hardly be any mistakes.

It's just that this is the real world. When mushrooms are frightened, they will emit highly toxic spores.

Ye Sheng doesn't have terrible poisonous antibodies like Dr. Oda Scroll.

After getting along with Mushroom seriously for a while, Ye Sheng probably couldn't take it anymore.

And the bamboo hat mushroom...

Still not cute enough!
"Well, Mr. Nishino, let me take another look."

Ye Sheng didn't make a decision right away.

It may be a bit troublesome for Mr. Nishino, but Ye Sheng still wants to try to understand all the elves in Dr. Oda Scroll's research institute.

"Yeah, it's totally fine."

Mr. Nishino said kindly.

Then Mr. Nishino continued to lead the way.

At this moment, a strong wind hit, blowing the pollen in the flower garden far away, and the river not far away made green ripples.

Ye Sheng looked up and saw a blue-black giant swallow leading a group of proud swallows soaring in the blue sky.

"Great Wang Yan! What a nostalgic elf."

Seeing Ye Sheng looking up at the proud swallows flying in the sky, Mr. Nishino smiled and introduced:
"The leading elf is called Dawangyan, and it will keep moving in search of warm land, often hovering in the distant sky, and when it finds prey living in the forest, it will swoop down and grab it tightly with its sharp claws. The prey, the targeted prey can never escape, is an extremely fast flying elf."

"Ye Sheng can think about the original form of the King Yan, the Proud Yan."

Ye Sheng thought about it.

Wang Yan, the home bird king of Fengyuan area, is indeed a good player.

King Yan has a special breeding program.

Although Da Wangyan is a physical attack talent, the racial value will be higher than the special attack racial value.

However, Wang Yan usually learns special attack moves.

Because Da Wang Yan can learn the strongest moves of the sonic class...

Sonic boom! !

It produces huge destructive power through deafening explosions without any side effects, which is much stronger than using moves that will temporarily lose mobility such as destroying death light.

And if the characteristic of this King Yan is guts [fighting and general attribute moves can hit ghost-type elves], Bosonic can attack indiscriminately and properly bomb fighter jets.

Of course, if you can...

Ye Sheng hoped that the way of raising King Yan would be to be like Xiaozhi's bug King Yan, which ignores and absorbs lightning and then forms a handsome lightning armor to fight...

"Can I take another look?"

Da Wang Yan's appearance is not low, and there is indeed a lack of flying elves in Ye Sheng's team.

But I hope that the flying elves in the future can carry people.

Boys have a dream of flying.

If you can ride a flying elf soaring in the blue sky, don't mention how handsome it is.

Obviously, Da Wang Yan may not be able to meet this requirement.

With its extremely fast speed, it is destined to be small and light, so it is not suitable for trainers.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I just mentioned it casually. Then let's go to another place."

Mr. Nishino didn't mind.

Anyway, he was ready to accompany Ye Sheng all day long.

When he was selecting elves, he almost read all the elves in the research institute before making a final decision.

The difficulty of choosing is really too real.


After leaving the vast grassland, Ye Sheng and Mr. Nishino came to a valley with many big rocks.

"Next to it is Cocodora's cave. Cocodora is a rock + steel elf, and the final evolved Boss Cocodora's whole body is wrapped in hard armor."

"Boscodora's head is covered with silver armor. A long time ago, a king wanted to be as powerful as Boscodora, so he wore a helmet made of its head. It is a very defensive animal. A strong elf with good attack power."

Mr. Nishino pointed to the cave beside the valley and explained calmly.

"Boss Kedora, I know this, I know it. The main elf of the Hoenn region champion trainer Zifuki Daigo. He once showed his talents in the World Masters. It is an elf with both offensive and defensive capabilities, but unfortunately... the cultivation cost Seems a little big."

When he said the last sentence, Ye Sheng couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ye Sheng really likes the strong little elves like Boss Kedora, Benjilas, and Metagross, but it's a pity that the cultivation and growth of the three little elves are extremely high.

Leaving aside Benjilas and Metagross, after all, both are quasi-god elves, and the cultivation cost of no quasi-god elf is low.

After all, it is the ceiling-level combat power of ordinary elves, and they can all undergo Mega evolution.

The characteristic of Cocodora, the initial form of Boss Kedora, is that it usually lives in the deep mountains. In order to build a body of steel to protect the body, it will frantically search for rare iron ore and eat it...

After eating the iron ore, if Cocoa Dora is not satisfied, she will even eat bridges, rails or vehicles.

It's a very troublesome elf...

If it weren't for a rich and handsome man like Zivqi Dawu, it would be difficult to support a high-consumption elf like Cocodora.

Although Ye Sheng likes it, he will still consider the current economic conditions.

He didn't want to incur huge debts just because of a cocoa dora, and then he would really become a laborer in the future...

"Hahaha, that's right. Raising elves like Cocodora is quite a headache."

Mr. Nishino felt the same way.

He was in charge of raising this area.

Often dealing with elves like Cocoa Dora, Mr. Nishino naturally knows how difficult Cocoa Dora is! !

"Then Ye Sheng, let's move on."

While the two were talking, a white-haired elf suddenly appeared on the huge rock in the distance.

The blood-red pupils stared at Ye Sheng and Mr. Nishino below.

"This elf is... Absolu??"

Ye Sheng said in surprise.


PS: Please recommend tickets, thank you in advance!Continue to update in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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