Elf Mechanic

Chapter 17 You are already a mature Pichu, you are going to learn to subsidize the family

Chapter 17 You are already a mature Pichu, you are going to learn to subsidize the family
After returning from the neighbor's aunt, Ye Sheng's expression was depressed.

"It turned out that the owner of the new house not far away had an accident, which caused a power outage in the entire street. Although repairs are already underway, it seems that it will take a little time."


Pichu nodded, looking a little frustrated.

It seems that I have to go to bed early today, and I can't continue playing games.

Pichu lay directly on the sofa and was about to sleep soundly, while Ye Sheng at the side looked troubled.

"Too bad, I still want to study some new machinery. If there is no electricity, the light bulb will not work, and Mr. Li has no warm water to take a bath. What should I do?"

Ye Sheng looked at Pichu who was lying on the sofa with a lazy look.

Feeling Ye Sheng's gaze, Piqiu suddenly felt a cold air behind him.

He... what is he doing? ?

From the pile of machines, Ye Sheng took out a strange charging device, and then showed a sincere smile.

"Picchu, you are already a mature Pichu, it's time to learn how to take care of this home. Come on, charge a little bit of electricity from your body into this device, so that the household electricity can continue to run. "

Pichu: !!!∑(Дノ)ノ


Seeing the long charging device, Pichu instinctively took a step back.

It has a special kind of foreboding, this charging mechanism is not simple at all.

Say it's just a little bit of power, what should I do if I completely empty out my whole body...

As if seeing Piqiu's worry, Ye Sheng put his index finger and thumb together, and then revealed a slight gap, and said kindly:
"Really, it's just a little bit, and it will definitely not drain you much. Let's take a step back and eat up your power now. Later, when the street power is repaired, I will also repair the power generator. You can add more power if you don’t.”



That's the truth.

"Qiu!" [That's only this time. 】

Under Ye Sheng's persuasion, Piqiu finally agreed.


Then Pichu quickly regretted it! !
When the charging device was placed on Pichu's head and body, Ye Sheng turned on the switch.



The device begins to drain power from Pichu! !
Using Pichu's electricity, the whole house suddenly returned from darkness to bright lights.

The water heater in the bathroom started to run, and Uncle Li took a comfortable bath again.

"Eh? Is there a call?"

Seeing Ye Sheng's house brightly lit, the informant aunt next door was slightly taken aback, and turned on the light at home, but there was no response...

Still out of power?

But why can the children's house next door be brightly lit?
The aunt fell into deep doubts.


In the brightly lit house, Ye Sheng concentrated on developing new inventions and reading brand new books.Uncle Golden Carp doesn't hear anything outside the window, he just wants to take a hot bath, splashing water from time to time to show his happy mood.

In the whole room, only Pichu was lying on the sofa with stars in his eyes, as if his body had been hollowed out...

"Pichu has worked hard, I will treat you to sweets later, don't be angry."

Pichu: ╬д╬
we agreed……

Just a little bit?
Pichu felt like he was being PUAed! !

"The first operation, I accidentally made a mistake, hahahaha!"

Ye Sheng rubbed Pichu's cute little head.

The latter suddenly puffed up his pink cheeks, and a weak electric current passed through the fur to Ye Sheng's palm.

Ye Sheng felt a numbness and subconsciously took his hand away.

At the same time, Pichu gathered electricity again and spread it rapidly around!

However, this electric energy does not have any lethality, and the flickering electric light energy illuminates the entire room, brighter than the lighting equipment.

After experiencing the incredible power diffusion, Pichu returned to his original state again, but a wonderful green brilliance flowed unconsciously around his body.


Pichu was also puzzled, completely unaware of what happened.

But he clearly remembered the power gathering mode just now in his mind, and if Pichu wanted to, he could still do things like just now.

"This move is... charging?"

Ye Sheng said in surprise.

Just now, Ye Sheng was present the whole time and discovered Piqiu's abnormality. After searching for relevant information in his mind, he came to this conclusion.

Charge to put itself into a charging state.The power of the electric attribute moves used by the elves in the charging state is doubled.

In addition, it also increases the user's special defense by 1 level.

The green brilliance that just emerged is the performance of Pichu's defense being upgraded by one level.

Ye Sheng originally learned the move of charging in preparation for the follow-up special training.

After all, this is an important move to enhance the power of the electric elves.

But I didn't expect that today, when the power was cut off and Pichu's power was drained to generate electricity, I learned it by accident.

In reality, it is not easy to learn a new move.

In the game world, with the next move skill, the elf can immediately learn the move.

But the real world is not so easy.

Although skill-moving machines exist, if the learning elf has no talent or does not work hard to learn, he still cannot learn or comprehend.

Pichu can learn to charge when releasing a large amount of electricity and supplementing electricity for other objects. I have to say that his perception is particularly good.

After learning the charging move, the power of the electric shock can be doubled.

Maybe it can have an unexpected effect in the next elf battle.

"Very good, I can learn to charge in such an environment. Pichu, how about we try it next?"

After hearing this, Pichu was slightly taken aback...


Such an excellent performance, even if there is no reward, you have to do it all over again?
mound! ! (╯°Д°)╯

Pichu immediately labeled Ye Sheng as a "villain"!

Seeing the cute expression of Pichu's fierce reaction, Ye Sheng laughed, and gently rubbed Pichu's little head.

"Just kidding, hhhhh, I'll go to the elf store tomorrow and buy some energy cubes to reward you."


That's right.

Hearing what Ye Sheng said, Pichu relaxed.

Lying directly on the sofa with all fours in the air, Pichu felt particularly weak due to the excessive power released just now, and fell asleep in less than a minute.

Ye Sheng thoughtfully covered Pichu with a small quilt, then turned around and continued to read "Don't Lose in Expressing" that he just bought from the bookstore...

Although street maintenance workers were rushing to repair it, there was still no call all night.

I have to say that it is too boring and the efficiency is extremely low.

Fortunately, the electricity provided by Pichu was quite sufficient, and Ye Sheng didn't feel particularly bored after reading the book all night.

 ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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