Thousands of sparks

Chapter 155 Asymmetric Strategic Balance

Chapter 155 Asymmetric Strategic Balance

According to Polina's detailed explanation, Dusand finally had a systematic understanding of the difficulty of implementing Project Alpha.

To briefly summarize, if Dusand wants to reproduce and realize the Alpha plan on Nusaar, the difficulty is equivalent to that Dusand needs to use the technology of the first industrial revolution to get the load on the earth without the Ypsilon mine. mission to the moon.

The difficulty is so high that it is almost impossible.

First of all, in order to realize what Dusand said, "a large number of dispersed Ypsilon mines enter the designated coordinates at the same time", automatic equipment that can accurately get stuck and complete heating, and extremely accurate Ypsilon mine processing capabilities are required And a near-perfect arrangement of devices.Moreover, this pile of extremely sophisticated equipment must also be able to withstand the test of the huge force and centrifugal force that will inevitably be generated during the transportation, vibration, and launch of weapons before delivery.

Secondly, since the working effect of the Epsilon Mine is 1000 times the volume around the transition ore, if you want to transfer an entire planet at one time, you need to consume at least one thousandth of the volume of the planet's Epsilon Ore. OK.

This value may not seem large, but if you really calculate it... this magnitude is basically equivalent to providing an Ipsilon ore the size of Rhea to complete this "creation".

Even if the whole Newsail was hollowed out, Dusande would not be able to get so much Ypsilon ore-the content of this mineral in the Newsail geological formation is about the same as that of silver.

Polina's explanation revealed to Dusand the huge consumption and extremely high difficulty of implementing the Alpha plan, and Dusand's own first reaction after being frightened by this difficulty was "Why can the empire do it?"

This question did not come from the arrogance of the traverser. Dusande, a native of the earth, could hardly find anything in the empire that he could be proud of.He raised this question because of his own confusion.

That is the Ipsilon Mine, which is equal to the size of Rhea!Rhea is the second largest satellite of Jupiter with a semi-major axis of about 760 kilometers. Even if the empire of this size began to conspire and plan the Alpha Project 400 years ago, for 400 years, it only relied on steam-driven machinery and captured alliance miners , It is also an impossible task to gather so many Ypsilon mines.

The Yipsilon mine is by no means a big rock that you can see when you go out. Even... it is not an easy task to gather enough rocks with a volume equal to a sphere with a diameter of [-] kilometers.

Since this job is not easy, or even impossible at all... Then how did the empire do it?

"In principle, such a large amount of Ypsilon ore is definitely needed." Polina didn't have a good answer to Dusand's question, "Ipsilon ore can only be transferred with it as the center , the matter within a thousand times the space that is completely consistent with its shape. This is the iron law that humans have concluded using the Ipsilon mine in the past."

Polina didn't give an answer, but Dusand felt that there might be something to dig deeper.

Through some means, the empire used a small amount of Ypsilon ore to achieve the effect that can only be achieved by a "spherical Ypsilon mine with a diameter of [-] kilometers".This is tantamount to greatly improving the utilization efficiency of this precious strategic material.If it can be applied in the civilian field, the changes it will bring to the social economy will be subversive.

Nuclear weapons themselves are scary, of course, but nuclear energy is the technology that can really change the entire world.

After seeing off Polina, Dusande began to sit behind his desk and meditate.There is no doubt that in the field of this super weapon, the Empire is far ahead of the entire universe.At least the Federation and the Alliance certainly don't have similar weapons - if they did, they would have used them long ago.

Such strategic weapons cost a lot of money, and of course they can only be used where they can completely reverse the situation.For example, a devastating blow to the capital of the alliance.There is no doubt that if only the empire has such a strategic weapon, then the entire universe will have to crawl under the empire's fleet.Resistance will no longer make any sense.

But Du Sande could not accept such a result.

The empire must be destroyed, and this belief has always supported Du Sande's spirit and body.If it wasn't for this purpose, he might not have been able to persist long ago.

Dusande had not shed a tear since Androni's death.It wasn't because he was indifferent to Androni's death, but because he simply couldn't allow himself to waste time on such things.

He has to be non-stop in order to take down the Empire.Perhaps after the empire was completely buried, he could find a place where no one was around, and cry to his heart's content.

Sometimes, Du Sande was really envious of his simple-minded father—killing tens of thousands of employees of the mining complex was considered revenge, and doing so was much easier than destroying the empire.

In short, Neusal must also have a strategic weapon as soon as possible.Such a strategic weapon should have the two outstanding advantages of great power and ease of use, otherwise it cannot be effectively used by the current Newsea.

Although 596 and Ms. Qiu are of great significance, they can only be considered as weapons after Dongfeng 3 is in service.A strategic weapon that cannot be used can only be called a "weapon experimental device."

From this point of view, it is extremely uneconomical to reproduce the Alpha plan of the empire.Not to mention that the principle of the Alpha Project is still unexplainable, even if Nusaar has successfully reproduced the experimental decoration of the Alpha Project, it is almost impossible to put this weapon on Olin.

Although the Newsail fleet is not too weak, it is still impossible to break through the tight protection of the imperial guard fleet.What's more, as time goes by, the error of Olin's coordinates mastered by Newsail will become larger and larger.After the Newsail fleet develops to the point where it can successfully break through the defense line of the Imperial Guard Fleet, maybe they will find that the original target area is blank and there is nothing after flying over.

Therefore, what Dusande needs now is not a super weapon capable of destroying a planet in one go.But he really needs a weapon that can actually threaten the Empire, make these lunatics feel apprehensive before doing it themselves, and deter the Empire from using Project Alpha against Newsea.In other words, now Niussar urgently needs to upgrade itself to a weapon that can be in an asymmetric strategic balance with the empire.

As a time traveler, Dusand's first thought was nuclear weapons. The power of the big mushroom is definitely enough to deter the imperial people who are still in the age of steam.

But as a person who is also in the steam age, wanting to produce nuclear weapons... this difficulty is probably slightly lower than that of Alpha Project.

Two pieces of nuclear material that are heavy enough and abundant enough to collide at high speed can initiate a nuclear fission reaction.And Dussand believes that in this universe, even the step of high-speed impact can be omitted.

As long as two pieces of Ipsilon ore are used, the two pieces of nuclear material can complete the transition at the same time at the same time to realize the detonation process.

So... where to get weapons-grade nuclear materials with a total weight of at least 15 kilograms?

(End of this chapter)

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