Thousands of sparks

Chapter 154 Super Weapon

Chapter 154 Super Weapon
The level of astronomy in the empire is quite different from that of the world where Dusand lived. This is mainly due to the low level of detection technology in the empire. The main way for the empire to detect other celestial bodies is to observe with the naked eye at close range. As for observatories and astronomical telescopes They are mainly used as military facilities in the empire to provide intelligence in low earth orbit to the planet where they are located.

Without the ability to detect electromagnetic waves and lack sufficient aerospace technology, the empire's understanding of celestial bodies and high-energy physics is almost zero.

But Dusand understood.

Well, if Dusand said that he "understands", it would be too shameless.Although his knowledge in this area far exceeds the level of the empire, it can still only be regarded as the level of "popular science knowledge".Du Sande himself didn't know what kind of model to use, how to calculate to know the mass of that unknown object, or how much gravity that object would produce...

But Dusande knows one thing clearly—a black hole is an extremely massive celestial body, and its enormous mass even prevents light within a certain range from escaping.

According to the information sent by the Central Teco, the characteristics of the unknown celestial body are completely in line with the "extreme mass", but there is still some distance from the terrifying effect of the black hole.

If a celestial body with a huge mass naturally moves from other places to the Mystal galaxy.Then around its trajectory, there must be a large number of celestial bodies whose orbits are deviated—in other words, there should be a large number of celestial bodies that deviate from their original orbits because of this huge, active "bean tank" and move in its direction start exercising.

It’s just that this is not reflected in the information collected by the Central Teco, and in the information on the price of [-] gold pounds in the market, there is no mention of any other celestial bodies in the Mystal galaxy. Variety.

This is intriguing.

According to Dusand's knowledge that has been "popularized", stars with a mass no more than twice the sun will become white dwarfs after death.A star with a mass about eight times that of the sun will become a neutron star that emits a large amount of ultraviolet and X-rays outward, while a star with a mass greater than [-] times that of the sun may eventually collapse into a black hole.

The poor smuggler's observer was blinded by a small blue object, which was most likely a neutron star—it wouldn't be a black hole, of course, it would emit light.

Although the white dwarf is "short", it is at least as big as the earth.The size difference between it and the celestial body observed by the smuggling ship observers is hundreds of thousands of miles. The size of the neutron star is of course smaller, but... it should still be larger than the blue unknown object with a diameter of "approximately fifteen joules"— Only about 12 miles in diameter.

In other words, this star itself should not be naturally generated and exist - a huge mass celestial body with a diameter of fifteen joules. The only thing Dusand can think of that meets this standard is a giant black hole.But... black holes don't look like this.

When his thoughts wandered here, Dusand suddenly came up with a bold guess.

In an independent system, matter cannot appear out of thin air, nor can it disappear out of thin air.It will only be transformed into other forms.Of course, the huge energy generated by the annihilation of matter is not within the scope of Dusand's consideration-he doesn't understand this either.

According to the law of indestructibility of matter, that extremely unnatural celestial body must have a source, and Dusand may be the disappearing star of Salvador.

Through some means, the empire compressed the Salvador star into an artificial celestial body with a diameter of [-] joules, and sent it only to the Mystar galaxy.

All creatures and even matter on El Salvador were compressed together by the empire in a way that Dusand could not yet understand. Their fusion undoubtedly triggered a large-scale fusion reaction.

Since this fusion reaction occurred in outer space, it did not produce any shock waves—if this fusion reaction occurred in the atmosphere or on the surface of Star Mystal, the shock waves caused by the violent energy release may be able to destroy the planet. All the atmosphere on the planet is stripped out, and the entire planet is blown to pieces by the way.

In other words, the Empire's "certain means" must simultaneously meet the two requirements of "transmitting matter to a distant place" and "making a large amount of matter appear at the same coordinate at the same time".The first is easy to handle. Human beings can develop to this stage, relying on the special transmission ability of the Ipsilon ore.And the requirement of "a large number of substances appearing at the same coordinate at the same time" is actually not difficult to achieve.

As long as the positioning and calculation are accurate enough, and the timing is also accurate enough... Theoretically, countless Ipsilon mines can jump to one point at the same time.

Thinking of this, Dusand took a sharp breath of air.

That is to say, the current level of science and technology of the empire cannot further improve the calculation accuracy, otherwise... the empire may even soon have the ability to direct black holes to hostile planets.

After all, in the entire universe, there are not too many useless planets that can be used for compression. If you can have enough basic data for calculation, it is not impossible to kill two birds with one stone like this time.

Thinking of this, Dusand suddenly understood what was the reason for the harassment incident in the factory that Mr. Morse had asked to investigate before—the empire had a very high evaluation of Newsail’s technological level, and this "evaluation" is likely to be The correction was made after learning about the "pirate hijacking and capture method" used by Duchamp.

After all, if you want to achieve this kind of "astronomical weapon" level of transmission accuracy, you first need to have extremely high precision processing capabilities, so that it is possible to process the shape of the Ypsilon ore to a just right level.Secondly, very accurate intelligence collection and computing capabilities are required to calculate the target trajectory and position.Finally, such a weapon also needs to have a reliable delivery capability-at least the current Navy of Newsale is simply unable to complete the ability to "smoothly approach the specific position and height of the target and release the weapon".

Even if such speculation is not true, at least it is very close to the truth.But Dusande didn't express his vision. He just invited Paulina after finishing the whole discussion meeting.

"What I'm going to say next is top secret. You must guarantee that even if you die, you will not reveal a single word." After meeting Paulina, Dusande first warned, "Once these contents If it is leaked out, billions or even more people may die as a result—it is no exaggeration to say that if these contents are known to the outside world, it may even lead to the demise of the entire human civilization.”

Polina was taken aback by Dusand's words. After hesitating for a long time, she asked, "Then... can I stop listening?"

"I'm afraid not." Dusande shook his head, "You are the only great technician I can trust, I can only come to consult you - if it is replaced by other great technicians, I'm afraid I can only kill them after consulting To ensure that the news does not leak out."

Polina said with a bitter face, " should tell me, I'll listen." She paused and assured, "I'm sure I won't tell anyone—don't kill me to silence me."

 From before the wedding, Luo has been busy on the verge of sudden death, and this kind of busyness did not end immediately after the wedding.In fact, after I got up at 8:[-] am on the [-]th to send the relatives who came to help to the airport, my busyness was still not over.

  It has been exactly one month since May 30th. Within 7 days, Jia Yan went to the emergency room three times and was hospitalized twice.Jiaci was also hospitalized on the [-]th of this month. My wife and I ran back and forth, exhausted.

  How busy is it...Let's put it this way, my wife said that going back to work in the hospital is like going on vacation.

  Fortunately, Yan Jiaci's current condition is still good, and I hope there will be no major setbacks in the future.

  This book is not unfinished, and there are no eunuchs.It's just... I'm just too busy and tired.

  I hope it will get better in the future, at least give me a little time to code.

(End of this chapter)

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