Thousands of sparks

Chapter 156 Eradication

Chapter 156 Eradication
Dusand didn't know how to enrich uranium isotopes, and he didn't even know what a uranium mine looked like.

But that didn't stop him from making a request to Newsale's research department.

As a science student, Dusand could at least draw the chemical periodic table, and this table became the main basis for his request—the research department should provide relevant mineral specimens as soon as possible and conduct research on them.

As for how to extract uranium 238 from natural uranium ore, whether to use gas diffusion or high-speed centrifuge... Dusande can't control these things for the time being.A nuke in ten years' time would be considered rapid progress for Nuesar... In fact, Dussand thought it would be nice if the Nuesars could produce an experimental detonator in about 20 years.

But this is also faster than recreating Project Alpha, and much faster.

In addition to issuing the research order, Dusand also issued a new order at the same time.He ordered the expansion of "literacy education" throughout New York, from the former group of off-duty workers to all illiterate groups beyond school age.

No matter young or old, male or female, as long as they are illiterate, they must participate in the local literacy class activities.

Dussand's order was actually rather general. He directly ordered Escobar to "reduce the illiteracy rate in Nuussar to one-fifth of the current level within one year."

But after two days of research, Escobar gave a very feasible report.In the report, Escobar suggested that the clergy of the church be allowed to teach—of course, for their safety, their clergy status needs to be concealed when teaching.In order to prevent them from being recognized, these clergymen also need to be exchanged-let them go to other cities to teach.

There is no illiteracy among the clergy, at least they all have a fairly good ability to read and write.In order for the clergy to be qualified as teachers, they need to undergo a one-month training first.

Teachers in public schools funded by the Newsale Council will be responsible for training theological staff, with the aim of equipping them with the skills required for literacy education in a short period of time.

Especially for the teaching content of Dusandianism, this part is particularly critical.

Since the Dussand Doctrine was put forward, it has been in the state of "serialization".Dusande kept taking a break from his busy schedule to update Lorraine and others in Olin with the details of the content of Dusandeism.

Although Du Sande himself has some ideas, most of these "ideas" come from the education he received in his previous life or his personal experience.Most of them are scattered and unsystematic, coupled with more than ten years of imperial life... It's hard to say how many of these thoughts he still remembers.

Therefore, Dusande's update seems quite casual.In the previous chapter, he was still talking about "absolute truth and relative truth" and "practice is the only criterion for testing truth", but in the next second he switched to "equality between men and women" and "surplus value of labor".

Fortunately, Dusand is diligent enough to update.On the one hand, this is because Lorraine and others have been urging the updates too violently, and on the other hand, Dusand is trying to write more as soon as possible-he wants to record these contents before he has completely forgotten them.

After more than two months of updates, Dusand's updated content is basically enough to make up a general framework of "Dusande Doctrine".

Among the Dusand doctrines, "equality" and "justice" are the two core concepts.In Dusand's theory, the imperial family and the privileged class first violated the value of "equality", and they obtained status and treatment higher than others for themselves through law or violence.Then use these unequal status and treatment to violate the "justice" of other social individuals.

They paid less and got more resources.

Dussandism opposes such a privileged class, and at the same time opposes the behavior of using one's social status and other means to violate other social individuals under any circumstances.

Such a proposition would of course be welcomed by the poor and the free.But the Church and other high intellectuals were less enthusiastic about such claims.The other nobles in Newsail didn't move at all, but they knew it with their heels-they must be extremely dissatisfied with this.

Escobar's proposal showed Dusande an opportunity—an opportunity to win over faculty members who were less enthusiastic about his advocacy.

Therefore, Dusande very "tactfully" added another line of words under Escobar's plan.

"Let Gutierrez pick whoever he sees fit, and let those people teach the teachers about liberation theology."

Since you want to teach, you might as well teach more.Anyway, these professional teachers will have to teach their students some knowledge of liberation theology in the future.

Dussand insisted that as long as it can shake the rule of the empire and make people realize the reactionary nature of the empire, it should be taught to as many people as possible as soon as possible.

There is still a long way to go to make Nussar a "qualified" rebel force.At least, we must first unify everyone's thinking.

"Tsk..." Morse lit a cigarette and wiped the dark red blood on his cuff with his hand.He frowned and rubbed for a while, then shook his head helplessly, "My wife just cleaned this clothes yesterday!"

No one can respond to his complaints. In this room, all the "people" have been in various postures, lying down, lying down, or simply scattered all over the ground... In short, there is no possibility of answering anymore. .

Morse pulled a stool that was nearly falling apart and sat down on it.After a tooth-piercing groan from the wooden stool, he began to lower his head and ponder what had happened to him.

Since receiving the direct order from Dusand, Morse put down all the work at hand and sneaked into Palmer, the fourth largest city in Newsail.And after several contacts, he successfully became a member of Palmer's Ayre Party.

The purpose of Morse's infiltration this time was not to carry out the destruction and crackdown operation.As the executor of Dusand's direct orders, his goal is to break into the Ayer Party and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the organization.

The Ayre Party is too advanced in nature and has a large number of diehard loyalists.Their claims and actions have had a serious impact on the stability of Nusaal and must be eradicated as soon as possible.

In Morse's view, there was nothing wrong with Dusand's order, and it could even be seen that his students were very cautious.The membership of the Ayre Party is too wide, and its supporters range from the poor to the nobles.Of course, it is not suitable for Aika to directly intervene in the investigation of such a complex organization.

Aika's postmen in red are also ordinary people living in Newsail. They will have relatives and friends, and among these relatives and friends, there may be sympathizers or even members of the Ayer Party.Let Aika intervene, the risk of leaking the news is too great.

During the two-month investigation, Morse's investigation was done very carefully.He didn't even leave any paper content, all the investigations were recorded in his mind.

However, today... Morse entered the Ayer party headquarters in Palmer as usual, and then he was suddenly attacked.

After a tough fight, with the weapons he hid on his body, Morse managed to kill six members of the Ayr Party who tried to kill him by himself.But he still couldn't figure it out—why did these people attack him suddenly?

(End of this chapter)

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