Thousands of sparks

Chapter 147 Single 1 Nationalism and Liberation Theology

Chapter 147 Mononationalism and Liberation Theology

Professor Morgan's initial research direction was colonial economics. During the research process, he keenly discovered that the economic situation in Newsail seemed to be different from that of other colonies.

Newsail's planting and manufacturing industries are weak, but the financial industry and tourism industry are very developed.However, the people of Newsail did not give up the development of planting and manufacturing. The Colonial Office itself did not guide the development of colonial industries. The fundamental driving force for the development of planting and manufacturing came from the people of Newsail.

Since his own research theories and theories could not explain the special situation in Newsail, Professor Morgan decided to visit Newsail for himself.

Although not as large-scale as Olin's smuggling operation in Newsail, it was more "superficial."Not only will the nobles of Newsail not cover up the purchase of smuggled items, they will even regard it as a display of their identity and symbol.The Marquis of Lafayette of the previous generation was not very interested in buying smuggled luxury goods and industrial products. He preferred to buy books from the Alliance or the Federation.

As a guest of the Marquis, Professor Morgan saw the ashes of the League books in the study.These ethnological works handed down from the alliance gave Professor Morgan a new research entry point—ethnic differences may be the root cause of Newsail's tendency to develop independently.He decisively resigned from his teaching job at Olin University, stayed in Newsale and began to concentrate on research.

Then, Professor Morgan encountered a dilemma that many academic researchers will encounter—his research topic has long been studied.

Professor Strong of the School of Economics at Newsail University left behind a batch of manuscripts, which have been scattered due to decades of circulation, but it is not difficult to see from the surviving manuscripts that Professor Strong has Put forward the theory that "Neusar is a single nation".

Morgan himself did not feel disappointed or angry because of this, on the contrary, he held this manuscript excitedly as if seeing a big treasure.In the following ten years, Professor Morgan tried his best to complete and develop Professor Strong's theory, and finally put forward a theory.

Due to the relative isolation of Newsail itself, as well as the unique influence of the natural environment... eventually, the people of Newsail have become a completely different nation from other colonies of the empire.

Since they are different nationalities, it is natural to use different ruling methods to adapt to the differences and maximize the potential of the people of Newsail.Only when Newsail develops well can the empire benefit from it.

Like a madman, Professor Morgan threw himself into the theory of "Neusar's single nation" and finally finished his book 11 years ago.

The morning after finishing and presenting his work to a group of colleagues at the University of New Saul, Professor Morgan's apartment door was pried open by a group of red-coated postmen in purple cloaks, and he moved into New York. Thrall's heraldry management office.

I lived there for 11 years.

Du Sande looked at the crooked and thin old man in front of him, and asked after a long time, "Are you... still sticking to your theory?"

The old man raised his head in fear. He looked at Du Sande, his lips twitched, and then he lowered his head again without saying a word.

"No matter what you think in the bottom of your heart, starting today, you can leave here and live freely." In order to dispel the old man's worries, Dusand threw out the first "bait". "Of course, you may also know the current situation in Newsail-the empire and the royal family have betrayed us, and the church has massacred a large number of innocent people in Newsail according to the order from the Platinum Palace. Departing back to probably unlikely."

The old man looked at Dusand in front of him, and suddenly said after a long time, "I have never changed my mind."

Du Sande raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to continue talking.

"I understand that my theory may have a bad impact on the empire, research is not fabricated or not rigorous enough." The shriveled old man suddenly puffed up his chest, and the cowering old man seemed to disappear suddenly .Once in the Imperial University, Professor Morgan, who was hailed by countless people as the next academic giant, traveled through time and stood in the world again.

He said loudly, "Mr. Director, after ten years of serious thinking, I am sure that there is nothing wrong with my theory. If I am required to withdraw my research results, it is unless my research is fundamentally wrong."

"I still insist on my own ideas." Morgan took a deep breath, his face flushed, "Neusar is a single nation developed from the empire, this is an indisputable fact. Even if you smash my Head, I will not withdraw or regret my research results!"

Du Sande quietly listened to the old man's description, which was half a declaration and half a demonstration, then pointed to the seat beside him and asked, "Why don't you sit down first?"

"If I had to die, I'd rather die standing up." Morgan continued without moving, "I've finished my words, you can do it now."

"I also said it just now." Dusand showed a satisfied smile, "Now Newsail is hostile to the Empire and Olin. The enemy of the enemy...that is our friend." He stood up, Opened the stool for Professor Morgan, "I have always been curious about one thing. You are an Olinian and a nobleman. Haven't you thought that your research may damage the empire? The interests of you and the empire It should be highly consistent, and in the process of harming the interests of the empire, I'm afraid you won't do any good, right?"

Professor Morgan sat down and said firmly, "Academic research is based on objective facts, and it is not something I fabricated. If the empire will be damaged because of an objective fact, it can only mean that the empire is A country built on deceit and lies. What does the damage to a collection of lies have to do with someone like me who speaks the truth?"

In the dungeon of Newsail Aika, the prisoners are discussing what they just saw... something new.

As the oldest prisoner with "seniority" in the dungeon, although Professor Morgan has no status in the dungeon, he is a "face" that everyone knows.

I was imprisoned because of my academic achievements, and the prison lasted for ten years... The prisoners ridiculed the experience of Professor Morgan to the greatest extent - we were imprisoned because we were doing business with the allies, and we were popular and drunk of.What's the matter with you, old man?

As the newcomer with the lowest "qualifications", Archbishop Gutierrez was taken into the cell was another scene.

The bruised man was thrown into the cell like a dead pig. Seeing him lying on the ground after losing his intuition, a few thieves in the same cell were ready to pounce on him after a little discussion. To snatch the pure gold rosary from Gutierrez's neck.

After a burst of fierce fighting, Gutierrez was still lying on the ground, and those little thieves were thrown into the corner of the cell farthest from him—one pressed against the other, bleeding all over the floor.

The pure gold rose rosary that was originally hanging around Gutierrez's neck was wrapped around his fist at some point.And the gleaming rosary is now covered with dirty blood, and... the skin torn off by the rosary.

Although the information control in Aika's dungeon is far more stringent than that of the police prison, the news of the Niusal massacre still reached the ears of these "social instability factors" in the dungeon.All of a sudden, many prisoners in the dungeon were eager to try.

They didn't have a good impression of the empire. It would be better to say that they could not wait to see the exciting scene of this huge country being instantly reduced to ashes.They all believed that, as a pioneer in the industry of offending the empire, experienced professionals who have made some achievements in this red sea will inevitably be reused by the new ruler of Newsail—at least they can also be released Just go out.

As a result... what greeted them was not a letter of appointment or an amnesty. Under Duchamp's order, all prisoners who had worked for the mining complex were directly executed.

And the reasons for such executions are so abstract that most of the prisoners in the dungeon have no idea why their inmates or themselves are executed.In the eyes of most people... it seems that the new ruler is about to execute them en masse.

Prisoners in the dungeon fell into fear, and after more than a month of fear, things seemed to suddenly improve.

Morgan and Gutierrez were taken out of the dungeon at the same time, and Gutierrez was sent back quickly.The professor has never been able to return to the dungeon.

The prisoners wanted to know what happened, but Gutierrez was not a source willing to answer questions, so everyone could only get together and continue to wonder.

A week after Gutierrez was sent back to the dungeon, he was taken out for the second time by the menacing postmen in red.After this time, Gutierrez never came back.There was a gossip among the prisoners that Gutierrez, after being taken out of the dungeon a second time, tried to escape and died at the gunpoint of the red mailman.

Gutierrez was standing in Newsail Theological Seminary, having a heated exchange of ideas with the professors of the seminary and young theologians.

Things like the exchange of ideas often turn into physical exchanges at the height of their intensity.If it weren't for Gutierrez's tall stature, and there were eight steam knights standing around the venue, maybe the young theologians would really stop arguing and use their fists, knees and other parts to have a full " comminicate".

The church and many theologians are usually not very interested in preaching or discussing doctrines.Occasionally, inexplicable cults pop up in the colonies, but none of them last long.

These self-created cults have no self-consistent logic at all, let alone a theological point of view.Moreover, once the colonial halls in various places find signs of these cults, they will not hesitate to strike hard.

The heretics themselves were dying, and if the theologians were lucky enough to meet a heretic, not only would they not feel angry, but they would even have some sympathy for him.

But... heresy is different.

The church is an ancient religion that has been developed for thousands of years. Generations of theologians have continuously improved the teachings of the church, and after the review and approval of the church, they have added explanations and commentaries to the core "Holy Scriptures" of the church.

Ordinary theologians, priests, even bishops and archbishops do not have the right to interpret the Holy Scriptures privately.Adding or deleting any commentary to the Holy Code requires the permission of the royal family, the Grand Priest, and all the archbishops of the 42 colonies.

And now, in front of all Newsale theologians and seminary professors, a lunatic...a lunatic who betrayed his position as archbishop is talking arrogantly.

He not only interpreted the "Holy Code" privately, but even released "God loves the world, so the duty of the Son of God is to suffer for all mankind, thereby liberating mankind from suffering. The royal family has become the source of pain for all people in the empire, so the royal family cannot be Son of God." The wild words.

Theologians are trying their best to refute Gutierrez's theory, but no matter what angle they attack from, they still cannot completely refute Gutierrez's statement.

The eyes of the young and vigorous theologians are getting redder. They are ready to ignore the guards of the steam knights around them, roll up the sleeves of their robes, and rush to the stage to let Gutierrez go directly to the gods for atonement.

"Everyone, wait a moment." Benedict II, Dean of Newsail Theological Seminary, who had been listening to the debate for nearly an hour, suddenly interrupted the intense exchange on and off the stage.

Benedict II served as the dean of Olin Theological Seminary for 24 years, and also served as the Archbishop of Olin Diocese.Had it not been for the sudden announcement of his withdrawal from the election before the election of the Grand Priest, Benedict II would most likely have become the new Grand Priest.He has a very high status in the imperial church system, even Gutierrez needs to show respect to this old man.

"I have listened to your arguments for a long time." Benedict II stood up and asked in a kind voice, "but there is one question that I have not heard you discuss—please forgive me, an old man I am impatient, after all, the time I can stay in this world is getting less and less, I hope to hear an answer."

"Mr. Archbishop, your 'liberation theology' theory is not the first time it has appeared on the territory of the empire, but your theory, like Bishop Schneider's, fails to answer a key question." Benedict II calmly According to your theory, the royal family is not the incarnation of the Son of God. For the time being, we think this inference is correct. "

There was an uproar in the audience, and many young theologians stood up in shock.

The royal family is the incarnation of the Son of God, the result of the symbolic materialization of the divine mercy.This argument is at the heart of the Church's Holy Book.However, His Excellency the Dean suddenly admitted this fact, which made the young theologians unable to accept it at all.

"If it is correct, then everyone has the responsibility to overthrow the royal family." The old dean didn't seem to feel that there was anything particularly inappropriate about his words, "but if... if after the royal family is overthrown, the world will Do people still have to suffer?"

The old dean seemed to ask nonsense, but Dusande, who was sitting on the side of the podium listening to the lecture and supervised, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

This question is obviously full of pitfalls.

Regardless of the old man's own position, this question is very difficult to deal with.Answering "I won't suffer", the old man can come up with a bunch of content that really has nothing to do with the imperial family to refute.

And if the answer is "will still suffer", it means that there is no political reason to overthrow the royal family, and it also means that liberation theology has been misguided from the beginning-it does not even have a foundation.

If you overthrow what you think is the source of suffering in the world, but the pain still exists, doesn't that mean that you are going in the wrong direction in the first place?
Dusande was a little worried on the sidelines. He asked Gutierrez to come to such a place to make a group of jokes. His original intention was to try the quality of Liberation Theology and try his best to recruit some very determined church theologians.

To engage in theology, there is bound to be no future in Newsale.But Dusande welcomes talents in agronomy and medicine with open arms.

Gutierrez, who was caught in a dilemma by a simple question, was very calm. He looked at Benedict II and said very solemnly, "I don't know."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became active.The young theologians were all beaming, and there was no champagne to celebrate - the heretic said he didn't even know it!
But Benedict II did not move. He stood still, looked at Gutierrez on the podium seriously, and waited for him to continue to finish his words.

"Before the seed is planted, no one knows whether it will germinate. After the drug is prescribed to the patient, no doctor can guarantee that the patient will recover." Gutierrez said calmly, "We can't just because we don't know , just stop doing the right thing. The royal family is the root cause of all the suffering of all the people in the entire empire, and overthrowing him is not only for the return of the Son of God to the world, but also the mission of all our priests and believers."

Gutierrez put his right fist on his chest and said solemnly, "When we joined the church, we swore to the icon to bring God's love to the world. No matter whether the people will still suffer after overthrowing the royal family, their It's not going to get any worse anyway - so why not do it?"

 Jiayan's health has gradually improved, but he still can't be careless.Continued hospitalization is still required recently.The update of the Three Views really couldn't keep up, and Xinghuo's poor grades naturally... made things worse.

  If it was placed in the ICU, Xinghuo would have to be sent to the ICU and asked the attending doctor to talk to the family...

  But don't worry, even if I am on ECMO, I can finish this story.It may be a little slower, and the update (especially May) may not be able to keep up, but it can still be finished.

  Thousands of sparks, the point is not only sparks, but also thousands of sparks.

(End of this chapter)

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