Thousands of sparks

Chapter 146 The Unity Pulled Out

Chapter 146 The Unity Pulled Out
In order to unite the people of Newsale to the greatest extent and make them willing to follow the new Newsale regime, Dusand must first solve a fundamental problem.

Who is our own and who is the enemy.

The poor, who account for more than [-]% of the population of Newsail, should of course be the main uniting force. They have long been ignored by the empire and colonial governing institutions, and any capitalist, noble or even freeman will naturally learn from them. benefit.

The poor have long been oppressed, and there is simply no one willing to speak up for their interests.Among the more than 100 members of the House of Commons, none of them relied on the votes of the poor to come up—on the contrary, Androni and Dusand would seek some benefits for the poor.

They occupy the vast majority of the population, but their strength is extremely weak.They are the overlooked group and the easiest to win over.As long as they can bring some changes and hope to their lives... they don't even need to guarantee food and clothing, they will follow Dusande wholeheartedly.

Give hope to a group that is difficult to achieve even in life, and change that can be seen, and they will do their best to support it.

But it is not enough to buy with small favors and small favors.The organizations and regimes established in this way will eventually degenerate into "dragons" who seek their own personal gain, deceive and blackmail the poor.However, the vast majority of poor people who found themselves cheated after being bought by "small favors and small favors" would not continue to endure it.

No matter how small the favor is, the poor group can also get some benefits from such a bribe.And such benefits will provide them with "strength".It may be economic ability, it may be political vision... In short, they will no longer be as weak and deceptive as they used to be.

From the perspective of "government", buying the poor would pose a threat to the subsequent rule, so the empire did not consider providing any benefits to the poor from the very beginning.

But Dusand didn't think there was any problem with this.

The rule of the empire is fundamentally to maintain the rule of the royal family.Of course, they must use unscrupulous means to restrict groups that pose a threat to themselves, and to win over and divide other groups that already pose a threat to the royal family.

There are costs to win over divisions, and when these costs are borne by the outcasts of the empire—the poor—the royal family will at least feel that this business is done very shrewdly.

The core content of enfeoffment-style feudal rule is to share the poor and land with the lower-level nobles through the upper-level nobles, so as to obtain the submission of the other party.

As a traverser, Dusand's situation is obviously higher than that of the ruler of the feudal dynasty.

What Newsale needs most of all... is not really stability of governance.Dusande himself has no interest in the "ten thousand years long" rule.His purpose is only one.

In the shortest possible time, Dusand wants to let Newsail burst out with unprecedented vitality, let Newsail completely overwhelm the empire, and then kill Olin, and drag that **** emperor and institution out of their lair , Cut to pieces in honor of Androni.

This goal is not at all easy to achieve, in fact, it even borders on pipe dreaming.In any case, the Empire is still a super behemoth occupying 37 colonial stars with a total population of over 100 billion.Although the war with the alliance lasted for more than 400 years, the empire has never been in a "life and death" dilemma. This behemoth has never really taken it seriously.

Dusand had no doubts that a truly mobilized Empire would be able to take out a hundred Nuthars.And if the empire really kills the alliance, after freeing up its hands and starting to feast on the enemy's corpses, the strength of the empire will probably increase to at least 180 neusal.

Therefore, if you want to kill the empire, you must first be quick—before the empire kills the alliance, Niusal has to expand its strength by at least a hundred times.

Dusande has no other options. If the safest method is the most unsuitable for Dusande’s aesthetics, his great-grandson—if there is one—may not be able to ask for it from the empire. OK.

That being the case...why not make it bigger?
Dussand's job is very busy, and it's not easy.

Giving an order is of course simple, all you need to do is move your lips.But when Dusande set a goal for himself and became the supreme ruler of the entire Newsail, the action of "giving orders" was preceded by a lot of complicated psychological activities.

Is this command appropriate?Will it lead to bad results?Can the lazy administrative bureaucrats below carry out orders well?

Dusande is busy and stressed.Now he is not only the captain of a ship, but also the first mate, second mate and helmsman of the ship. What's more, he is also in charge of the observer and the navigation chart room.

This is not a question of whether you are busy or not, it is a difficulty that the ship will sink when it does not know when it will hit the rocks.

In order to solve this difficult problem, Dusand received two candidates for the director of the "navigation chart room" brought by Orwell in the director's office of Aika.

A little old man who looked dry and thin, with a stooped body.And... an acquaintance.

Dusand looked at Gustavo Gutierrez in front of him, and said after a moment of silence, "It looks like you were taken good care of in the dungeon for a while."

Gutierrez is now covered in wounds and bruises all over his body, and one eye is completely covered with blood scars, and it is impossible to tell whether he is blind or beaten into this appearance.

But the tall priest still maintained his original posture, with his hands hanging down naturally, and his feet slightly separated, looking at Dusande neither humble nor overbearing, without saying a word.

"The idea of ​​liberation theology is also heresy within the church, so few people can publicly promote this point of view." Orwell introduced next to him, "The traditional church view believes that the royal family is the favor of God. But liberation theology is fundamentally Rejecting the notion—they think..."

Before Orwell could finish his sentence, Gutierrez suddenly said, "The current royal family is the source of all pain and darkness in the entire empire. God let his wives enter the world in order to replace them with the sunnah of the wives. People suffer, and ultimately liberate all. The royal family cannot be a child of God if it becomes the source of suffering for the people."

Orwell shrugged. "That's what they thought."

"But you still followed the royal family's order and slaughtered the people of Newsail." Dusand suddenly raised his voice, "What liberation theology, isn't this what you just believed in to survive?!"

To tell the truth, Dusande didn't want the bishop to live first.The bishop has a close relationship with his family, and as long as Androni goes to church to attend mass, she will definitely visit the bishop.Based on this frequent relationship alone, he should find a way to leak the news to Androni in advance.

"I... after learning about this incident, I immediately found His Excellency the Speaker." Faced with such a question, Gutierrez showed a trace of "apology" for the first time.He lowered his head and replied, "But I wasn't alone at the time, I couldn't say much..."

Dusand fell silent, and after a while, he waved to Orwell to take Gutierrez down first.

He still had trouble accepting this fact.He didn't even understand why Gutierrez was still alive-a month ago, Gutierrez's special envoy did send the news to Dusande...but before he had any further reaction, Dusande Duchamp was furious and dismissed all his posts.

Duchamp executed more than 2 people in the month he ruled Niusal, but did not kill Gutierrez.This made Du Sande feel a little inexplicable.

After the bishop was driven away, the shriveled old man who stood there looked even more ugly.Orwell took Gutierrez to the dungeon, only Dusand and the old man were left in the room.

"Your theory is 'Neusar Unitary Nationalism'...isn't it?" Dusand asked casually as he flipped through the documents sent by the management department in front of him, "What does this single nation refer to?"

"Old...Master, the meaning of a single nation means that the Newsea people should be a separate nation." The old man answered Dusand's question with a standard "nonsense literature", and then said, "The Newsea people should be a separate nation." History and development were different from those of the other colonies of the empire, and from an academic point of view, the Newsail people deserved to be a separate people."

In the empire, "nation" was a foreign word through and through.And it was the alliance of the "only enemy" of the empire who created this term.

The alliance is a country founded by the subordinates of the rebel Salvador and the descendants of Salvador, and this "country" has always maintained its previous "characteristics"-its interior has always been a fairly loose alliance.

The descendants of El Salvador have the most colonial stars and military power, while the descendants of other subordinates occupy some colonial stars according to their strength and resources, and have their own military power independent of the descendants of Salvador.

In Dusand's view, the political structure of the alliance was simply an excellent stage and hotbed for civil strife.But the alliance miraculously, or in other words, inevitably maintained the internal relationship, and even flourished and grew rapidly.The root cause of this spectacle is the empire that has been "watching" outside the alliance.

When the empire maintains its strategic offensive, every political entity within the alliance must rely on the descendants of El Salvador, the most powerful military in the alliance.And they also seized the opportunity to continuously improve their status in the alliance, asking other political entities for colonial stars, resources, population and even complete surrender.

When the empire turns into a shrinking defense, these political entities, which are relatively weak compared to the descendants of El Salvador, will unite and force their heads of state to make concessions to them.

In the long-term "pull" of the alliance, these weak political entities have chosen to be nationalized in order to more effectively gather their internal forces—they have developed their own living habits, culture and customs.Those who share the same habits are naturally more united.

Most of the political entities in the alliance have benefited from the nationalization process, so related research theories have gradually emerged.

Professor Morgan, who teaches at Olin Imperial University, came into contact with related theories when he visited Newsail for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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