Thousands of sparks

Chapter 148 The Dussand Doctrine

Chapter 148 The Dussand Doctrine

In this world, the number of people who can recognize that "this is the right thing to do" is not small.But there are very few people who implement cognition because "it's the right thing to do."

If the unity of knowledge and action is easy to do, then Mr. Yangming would not specifically propose it as a moral requirement for people—after all, the right things are often not easy to do, and people are always willing to move towards the one with less resistance. The direction to go "lazy".

The unity of knowledge and action is also a difficult thing for the theologians and priests in the Newsale area.This is not because they like to be lazy, but because they are simply... forced to distinguish.

The newborn Newsail is gradually getting rid of chaos and panic. Dusand's rule has brought great changes to the whole Newsale within one month.The number of products produced by the factory needs to be produced according to the indicators of the Department of Industry, so as to ensure that the consumption of strategic materials in the whole of New Saal will not exceed the control.

After the factories that were able to produce materials at full capacity gradually became unable to meet the production tasks, the workers began to get enough rest time and spare time.And these spare time were used by the senior goblins of the Internal Affairs Bureau—all workers needed to use their spare time to participate in studies.

The content of the study mainly includes literacy and basic mathematics for literacy, and at the same time, some relevant knowledge about social morality, traffic regulations, and labor protection will also be added.

Those in charge of literacy education for the workers are basically students who are still in school.The Home Office pays these students a stipend as a reward for teaching in their spare time.And for this extra stipend, the competition in each school is very fierce-students who are not good in character and learning will definitely not be able to get such a good job.

And in order to give these young students some extra money, so that the workers can get rid of illiteracy as soon as possible, and make Newsail's financial situation a little healthier... Dusand signed four bills in a row to make this set of "cages and birds" tricks became possible.

In short, under Newsail's current administrative system, all "changes" must first be approved by Dusand before they can be implemented.In a better way, this is a manifestation of the fact that Nusaal's power is tied to Dusand.And to put it in a bad way... This means that the entire administrative agency and management organization of Newsail is still in a very "passive" state.

They can receive orders and complete tasks, but they cannot find problems and solve them on their own.

Dusande felt that he might be dying of exhaustion.In order not to become the first rebel to be exhausted to death on the job, Du Sande decided to promote a group of people to share some other responsibilities.

The only candidate for internal affairs is Escobar, after all, he is now completely bound to Nusal's chariot.

Other candidates are either inexperienced or unreliable.Especially the Marquis—after Dusand started looking for the person in charge of the internal affairs field, the Marquis actually sent someone to send a letter to Dusand.The content is probably to put the facts and make sense, claiming that when Du Sande was deprived of all rights, he did a good job in the field of internal affairs.Her work has just started, if she can be allowed to take charge of the domestic affairs again, the effect will be very good.

Du Sande, who saw the letter of recommendation, sneered twice, and then ordered to strengthen the supervision of the Marquise.

This is not because Dusande has any opinion on the Marquis of Lafayette himself, on the contrary, he has a good impression of Mr. Marquis.

Dusand just simply doesn't like those idiots who don't understand the situation and feel particularly good about themselves.Well, he didn't just dislike it - he hated such idiots.

The Marchioness is undoubtedly such a fool.

From a certain point of view, her actions and actions can almost be called the most advanced representative of imperial women-a widow, unwilling to be around her son at home all day long, but wants to get a job and earn a fortune for herself. A better future... Fundamentally speaking, there is nothing wrong with the behavior of the Marquise, but instead, it is a manifestation of the "multiple employment" that Du Sande has been trying to encourage and guide.

But you're staring at the position of the person in charge of the interior, and you're still talking about the previous shit...that's disgusting.

If it weren't for the fear that Duchamp's emotions would be unacceptable, Dusand really wanted the Marquise to die by accident.But... some things can't be started. Dusand is very convinced that if he uses this method to deal with all the people he doesn't like, then the whole of Newsea will become a country based on "Aika" .

Yes, Aika changed her name.Dusand, in a very uninspiring way, reorganized the Newsale Arms Administration.Then the original "Herald Management Office" was renamed "The All-Nyusar Elimination of Reactionaries and Sabotage Extraordinary People's Committee".

The abbreviated pronunciation is still "Aika", but Du Sande is very satisfied with this name.

Especially the part of the "Very People's Committee".To be precise, the term "people's committee" made Dusande very satisfied and happy.

He felt that the world he knew seemed to be closer to him.

"I think your little fiancé's ability to name is really not very good." Mr. Schultz, a diplomat, complained to Lorraine in Olin's printing factory, "Even if he doesn't know how to name an intelligence agency, At least you can refer to ready-made models like 'Dark Guard' or 'Zhizal Party'?"

"If you want your leader to follow the rules and plan your actions with reference to an organization that has definitely failed...then you can go to Aika in Olin to seek a job." Lorraine said unceremoniously Going back, "I don't think there's anything wrong with the name 'Central Teco'."

Lorraine defended Dusande not only because she defended her fiancé, she really thought there was nothing wrong with the name—even with a sense of confidence.

She could read Dusande's expectations for the organization she founded.The so-called Central Special Branch is to serve as the core of the entire Niusal intelligence system in the future.There is no doubt that Olin will be the "center" of future intelligence operations.In such a position, it is quite appropriate for the Special Operations Section of the New Saal People's Central Committee to handle related matters.

The more important point for her to defend Dusand is the political program and action goals sent by Dusande according to her request.With this political platform, Lorraine has recruited more than 20 members of the Special Branch from various walks of life within half a month.

The political platform that Dusande sent has a very simple name, it is called "Dussande Doctrine".

There are four core propositions in Dussandism. The most "straight to the point" proposition is the most straightforward one—[violent means should be used to overthrow the royal family that absorbs the flesh and blood of all human beings, and the ruling officials and nobles, and put an end to their oppression and exploitation. 】

The second article is a continuation of the first article, [All means should be used to completely eliminate the privileged class-regardless of gender, religious belief or occupation, all men are created equal. 】

The third article is the expectations and prospects for the future, [should establish a government that comes from the people, relies on the people, and serves the people.This government must be able to represent the people and serve the people wholeheartedly. 】

Article [-]... Like the names of the "Extraordinary People's Committee for the Elimination of Reactionaries and Sabotage in Nyusal" and "Central Special Branch", they are all manifestations of Dusand's personal "hobbies". [There has never been a savior, nor does it depend on a fairy emperor.To create the happiness of all mankind, everything depends on ourselves! 】

The four core propositions are progressive, and almost everyone who sees them can immediately understand what the purpose of this "Dusande Doctrine" is.Although it lacks a solid enough theoretical foundation to support it, Dusandism is already ahead of other political ideas in the empire.

Before this proposition was born, the programs of other aristocratic parties in the empire were very simple.Their core purpose can be perfectly summed up in four words - the same party and the same.

No one cares about the poor, no one cares about the free folk.Nobles banded together to fight for power and interests from other nobles.The populace political parties that are born occasionally are just trying to protect the free people and let the nobles convert their harvest targets into the poor.

No one has ever dared to point the finger directly at the nobles, let alone the royal family.

But Du Sande dared, not only did he dare to do this, he even put this proposition at the very beginning very bluntly.

Those who can see these theories are still considered "reliable" by Lorraine.But shortly after she recruited a group of members, these members began to actively develop an "offline".

From Imperial University professors to street vendors, from joint mining workers to the Imperial Royal Navy, the identities of the downlines are diverse, but they all show highly similar characteristics.


No matter what their origin, no matter how comfortable their daily lives are, these people who actively joined Lorraine's organization have some sympathy and even pity for their compatriots.They don't look at a person who is struggling in life, and then lightly say "it's all because they didn't work hard enough before", or "hardship is their blessing".They have normal human emotions and feel sorry for their own kind when they see them suffer.

Their own lives are not easy, but they still want to do something for their fellow human beings.At such times, Dusandism becomes a "path never conceived".Under the layers of "exploitation" by the nobles and the royal family, everyone lived in extreme hardship.They either die in poverty or in war.Either die from the greed of the nobles, or die from the conspiracy of the royal family.

There is only one way to save them - to overthrow the royal family and eliminate the nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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