Thousands of sparks

Chapter 142 The Death of Androni

Chapter 142 The Death of Androni (7K2 Chapter)

In life, there are always some things that are difficult but must be done.

Like planning a hostage rescue combat mission with a group of agents.

Dusande is under a lot of pressure now, not because of any other reasons, but simply because Aika's agents... are not good at such actions.

An organization like Aika usually has few operational tasks to perform.And when they act, they often only need to wear a cloak and show their credentials to everyone they meet.

Simple and crude, and surprisingly effective.

Because of this "reason", Aika's occasional operational missions are basically of the arrest or hunt type.They were equipped with steam knights to enhance the ability of pursuit and frontal assault, but they never considered the need to perform hostage-rescue combat missions at all.

The nature of the attack mission is very simple, just try to protect yourself and then kill the enemy.For an organization like Aika, what they need to consider is nothing more than what range of manpower they need to "consume" for a designated task should be controlled, and what kind of effect should be achieved.But when these "simple-minded" Aika postmen in red were informed that they were about to carry out the rescue mission, their first reaction was "embarrassment".

"Boss, even if you tell us to go directly to the alliance position, then we won't frown." Aika's action team leader found Dusande and whispered, "but rushing into an unfamiliar environment, we have to hurt the other party." Find the position of the speaker before arriving at your Excellency the speaker, and finally complete the rescue work... This is too difficult."

For these professionals, life and death are the order of the day.But task failure is not.As professionals, the Aika Action Team knows how difficult it is to rescue hostages—after all, in Aika's operational habits, taking hostages and waiting for their own support is a tactical strategy.

"Usually, the guards of the Privy Council are the ones who carry out this task. At most, we can provide intelligence support." The captain of the operation team was covered in bloodstains, and he spoke in a low voice. "The situation is special now, and we must have no problem carrying out the task. But... Director, even if we have enough support and backup, we can't guarantee that we can successfully carry out the mission of rescuing the hostages."

The captain of the action team spoke from the bottom of his heart. He said very bluntly, "If you give the order, we will absolutely carry out the mission without any regard for personal life or death. This is our duty. But... Director, you must Clearly, we're not good at this."

"In this situation, it is impossible to find a more elite force than you." Du Sande sighed, "The Privy Council has been completely destroyed, and the lives and deaths of the people inside are unknown——I have sent people to Sir Peel of the Police Department But now no one knows where he is, or if he is still alive... If we can find Sir Peel or other senior guards of the Privy Council, then you will follow his command to carry out the rescue mission."

What if you can't find an experienced commander... Dusande doesn't need to say more.You can't just watch Androni being kidnapped or even killed, can you?

The captain of the action team sighed helplessly, and he went to his own team to start looking for candidates—first of all, he had to find players with good marksmanship, and then see if there were any candidates who were good at sneaking.Next, it depends on where the hostages are. If it is a relatively open environment, maybe they can still try to fight.

Androni slowly woke up.

She felt a sharp dull pain in the back of her head.The whole person was a little groggy, not knowing what happened to him, nor why he was lying in such a place and in such a state.

She didn't even know what time it was.

The long-term desk work had a great impact on Androni's vision and physical health, and also gave her a "unique" ability-she would feel pain all over her body if she slept for more than four hours.

Based on the current level of pain in her body, Androni thought she had passed out for at least seven or eight hours.

The pain from the back of her head kept reminding Androni that she was in a bad situation, but at the same time it kept harassing her to analyze her environment.The pain made it difficult for her to keep thinking and remember what happened.

What's more, Androni was a little horrified to find that the child in her womb didn't seem to move.

Now this time node should be the most frequent period of fetal movement.However, during the period after she woke up, the fetus in the womb didn't even move a little bit.

Androni has always maintained her face down, curled up and lying on her side.Ever since she woke up, she has kept her eyes closed in this position—she didn't dare to make any movements until she was sure that the surrounding environment was safe.

"Boss, is this woman still alive?" Sure enough, after a while, a man's voice suddenly rang out from Androni's right side, "I haven't moved at all for a long time, it can't be that the boss beat you Did you kill him with a stick?"

"Then I'm going to have a headache," said a voice that sounded oily. "I'm counting on her to scare off that little lord."

There was a burst of unscrupulous laughter around, and Androni roughly estimated that there were at least six or seven people around her guarding her.

Under this level of guarding, it was impossible for her to suddenly jump up from the ground and escape safely from this place—even if her hands and feet were not tied.

She could only choose to continue to pretend to be unconscious and wait for the opportunity.

"It's almost time." The steam clock rang eight times in the room, and suddenly there was a sound of packing up things, and the person called "Boss" said first, "Get ready, we should move—see Look, Mr. Lord probably hasn't received the information yet, we have to go to a place that is more easily exposed."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden violent explosion, and then, the sound of breaking in and shooting came from several places around at the same time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Androni suddenly opened her eyes.

From her point of view, two postmen in red uniforms rushed into the dilapidated room, and were simultaneously rained down by high-powered weapons.

Androni immediately closed her eyes firmly, not daring to move again.

Behind her, the six steam knights put down the weapons in their hands, and Feuerbach, the leader, spat out the smoke stuck under his upper lip, cursed vulgarly, and then directed the other steam knights to start strengthening the stronghold.

"Your son is a bit late." Feuerbach bent down, pinched Androni's waist with a steel palm, and pulled her from the ground into the air, "Don't pretend to be asleep, I just fell asleep. I saw your head shaking."

As if to ensure that Androni woke up, the steel palm began to shrink slowly, and then, he did see the lady's angry eyes.

"Don't be so angry, Your Excellency the Speaker." Feuerbach laughed loudly, and he put his nose directly next to Androni's ear and whispered, "Your son brought his hounds to rescue him. You!"

"I thought it was necessary to change to an easier place to attack in order to see his hounds——it seems that your son really likes you." Feuerbach used his nose to answer Androni's He rubbed his face vigorously, and then laughed wantonly, "Why don't we take a gamble? The bet is our lives, and the bet is Dusande—see if he will not hesitate They traded their own lives for the chance of you and the child in your womb to live."

Androni stared at Feuerbach without saying a word, but she didn't waver or panic at all.After Feuerbach finished speaking, she said aloud, "I don't know what your intentions are, but I can be sure that such means will never allow you to achieve your goals."

"I'm not the stupid villain in those operas." Feuerbach held Androni in his hands, and then strode out, "I won't put away all the planning and planning before my goal is achieved." Tell me about your own journey.”

Androni was "taken out" of the room, a strong cold wind was blowing, and the surrounding scenery made her clearly feel a biting cold.

This is a tall tower. Strictly speaking, it is the largest steel factory in Upper Albin - the Upper Albin Integrated Iron and Steel Works of the mining complex.

And this tall tower is the blast furnace feed tower.The place where Androni was locked up before was the monitoring cabin - in this position, the workers could control the amount of crushed iron ore thrown into the blast furnace by manipulating the brass lever.

In order to facilitate observation and use gravity to deliver the crushed iron ore, the monitoring bin of the feeding tower is [-] joules from the ground.There is only a narrow metal staircase for passage up and down, and the exterior of the monitoring cabin itself is almost entirely made of half-finger-thick steel plates. Only a few windows and pipes for ventilation are made of thin iron sheets and wood.Overall, this position is typically easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In order to ensure the concealment and suddenness of the attack, the action commander of the Newsail Coat of Arms Management Office finally chose to completely abandon the steam knights, and all adopted the strategy of unprotected red-clothed postmen to attack.According to the information obtained by Du Sande and the previous investigation by the Heraldry Management Office, the group of people who kidnapped Androni arrived at the factory in four steam carriages.

The opponent should have no armored weapons, so there is no need to risk the failure of the operation and let the steam knight climb the stairs-the movement of the metal boots colliding with the metal stairs can't be covered up.

In order to strengthen the attack density, the commander even specially transferred two airships belonging to the Newsail Coat of Arms Management Office.These airships were operated by experienced pilots. They drove the airships half a mile away from the steel plant, and then released the stored steam and heat through control, hovered over the high tower silently, and lowered the ropes Let the action team members drop down.

All six rappelling team members landed successfully. After reuniting with their teammates who had climbed for about ten minutes, they launched a surprise attack on the control room together.

Then, as the ashen-faced commander saw it, the operation failed.

Twelve commandos attacked from four entrances at the same time, with a time difference of less than one second.Their actions were closely coordinated, even exceeding the most optimistic expectations of the commander.But after they broke into the room, they were directly beaten into a bloody mist by the heavy firepower - along with the evening wind, part of them directly fell on the commander's face.

The smell of blood is very sad.

"Mission...failed." The commander turned around and said to Dusand who was beside him, "I've let you down, Chief." The pistol in the room, and then pulled the trigger on his own head.

With all his might, Dusande kicked the commander in the stomach.The muzzle of the gun that was originally pointed at Mr. Commander's own head was slightly off. The bullet took away a lock of Mr. Commander's brown hair, and then hit a tank turret dozens of miles away.

"What kind of skill is it to shoot yourself in the head?!" Du Sande yelled at the commander who was kicked to the ground by him, "If you encounter any difficulties, you will die or die. Are you still a man? Stand up for me!" stand up!"

In a rage, Dusand didn't even wait for the commander who attempted suicide to stand up, he directly grabbed the other commander's collar and pulled him up from the ground.

"My mother is still up there, and in the hands of that damned steam knight, she still has a child in her belly!" Dusande put his face directly on the nose of the ashen-faced commander and roared, " I give you all the resources, the purpose is to let you save people for me! It's not for you to fuck up and shoot yourself in the head! You think it's okay to die here Cleared?!"

"Now, I don't care what method you use, even if you take me as a hostage..." Du Sande's voice was lowered, with uncontrollable choking and sadness, "I beg you, save her... ..."

The evening wind gradually blows over the long-stopped steel factory, carrying a smell of rust and blood.Standing under the tower, Dusand saw his mother.

She was pinched by a huge steel left palm, while the steam knight held a huge and sharp "short dagger" in his right hand, and the sword was directly on Androni's neck.

"My lord, it's been a long time—I hope you're doing well." Feuerbach, without a helmet, shouted triumphantly towards the tower, "It's really a shame to invite your mother here. It is a last resort choice, I hope you can understand my difficulties."

Dusand's face was ashen, he looked at Feuerbach and shouted, "We can talk about whatever conditions you have, let me put my mother down first!"

"My good sir, you are not a good negotiator." Feuerbach ignored Dusande's tricks, and he laughed. "You have to show a tough attitude first, and then threaten me,' If you don't release people immediately, you will kill everyone I care about'. In short, you have to act like you don't care about Mrs. Androni's life, and then threaten me in turn. This kind of negotiation can be considered effective .”

Du Sande gritted his teeth, clenched and loosened his fists, and asked after repeating several times, "What do you want?"

"I think... what do I want?" Feuerbach said after thinking "seriously" for a while, "I don't know what I want, but maybe you can have some fun for me first— — bring people out!"

Following Feuerbach's shout, two strong men with weapons walked out from the blast furnace workshop on the side, and they escorted seven or eight children who were tied up with ropes and walked out in a long line.

"These people are the descendants of the lowly confederate miners who fled and intermarried with the poor. Their parents never paid taxes, nor did they make any contribution to the development of Newsale - but they have no shame. They entered the school you funded and established to study!" Feuerbach shouted loudly, "These thieves are what I don't like the most, and you must hate them too! Then kill them, for Let's get off to a good start in our negotiations."

Feuerbach's first request turned out to be to kill someone, which Dusande never thought of.

At first, he thought that Feuerbach would ask Dusander for evacuation tools, money and other things like the robbers in the movies he had seen in his previous life.After all, in this world, with a ship equipped with multiple Ypsilon mine power systems, it can basically go anywhere-and it is not easy to be intercepted.

But this request caught Du Sande a little off guard.

"Killing people is a very simple thing. Most of them are the same as what you did to me four years ago." Feuerbach still stood on the high platform and said loudly, "Take out your gun and point it at the head of someone who has offended you." head, and just pull the trigger—very easy, isn't it?"

"If you did this out of personal grievances, then I will give you a better chance for revenge." Dusande tried to regain the initiative, "You come down now, I will tell everyone else to go away, let's have a game One-on-one fights between men."

Using the gender identity of "man" to control the behavior patterns of other men is a generally more effective strategy.Especially in a society like the Empire, where women's status and rights are generally suppressed, being a man means that some things have to be "masculine" actions.

"A man? Me?" Feuerbach rejected Dusand's suggestion indifferently, "Ever since a man took care of my buttocks when I was wandering in Olin, I haven't regarded myself as a man."

This answer was so powerful that Dusande didn't know how to answer it for a while.The most outrageous thing was that after hearing this answer, the armored knights standing beside Feuerbach didn't respond at all.

As if they already knew.

"It seems that Mr. Lord is still a little bit reluctant to do it." Feuerbach changed the subject again, "Since you don't have the heart to do it, then I will give you a little more motivation." After finishing speaking, the steam knight dagger in his right hand With a sudden swing, the little finger of Androni's right hand was cut off directly.

"This is the first driving force." Feuerbach looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter almost broke the sound.He didn't care about Androni's scream of pain in his hand and Dusand's roar under the tower.After stabbing the severed finger into the mouth with a short dagger and chewing hard twice, Feuerbach spat out the finger in his mouth in one gulp, and then pressed the dagger against Androni's neck again.

"Mr. Lord, every half an hour, I will cut off a part of your mother's body. It may be a finger, it may be a nose and eyes, or it may be a leg—you know, I am not a good person Think about it." Feuerbach said about the rise, and directly got out of his steam knight armor.

He stood on the left arm of his steam knight armor, stepped on Androni's head with his foot and shouted loudly, "Is this kind of encouragement enough for you to wake up and kill those who stole Newsail?" A thief of property?"

"Master... I can't find a suitable shooting angle nearby." Rosen walked to Dusand and whispered, "The elevation angle of the tank is still not enough, and the enemy's position is too close to Madam, if the shell is fired, the explosion and fragments will Even Madam will be killed together."

Using tank guns to directly aim and fire shells was Dusand's last resort.Contrary to the traditional impression of many people, the shooting accuracy of direct-pointing artillery is actually much higher than that of sniper rifles.But unfortunately, the shells equipped by tanks are all armor-piercing explosive shells.If you can follow the angle of direct shooting, there is a certain probability that the shell will not explode when it hits Feuerbach.

But the reality is that this plan is not feasible at all-the tall metal tower is behind the projectile trajectory, and the explosion will directly cover everyone including Androni.

"I just reminded you that I am not a person who is easy to think about." After waiting for a while, Feuerbach seemed to lose his patience, and he shouted to Dusand, "Then the people around you are also fine. , the red mailman, the pilots in those vehicles with gun barrels, or whoever - you have a minute to think about it, and then kill one of them!"

"Come down and fight me head-on if you have the guts!" Du Sande was still trying to provoke the other party, but what he got in return was a burst of ridicule from Feuerbach.

"You are such a poor little fool." Feuerbach spat on the ground, "This kind of trick doesn't work for me at all, it will only bring more trouble to your mother. Hurt. Now, shoot to kill or watch Your Excellency Speaker continue to lack would you choose?"

Dusand suddenly calmed down.

"What you want is nothing more than two results-Neusar rebelling against the empire and becoming a new alliance. Or Niusal trying his best to stay in the imperial system and keep it as it is." Dusand said loudly, "tell Me, what result do you want-even if you want Newsale to kill the alliance, this is not non-negotiable."

"People who are too smart will often end badly." Feuerbach suddenly stopped laughing, jumped off the steam knight's right arm, stood on the edge of the high platform of the console, and sighed. "I've changed my mind again. Wise lord—please kill yourself."

"I want to see Niusal and the empire never die, I want to see you forever sinking in the flames of war and slaughter, and I want everyone to experience the ultimate pain and sorrow." Feuerbach lacks interest , the voice is not too loud, "In short, I want to see suffering."

"So, please shoot yourself in the head." Feuerbach said, "I will let you go after you die."

Feuerbach was not lying.This was Dusand's first thought. There is no doubt that this damn fat man is a complete anti-social personality, and he is also extremely paranoid and full of resentment.

Forcing Dusande to commit suicide, and then letting Androni go... Of course, this can achieve his goal.Mother's revenge is probably the most lasting and deepest hatred in this world.

And I have already lived one more life, although death is still frightening, but it seems that it is not completely...unacceptable.

Du Sande looked at the pistol in his hand with some hesitation, the black muzzle seemed to have some special magical power.

As a mother, Androni always felt that she was not doing enough.

Dusande is a child who is completely different from the children in the traditional concept... a child.Since birth, Du Sande has hardly cried.Androni hardly bothered him much.

In the process of growing up, Du Sande also showed an unusual self-discipline and precocity.Whether dealing with Duchamp's unreasonable "punishment" or chatting with Androni, it seems that Dusande is the more mature one.

Due to Dusande's premature maturity, Androni always believed that she was not a qualified mother.

Later, in the process of looking for a tutor, Du Sande's performance also surprised her.Her son was like a big tree that was growing vigorously. When she looked at Dusand, Androni felt both proud and strange.

Fortunately, he is indeed his own child. At least in the work of the House of Commons, Dusande has shown excellent working ability and consistent political thinking with Androni.Almost all of the bills he proposed showed a care and kindness for the poor that was completely incompatible with aristocratic status.

He is his own child, and a good one at that.

The eyes of Androni looking at Dusande are always full of pride, but there is always some estrangement and unfamiliarity.

But now, watching Dusande raise his right hand and stare at the pistol in severe pain... The last trace of separation and unfamiliarity that Androni felt has disappeared.She didn't hesitate, she knew she had to stop Dusand's move.

She stared in front of her, turned her back to Feuerbach, and then rushed forward.

The short dagger in the steam knight's right hand cut open the skin, muscles, blood vessels...even the trachea of ​​Androni's neck.And with this desperate forward rush, Androni's right hand, missing a finger, pressed Feuerbach's back.

She is like a butterfly rushing towards the fire, without hesitation, rushing towards death.

Androni led Feuerbach to fall from the tower, and her perspective rolled up and down. She saw Dusande's expression of being stunned at first, and then shocked and even sad.

I'm sorry, mom can only do this.

From now on, you have to go to bed early, eat well... and live a healthy life.

Androni had so much to say in her heart, but she no longer had such a chance.

She still has too many things to say, too many things to do...

The evening wind blew gently, and Androni and Feuerbach fell to the ground.

"Fire!!!" Dusande's crying order spread throughout the steel plant. Twelve tanks hidden around the steel plant opened fire at the same time. Twelve three-inch shells hit about [-] people below the monitoring cabin of the tower at the same time. Joel's place.

The tower was still for a while, then collapsed, and the armed men who kidnapped the children were all killed instantly.

The smoke and dust from the fallen metal tower soared into the sky, as if it was a childish hand reaching out to the sky, trying to save the mother's soul.

 Of course Androni is going to die, and whether you like it or not, her fate was sealed when I typed the first word. order to allow you to read it all at once, so that the plot does not fall in the middle, so I spent several days, and this is probably finished.

  As for those who are clamoring to abandon the book...

  Xinghuo has become like this, do you think I still care about this?

  It's a good story and I think it should be written.Although there is a high probability that this result will end early, at least 100 million words must be written.Let it go, let it go for another two or three months, the story should end relatively normally.

(End of this chapter)

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