Thousands of sparks

Chapter 141 Past and Present

Chapter 141 Past and Present

Among the 720 sailors on and off the Goodman Anderson, not everyone could trust Duchamp's order without reservation.Of course, it's one thing to believe it or not, but when it comes to execution... no one dares to compromise on the details.

A small destroyer stopped in front of a powerful fleet.And it is extremely "arrogant" to declare, "If you don't obey the order, you will be attacked."Dare to issue such a threat to the main fleet of the empire, which itself requires great courage.

At the same time, you have to be confident.

In the fleet command room, the bearded colonel also realized this.

"A destroyer dares to stop in front of our fleet. If it doesn't know that there are people nearby who can launch a fatal attack on us at any time... I am afraid this destroyer would not dare to do so." The bearded colonel floated in the command In the room, he crossed his arms and analyzed, "The people in Newsail... I'm afraid they want to discourage us first."

If the positions of the two sides were exchanged, let that Duchamp be the commander of the squadron, and Mr. Colonel himself be the commander of the Newsail Garrison Fleet... the bearded colonel himself would also engage in such a set of "little tricks".

The new reinforcements come from a Royal Guard Navy that has almost as long a history as the Empire, and they are all organized when they arrive... What's more troublesome is that the strength of these ships is almost as strong as that of the Newsail Garrison Navy quite.If you want to compare the combat capabilities of the two sides, maybe the garrison navy is not as good as this task force.

Although only one of six squadrons under the [-]nd Guards Royal Navy, the total number of Confederate warships destroyed by this task force in the past five years may even be more than the total number of Confederate ships that the Newsail Garrison Navy has ever seen. .

If the support fleet is to truly become a part of the Newsail Garrison Navy...then it is necessary to destroy their vigor first, and let these imperial navy soldiers from Olin understand a little bit.

This is Newsale and you are part of the Newsale Garrison Navy.Put away the arrogance of those "Royal Guards of Olin", and find out first-who is your commander!
In the face of arrogant soldiers, each chief officer has his own solution.But one thing is for sure.

Li Wei, split, mixed with sand.None of these three items should be missing.

The destroyer is standing in front of the fleet, which is Liwei.And follow the destroyer to the Newsail interstellar landing site, that is to prepare for the split and the subsequent sand mixing.

Regarding Duchamp's "little action", Mr. Colonel personally does not have much opinion on it.I just lament in my heart—with such an impatient boss, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble in my future work.

The colonel himself didn't think that Duchamp, a general who was known for his "combat bravery" in the army, would come up with such a sinister routine. It was probably the idea given by the commander's wife, right?
Mr. Colonel, who had successfully completed his self-transformation, decided to respect this fierce general, so he issued an order, "Response, this fleet will follow your ship to the Upper Albin interstellar landing site. Welcome colleagues to board the ship for inspection."

Dusande was discussing with a fat girl who had only met once - if it wasn't for the fact that the other party accurately called Dusande's code name in the market, he would probably just regard this person as "trying to get some favors" "It's just a "rogue".

"Our sources of information are reliable, and we have identified the location of Mrs. Androni." The fat girl code-named "Gourmet" said to Dusand, "But... due to the identity of Mrs. It is inconvenient to intervene by force. There are also some disputes within the bazaar over whether to share this information with you..."

"There are some disputes?" Dusand said to the gourmet girl while working out a rescue plan with the postmen in red, "Is there anyone who wants the empire's rule to continue in Newsail?"

"The empire's rule over Newsail will inevitably end within this year, and this is not a fact that can be changed through our 'hope'." The gourmet girl whispered, "However, after the empire gave up its rule over Newsail After that, who will accept the ruling power... There are still some different voices in the market."

"This is completely understandable—although I can't accept it." Du Sande is not very surprised about this kind of thing. After all, for the organization itself, the market itself has the possibility of profiting from the political chaos.Among those who are also likely to become the rulers of Newsail, only the Dusand family has the resources and ability to quickly quell the political situation.

The longer the period of chaos, the better it is for the intelligence organizations lurking in the dark.

"Our members who originally lived in Newshall cannot accept it." The gourmet girl said, "Although a large part of the members in the market are from other colonies, there are even allies and federalists... But for Newsail, local members still hold the majority. We don’t want to see excessive unrest in Newsail, it’s not doing our lives any good.”

It is very natural to have factions within any organization.After all, every member of the organization is an "individual", and an "individual" has its own demands.

Within the Bazaar group, the factions were roughly divided into two.Local factions hope for a smoother and safer regime transition, while foreign factions hope to gain more benefits through chaos.

Thinking of this, Dusand suddenly realized a problem, and he asked the gourmet girl his own question, "Does Feuerbach have his own code name?"

"This information, I can't answer you." The gourmet girl stared at Du Sande seriously, and then whispered, "But I can tell you this-if only relying on his obvious identity, a director of a mining complex It is impossible to have such a great ability."

Information is a very complicated thing, and in many cases, the "drama" part of intelligence is not only reflected in the content.

The gourmet girl herself obviously wanted to be able to say something more, but she couldn't pass it on directly to Dusand.Therefore, she could only remind Du Sande in this way that was close to a riddle.

"In other words..." Dusand nodded slowly, "The information you told me may also be conveyed to Feuerbach by those members of the market who want to see the chaos in Neusaur. Even He may have grasped such information directly, and has already laid a trap, preparing to bring me in as well."

"So, if you want to find out what Feuerbach wants to do, maybe you should start with his motivation first." The gourmet girl looked around, and after confirming that there was no one else in the room, she took the He took out a stack of papers from his small bag.

"These are all we can find, all Feuerbach's past experience and past." The gourmet girl lowered her voice and said, "The personal information of members is the top secret of the market, and this document is not obtained through normal channels— —you must destroy it after reading it.”

Du Sande nodded, and solemnly took the document, "Thank you for your assistance, I will remember your contribution."

The gourmet girl smiled and said, "You just need to continue to maintain the current state. The people of Newsail have suffered for too long. They deserve a better ruler and a better life."

According to the contents of the intelligence... After Feuerbach was arrested four years ago, almost all of his confessions were true.

He did come from a family of fallen imperial aristocrats, his grandfather owned a bakery in Olin, and Feuerbach's father was a drunken thug.

However, compared with Feuerbach's own confession, his childhood recorded in the intelligence is actually more cruel and even darker.There are two points here as proof.

Feuerbach's mother was beaten to death by her husband and father-in-law in order to protect him.

And... that night when Feuerbach escaped from his family, he tied his father and grandfather with a rope.

After escaping from his family, Feuerbach, who had only twenty shillings on him, was quickly cheated out of all his money, and had to rely on petty theft, robbery and lockpicking...even selling himself to survive.But during his time, something happened to a joint mining prospector who used to look after his business.

He died in a well-planned accident.

As the last person to meet the prospector, Feuerbach became the first suspect in the police "investigation".They said they were suspects, but the Olin police officers had no intention of finding the real murderer at all.It's just that the prospectors of the mining complex died—or spies, and they had to give the mining complex an explanation.

That being the case, it's better to let this little bastard dawdling on the street take the blame.

No one knows to what extent Feuerbach was tortured after he was caught in the police station.No one knows how Feuerbach, as the "iron case" criminal "targeted" by the Olin police, was transferred to the mining complex.No one knows what Feuerbach did in the prospecting department of the mining complex.But in the end, the male prostitute who was wearing revealing clothes and wandering in the alleys of Olin disappeared.

A new prospector for the mining complex named Feuerbach appeared.

In the following 15 years, Feuerbach "remarkable military exploits."As a prospector of the mining complex, he successively helped the mining complex eliminate eleven high-level traitors who had defected to the Forestry Bureau.At the same time, his official career was prosperous all the way, and he entered the board of directors of the Imperial Mining Consortium step by step without any resistance.

Rumor has it that Feuerbach and the Archduke Hall were closely related.

"It is impossible for such a person to become a running dog of the imperial family." After reading all the information about Feuerbach, Du Sande immediately came to such a conclusion.

The reason for supporting Dusand's judgment is simple. Feuerbach's behavior does not match his experience.After experiencing such a miserable childhood and youth, Feuerbach's character is extremely distorted.His psychological world may be dominated by "hatred", but the object of hatred is not yet clear.

Judging from Feuerbach's actions, he is in a high position but likes to return to his old career to be a fraudster as a "hobby".This fully shows that he still has nostalgia for his past.And bragging without caring about risks in public means that some of his actions may seek self-destruction and pathological compulsion.

Finding himself being pointed at with a gun by Du Sande, and finally peeing his pants without hesitation, it proves that he will do whatever it takes to protect himself or achieve his "ultimate goal".

And now... Feuerbach personally came down and kidnapped Androni.

Dusande took a deep breath.

No matter what the target of Feuerbach's revenge is, he strongly stimulated himself and his father, and accelerated Neusal's separation from the empire... It was obviously a key node for him to achieve revenge.And based on this alone, Dusand can be sure - this time things can't go well, Feuerbach absolutely can't let it go.

The possibility of negotiating or trading in exchange for Androni's safety... is infinitely close to zero.

(End of this chapter)

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