Thousands of sparks

Chapter 143 Dusand's decision

Chapter 143 Dusand's decision
It has never been a hero who leads social change.It is a naturally occurring, objective and active change that cannot be reversed artificially.

Summer is upon us in Newsail.

As a planet with a long orbit, Newsail's seasons always come slowly and protractedly.In the gradually rising temperature, a chill is silently floating in the air throughout Newsail.

After becoming the de facto ruler of Niusal, the purge led by Duchamp has lasted for more than two months.

Just look at Duchamp for the devastation a middle-aged man who has lost a loved one while still becoming the de facto ruler of a planet can wreak havoc.Under his orders, more than 2 people have been sent to the gallows or guillotine in two months.

All individuals working for the mining complex, all enterprises and individuals who have provided assistance to the mining complex, and those who are dissatisfied with Duchamp's rule have all become targets of cleansing and massacre.Even those who had misgivings and sympathies for the mass purges fell prey to Duchamp's wrath.

The heads of those who were killed were rolling, and the hearts of those who were killed were terrified.No one can stop Dushan, who holds the military power, not even Dusand.

After Androni's death, Dusande was relieved of all duties by his father.

Whether it is the work of the temporary acting director of Newsea Aika, or the Belford Automobile Factory... even Rosen's armed security was directly dismantled by Duchamp, and then filled into the Newsea National Army under the command of Colonel Philip. .

The heavy hand on his son was not because Duchamp was trying to shield his son from any danger or political challenge through his actions—he didn’t have the brains yet.

Duchamp did think, and firmly believed, that Dusande was largely responsible for Androni's death.The reason is also very good-on the premise that you must resist the empire, why don't you strengthen the protection of Androni?Why let her go out like this?Why only twelve people were used for the rescue?
Duchamp's anger was justified and there was no turning back.His emotions for his son now are pretty much nothing but anger, and perhaps deep down, some compassion as a victim of the loss of his family as well.

This sympathy may be the fundamental reason why he allowed Dusande to act freely.

Dusande, who had been relieved of all duties and lost all his strength, had no time to be angry or sad.

He is still working hard.

"This plan is not acceptable." As usual, Dusand drove to the House of Commons in Newsail.Holding a plan in his hand, he rushed into the internal affairs committee in a hurry. "The distribution process must reduce the intermediate distribution links. Every time a spoonful of flour passes through a distribution link, it may have to be deducted by half! The food sent by the Federation must be used with caution..."

The staff members of the Internal Affairs Committee stood up in a panic. They looked at each other, hoping that their colleagues would say something first...but none of them dared to speak.

"Mr. Lord, if we don't go through these intermediate links, we can't guarantee the timeliness of the distribution of materials." A woman's voice came from the office, "Timeliness is more important than no one is corrupt—people who starve to death There is no need for food."

Dusande followed the voice and looked over. The Marquise was looking up at Dusande. She said helplessly, "Your idea is very good, but you still have to consider the reality."

Dusande, whose proposal was rejected, was not annoyed. He put down the documents in his hand, walked up to the Marchioness and asked, "Are you in charge of the Internal Affairs Committee now?"

The position where the Marchioness of Lafayette sat was the same as Dusand's previous office in the Interior Committee.All the things on the table that belonged to Dusande disappeared, and the personal items of the Marchioness were placed.

"Yes, the order given by the Grand Consul at dinner yesterday." The Marquise's answer was very calm, and she didn't know whether she was simply answering the question or taking the opportunity to demonstrate.

"I haven't had dinner with my father for a long time." Du Sande didn't care, he thought for a while and said, "Since you have your own opinions, then I won't bother you." After finishing speaking, he turned to Walking towards the door on the side, it seemed that he was about to leave directly.

The Marquise hurriedly called Dusande to a stop. She looked around with some embarrassment, and then said in a low voice, "If you have any suggestions or need me to implement... then write me a letter directly. It's risky to come to the committee - I don't know if there will be a whistleblower."

"I have nothing to hide from my father." Dusande rejected the Marquise's proposal very briefly, then turned and walked out of the room.

Without looking back, Dussand was sure that the staff in the Interior Committee were probably all relieved at the same time—none of them wanted to be involved in Dussand and Duchamp's "family conflict."After all, Duchamp is now the actual supreme ruler of New Saal, and Dusand is Duchamp's only child.Annoyed any one of these two people, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit for them in the future.

Just after leaving the committee, Dusand saw Escobar.The fat man lost a lot of weight in a month, and his face looked haggard.Due to his close relationship with Dusand, Escobar also suffered some "indiscriminate disasters".He was kicked out from his position as head of the Newsail Bureau of the Interior and instead assumed the duties of vice-chairman of the Interior Committee.

It is said to be the vice chairman, but in fact it is essentially a mascot who is responsible for running errands and signing.Not to mention that almost all the power has been handed over, he still has a lot of work every day.Every ship of supplies sent from the Star Sea Federation needs to be received by Escobar, and then forwarded to the peripheral agencies of the Internal Affairs Bureau in other cities after the income is received in the warehouse.

This kind of work is very busy and trivial, and the responsibility is still great-if the materials sent and received do not match the number, Escobar may have to prepare for the execution list of the month.But not only did he not have any resentment, but he was very satisfied with this position.

Moreover, his attitude towards Dusande has always maintained the original kind of "flattering" closeness.He didn't stay away from Dusand like everyone else.

"Mr. Lord." Escobar, who was hurrying on his way with sweaty hair, saw Dusand and greeted him loudly, "You haven't been here for a long time."

"Yeah, almost... half a month?" Dusande stopped with a smile, looked at Escobar who hurried over and asked, "How is your new position? Are you used to it?"

"I haven't been this fulfilling for many years." Escobar smiled, approached and said in a low voice, "The personnel in the Operations Department and other areas are all in place, waiting for your order."

In the House of Commons where people come and go, all the staff walked around Dusand as if avoiding the plague, and Escobar lowered his voice to report that no one could hear him.

"This is the last resort." Dusande sighed. He looked down at the relief food distribution plan he had written in his hand. After a moment of silence, he said, "I'm going to talk to my father tonight. The matter shouldn't come to an end. This level."

Escobar looked at the little lord in front of him with some sympathy, "Although it is a little inappropriate to say this...but there is no time to make you sad now."

Duchamp, who fell into madness because of Androni's death... He killed too much, and killed too many people.

2 people were executed, which means that at least 8 people lost their relatives.This is on the basis that no members of the family died in the Nusaal massacre.

The [-] executed workers of the mining complex did not directly participate in the Niusal massacre. They were just ordinary workers.

But Dusan didn't care about this at all. If he wanted to avenge his wife, he would have to kill a lot of people, and the people who killed him would be terrified.

He is a wounded beast, with the utmost hostility towards all.

If this kind of behavior is placed in Olin's play, it is of course a legitimate and tragic heroism.But in reality, Duchamp's large-scale "cleaning" has already brought huge negative effects to Newsail.

Most of the staff of the mining complex who are still in Newsale are professional and technical personnel.They have rich experience in mining and beneficiation, and have quite good management capabilities.What's more, most of them are Newsale natives.

If the killing continues like this, the people will soon be betrayed, and the hearts of the people will be completely chilled.

According to the analysis of the intelligence network formed by the high-level goblins that Escobar spread out, small-scale resistance organizations have emerged in some cities that are mainly mining industries.These organizations are made up of workers and managers of the mining complex and are growing rapidly.

It is not surprising that such an organization appeared, but what really made Dusande unable to sit still was the birth of an organization called "Ayer Party".

Other resistance organizations themselves have no political program at all, and no clear goals for action.Their composition and activities, to put it bluntly, are just for survival.

But the Ayer Party is different. Since its birth, this organization has had a clear political program and goals.

Their slogan was, "Return Niusal to the glory of His Majesty the Emperor." In order to achieve this goal, the Ayer Party proposed a clear course of action.

In all locations, fight or even kill the ruling officials of Newsail by any means until the glory of His Majesty is ushered in.

Such a political program and means of action certainly sound stupid, but it has aroused Dusand's high vigilance—an organization with a clear political program, clear and implementable means...its power is astonishing.

A way must be found immediately to stop this Ayr party from continuing to develop.

Even if Duchamp is still unwilling to meet Dusande, he still intends to give it a try.If you can convince your father, everything will be fine.If you can't convince...

Du Sande sighed inwardly.

The massacre and coup d'état of Nieusar in just one month is not a very good situation.

(End of this chapter)

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