Thousands of sparks

Chapter 106 Why are you fighting?

Chapter 106 Why are you fighting?
Amidst the loud noise, fifty "tanks" transformed from trucks were advancing in a "relatively neat" formation.Under the repeated rolling of the tracks, the training ground that was originally paved with small stones has become stone dust and dust everywhere.

The rear admiral's training was very effective, at least after he raised his throat and sprayed every driver's face with smoke-smelling spittle, these young people who were still laughing and joking during training finally became serious.

The training is hard, especially the "command training" before training.For the vast majority of young drivers who have not received systematic education, this is a challenge.

As people with basic driving knowledge, they can understand when to step on the "gas" door, when to step on the brakes, and what gear should correspond to when.

But they just couldn't connect these movements with the light signals on the captain's car.

The captain's car is equipped with a gas lamp that can be quickly opened and closed. It can quickly send out a set of predetermined signals under the operation of the commander.

Different flashes mean that the teams will change at different speeds and formations.The tank commander who received the order needs to immediately convey the order to his driver, and the driver needs to quickly maneuver to the position he should go to according to the order while keeping moving, and wait for the next order.

In all fairness, the difficulty of this series of operations is not too high.Observing signals, identifying instructions, conveying instructions, and completing operations according to actual conditions... none of these contents are actually difficult.But when it happened almost at the same time, and there were still fifty cars that needed to follow the instructions at the same time, its difficulty suddenly became unattainable, and even a little "wishful thinking".

In order for these young people to successfully complete the formation change, His Majesty the Rear Admiral began to wash their faces with his Tumu Xingzi.Every sentence of the roar with Olin's foul language must be answered, and the voice of the answer must be loud and clear.

As a result, the training ground often echoed "louder!" "Can't hear you!"

According to the Major General's theory, soldiers must remain excited at all times, so that they can execute orders from officers more efficiently.But Du Sande has a different view on this. He often eats and drinks with these "armed security guards", and chats and brags together.He is very clear that the "armed security guards" actually have a lot of complaints about the training work.

He gets the same salary as other colleagues every week, but has to live on the training ground all the time, and is sprayed with saliva every day by an old man with only one arm.The work content is boring, except for the occasional driving of the tracked vehicle to practice the formation, that is, all of them stand together in the dust in the sun, standing at attention, turning left and right and walking in unison.

Military training is an inherently boring process—officers build obedience, discipline, and a sense of honor in soldiers through tedious and tiring repetitions.Only after completing such "dry" training can a civilian be called a "recruit".

Typically, such recruit training lasts at least 45 days.The soldiers eat and live together, and are completely used to living with people like themselves.Only in this way can a good "foundation" be laid for the next training.

But now, Dusand does not have such "leisure" time to wait for the training to be completed. In fifteen days, the staff officers of the Imperial Army will arrive in Newsail, and they will observe tank operations and formation drills.

The tanks on the production line are being assembled at the fastest speed, and the artillery ordered by the Belford Automobile Factory has not yet been delivered.In order to have something to come in handy in case the order of Olin Royal Military Metal Company cannot be delivered on time, General Horn used his and Duchamp's "power" to get 50 3-doors for Dusand. Inch naval guns.These naval guns are installed on the patrol ships of the garrison navy and are used as "courteous weapons" for fire deterrence.In the vast sea of ​​stars, their power is at most used to frighten civilian ships and smuggling ships without armor plates.

But when installed on a tank, such equipment is completely sufficient, and it is very easy to use.

The artillery of the Garrison Navy not only needs extremely small gunpowder smoke during use, but also needs to ensure that the interior of the artillery has sufficient airtightness to avoid loss of pressure.

Moreover, it must be light enough so that it can be installed on a ship that is not very big itself.

After dismantling all the airtight equipment, Dusand and Polina were pleasantly surprised to find that the launch mechanism and barrel weight of this marine three-inch gun were not too heavy, only less than the ordered four-inch gun 50 lbs.

Weight is very important for land combat equipment - if this gun is 100~150 pounds heavier, the gun body and turret rotation mechanism designed by Polina may not be able to effectively adjust the artillery shooting parameters.

The only flaw is that the shells used by the three-inch naval gun are much larger than the ordered four-inch gun—in order to meet the high muzzle velocity requirements required for combat in the star sea, this three-inch naval gun has enough longer than the four-inch gun. Double the cartridge.The charge in the barrel is 115% of that of the four-inch tank gun.

Larger charge means greater recoil.Thanks to this batch of tanks, it is only necessary to complete the demonstration task-if the three-inch naval gun is used for a long time, the body and turret, especially the turret swivel that is opened from the body, may have to be completely redesigned.

In short, in order to catch up with the drill fifteen days later, all the employees in the entire Belford Automobile Factory were extremely busy.Even the group of crazy chemists in the Rubber Research and Development Center temporarily put down their chemical experiments, and they began to produce small batches of the "mattresses" that Du Sande took home.

Laying such a mattress around the tank's interior crew compartment can effectively improve the tank's defensive performance - in the experiment, Polina found that although the tank's armor will not be penetrated after being shot by shells, the interior of the armor may be damaged. A lot of metal debris burst out.These metal debris will pose a great threat to the tank crew, and after the "mattress" is used for laying, the mattress itself can effectively block the debris.

It also improves the comfort inside the armor.

For this demonstration, everyone is doing their best.Only the first batch of "armored soldiers" in the history of the empire did not have much reaction to this.

They would subconsciously stand at attention when they heard Major General Horn's roar, although they stood crookedly.

When they hear the order, they will clenched their fists and shout "here!" with all their strength.

As the training progressed day after day, the mood of these armed security guards became worse and worse.Despite a strict no-alcohol regime at the training camp, the lads increasingly clashed.Fights and fights happened from time to time, and there was even a case where the members of the crew teamed up and broke the bridge of the nose of the captain of his own crew.

General Horn and Rosen finally stopped the serious brawl by firing their guns into the sky.

Du Sande, who heard the news, rushed to the scene immediately.He looked at this group of armed security guards with low morale and impatient eyes, and suddenly realized a serious problem.

They don't know the meaning of their work at all, they don't understand what changes daily boring training can bring to themselves and their families, and they don't know what role the tank they drive can play.

To describe these armed security guards in the politest terms, they are a mob.The reason why I say this is a polite description is because at least there is a word "public" in "crowd".And they are more like a plate of loose sand.

I don't know what I should fight for.

Dusande understood almost in an instant that it would definitely not work if it went on like this.He rejected Major General Horn's suggestion to "repress by force and tame soldiers through fear".Instead, when the exercise was only fourteen days away, the half-day training was called off.

On the training ground, Dusand asked someone to move a wooden box containing shells, and stood on it by himself.The other disgraced armed security guards were sitting in the floating soil one by one, listening to Dusande's "teaching".

Dussande took a deep breath, then called out in as loud a tone as possible, "Guys, do you know me?"

"Mr. Lord!" There were sparse voices from the audience.

"Today, I'm here to give you a speech." Du Sande raised his voice and said, staring at the many armed security guards in the audience seriously, "Although I'm only 14 years old, since you call me 'Mr. For the sake of this, I think I still have the qualifications to speak to you.”

"The topic of my speech today is very simple. This is the answer to a question." Du Sande said loudly. Brothers and friends have not been able to exchange questions for answers."

"What are we fighting for?"

Dusande stood on the cannonball box and looked at these young people who were not a few years older than him.Suddenly stepped out of the box.He walked quickly to a young man with a blank face, "What's your name?"

The young man subconsciously jumped up from the ground, put his feet together and replied loudly: "My name is Fontaine, Mr. Lord!"

"Mr. Fontaine, what kind of work did you do before you came to this training ground?"

"Patrolling Pilot Street and Knight Street in Upper Albyn, my lord."

"What is your job description?"

"Arrest criminals, maintain order in the streets, drive away beggars and children who break into the roads used by steam carriages."

"Then what is the purpose of these jobs?"

Fontaine looked at Dusande in confusion, but didn't know what to answer

Dussande smiled and told Fontaine to sit back.He called up several young men and asked them the same question.These armed security guards are basically engaged in maintaining order, patrolling locations all over Upper Albin.But one thing is consistent-they can't answer what the purpose of their work is.

"In my opinion, your work has only one purpose." After sitting down a young man with yellow hair, Dusande shouted to the slightly more lively crowd, "You maintain order, arrest criminals, protect Children's safety, at the end of the day, is in the service of the people, it's in the service of all New Zealanders."

There is no word "people" in the imperial language. Dusande put together the words "civilian" and "crowd" very directly, referring to the group of people who accounted for the largest population of the entire empire.

"Your job is to maintain social order. And social order will ultimately help people get a safer life and a more stable job. They are walking on the road, no longer need to worry about their financial being stolen, no longer need to worry about their own Life is at stake, and you don’t have to worry about your child dying in an accident.”

Du Sande's voice was higher, and he said loudly to these armed security guards, "Your work, in the final analysis, is to serve the people."

The surrounding atmosphere became more lively. Although the word "serving the people" sounded unfamiliar, there was a warm feeling in the ears of these armed security guards.

"Now, your place of work has changed. You don't have to patrol the streets anymore, but, my friends, your job is still to serve the people!" Dusande exclaimed. "The tanks you drive will It will become the most advanced weapon of the empire, and their orders will bring a lot of work to the whole of Nusa! Tanks defend the people, orders feed the people, and you, will be the foundation of all this!"

"You have to understand why you are working - you are working for a brighter future for the people, you are working for the jobs of countless Nusaers, and you are working for the safety of the entire empire!" Dusand waved at them Raised his fist, "You come from the people, your wages and supplies come from the people, and your work and purpose are only one! You don't know why you are fighting, so let me answer you!"

He turned and jumped onto the shell box and shouted, "Fight for the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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