Thousands of sparks

Chapter 107 Fighting for the People

Chapter 107 Fighting for the People
How to let a group of people find a "faith" in the shortest time and at the fastest speed?
This matter itself is actually very difficult, and everyone can shout slogans.In the territory of the empire, the best slogan is probably "For Your Majesty's Honor".

But this is too far from "faith", and even conflicts with each other.

Every imperial man, noble or pauper, merchant or freeman--everyone of them knew that when others shouted "for your Majesty's honor", they also had a rightful need to show "excitement". And cheer up."

If you don't do this, those people from the Heraldry Management Office might come to your door.And the cost of being troubled by the Heraldry Management Office is impossible for them to afford.

Of course, shouting slogans can be heard everywhere, but this does not help Dusande's dilemma.

These armed security guards, these "soldiers", they have not yet become qualified "soldiers".They were in a daze, not knowing the meaning of what they had done.

None of this seemed to make any sense other than to make myself half-tired and disgraced.

Dusand recognized the problem and decided to change it.The means of change is to use "facts" to make every armed security guard aware of the meaning of his work.

"Shouting two slogans in vain will not help our work." Du Sande thought so, and said so.He sat down on the ammunition box under his feet, and asked the Fontaine who was under the stage, "Mr. Fontaine, what does your family do?"

"My father was a turner, he processed metal workpieces." Fontaine replied.

"Metal workpieces." Dusand nodded, "On one of our tanks, there are as many as 4000 metal workpieces that need to be outsourced to external companies." Dusand pointed and looked at him from a distance. General Horn, who gave the speech, said, "The naval commando represented by Mr. Horn alone placed an order for 300 tanks for us."

"In other words, Mr. Horn's order needs to process 120 million different workpieces. Your father should be an amazing and high-level turner. How many workpieces can he process in a day? Fifty pieces, one hundred pieces?" Du Sander casually mentioned a number, and then said, "If you process one hundred workpieces a day, then your father will continue to do this job for the next 32 years-32 years, without a break. end."

The armed security guards present are basically the children of workers, and they know very well what this huge order means.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then became excited.

"There are still fourteen days. Fourteen days later, we will show tanks to the senior officers of the Imperial Army. This cross-age armored weapon will officially enter the field of vision of those army mud legs in fourteen days. "Dusande seemed to be telling a story, his tone was full of determination and complacency, "How many orders will they provide us? Just for trucks, they ordered [-] vehicles a year!"

"At least 32 tanks, and this number is only the order for the first year. In the second year, in the third year...we will continue to improve and produce brand new tanks, and the Imperial Army will eventually abandon those steam knights, Completely become a captive of our products!" Du Sande stood up and asked, "An order of [-] tanks is enough for [-] of the best workers to work without sleep for a whole year! And next is [-] tanks , [-] or even more."

Du Sande took a deep breath and said, "Your job is to make the soldiers of the empire fall in love with tanks, and then bring enough orders to your families, jobs, and opportunities to make money!"

The mood at the scene was indeed mobilized, and the children of these workers started discussing happily, as if everyone had seen the scene that their families were about to become rich.

Then Dusand changed the subject.

"You know who our tanks are going to deal with?" He stood up from the ammunition box. "Allies, those beasts who call themselves the 'Freedom League', they will be the targets of the tanks."

"I don't know how much you know about the allies, but I can read to you a report from Bomir - this information comes from the Heraldry Management Office. The information sent as a price." Dusand took out a piece of paper from his pocket and began to read it aloud.

This information did come from Bomir, but it does not involve confidentiality issues.This is a battle report, and it is also a notice declaring that the entire Bomir Coat of Arms Management Office has completely lost its function.It was sent out before Bomir was completely besieged, and it had been in the intelligence system of the Coat of Arms Management Office for more than three months.

【Your Majesty the Merciful Emperor, may your glory bring Bomir the final peace. 】

The beginning of this information is different. It can be seen that the red-clothed postman who wrote the information has completely given up hope of whether he can survive from the moment he wrote the pen.

[All major landing sites and cities in Bomir have fallen, and the army of the Confederates is massacring almost all major cities in Bomir.Our red postmen lurking in various cities have suffered heavy losses-they are not unprofessional and have exposed their whereabouts, but they cannot continue to suppress their anger in the slaughter of these beasts.They finally decided to serve the Empire with their lives, avenge the citizens of the Empire, and take up arms to kill as many Allies as possible. 】

[In Santares, the capital of Bomir, more than [-] imperial citizens were systematically classified and massacred by the allies.Old people, women, children are on their kill list. 】

【The person lurking in Santares is my deputy.The last piece of information he passed on to me showed that the allies had selected more than 3000 and 30 pregnant women in Santarez.The shoulder blades of these pregnant women were directly passed through by wires, and a group of [-] people were led to the square...]

When Du Sande read this, his voice began to change a little.

[The allies used bayonets to cut open the pregnant women's stomachs, and the bayonets directly pierced the fetus's body, and the pregnant women fell helplessly in a pool of blood and howled.Some of them were lucky to die quickly, while others watched as the child was picked up in the air by bayonets, then thrown to the ground and mutilated. 】

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more depressed, and many young armored soldiers clenched their fists.

Even Major General Horn in the distance had a flame of anger in his eyes.

[Some of them were thrown on the ground, waiting for the blood to drain and die.The other part of the younger ones will be strangled to death by the allies with the umbilical cord and placenta.But after the massacre entered the third day, in order to speed up the massacre, the allies began to massacre pregnant women with machine guns and large incendiary devices. 】

[My deputy noticed that several allies did not participate in the massacre, but stood aside and recorded the relevant content with a pen.He captured one of them during the operation, and confirmed that the allies were recording the growth, size and characteristics of the fetus.They are launching "phrenology" research, and fetal phrenology is a very important part of it. 】

[The allies intend to kill all pregnant women they can find, and direct the fetuses in their wombs to help research.This is the last message from my deputy.Last week, the red-coated postmen I dispatched to Santares reported back that they found my deputy's body on a utility pole in Santares. 】

[With the help of the remaining army and navy, we have transferred all the citizens of the empire that can be transferred to North Watsonko State for the final resistance. The residents of the empire in other areas may not escape the fate of being massacred.I judged my responsibilities as head of Imperial intelligence at Bomir to be fully fulfilled. 】

[The last 64 intelligence ships are all in place, and we will do our best to send this information to the territory of the empire. 】

[After the last intelligence ship departs, I will try to sneak into Santarez and try to assassinate the alliance commander. 】

[Currently, at least 72 imperial residents have been slaughtered by the allies like animals, and the allies have completely become beasts without any sympathy or mercy.Someone must pay the price for this, even if a million allies died here in the same way, they would not be able to repay one ten-thousandth of their crimes. 】

【The great Emperor His Majesty is so glorious, and under his shelter, the benevolent empire has found a place to live in the sea of ​​stars.Your Majesty, please continue to shelter your people.Before the Alliance, we need your attention. 】

After reading the information, Dusand carefully folded the paper and put it back into his pocket.

He was silent for a long time, and then said to the armed security guards with red eyes and clenched fists in the audience, "The alliance's offensive will not stop at Bomir, and Newsale is also their target. If, if The Confederates broke through the defenses of the Imperial Navy and started landing at Nuisal...then the tank was the best weapon to kill them."

"You come from the people, you depend on the people, and you also have to serve the people." Dusand said in a deep voice, "If you complete the training efficiently, the empire will start purchasing a large number of tanks. These weapons will become the sharp blades of revenge. Have The empire that has mastered tanks can kill those damned allies on all colonial planets... and in the end, you who have mastered the method of driving and using tanks will become the strongest shields guarding Newsail."

"You also have mothers, sisters, and lovers." Dusand asked, looking at the young armed security guards with red eyes and bleeding hands, "If the tragedy of Bomir happened in Newsail, can you Do you tolerate it?"

"No!" "Never!" "Kill them!" The surrounding armored soldiers roared angrily.There are all kinds of answers, but there is only one core content.

Kill all the invading enemies!
"You don't know why you are fighting. Now, I will give you the answer." Dusande took off his hat and smashed it on the ground viciously, "You have to fight for yourself, for the lives of your loved ones, to defend Fighting for a hard-won good life..."

Every time Dusande spat out "and fight" viciously, the surrounding soldiers would let out a roar.Many of them have even started to tremble all over, and their eyes are red.

After Dusande finished speaking all he wanted to say, he put his trembling hands behind his back and raised his voice and asked, "Now, tell me, why are you fighting?"

"Fight for the people!" Roars came from all directions.

"I can't hear you." Dusand frowned.

"Fight for the people!" The roar shook everyone's chest.

"Can't hear you!" Dusand jumped back onto the ammunition box, "I can't hear you!"

"Fight for the people!!!" 200 people shouted with the momentum of 2 people, and the roaring sound even caused a cloud of smoke to float on the floating soil on the ground.

"Training will resume in the afternoon." Dusande turned and left without hesitation, and said with a low voice while walking, "I look forward to your performance."

(End of this chapter)

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