Thousands of sparks

Chapter 105 For Health

Chapter 105 For Health
On the streets of Olin, a man in a windbreaker and a high hat was walking aimlessly on the street.

He was not walking fast, and the leather boots on his feet looked like they had been worn for a long time-the right heel was worn away a large piece.

It seems that because of the wear and tear of the heels, his whole body will swing from side to side when he walks.As his body swayed, a crisp sound of metal clashing would come directly from his right waist.

Looks like there's a bunch of wrenches and keys and stuff hanging there.

However, such a movement did not attract the attention of others.This is Olin, the place with the highest density of great technicians and engineers in the entire empire.People who seem to eat and sleep without gears and bolts are almost everywhere in Olin, and it's not surprising to have a bunch of wrenches hanging around them.

What's weird is his outfit.

The weather in Olin was as usual, mild and pleasant.Orin's sun is not as rough or too weak as in the colony. The mild sunlight spreads on this planet where human beings were born, and it is just not too hot or too cold.

In such weather, a person wearing a windbreaker, a high hat and high-top leather boots looks a little unusual.

The unusual windbreaker wandered around for a while, and then slowly walked under the eaves of a newsstand on the side of the road.He lowered his head with some difficulty, and then took off his top hat.Sweat-drenched blond hair clung tightly to his head, making it look like he was wearing a rough hat woven of blond wool.

"A copy of "Olin Entertainment Weekly." He said the name of the publication he needed to buy in a low and hoarse voice, and then on the metal counter that was polished and shiny by countless Olin gentlemen and ladies with their arms and sleeves , put down two pennies.

The stall owner was reading a newspaper. Hearing this request, he stretched out his big furry hand and touched two coins on the counter.Then he stared at the newspaper intently, and accurately took out a copy of "Olin Entertainment Weekly" from his side and handed it over.

"You know, there are fewer and fewer Olin gentlemen who are willing to read newspapers seriously." The stall owner continued to look at the newspaper, speaking as if he was talking about the weather lightly, rather than criticizing his customers for buying publications What kind of serious and beneficial information can there be in Entertainment Weekly? It only records what a group of opera singers, a bunch of clowns and shit poets ate today, and how many expensive things they bought. Exotic leather goods... even they got a few pretty girls from the accounting school in one day!"

"That's really great." The windbreaker didn't respond to the stall owner's criticism, and even said with some joy, "My soul lacks such poison to redeem itself—it has been boring for too long."

Under the surprised and even scornful eyes of the stall owner, the windbreaker whistled frivolously and left the newsstand, holding the weekly magazine under his arm, and slowly walked into the roadside coffee shop.

Coffee is a beverage that has only become popular in Olin in recent years.Unlike the tea produced in Olympia, coffee is a brand-new variety produced by Olympian native plants cultivated in other colonies.Pick off the fruit of the coffee tree inside, dig out the seeds inside and ferment and roast, and people get a kind of small black beans with strange fragrance.

Grind the beans, boil water, mix with milk and sugar, and people can get a drink similar to tea and surrogate tea.Its price is cheaper than tea, and its taste is more fragrant than substitute tea.Very popular in Olin.

Most of the coffee shops on the street also operate fast food service. Simple bacon, toast, baked beans and eggs are a hearty and quick meal.This is the perfect meal to accompany with a cheap refreshing cup of coffee.

The windbreaker found a seat and sat down. He hummed a little song and slowly flipped through the magazine in his hand.Soon, he looked at a page of the magazine and stopped turning the pages.

"Mr. Schultz, is it still the same today?" The beautiful waitress walked over briskly, she put the coffee pot she was carrying close to the cup of the windbreaker, and asked in a low voice, "Three pieces of sugar, half a cup of milk ?”

After waiting for a long time, the waitress couldn't wait for the answer from the old regular customer who often appeared in the store.She carefully looked at the magazine in Mr. Schultz's hand, and then became even more confused.

It was a series of little tidbits, mixed with the occasional, suspicious-looking advertisement.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to continue enjoying coffee today." Mr. Schultz closed the magazine in front of him, picked up his coffee cup, and drank the slightly cold drink inside.Then, he stood up and said to the waitress, "I still have money at the counter, right?"

"And ... two gold pounds, four shillings and sevenpence," said the waitress. "Do you want to hand over the money?"

"No need." Schultz put his top hat back on his head, then smiled and said to the waitress, "I may not come here again, the money on the account... will be counted as a tip for you Bar."

Such a generous gift surprised the waitress, she subconsciously asked, "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going home." Schultz pulled on his trench coat, a brown wool coat that hid the gleaming wrench at his waist.He seemed to be in a really good mood, and even sang a little song.

Oh, I'm going home, back to where I was born.

Oh, I'm going home, look at the towering trees.

There is my home, the beginning and the end of the journey.

There's a her there, and I wish I could kiss her cheek again.

Oh, I'm going home, the damn trip is coming to an end.

Oh, I'm going home, I'm going home...

"Your Excellency, Mr. Schulz has arrived." About a mile away from the Olin Palace, in the mansion of Grand Duke Hall, the Imperial Finance Minister, a servant in a tuxedo walked into the study and faced the smoky room. Said, "He is waiting for your reception in the reception room."

"I don't have any other visitors here, let him in." Grand Duke Hall waved the pipe in his hand, which looked like a policeman in an industrial area directing traffic in the thick morning fog, "By the way, Tell Mrs. Anne to make some Newsail-style delicacies tonight. I remember the pork knuckle she made before was very good."

A few minutes later, Schultz swayed into the room with the sound of "clinking" metal around his waist. He took off his high hat and knelt down on one knee to Grand Duke Hall with difficulty, "I am here on call, His Excellency the Grand Duke."

"May you be in good health." Grand Duke Hall put down the pipe in his hand, stood up very enthusiastically, walked to the sofa beside Schultz and sat down, "Please sit down, please sit down."

Schultz stood up slowly from the ground, then walked to the sofa behind him and sat down.He leaned forward slightly, and spoke first, "Your Excellency, the plan in Newsail has not yet reached the stage where it can be implemented immediately."

"The allies are out of control." Grand Duke Hall did not directly react to Schultz's words.He just said in a deep voice, "The twelve lines of contact between us and the alliance were disconnected at the same time, whether it was the Grand Consul or the heads of the major military city-states...even the slave traders directly disconnected from us."

Schultz's expression suddenly darkened.

"His Majesty the Emperor has already known about this matter." Grand Duke Hall said solemnly, "According to His Majesty's royal wishes, I have been ordered to launch the Salvador Project."

Schultz stood up from the sofa, "Please give me the activation command." His expression was extremely serious, as if he was going through a difficult battle.

"This is your order." Grand Duke Hall took out a wax-sealed letter from his body and handed it over. "The coordination of various departments still needs time, and the start time is scheduled for one month later."

Schultz ignored the words of Grand Duke Hall. He checked the outer envelope of the letter very carefully, even to the point of being almost rude, and only after confirming that the secret marks on the three corners were correct, Schultz opened the envelope. letter.

There were also three secret marks inside the letter, and after confirming that they were correct, Schultz began to read the contents inside.

Soon, he frowned.

"Your Excellency, this plan..." He put down the letter in his hand, and continued to ask after a moment of hesitation, "Neusar's strength is still too weak, and using them may not be the best choice."

"They are weak now, but they have the most potential." Grand Duke Hall shook his head and said, "400 years ago, His Majesty Justinian chose the Duke of Salvador for the empire. The most powerful of the nobles. The result? His descendants betrayed the covenant between the Duke of Salvador and His Majesty Justinian."

"If Newsale is allowed to act as a rebel, then I'm afraid they won't reach any agreement with His Majesty from the very beginning." Schultz seemed dissatisfied with Grand Duke Hall's explanation, and he "struggled" respectfully, "La While Fayette showed some unique political views, he didn't seem like someone who could organize against the Empire."

"Lafayette..." Grand Duke Hall's expression looked a little nostalgic, "That young man is indeed too gentle, and he is not suitable to be used as a leader against the empire."

Schultz's expression softened slightly, but the order of Grand Duke Hall made his expression that had just eased completely freeze on his face.

"Then kill it." Grand Duke Hall waved his hand, as if the one who was about to be killed was just a fly. "The female speaker of the House of Commons can also be killed together-what's the use of a woman?"

"Then..." The expression on Schultz's face changed many times before he lowered his head and asked, "Who should be used as the new rebel Salvador?"

"Duchan is good. The commander of the garrison navy." Grand Duke Hall took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table. After lighting the cigarette, he stretched his body comfortably in the sofa, and a puff of smoke followed his movements. Spit out.

"His son is also the chief private secretary of the female speaker. Let him be the successor. The empire should be able to harvest an enemy more powerful than the alliance after decades of peace." Grand Duke Hall waved the cigarette on his hand , "A huge empire needs a strong foreign enemy so that all departments and agencies can always serve the interests of the empire. But this enemy can never really threaten the empire, nor can it have the slightest possibility of peaceful coexistence with the empire... "

... "Otherwise, the internal institutions of the empire will have the idea of ​​making peace with the enemy." Schultz continued, he nodded and asked, "That is to say, in the next few hundred years, the empire intends to make peace with a new enemy." In the end, it is impossible to coexist with the enemy who has formed a tacit understanding?"

"Anyway, it will be eliminated in the end. It is weak enough, so it is impossible to bring any threat to the empire in a short period of time." Grand Duke Hall nodded with satisfaction, "The special combat plan of the Admiralty It will be officially implemented in a month, and the Liberty League will be history in a year. This dead beast will bring more than 50 years of peace and prosperity to the empire-as for 50 years later, Duchamp's new empire will probably end up Will be in his son..."

"Dusande." Schultz added the name for the Grand Duke.

"Dusande." Grand Duke Hall smiled comfortably. He nodded and said, "In his hands, he has become the new enemy of the empire."

"Baron Duchamp belongs to the Belford family..."

"Let's deal with it together. It's just a Duke's family, what's there to worry about?" Grand Duke Hall waved his hand, "But Belford..." The Grand Duke suddenly had a strange expression, and he interrupted the conversation with Schultz , called his accountant.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Grand Duke." The accountant quickly replied after hearing the Grand Duke's inquiry, "Mr. Wensal sent you [-]% of the shares of the Belford Automobile Manufacturing Factory."

The Grand Duke's expression changed a little. He was silent for a while and then spread his hands to Schultz, "Your plan at that time has already achieved some results."

Schultz lowered his head and replied, "At first, it was just to increase the probability of success."

"Leave this manufacturing plant to them...Leave Nusaar to them." The Grand Duke took another puff of his cigarette, "You can postpone the action plan a little bit, and wait until the dividends for this quarter are issued."

"This will give them more reserves and confidence for success." Schultz nodded, " you want to strengthen the garrison navy in Newsail? Duchamp's control over the navy is not bad, but the coat of arms The director of the management office may need to adjust his position."

"A person who is too capable is a burden at this time." The Grand Duke signaled Schultz to decide on his own, "The level of authorization given to you is sufficient, and you can decide these things yourself."

Schultz stood up and saluted to show his obedience, but he hesitated and asked the question that had been bothering him the most.

"What if... in the battle against a new enemy, the empire is at a disadvantage, and even finally defeated?"

Grand Duke Hall stubbed out his cigarette on the armrest of his sofa.The bright cigarette burns a black dot on the top cowhide.

"Then let us meet a glorious death." The Grand Duke said in a deep voice, "If we can't defeat the enemies we created, it means that there is no need for the empire to continue to exist."

"Threats don't just have to look scary. It must really, really become a sharp blade that hangs over the heads of every nobleman and bureaucrat in the empire. The cold light shines, and it is extremely sharp." Grand Duke Hall said in a low voice. , "Only in this way can a huge empire work towards the same goal, and they can maintain their loyalty and respect to His Majesty the Emperor forever."

"It's not that the empire needs enemies, but that the empire must have an enemy." Grand Duke Hall stood up, and looked at the huge portrait of His Highness Justinian in his study with his hands behind his back, saying, "Without enemies, the empire will survive Fall apart in a few decades. And a strong enemy can keep an entire empire healthy for hundreds of years."

Schultz had no doubts, he bowed his head and said, "For the health of the empire!"

"For health." Grand Duke Hall smiled, "For the health of the empire."

(End of this chapter)

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