Rebirth starts with small money

Chapter 42 Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Chapter 42 Buy One Get One Free (1)

"A total of 52 yuan was sold today!"

"But it's okay, because today is a trial operation, so there are very few things prepared!"

"If you do the math, the loss is not too much!"

That night, Li Yuan settled accounts with Chen Li.

It cost more than 160 yuan to buy meat and vegetables that day, but there are frozen goods such as chicken breast and bone meat, which are all stored in the freezer in the sister's restaurant!
The other pork belly and vegetables were not wasted. Although they were not sold, they ended up in the stomachs of several people.

"Riko, do you think we set the price too high?"

As someone who has eaten Chen Li's grilled skewers, Li Yuan naturally has the right to express his opinions.

He believes that there is nothing to say about the taste of the grilled skewers made by Chen Li, but no one knows about it.

This set of theories is exactly what the group sister told him before.

But Li Yuan also knew very well that he and Chen Li only had this summer vacation, so it was impossible to waste so much time waiting for word of mouth to ferment.

So instead of waiting, you need to take the initiative.Regarding this point, even Li Yuan, who has never done business before, knows about it.

It's just that Li Yuan's suggestion was rather pale. The only suggestion he thought of was to lower the price!

Nowadays, the price of Chenli BBQ stall is very uniform. Vegetarian dishes are [-] cents, pork belly, tenderloin, chicken breast and bone meat are all one yuan.

In fact, there is nothing to say, it is basically an industry price!

But as Li Yuan, who personally participated in the preparation of the ingredients, he now knows exactly how profitable it is.

Take meat skewers as an example. The pork belly at Chenli BBQ stall was provided by sister Tuan from her own supplier.

After cutting and peeling the top quality five flowers worth three yuan a catty, you can string out more than a dozen skewers!
The meat is all cut by Chen Li. Although the meat pieces are not small, there is only so much meat in one skewer.After careful calculation, the cost is really low!

The price of one yuan is basically equivalent to nearly double the profit, even if the price and cost of oil, salt, condiments and charcoal are added, the profit is doubled.

In other words, Chen Li can earn at least fifty cents for a meat skewer that costs one yuan!
Vegetarian dishes were even more exaggerated. A few slices of potatoes and a slice of dried tofu cost [-] cents. When Li Yuan saw the prices of the ingredients, he almost thought that Chen Li was cheating.

Li Yuan quietly calculated a small account, and took an average value very conservatively. The profit for each skewer sold in the store is about [-] cents!

Of course, Li Yuan just calculated it at random, but the result is astonishing.

If you can sell 40 strings a day, the profit for that day is 1200 yuan, which is [-] yuan a month.

There are about 600 days left in this summer vacation. Is this about [-] yuan?
If he and Chen Li split it equally, it would be [-] per person?

This is only a case of selling one hundred skewers a day. The business is so bad today, but in the end it was sold for 52 yuan. If the business is good, it will definitely sell more than one hundred skewers a day!

How much money does that make?For Li Yuan, who had never made any money, it was an unimaginable number.

It's not that Li Yuan is ignorant, it's not that he hasn't seen so much money, but the meaning of the money he earned is different.

Therefore, after seeing the "huge profits" in the barbecue industry, Li Yuan's subconscious first reaction was to sell at a lower price.

It's just that what Li Yuan said was very exciting, but Chen Li didn't bother to give him any response.

After all, how could Li Yuan know that the profit of his barbecue stand is already considered low.

Generally speaking, if the profit of a barbecue shop is taken out of all expenses, it will generally be around 60%!

That is to say, for every one yuan sold, Chen Li can earn six cents.

And what about Chen Li's barbecue stand?

There is no labor, because it is Chen Li and Li Yuan who are doing the work. Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Li is doing it, and Li Yuan is basically just doing chores.

As for rent, water and electricity, Chen Li negotiated 500 yuan for a summer vacation with the group sister, but the group sister was unwilling to accept Chen Li's money, and Chen Li insisted on giving it. In the end, the group sister agreed to only charge 300 yuan.

To be honest, the price is really not high, even a little low!
Although it's only [-], this is a county seat, and Chen Li still needs to use the tables, chairs, benches and kitchen of the group sister's restaurant.

Although the business hours of barbecue stalls and restaurants are staggered, it is definitely impossible to say that it does not affect.

In addition, the group sister also helped arrange the accommodation for Chen Li and Li Yuan. Originally, Chen Li also had to pay, but the group sister would not accept this point.

Reasonable. If it wasn't for Chen Li who later found out that there seemed to be something wrong between the sister and his cousin, Chen Li would have thought that the sister was greedy for him.

Hmm. The fact seems to be correct, but it's the body of cousin Chen Li that sister Tuan is greedy for.

Yes, Chen Li has already discovered that the relationship between his cousin and this group sister is more or less ambiguous!
Maybe this is why this group sister is so enthusiastic about helping Chen Li?
In the previous life, Chen Li didn't know that his cousin had such a period, and Chen Li also affirmed that the cousin in the previous life was definitely not the eldest sister of the group.

But it doesn't matter, if there is something between the two of them, then Chen Li can't wait for it!

Anyway!Because of the existence of the group sister, Chen Li saved a lot of money in terms of rent and accommodation.

You know. At the beginning, Chen Li didn't plan to set up a barbecue restaurant. What he thought was to just set up a barbecue grill with wheels.

As for the accommodation, Chen Li actually planned to rent a small single room in some Kakali in the county!

You can rent it for less than 100 yuan for a month, which is cheap as hell, but sanitary conditions and furniture are definitely out of the question.

So sister Tuan actually helped Chen Li a lot!

If all expenses such as labor, rent, and accommodation are counted, according to Li Yuan's algorithm of selling [-] strings a day, don't talk about making money, just have fun without losing money!

Of course, Chen Li's barbecue profit is lower than that of ordinary people, because his skewers are cheaper than others.

Just like the pork belly skewers, Chen Li only skewered more than ten skewers per catty of pork belly, and sold for one yuan.

But other people's meat skewers worth [-] yuan. In terms of weight, they are much less than Chen Li's meat skewers.

So in fact, Chen Li is already implementing the principle of small profits but quick turnover, but Chen Li's small profits but quick turnover is still a huge profit and a profiteer in the eyes of Li Yuan and others!
At that time, Chen Li almost laughed angrily, just kidding, this is [-], catering is already a profiteering industry these days.

The profit of Chen Li's barbecue stand is only about 50%, so it's just doing charity, isn't it?
Well. Okay!This is a bit exaggerated!
But in fact, this is the case. If we really want to make a comparison, Chen Li's barbecue is definitely the conscience of the industry compared to other barbecues in the same industry.

The same price, different feelings, this is what Chen Lixiang wants to achieve!

But Chen's ideal is very good, but the market acceptance is not so great. It's still the same reason. It's a problem of concept!

Grilled skewers are just snacks in Huilong County now.Buying one or two strings for children is almost enough to satisfy their cravings. Who eats stuff like a meal?

Unless Chen Li's barbecue stand has other temptations!

For example, buy a bottle of beer and get a free bottle?
"Hello, is this Manager Deng from Snowflake South City Branch?"

That night, Chen Li slipped out alone and called a phone number he had just read in the newspaper!

 Ask for favorites and recommendation tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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