Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 386 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao

Chapter 386 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao
"Warning, enemy artillery fire is coming!"

In the main fleet of the United Fleet, dense light spots flashed across the next moment, and some directly hit the hull, bursting into a bright halo.

The Weigel assault fleet hid in the meteorite belt and launched an attack on the combined fleet not far away.

"What are you waiting for, fight back immediately!"

The remaining two Jaeger-class ships of the Imperial Fleet immediately adjusted their hulls, aimed the four heavy-duty turbolaser cannons on the side of the island at the direction of the incoming artillery fire, and then launched a fierce counterattack.

The heavy-duty turbolaser cannon is full of firepower. Its two barrels fire alternately at intervals of a few seconds. The bright plasma light clusters continuously pour into the meteorite belt, piercing through and smashing the meteorites on the way.

For ordinary rock meteorites, a burst of high-energy plasma clusters is enough to bombard it to pieces.

With the removal of obstacles, the Veiger destroyer hiding in the depths gradually revealed its figure. The Jaeger-class artillery fire continued, and the luminous group was getting closer and closer to the enemy ship. The meteorite in front of the Veiger battleship was shattered.

The subsequent shots hit one after another, but only melted the meteorite into glowing red craters.

This is a meteorite rich in metal minerals, and its hardness is completely different from the fragile rocks that were crushed before. Almost every Weigel battleship has chosen such a meteorite as its temporary shelter.

They took advantage of the maneuverability of their own ships, floated and drifted behind the meteorite, and fired fiercely at the United Fleet during the short window period when they were out of the shadow of the meteorite.

Very cunning.

There are few battlefield environments that can be used in space warfare, and most of the warring parties form battles in a vacuum.

But clearly, the circumstances of this campaign are exploitable.

The United Fleet first used the meteorite belt to evade the long-range firepower of the Vigels, and then the Weigels followed suit, and also used the meteorite belt as a cover to fight back against the United Fleet.

The meteorite belt on the orbit of Tianji-IV was formed by the fragmentation of the third satellite of Tianji-IV, and the density of meteorites is very high.

In the center of the meteorite belt, only units below the boat level can barely pass through, but it is also a test of driving skills. The relatively sparse locations on the periphery can be used by cruiser units. This is the limit. The 550-meter-long behemoth-class battlecruiser is close to the city. Very dangerous, not to mention the hunter class with a captain of more than 1100 meters.


As long as the Vigel raid fleet does not lose its bombardment position, the United Fleet can only be beaten passively.

Trying to stay away from the meteorite belt will be very deadly,

Don't forget, the main force of the Vigel fleet is still watching from a distance. Once the combined fleet breaks away from the cover of the meteorite belt, they will immediately fire their main guns.

That's what Macan wants too.

He let the United Fleet choose for themselves, whether to hide behind the meteorite belt and be consumed by the raid fleet, or risk leaving and be sunk by his main fleet.

The situation that had been slightly eased once again tilted back towards the Vegels.

At every moment, artillery fire fell on the capital ships of the United Fleet. Although the effect was not obvious, the shields were indeed weakened little by little.

The behemoth class is not even equipped with a shield system. The artillery fire from the meteorite belt keeps bombarding the steel armor of these giant ships.

Very cruel.

It is foreseeable that once the armor of the key cabin of the Behemoth class fails, any shell may cause the entire battleship to be paralyzed or even exploded.

The bridges of the behemoths were dead silent, while the hulls were as chaotic as a vegetable market.

The hull underfoot was trembling constantly, and the alarm above the head was continuous. The crew members were directed by their superiors to the wrong place, and even collided with other departments in the corridor on the way...

Under the leadership of the master, the apprentice urgently repaired the faulty equipment, not only made frequent mistakes, but even almost caused a more serious disaster...

The gunners of the broadside gunnery fired at the meteorite belt with all their might, and they no longer even carefully calculated the ballistic trajectory, but relied entirely on their feelings, as if they could wipe out all the opponents as long as they used up the energy at the fastest speed...

How can it be called a random word!
That's why Lu Feng asked them to avoid the battle.

An interstellar fleet formed within 10 days, with more than 60% of the recruits to control complex interstellar warships, to fight against a fleet of Veggle marauding fleets that have fought countless battles.

Lu Feng didn't even know where these people got their confidence.

Do you really think the Veggles are the same as the Lasan exiles you met before?
Even the well-trained Shentang fleet dare not say that it can defeat the Vigels head-on. No matter how advanced the warship is, only talents are the main body that can create miracles.

Macan's flagship has been communicating with the Seeker in hyperspace, sharing the battle situation with the remaining fleet, and seeing how the brave Veigle warriors won the victory.

So Lu Feng naturally knew about the crisis on the front line.

While cursing, he also hopes that the Skyrim Starfleet can grow rapidly under the baptism of war. Since sacrifice is inevitable, it should turn the crisis into motivation and be reborn from the ashes.

The crew members of the Skyline Star Fleet are all elites. As long as they are given a little time to adapt, Lu Feng believes that they will definitely make the enemies who underestimate them pay a heavy price.

That being the case, then I will buy time for them.

"March [-]th, how are your preparations going?"

"Estimated to be ready in 18 minutes."

Lu Feng nodded, and said to Lin Yuexi: "Calibrate the time, act according to the predetermined plan, be careful."

"Well, you too, don't make me wait too long."

Lin Yuexi smiled at Lu Feng, then left from the hiding place incognito, followed by Lu Feng, the two sneaked into the hangar one after the other, and boarded two Vigs prepared for them on March [-]th Al Shuttle.

Makan made a mistake, that is, for the sake of efficiency, he directly followed the original system on the Seeker.

Originally, the Seeker has been fully occupied, even if the system of the empire is used, it will not hurt, because the original authorized persons are all dead.

Unfortunately, he did not expect the existence of March [-]th.

March [-] had previously stolen the highest authority of the Seeker, so when Makan used the Seeker as a signal transfer platform to issue instructions to the remaining fleet, the internal channel of the remaining fleet was undefended.

After a period of signal transmission, March [-]th has successfully implanted the virus in the Weigels' left-behind fleet. Although it cannot be controlled by force, it is easy to paralyze it at the same time.

Helping Lu Feng and Lin Yuexi steal two landing shuttles is naturally a piece of cake.

Lu Feng and Lin Yuexi split into two groups, landed on two Shining Blade-class battlecruisers respectively, and then infiltrated into the ship with the help of invisibility.

The most outrageous thing is that there are still Vigels on the two shuttles. They were originally transporting the wounded and supplies, so even if they take the two of them together, they will not arouse any suspicion.

Time is running out, and the front line of defense may collapse at any time, so the two rushed to the bridge positions of their respective battleships non-stop.

Three minutes later, the two were in place almost at the same time.


When the time came, the three parties launched an attack at the same time.

On March [-]th, the pre-implanted virus was instantly activated. For a while, the entire Vigel fleet was plunged into darkness, and all shipboard systems were offline at the same time, even the life support system.

However, key facilities such as the life support system have backups. The backups are completely independent and will hardly be affected by the outside world. As long as the main system does not recover after 3 minutes, the backups will be activated automatically. Even March [-]th can't stop it, otherwise he It can directly suffocate the entire fleet to death.

Of course, if you can't deal with capital ships, you can still bully those destroyers.

The design requirements of destroyers are not that high, so when March [-] forcibly overloaded their shipboard control system, what awaited them was a rapid drop in the oxygen concentration in the ship.

It depends on whether the engineers on the ship can complete the manual switch.

After the entire fleet was paralyzed, Lu Feng and Lin Yuexi launched an attack at the same time, raising their guns and entering the bridges of their respective warships immediately.

The doors of the bridge were opened ahead of schedule on March [-]th.

It happened so fast,
In the first second, the safety door of the bridge opened automatically, and the Vigel inside looked back suspiciously;

In the second second, a large skull appeared on the bridge screen, and then all the screens went black, and the entire ship was powered off;

In the third second, the emergency lights in the bridge came on, and with the help of the dim light, Commander Weigel saw an armed man rushing in. The weapon in his hand spit out flames and opened fire violently.

The next second, the elite Veiger warrior wanted to draw his gun to fight back, but his head seemed to be swung by a sledgehammer, and he fell to the ground, ready to be slaughtered.

From the pitch-black space, it could be seen that the bridges of the two battleships were flashing continuously, and they returned to calm after ten seconds.

This was a clean killing, and the command structures of the two battleships were severely destroyed by the two.

The next moment, Lu Feng directly opened the space door in the bridge, and a large number of marines prepared inside swarmed out, killing the ship without stopping.

After opening the door, Lu Feng didn't stop for a moment, and left from the emergency escape channel of the bridge, and then an escape pod was ejected.

The fleet in chaos ignored this lonely escape pod, and under Lu Feng's control, the escape pod quickly approached the battleship where Lin Yuexi was.

Through the hanging window of the escape cabin, Lu Feng saw that the bridge where Lin Yuexi was located was lit up with frequent flashes again.

One minute later, the escape pod finally came within 1 meters of the target battleship. The next moment, Lu Feng disappeared into light and appeared beside Lin Yuexi in an instant.

Psychic leap!

At this time, Lin Yuexi was hiding in the bridge and exchanging fire with the swarming Vegels.

The Vigels were very vigilant, and immediately assembled to key positions after realizing that the battleship was paralyzed. This is their long-standing combat literacy.

Therefore, Lu Feng hurried and hurried, and finally arrived before Lin Yuexi ran out of water.

At this moment, Lin Yuexi could no longer use psionic combat skills, otherwise the high mental entropy would make her lose control directly.

After Lu Feng arrived, he first used the arc cannon in his hand to fire an AOE towards the corridor outside, and then threw all the grenades on his body, blowing up the Veiger soldiers.

It wasn't until he couldn't hold on any longer that he opened the space door in the bridge.

After this period of delay, the Shentang Marine Corps was able to deploy enough troops on another battleship through the space gate, and now to support Lu Feng's side, the battle situation is no longer suspenseful.

The Vigel battleship will not carry landing troops, so the resistance forces in the ship will be eliminated soon.

"Huh, you have a conscience, it's not too late~"

Lin Yuexi smiled sweetly at Lu Feng, and sat down on the ground so tired.

Lu Feng walked over and patted his head in a complimenting manner. He had no time to rest, and immediately arranged for the crew of the Shentang Fleet to take over the warship.

With the cooperation of March [-], the takeover of the two Veiger warships was a matter of course.

In less than 5 minutes, the two battleships of Vigel announced that they had changed hands!
"Okay, plan to continue!"

Lu Feng's eyes flashed with flames, and he wanted to give the Vigels a big gift.

A white light flashed, and the Xinhuo, which had been hiding in the meteorite belt, arrived. The Xinhuo unfolded a folding ring specially made for Lu Feng, so that he could open the large space door from the air.

After it was turned on, only one black cat-class engineering ship and an overwhelming number of engineering drones came out.

The black cat engineering ship went straight to the paralyzed death halberd cruisers around it, and saw that it fired gravitational cables, dragging these 8 cruisers into the space gate one after another!

These cruisers also carry a large number of Veiger fighters and marines, which are very dangerous. Now they are only locked in the hangar with a gate on March [-]th. They must not be left on the battlefield to increase the number of variables.

As long as they entered the subspace, they could not escape Lu Feng's control. Lu Feng directly added a few locks to the gates on the ship, so that the people on board would not be able to get out in a short time.

I will clean you up after the war!

In the outer universe, the large number of drones released by Lu Feng did not come empty-handed. Some of them carried tools and materials in their hands, and some dragged large pieces of wreckage.

They want to forge a battlefield here.

The protagonists of the battlefield are naturally the two newly captured Veggle battlecruisers, and these two ships will soon be replaced with battle-damaged skins.

Because the 8 cruisers were towed away, there must be space debris around to pretend. Although it is easy to see the flaws, Lu Feng can only do his best.

There are more than 20 Veiger destroyers on the battlefield, and they are tightly controlled by March Seven. Although they will not disrupt the situation, Lu Feng has higher requirements for them.

The echelon of drones swarmed up and directly operated on half of the destroyers, regardless of whether the people above agreed or not.

Soon, the black cat finished dragging the cruiser class, and dragged the other half of the unmodified destroyers into the subspace one after another, again, to make up for the battle damage.

After working for more than half an hour, everything was finally ready.

Then the prop group hurriedly withdrew, and the actors began to take their positions.

Participating in the performance are 4 Charon-class ships and more than a dozen Aegis-class ships of the Old Shentang Fleet, as well as a mothership of the Dawn, which also has a limited battle damage skin.

The actor's position is also very particular.

The Shentang Fleet, the captured Veggle Fleet, and Veggle's reinforcements will be in a straight line, and the captured fleet will be in the middle, which will just block the firing angle of the main guns of the Veggle's reinforcements, forcing the reinforcements to go around the Inner Ghost Fleet in order to pursue God Don.

The consequences of doing so will never be imagined by the other party.

In this way, the stage has been set up, and it is waiting for the guests to appear on the stage.

"March [-]th, according to the plan, send a distress signal to Makan!"



(End of this chapter)

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