Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 387 Perfect Ambush

Chapter 387 Perfect Ambush
Skyrim Galaxy, Veigle's Main Fleet, Macan's Flagship.


"My lord, the fleet we stayed in the adjacent galaxy has been attacked by the imperial reinforcement fleet, please support!"

The adjutant's face changed greatly after receiving the distress signal, and he hurriedly reported to Ma Kan, who was half lying on the main seat.

Ma Kan was drinking a little wine and was watching a play, but after hearing the report from his subordinates, he smashed his glass and cursed a lot of Vegel slang.

Did the imperial reinforcements come so fast?
Ma Kan was a little suspicious. He took the data tablet handed over by the adjutant and carefully checked the content of the communication.

The distress signal said that the arrival of the Empire's reinforcement fleet was not considered strong, and the ship was not an active warship of the Empire. It felt like a mercenary called by the Marsh family temporarily.

However, the opponent's fighter planes were very powerful, and they shot down many Veiger warriors. If the stalemate continued, the commander of the remaining fleet was worried that more reinforcements would arrive, so they would be passive.

Ma Kan read the information several times, and finally issued an order for reinforcements.

"Order the battleship Iron Slag to go to reinforcements, accompanied by the Furnace and the Meteor battle cruiser, and make a quick decision. The spoils of war are temporarily given up. After the battle is over, the scout ship will be left in the adjacent galaxy. Let's talk about the Imperial Fleet."

Although Ma Kan gave the reinforcement order, he also realized that it was not wise to divide the troops. The resistance of the Imperial Fleet was more tenacious than expected, and it was easy to fight on two fronts.

So he decided to concentrate his strength after dealing with the reinforcements behind his buttocks, and directly crushed the Imperial Fleet of the Skyrim Galaxy.

He still doesn't know that there is an indigenous force in the United Fleet. He only thinks it is a mercenary recruited by the Earl of the Empire. The equipment of this group of mercenaries is okay, but their strength is not good enough.

The three capital ships immediately left the fleet and returned to the same route to reinforce the remaining fleet.

The battle on the No. 3 satellite orbit is still going on. Although the United Fleet has seen the reduction of the opponent's capital ships, the remaining parts are still not something they can contend with, not to mention that the main force of the United Fleet is still being beaten behind the meteorite belt.


Shortly after,
A white light flashed on the edge of the neighboring galaxy in the fragmentation, and the Veigle support fleet arrived.

After arriving, the three battleships did not stop, followed the coordinates left by the left-behind fleet when they called for help, and performed a quadratic warp, and arrived at the battlefield in a blink of an eye.

After arriving,
The commander of the reinforcement fleet found that the battlefield was far more tragic than he had imagined.

The left-behind fleet is fighting an unknown fleet above the meteorite belt. Although the capital ship of the left-behind fleet is still there, it seems that it has suffered serious injuries, and more than half of the destroyer fleet has been damaged, and none of the 8 cruisers is left. .

This is not evenly matched in the intelligence!
Could it be that the enemy sent additional reinforcements during the time I came here?

No, reinforcements must be made immediately, but something feels wrong?

Without allowing him to think about it, the disguised distress signal of March [-] has already swarmed in, complaining non-stop and urging him to come to help.

At the same time, he also said that the enemy is also at the end of its strength, and is retreating towards the other end of the meteorite belt at the moment. If the opponent can get rid of the gravitational circle of the meteorite belt, they can escape at warp speed, and the success falls short.

So, never let them escape!

The commander of the reinforcement fleet saw that, as the remaining fleet had said, the unknown fleet discovered their arrival and resolutely gave up the fight. The remaining dozen sub-capital ships struggled to turn around, and seemed to be preparing to flee.

"Hmph, where did the mercenaries come from, and want to retreat after sinking so many Veiger warships? The whole army pursues them! Kill them!"

The engines of the three battleships that had just arrived suddenly turned on their engines, and the huge hull passed by the two "paralyzed" Shining Blades, and soon came to the main battle area of ​​the two sides. The Veiger destroyer was either on fire, or billowing smoke and electric sparks, which was quite miserable.

Seeing that all the Veiger fighters were burning with anger.

How dare they attack the great Macan Fleet, they are so brave, and they must pay with blood!
Because they wanted to turn around and escape, the Shentang fleet was quickly pulled closer by the Veiger reinforcement fleet. However, with the meteorite as a cover, the Vigel main guns could not fire yet.

However, in addition to the laser main gun, Weigel's other leading technology is the long-range heavy anti-ship missile.

The missile silos on the backs of the three Veiger battleships were opened one by one, and soon the flames flickered inside, and heavy missiles flew out one after another, hitting the Shentang fleet at an extremely fast speed .

All missiles have long and dazzling red light tails. The difference is that the red lotus missiles of the Bloodblade battleship are larger, while the ruby ​​missiles launched by the flashing blade are slightly smaller.

It is conceivable that if hit by these dozens of missiles, even the huge Dawn would die suddenly on the spot.

Red lotus heavy anti-ship missile - the Vegel's signature anti-capital ship weapon.

This is no joke!

So in the next second, a large number of blade interceptors swarmed over, and they soared to an astonishing speed in an instant, chasing the flying missiles!

Blade interceptors also intercept missiles!

The Red Lotus missile is equipped with an advanced guidance system and a super-maneuverable engine. It can perform dazzling maneuvers without losing the target while penetrating at high speed.

On the battlefield with the empire, the red light tail like a goddess scattered flowers is the nightmare of all imperial soldiers.

Once the Red Lotus missile is launched, it will be the most eye-catching presence on the battlefield, but even if it knows where it is, it is approaching itself, and the imperial warships will find it difficult to deal with it. The interception rate is only about half, and the other half needs to be guarded. Shield hard resistance.

The veterans of the Imperial Fleet who were able to retire alive said:

The red lotus missile is like a fighter plane that pulls smoke and mocks, flying around in front of your eyes with a bright red trajectory, telling you unscrupulously, "I'm coming, are you ready to bear the fire of the red lotus?" , but you can't do anything about it, you can only pray that the anti-aircraft gun crew on the ship drank fake wine and can blind the incoming missiles.

It can be seen that this kind of missile has a strong psychological shadow on the imperial people.

In fact, the prototypes of these two missiles are the Sapphire missile and the Pale Fairy heavy anti-ship missile that Goblin Heavy Industries is still designing. However, after Weigel dug his grave, he lost some key technologies and replaced the missile with his own engine. After that, the majesty changed from blue and white to scarlet, and the new name came from it.

At that time, in response to Goblin Heavy Industries' new missiles, each company had developed more advanced interception technologies.

The Blade Interceptor was Halo Aviation's solution.

The fastest missile is only a quarter of the speed of light. Because the space of the missile is limited and it needs to maneuver continuously, the acceleration is definitely not as good as that of a dedicated interceptor. Therefore, as long as the pilot of the fighter is strong enough, it can catch up and destroy it halfway!
Is Shentang's driver strong?
Of course, they are all strongmen who have fought 300 rounds with the Vajura Zerg, and the per capita starts with aces, so it is not too difficult for them to chase the Vigel missiles, it is like fighting missile dogs.

Soon, groups of eye-catching flashes exploded between the two fleets, one after another expensive red lotus missiles were detonated, and Commander Veiger's blood pressure was also rising one by one.

I'm so pissed off——!
These scumbags that hinder us!

What about Lao Tzu's carrier-based aircraft?
"Hey, deputy commander, we didn't bring any cruisers here, and there's not a single cruiser left in the fleet, so we don't have any carrier-based aircraft to use..."

The adjutant on the side said weakly.

"Huh? No!"

It wasn't until this time that Commander Weigel found the problem. How could there be 8 cruisers in the wreckage here, and didn't the other party sink?
Adding the opponent's shipwreck, the wreckage here is even worse!
"This is a trap!"

As soon as Commander Weigel finished speaking, the adjutant on the side suddenly exclaimed: "There is a high-energy reaction of the main guns gathering at the rear of the fleet! It's the Slave Master and the Executioner! God, what are they going to do!"

The Slave Master and the Executioner are the two Shining Halberds in the remaining fleet controlled by March [-]th. These two two-five-year-olds have kept their main guns deployed, but they have been playing dead before.

After the Vegel reinforcement fleet passed by, the two main guns began to charge suddenly,
"Emergency evasion, hurry up!"

The long-term crisis environment made the Weigel fleet respond quickly, and made emergency evasion as soon as it discovered the situation, trying to reverse the direction of the warship to prevent the vital parts from being attacked.

But at this moment,
Several Veiger destroyers floating nearby suddenly started up, and they were no longer in the half-dead state before. More disposable booster rockets were added to the outside of the hull, and the rockets spewed out long flames frantically The attached hull was launched like a cannonball, and in a blink of an eye, it slammed into the Veiger battleship in the center of the formation from several directions!

Bystanders even felt that the world was shaken.

The powerful force field shield responded instantly, trying to squeeze out the huge kinetic energy that hit the destroyer, and the shield emitted a bright and dangerous flash due to the high instantaneous power.

But there were too many destroyers colliding with them. The Shentang Fleet was very particular about the timing of the attack. Everything was carefully calculated on March [-], and the angle and strength were perfectly coordinated. It was unable to move, making it unable to turn, and the continuous pressure also caused the energy of its shield to plummet, and it was completely shattered in just a few seconds.

The next moment, more than a dozen destroyers slammed into the battleship, and the hulls of both sides were severely deformed, causing dozens of gaps to leak, explode and catch fire, and the scene was a mess.

However, although a large number of hull fragments were blown out by the impact, the stress of the Veiger battleship was still balanced, and there was not much deflection due to the impact, and there was almost no displacement.

How wonderful!

This is not finished.

After the impact, although the Veiger battleship was generally injured, it was unable to break free in a short time. A more vivid analogy is that it was held in place by a group of strong men.

And what awaits it will be an extremely tragic fate.

After a brief stalemate, although the Veiger battlecruisers on both sides tried their best to open fire on the mutinous destroyers, the firepower of their secondary artillery was very limited, and it took a long time for the two destroyers to lose power.

The side jets of the battleship Veiger turned on the overload jet, and the hot jet scorched the destroyers on both sides, and the not-so-sturdy destroyer hull was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But this is its last struggle.

The next moment, the two flashing halberds captured by Lu Feng completed charging, and suddenly thrust forward two dazzling red beams!

The two battleship-class main guns instantly hit the stern of the Bloodblade battleship, which was close at hand. With this posture and angle, it was easy to shoot into the soul, and the high-energy laser shot directly through the tail nozzle, forcibly penetrating the battleship engine and all the way. It burned inward, and finally severely damaged the battleship's main reactor.

"Boom~ tsk tsk, how cruel!"

Inside the bridge of the Xinhuo, Lin Yuexi leaned lazily on Lu Feng's body, while happily helping the unlucky Bloodblade to simulate the sound effects of the scene, and expressed her thoughts.

Not only her, but also the other crew members present had the same idea.

as predicted,

In the next second, the stern of the 1800-meter-long giant ship began to crack, and brighter and brighter lava-like rays of light emerged from the cracks, and finally spewed out violently.

The stern of this battleship is like a sieve at this moment, the hull decks are constantly exploding, and hot plasma jets are ejected from the inside.

It is conceivable that at this moment the engine compartment must have turned into a furnace, melting everything inside at high temperature.

"Wow, it's spectacular!" Lin Yuexi exclaimed softly.

Lu Feng also looked at the fireworks on the screen with a smile, and was very satisfied with this performance.

Battleship engines are almost all connected to the ship's main reactor, so they are unavoidable vital parts, generally protected by shields and nozzle armor.

But the center of the spout cannot be protected. Although it needs to withstand the tail flame burning for a long time, and the metal quality is very high, it cannot withstand the direct irradiation of the battleship's main gun.

Therefore, how to protect their own chrysanthemums has always been a problem that must be paid attention to in space combat.

The engine is the two legs of the battleship. Once it is destroyed, it will be paralyzed at least, and the heart of the battleship will be affected at worst. Even if it just loses power, it is fatal enough on the battlefield, and the end can be imagined.

As expected, the Bloodblade-class battleship was completely paralyzed, and more than 80% of its equipment was offline. Even if the backup energy was activated urgently, it still could only restore some basic capabilities, and all major functions failed.

Turned into a space coffin alive.

Such a turn of events stunned the Vigels on the other two Shining Halberds. In less than a minute, the battleship they were proud of lost half of its life. If someone predicted this before, they would definitely Think the other person is crazy.

After the shock, came the anger that followed.

The two battlecruisers still had strong combat effectiveness, and they began to turn their bows, trying to destroy the two traitorous Shining Halberds behind them.

But in the next second, a huge figure suddenly broke away from the warp speed and landed directly on the battlefield.

That is the Battleship Phoenix of the Shentang Fleet!
"Oh, hell..."

The Veiger crew muttered to themselves, watching helplessly as the opponent turned the huge barrels around and pointed them coldly.

The light flickered.

everything is over.


(End of this chapter)

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