Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 385 Confrontation

Chapter 385 Confrontation
The ships in the Provisional Combined Fleet received the order to evade urgently, and the booster engine on the back of the battleship suddenly lit up bright flames, pushing the hull towards the meteorite belt below.

Although there is no resistance in space, it is not an easy task to change the inertia of the heavy hull. If the fleet wants to hide behind the meteorite belt, it needs to continue to accelerate for tens of seconds.

The crew and commanders on the bridge saw the Veggles disappear on the screen of the optical sensor with pale faces, and they knew in their hearts that these hideous black warships were no longer there.

The optical sensors all receive electromagnetic signals that travel at the speed of light, so when the United Fleet saw the fleeting red light beam in the distance, the Veiger fleet had already galloped towards the sky star at a warp speed that was dozens or even hundreds of times faster than the speed of light. come.

Therefore, even though the United Fleet made an emergency evasion, there is no guarantee that it will be able to escape from Vegel's pursuit.

as predicted.

A few seconds later, violent gravitational fluctuations appeared on the sensor readings of the main ships, and immediately after, a frightening black and red fleet appeared on the edge of the gravitational well of Tianjixing.

The alarm in the United Fleet suddenly rang out.

"Hurry up, take advantage of the gap between the opponent's energy recharging to suppress firepower, and don't let their main guns fire!"

Viscount Wright has relatively rich experience in space warfare, so while he ordered decisively, the adjutant also hurriedly notified the interstellar fleet of countermeasures.

The two Jaeger-class cruisers and more than 20 Aquatens-class cruisers immediately used turbolaser cannons to shoot rapidly, and fired at the Weigel fleet that had not yet stopped with the principle of absolute fast-phase alignment.

The rate of fire of the heavy-duty turbolaser cannon was fast enough to fire three rounds of barrage before the Veggle fought back. Although it was not accurate enough, there were still clusters of light blooming on the Veggle battleship.

It would take time for the power to feed the warp drive to flow back, and the Veigle hadn't had time to raise his shields yet.

"Okay, keep firing, just suppress them like this!"

Viscount Wright, who was sitting on the main seat, looked slightly relaxed, but the next moment he frowned again.

"What are those native pigs doing? Don't know how to fire together!"

The adjutant also glanced at the tablet in his hand with an ugly expression, and quickly said: "Their ships have a limited range, and they can't hit that far..."

It is true that the behemoth-class battlecruiser has a short range, but it sounds like a lame excuse to Viscount Wright.


Viscount Wright was so angry that he wanted to curse.

He wished he could stop the time immediately, then teleport over and throw these stupid natives out of the airlock, and then send his own people to take over, lest these prodigal things waste their money and kill him.

There are 3 blood blades and 10 flash halberds in the Vigel fleet. These capital ships all have bow main guns, and the firepower of the remaining empire fleet is simply not enough to completely suppress them.

Before the 3 rounds of salvo were over, a shield was raised on the surface of the Veiger battleship to stop subsequent attacks.

The shield's magnetic field will disintegrate the confinement magnetic field that wraps the plasma cluster, causing the internal high-energy plasma to explode in advance, turning into light rain and dissipating in the shield's force field.

A few sporadic bursts of plasma can't even weaken the strength of the shield much, they just create fireworks on the shield in vain.

Fire suppression is out of the question.

But fortunately, after a brief delay, the United Fleet is already very close to the meteorite belt, and can immediately hide behind the meteorite to avoid the main guns of the Vigel fleet.

At this moment, the Veiger fleet repeated its old trick, and the bows of the flashing halberds were deployed again. The readings on the energy detection radar rose all the way, and the alarm sounded again hurriedly.

Instead, the three Bloodblade-class battleships that did not need these preparatory steps opened fire directly, and three high-energy lasers irradiated an Arquitens-class cruiser in unison.

The huge energy of the battleship straddled the icy vacuum and continuously projected onto the cruiser. In just the third second of irradiation, the deflector shield of the cruiser was directly overloaded and paralyzed.

Immediately, the laser light came into contact with the alloy ship plate, and the thick shell armor melted and vaporized at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just a second later, red light suddenly came out from the other side of the hull. The red light crossed for a moment, and then went out one after another.

But immediately after, the unlucky cruiser exploded, the energy core lost control instantly, and the destructive flames swallowed everything inside the ship, and then blew up the fine steel battleship into pieces.

The scattered shrapnel hit the surrounding friendly ships, and the mild vibration made everyone turn pale, fearing that the ship they were on would be the next victim.


The other 10 Flashing Halberds also fired one after another, but their speed was a bit slower after all. They only had time to break through the shields of the two Arquitects, and the United Fleet had already hid in the shooting blind area covered by meteorites. I no longer dare to show my head easily.

The battle was at a stalemate for a while,

The Combined Fleet was very afraid of the power of the main guns of the Vigels, and refused to show up easily to fight back. However, out of prudence, the Vigels had no plans to approach the meteorite belt rashly.

But peace is only temporary.

Veiger's fleet is strong. In addition to the 13 capital ships and 1 aircraft carrier that arrived, there are as many as 72 Death Halberd cruisers and hundreds of Horn-class destroyers left.

As for smaller spaceships, since there is no space to install a warp drive, they cannot follow the fleet, unless the Vigels have a mothership that can hyperspace jump with the entire fleet.

Despite this, Weigel still has enough strength to deal with the situation at hand.

"Notify those stupid natives and let them not show their heads. We rely on this meteorite belt to circle the enemy. If their capital ships want to take advantage of their firepower, they must have a shooting angle, so it is absolutely impossible to risk going through the meteorite belt. kill us!"

Viscount Wright is not a dead man. The empire has been at war with the Veggers for many years, and he has collected a lot of information about the Veggle ships.

The Weigel battleship has a slender body. Although it reduces the frontal surface, it will be more difficult to adjust its attitude, and they are not flexible.

If you only use the main gun for long-distance sniping, you only need to fine-tune the bow of the ship, but as long as you get into a melee, the design of the bow shaft gun will appear very cumbersome.


As long as the opponent's main gun cannot be fired, Viscount Wright thinks that the battle can still be fought.

At least they can hold out until the arrival of imperial reinforcements!

He obviously didn't know that Lu Feng didn't help him send a distress signal. The reinforcement might be Lu Feng, but it definitely wouldn't be the Empire.

Ma Kan knew what the empire was planning, but he didn't expect the empire to hide a motley fleet here. He thought Viscount Wright was just struggling for nothing.

"This is the Behemoth class? How can there be such an ancient battleship here, which looks very new... Could it be that there is a ruin hidden here?"

Ma Kan's eyes lit up, and his heart became more and more greedy.

The ancestors of the Vigels made their fortunes by digging graves. Now there are relics of Goblin Heavy Industries and Interstellar Manufacturing Group in the territory of Makan, so it is not surprising to know the Behemoth class.

Since the other party is determined to follow him around the meteorite belt "Qin King around the pillar", then he will play with them.

"Order, the cruiser fleet cooperates with the carrier-based aircraft to divide into two routes, bypass the meteorite belt, outflank the enemy fleet from the upper and lower directions, crush them, and bring the victory back to me!"

"As you wish, my lord."

Following Ma Kan's order, a large number of cruisers and destroyers in the fleet immediately left the formation, and then converged towards the two ends of the meteorite belt in the distance. Only a small part of the escort formation was left on the main fleet side.

Makan is confident that there is no fleet in this galaxy that can pose a threat to his main fleet. If there is, then leaving some escort formations will not be of much use.

The main role of the escort formation is to assist and act as an anti-aircraft firepower network to prevent capital ships from being fired by bombers during melee.

At this time, the capital ship was still far away from the meteorite belt, and it was impossible for the opponent's fighter planes to swagger over and kill them. That's why Ma Kan made such a judgment.

This is indeed the case.

After discovering that Macan had sent a large number of cruisers and destroyers to encircle and suppress him, the combined fleet seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy. The Tianji Star Fleet, which was on the battlefield for the first time, had sweaty palms and heavy breathing.

"Don't panic, as long as the opponent's capital ship does not participate in the battle, we still have a chance to win!"

Viscount Wright cheered up his fleet in the channel, and at the same time worried about sharing the parameters of the opponent's two types of ships with his cheating teammates.

The Halberd of Death is more than 400 meters long, which is considered a normal-sized cruiser.

However, compared to the traditional long and narrow shape of the Veiger battleship, the Death Halberd adopts a "mountain"-shaped hull. The shape has changed from a single spearhead to a trident with three spearheads, which looks much wider.

Such a unique design is to meet its functionality.

One is to install more steering engines and firepower points on the hull, so as to maintain a flexible posture and abundant interception firepower in melee;
The second is for a larger space inside the ship to carry more Vegel interceptors, landing ships and marines.

The battleship Weigel is a purely firepower ship with a small hangar, and generally does not care about landing.

In order to share the pressure of the aircraft carrier, each Halberd of Death will carry an additional squadron of spear interceptors and 8 assault landing craft.

The landing craft that captured the Seeker before took off from the Death Halberd cruiser.

As for the single-horned destroyer, this is a mass-produced gunboat, equipped with a more flexible small laser cannon and two heavy-duty missile launchers, which are mainly used for air defense, anti-frigate and minesweeping.

It can be said that the cooperation of these two types of ships is sufficient to deal with the arrangement of the United Fleet in the meteorite belt.

Whether the opponent wants to rely on melee in the meteorite belt or create a trap, the Veiger squadron can use pincers to strangle the enemy's throat, and then let the main fleet in the rear carry out the final blow.

More importantly, the fleet sent by Macan was relatively smaller.

Don't your imperial fleet like to hide behind the meteorite belt, then these two assault fleets will pass through the meteorite belt and attack you from hiding in the meteorite belt!
Of course,
It is impossible for a cruiser of this size to penetrate too much, but as long as it moves around the edge, it is enough to use the passing meteorite as a cover.

The Vigels came so fiercely that the Combined Fleet was forced to meet.

I saw that the remaining imperial battleships began to release TIE fighters continuously, and at the same time, cruisers and destroyers also moved closer to the meteorite belt. We must not allow the Vigels to comfortably occupy the favorable position of the meteorite belt.

the other side,
After paddling for a long time, the Sky Star Fleet finally made a move. The destroyer fleet following the capital ship followed the imperial formation and moved closer to the meteorite belt. Melee.

The forces invested by the two sides in the meteorite belt are more advantageous, because their cruisers and destroyers are three times that of the United Fleet, and the fighters they release are also twice that of the Titanium fleet. The Viking fighters are too few to be used by the opponent. Put it in your eyes.

The gap is huge!

Fortunately, the Vigels are attacking in two ways. The empire is desperate and only fights one side, so there is still a fight.

With the help of meteorites floating on the edge of the meteorite belt as cover, the two sides quickly maneuvered towards each other, and the distance between them continued to shrink.

The echelon of fighter planes was the fastest, so the battle started ten minutes later, and the overwhelming fighter planes intertwined together, shuttled among the sparse meteorites in a daze.

Both the empire and the Vigels invested thousands of fighter planes, so the glowing tail flames and intertwined tongues of flames looked very gorgeous after the battle began, and fighter planes were shot and exploded every second.

There are only more than 200 Viking fighters of the people on earth, and it is not very conspicuous to decorate it.

However, to the surprise of both parties,

Whether it is the performance of the fighter plane or the quality of the pilots, not only is it not lagging behind, but it is even slightly ahead of the main air combat forces of both sides.

It is expected that the performance of the fighter is leading, after all, the Viking is a heavy fighter, and the two are light fighters.

But how is this core driver stronger than the Empire and the Veggles?
Naturally, they don't know that the people on Earth have experienced the baptism of the Vajura Zerg in the space cemetery. At this moment, the damage caused by thousands of TIE fighters is not as much as that of 200 Vikings.

Although Viking uses the relatively backward kinetic energy Vulcan cannon, everyone can't fly fast in the meteorite belt, and the terrifying barrage of the Vulcan cannon can make up for the lack of accuracy.

The Vulcan cannon equipped with tracer armor-piercing shells roared silently in the universe, and the lines of fire were densely intertwined. Any spear interceptor that was swept halfway would inevitably end up falling apart, without exception.

For a moment, the warplane group of the Vigels was overwhelmed by the backward earthlings.

It was not until the Unicorn-class destroyer from the rear pressed up that it stabilized its position.

What happened next was even more outrageous.

The unsatisfied Viking pilots aimed at the destroyer fleet that disrupted the situation, and soon, one after another Lanzer flew thunderously, hitting the Veiger destroyer without shield protection.

Lanze Feilei is powerful and specially designed for armored targets. Basically, a destroyer can lose its combat effectiveness if it hits 4 hits, and it can be sunk within 10 hits.

Such a sharp weapon caught the Vigels by surprise.

After all, the Interstellar Manufacturing Group has a long history. Although Makan knew that some weapons were popular in the world, he did not have the corresponding manufacturing technology. After a long time, he did not have a clear understanding of their power.

The Spear interceptor was originally designed to suppress the TIE fighter, as long as it is a little stronger than the TIE fighter, the design concept is completely different from the firepower monster of the Viking fighter, and it is normal to be deflated.

It's a pity that no matter how strong the Vikings are, the number is limited.

The price of powerful firepower is the huge consumption of ammunition. The ammunition of more than 200 Vikings was quickly emptied and they were forced to return.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield below quickly rebounded, and the destroyers and frigates of the United Fleet were quickly suppressed by the opponent's Death Halberd. The Arquitens class was still brave, but there were still too few of them.

Not only that, but the Vigels at the other end of the meteorite belt were unstoppable.

Soon, artillery fire from above the meteorite belt fell on the main body of the United Fleet behind the meteorite belt.


(End of this chapter)

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