after falling asleep

Chapter 822 17. Today is Jun Moxiao’s birthday, congratulations to him for being 1 year older again

Chapter 822 17. Today is Lord Grim's birthday, congratulations to him for being one year older

【This fist is like shit, and shit should be where it should be】

[Put your face in and say "You fucking nigga should go plant cotton"]

[bump fist in plain sight]

0:4:5, the transparent bridge team is going smoothly.

One black and one white two fists meet together.

Smith gave Rohard a hot dog, turned around and put the change and chocolate in his pocket, and ate his chocolate.

The next screen fast-forwards twice.Fast-forward the first time to two people hiding in the car holding a hot dog, and fast-forward the second time to Rohard and Smith dozing off by their respective car windows.

bang -- bang --

Smith's head banged on the window, making hypnotic noises.


The sudden sound of the horn woke Smith up. He shook his head blankly and looked towards the entrance of the theater, just in time to see the red light on the rear of the stretched Lincoln and turn away from the red carpet.

"They're out!"

Excited Smith woke up Rohard: "Follow me!"

Waking up like a big pyrene, Rohard silently started the car to catch up with the extended Lincoln.

"Don't get so close, man," Smith warned.

The selection box did not pop up again, Rohard silently distanced himself, and followed Lincoln to the back door of the theater.

"Don't worry... not now, his bodyguards, no, mine are still there..." Smith muttered in a low voice, staring at the fake self as he stepped into Lincoln, and walked away.

Feeling that the journey was dull, Smith turned on the car radio and expertly tuned to the West Coast radio station.

In the rap music, the old white car followed Lincoln far away in the traffic, from the Ferris wheel on the west coast to the Chinese Grand Theater, from Chinatown to the Avenue of Stars, and finally Lincoln drove into a bar.

Rohard stopped by the side of the road and looked at Smith, as if asking: A bar?

"As a glamorous guy, there is always a need for indulgence." On this point, true and false Smiths agree.He urged Rohard: "I will be recognized when I go in, so it's time for you to show up, you cold-blooded killer of the Soviet Union."


Rohard was silent, and only the selection box popped up to indicate that he was not silent in his heart.

[This car is a manual transmission]

[Calling Ulla, stepping on the gas pedal and crashing into the bar]

[commonly agree]

4:0:5, the hateful transparent bridge shattered Musu's dream.

Rohard turned off the car and got out, and Smith's Negro refueled and approached the bar.

The two burly men in front of the door glanced sideways at Rohard, quickly confirmed his identity, and let him enter the bar.

The hustle and bustle of the heat wave surged at the moment Rohard entered the door. Rohard stepped onto the dance floor and looked around for traces of fake Smith.

His expressionless face is out of tune with the lively dance floor.

Fortunately, it was not difficult to find Smith. A large group of young men and women gathered around him, and the closest to him were a dozen beautiful girls with black, white and yellow complexions—if Smith saw this scene, he might be jealous again.

Spotting the target, Rohard stepped through the dancing crowd and approached, his steps firm.

When he was about to approach the center of the dance floor, a figure suddenly blocked Rohard's way: it was a woman with long golden wavy hair.

"Hi Terminator." She breathed out the breath of alcohol as she spoke, and stuck to Rohard's body drunkenly: "Want to dance with me? Oh, you are so strong~"

She obviously drank too much, seeing fat and muscle as one thing.

Rohard lowered his head, his eyes fell on the heavy makeup, drunk, beautiful cheeks under the flickering and changing lights.

【Would you like to use another hole? 】

[Hey, really, really?Even if I like cartoons, am I eligible to be a cashier?Hey, tell me]

[disappointingly rejects her]

0:4:5, Susu shed tears.

The selection box goes dark, and Rohard backs away from the soft and fiery body of the woman in the screen, turns his head stiffly, bypasses the woman like a robot, and continues to walk towards the fake Smith.

Fake Smith in the middle of the dance floor is oblivious to the approaching Rohard, enjoying the company of the women beside him.

Beep beep - beep beep -

Amidst the deafeningly loud music on the dance floor, the faint ringtone of a mobile phone suddenly rang.Smith with a smile looked down at the screen, suppressed his smile, walked out from the women, and walked into the relatively quiet bathroom.

Rohard changes direction, squeezes his way out of the crowded dance floor, to the bathroom where the fake Smith is crawling.

But in the corridor, Rohard was stopped by the bodyguard: "I'm sorry sir, you can't go in for the time being."


Fake Smith turned on the bathroom faucet, muffled the sound of drums coming from outside, and then answered the phone.

"Hi, I'm Smith... It's you, my dear. I'm still recording. Do you hear me? Yes, I'll be back soon. If you're sleepy, you can go to bed first. Wait until I come back. I love you too."


Hanging up the phone, Smith stared at himself in the mirror for a while, put his hands together to wash his face, turned off the faucet and walked out of the bathroom.

"Listen, you, you can't, go in." Fake Smith happened to see the bodyguard warning a fat white man, walked over indifferently and said, "Get ready for the car, I'll leave through the back door" before turning and leaving.

"Okay buddy, you can go inside and enjoy it." The bodyguard moved out of the way.

Rohard looked at Smith who was walking away, turned and left silently, and walked out of the noisy and lively bar.

"How about killer, have you succeeded!" Smith couldn't wait to ask Rohard who got into the car.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the extended Lincoln driving past.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be, hurry up!" Smith urged.

Rohard started the car and followed the stretched Lincoln.


Luxurious condo in the Hollywood Hills.

The extended Lincoln slowly drove into the underground garage of the Sierra Towers apartment.

A white car is parked on the street.

"Damn, this must be the new house that bastard bought with the money earned from my face!" Smith scolded angrily, staring at Rohard seriously and said, "Listen to the killer, it seems that he won't be going back to the villa today. This It's good news, we have a chance to do it, but we need to know which floor he lives in and which room... What are you looking at?"

In the middle of speaking, Smith followed his gaze, and saw Slack sitting on the opposite side of the road, holding his chin in a daze.

"What the could Slack be here?!"

Feeling unbelievable, Smith got out of the car and walked over, followed by the silent Rohard.

"Hey man, how did you come out—I mean, why are you here."

"I'm waiting for you, you came too slowly, did you come back because of the guy who looks like sheep dung?"

Slack stood up while leaning on the street lamp.

Smith even forgot to correct Slack, wondering, "Of course, we've been following him, so how do you know—oh shit you put a tracker on my car!"

"Idiot, you just stole that car this afternoon." Slack despised Smith who was yelling. "It's just that the guy who looks like rhino poop has been coming to the Sierra Towers apartment every night lately before 22:30."

After speaking, Slack looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Didn't I tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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