after falling asleep

Chapter 821 16. [Title Investment Promotion]

Chapter 821 16. [Title Investment Promotion]

Poor Slack, he was covered in dust when he was pulled from the ground, his hair was messed up, and he looked like he had been beaten.

Outside the car window, Slack was escorted by white police officers.

Smith looked away guiltily, and stared at Slack being taken away by the white police officer with a sidelight.

As they leave, Smith turns his gaze back to the recording studio across the street.

Fake Smith blocked his face, surrounded by bodyguards, got into the extended Lincoln, and drove away slowly.

"Follow that fatherless bastard!"

Smith's slang scolded Rohard to start the car and keep up with the stretched Lincoln.

Fake Smith recognized his muscle car, so they were driving a stolen car.

"But don't you think we're too close to that Lincoln's ass?" Smith exclaimed. "While I understand a white boy's excitement at the sight of a fancy car, hitting it could kill you."

Options slowly appear at the bottom of the screen
[He just said ass, right? 】

[Open the distance, then hit it at a speed of five kilometers per second]

[Smith is right, maybe]

There is not much difference between options one and two, there is only one correct choice.

Cen Yingying undoubtedly chose option three, and Transparent Bridge hesitated, but finally decided to break up peacefully with Mu Su and get together with Cen Yingying.

0:4:5, Musu was brutally betrayed!
The options fade away.

But it's a little strange that Rohard still didn't slow down and distance himself after the choice - he kept a relationship with the lengthening Lincoln for 10,000+ dollars at all times.

"Really? Are you really going to do this?"

Smith put down the seat to hide himself, and looked like he saw a nigger: "Man, you have to know that when we get everything back, that car is also our property-no! He's yours!"

The early spoils kicked in and Rohard eased off the accelerator slightly.

That's what "maybe" means.

They followed the fake Smith all the way, night fell, street lights came on, and Lincoln finally arrived in front of a movie theater.

On the red carpet, fans, and reporters, the lengthened Lincoln slowly stopped in front of the red carpet, screaming in suits and leather shoes, and the fake Smith with a gentle smile got out of the back seat and walked onto the red carpet.


An old-fashioned white car was parked on the side of the road a little farther away.

There are too many people here, and there are police officers to maintain order. They obviously can't do anything here.

A giant poster hangs on the outside wall of the theater, and Smith in a white suit is holding a high-tech pistol and crossing his arms.

"It's the promotion of "Men in White 3"..."

Watching his "other self" walking on the red carpet and waving in response to reporters, signing autographs for fans, he slowly narrated with loneliness and envy.

"I was in the first one, and I still remember the absurd things I did... actually went to Las Vegas to a group of people who were talking about what happens when they encounter aliens, and there are people who claim to be aliens People kidnapped by aliens, cows were kidnapped by aliens, people who were drawn strange circles in their wheat fields by aliens..."

Smith threw his head back, quickly realizing that it wasn't going to help, and turned his head to the window again.

"Suck... woo-woo-suck..."

Strangely, a whimpering sound like wind passing through a narrow gap suddenly came from around Smith.

Rohard turned his head.

Smith also looked surprised by the sound, and turned his head to look.

It is difficult to see a black man's expression in the dimly lit carriage, except that he is smiling.

Smith exclaimed in an exaggerated tone: "What? Is your stomach growling? Are you hungry?"

Rohard shook his head and raised his hand to turn on the headlights.

"Don't turn on the light!" Smith stopped Rohard, his face covered in confusion. "The minions of the counterfeit are nearby, be careful not to be seen by them. You must be hungry, I'll buy you something to eat."

Smith said contradictory words, quickly got out of the car as if he was afraid that Rohard would object, wiped his eyes with his dirty sleeve, and walked to the hot dog stand not far away.

The sudden emotional outburst in this scene made the players silent, and the obsession to complete the task dissipated a little, helping Smith recover his identity a little more.

Rohard's eyes followed Smith's movement, watching him buy two hot dogs at the hot dog stand, and when he returned, he was suddenly grabbed by a middle-aged white woman with a bag.

"Wow wow ma'am please don't get so close to a nigger, those bastard cops who are the same color as you will hold you for me." Smith tried to get away, but he couldn't get away.

"Mr. Smith! Mr. Smith, my son is your loyal movie fan. He has watched every movie you act in and every single you sing more than a dozen times! He really likes it. Can you give him an autograph?"

The white woman excitedly opened the satchel, took out a notepad and bisers and gave it to Smith.

"Oh God I'm so lucky. I got here right after work and they said you were already in didn't expect to see you here..."

"...You're so lucky...I mean, it's my honor." Smith coughed a few times, changed his street tone, thought about how to write his signature, finished it in a strange way, and returned the notebook to her.

"Please give my regards to your children. Oh and this pen."

"Thank you so much, I will definitely tell Tony about this..." The white woman grabbed Smith's hand and shook it, and let go of her hand to go home and tell the child what happened today.

"Wait." Smith suddenly stopped her, rubbed his fingers and hinted: "You don't want to get a big star's autograph for free without paying anything, do you?"

The white woman seemed to be stunned, and asked as if she hadn't woken up for a long time: "How much do you want..."

"10...50 dollars." Smith changed his words quickly.

$10 is the price for a group photo, but it's fake.It's true, and certainly worth $50 despite being signed.

"Okay..." The mother rummaged through her satchel, but there was less than $34 in coins.

"I didn't bring that much money..." the white woman said awkwardly.

"What's that?" Smith pointed to something in the bag that was shining under the streetlight.

"Uh... chocolates for Tony."

The white woman took out the chocolate and said.

"Plus this." Smith reached out and grabbed it, along with the less than $34 bills and coins.

"Oh... okay." The white woman nodded in a daze, then turned and left.

With two hot dogs in his left hand and a handful of change and chocolates in his right, Smith returned triumphantly.

At this time, the players were thinking in their hearts: There is nothing wrong with letting that fake product continue to be fake.


The car shook slightly, and Smith, who sat in the co-pilot, closed the door with his little finger.

Sensing Rohard looking at him, Smith yelled, "Hey don't look at me like that dude! I gotta prepare for this failure, you can't starve me! And it's only going to be on that impostor"

It feels pessimistic to say that, Rohard added.
"Of course, this is the closest we've come to success, I trust you buddy."

Smith held out his fist to Rohard.

New options now emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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