after falling asleep

Chapter 823 18. Spy Impossible

Chapter 823 18. Spy Impossible

Players want to punch Slack.

Smith also wanted to punch Slack.

Even Rohard wanted to punch Slack.

[I heard that sphincter damage will cause a limp when walking]

[Put your face in and say "You goddamn nigger with no dad should go grow cotton on a plantation"]

【remain silent】

4:0:5, the transparent bridge maintained maximum restraint.

Smith is the same, after all, they are good brothers.At least for now.

"How many floors is he on, I know you know." Smith grabbed Slack by the collar.

"Well I do know...put me down you rude nigger," Slack yelled. "He's got a new relationship with a woman he's assigned to Sierra Towers apartment 3303. As night falls, he's He will come back to accompany his woman when he is busy."

"Correct me, my woman." Smith said disgusting or exciting words, and looked at Rohard: "Killer, it's up to you whether we can regain our identity."

"And us." Slack interjected at this moment. "I'll help you hack into the elevator, but you have to find a way to access the door. You can't get around it. Forcible cracking will only make alarms sound everywhere in the apartment."

After speaking, Slack looked at Smith.

Smith raised his hand and backed away: "I'm only responsible for distributing the money afterwards, ok?"

After the simple division of labor, Slack returned to the muscle car he drove and took down the laptop, casually connected to the network of a roadside shop, tapped and clicked, and finally hit the Enter key.

A surveillance image of the hallway in the apartment appears on the screen.

"Bring it, I'll let you know if something happens." Slack handed Rohard a Bluetooth headset.

"Can you see the room? If the counterfeit is doing something to help me slap it, I can take it back and slap it if I fail this time." Smith smiled wretchedly eager to try.

"Idiot, would you allow someone to install a camera in your room?" Slack scolded in disgust, urging Rohard to act.

Rohard put on his bluetooth headset, walked across the road and walked up the steps in silence.

Rohard is obviously a white man who is neither black nor yellow, so he was not blocked by anything and easily entered the most exclusive apartment in Los Angeles.

"The elevator is now on the 17th floor, but someone is waiting for the elevator on the first floor, waiting for the next one."

Slack's voice sounded through the Bluetooth.

Rohard came to the elevator, just like Slack said, there was a male guest waiting for the elevator.


The elevator arrived at the first floor, and the man entered the elevator and swiped the key card.Hold the door open button and wait for Rohard to come in.

Rohard remained motionless, and the man who waited for a few seconds felt bored, shrugged his shoulders and took his fingers away.

The elevator door slowly closed.

Rohard waited for the next elevator.

21... 22... 23... The elevator stopped on the 23rd floor, waited for more than ten seconds and then began to descend.

At the same time, Rohard's headset sounded a reminder from Slack: "A waiter is coming to you..."

A waiter was leaving the lobby and heading for the elevator.


Rohard had time for the waiter to reach the forward elevator, but the elevator stopped suddenly on the 8th floor.

"Quick...quick..." Slack anxiously urged the elevator to start quickly.

The elevator stayed on the 8th floor for nearly 20 seconds before descending again.

"Must be a goddamn, dawdling, nasty woman!" Slack cursed like a fag.


Rohard had already vaguely heard the crisp sound of the pair of cheap leather shoes stepping on the marble tiles around the corner.

"Big Pyrenees! I suggest you hide in the safe passage, now!" Slack's voice became more and more anxious.


"He's round the corner!" a shrill yell came over the bluetooth.


At the same time, the elevator door reached the first floor.

A man in pajamas and slippers walked out of the slowly pulling elevator.

Rohard passed by quickly, entered the slightly sinking elevator, turned around and pressed the door close button. The button on the 33rd floor automatically lit up, and Slack also started to act.

And outside the slowly closing elevator door, a figure walking quickly appeared.

"Wait, please—"

The closed elevator doors blocked the rest of the waiter's words.

"Damn DeepPockets..." the waiter cursed in a low voice, waiting helplessly for the next elevator.


On the 33rd floor of the apartment, the elevator door slowly opened.

"Very good, I saw you on the 33rd floor... Find a way to get into 3303, we will find a way to help you from the freight elevator now."

Rohard turned left and stepped silently on the red carpet in the corridor.

This is obviously Smith's secret stronghold. There are no bodyguards guarding door 3303, and there are no additional cameras to monitor this corridor.

Options now appear.

[This corridor is clean and unpleasant, but there are many people in the hall below]

[Wave at the camera so they can see you]

[Knocks on the door dully]

Three bad options and they have no choice.

0:4:5, obviously, Transparent Bridge is a boring person.

Rohard knocked on the door, and a moment later, the door opened.

"I'm not saying stop—"

The complaining fake Smith closed his mouth and looked at Rohard strangely: "Who are you?"

Rohard's innocuous image is unnerving, but False Smith soon recalls seeing him in a bar.

The pupils of the eyes shrank suddenly, and the fake Smith suddenly looked behind Rohard: "Did you find the wrong door? You see that the door on the opposite side opened—"

As he spoke, he quickly went to close the door.

The door was forced open by Rohard, and he walked into the room.

"Hey, killer, don't rush to close the door!"

Smith and Slack shouted from the corridor, and they rushed over.

"Where is that woman?!"


Closing the door to block the sound, Smith did not forget his original intention, so he ignored the fake Smith who was on the side, rushed into the room and began to search in the bathroom and bedroom.

"It's you...a counterfeit!" Fake Smith paused for a moment, and shouted: "You and this fake guy are in the same group!"

This sentence is full of déjà vu.

Smith, who was looking for women everywhere, heard the words and shouted: "Damn it, you don't believe the lies of this bloody nigger, do you?"

Rohard remained silent as options loomed.

[Give fake Smith a decent ending in front of Smith]

【Give fake Smith a decent ending】

【Give yourself a decent ending】

Fake Smith spread his hands proudly: "You're just a fake who looks a little like me—"

Gunshots interrupted the conversation.

Fake Smith bowed his head in disbelief and fell backwards.

Smith and Slack stared at Rohard with the same sign.

"Wow...Wow, buddy, you can...give me the gun first." Smith swallowed his saliva, and leaned forward to take the gun away.

Looking at Slack, Smith coughed dryly and said, "Killer, there is a woman in the room, go find her."

Rohard nodded silently, turned and walked into the bedroom.


The sound of the hammer being pressed suddenly sounded from behind.

"The gunshots cannot be concealed, and there are dead bodies. Someone has to take the blame."

Smith raised his pistol and flicked it lightly with the other.

"So say goodbye to the last night of your miserable life."

(End of this chapter)

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