Chapter 514

I said angrily: "You are shameless, you are ignorant, you are understanding consumers' psychology, and I didn't force them to eat!"

Gu Dahe thought for a while and said: "Then I can't redecorate, and I have to suspend business for renovation. You know I still owe money to the bank. If I stop, what will I have to pay?"

I said confidently: "You don't have to worry about this. We will renovate one by one, starting with the one with the worst turnover. I can help you with the decoration. You will definitely not spend less money, but You can delay it first, when you have money, when will you give it.”

Gu Dahe said gratefully: "You want to advance the money for me!?"

I hastily denied it: "I'm not that kind. I know a friend who does renovations. His charges are not cheap, but he is responsible and fast. Try not to waste time. With my reputation, I can decorate first and then pay. , so it will be more expensive, how about it?"

Gu Dahe hurriedly said: "No problem, as long as you are confident that you can make money!"

Things went smoother than expected, Gu Dahe's wife's family, after my bluff and deceit last time, unconditionally signed a notarial deed, confirming that Gu Dahe alone owns all Dahe restaurants.The decoration is a small matter for Ah Fa now, even if he doesn't take my money, he will definitely have no complaints, and it is to make him make money, but the money is given later.

Another half month has passed, and I have received many small companies' problems one after another. Some of them have been solved well, some have been relieved, but the problems have not been solved fundamentally, and some companies have no effect. Not only did people refund the money, but they were also questioned and abused a lot.

Brother Zeng's ship was a week later than expected. We were not very worried at first, but now we have become ants on the hot pot. Mr. Li's mood became more and more restless as time went by.

Today's communication equipment is so developed, it is hard to say that you can't contact the fishing boats at sea, and you don't even know where they are. This is a very dangerous signal. As a descendant of fishermen, I still understand a little bit. In case of shipwreck, if the distress signal is not sent out, the chance of survival is almost zero.

I went to the Maritime Affairs Office a few times, but the news there is that no distress signal has been received for the time being. As for where is Brother Zeng's boat?They are also not positioned.

Finally, three days later, we arrived at Brother Zeng's boat, but there was no sign of Brother Zeng. The people on the same boat told us that their boat did not salvage the seafood that was planned, and Brother Zeng boarded another boat.

So, we began to keep guessing that Mr. Li made the worst plan. Brother Zeng was killed on the boat and was thrown into the sea by this group of people. Rejected, because there is really no seafood on this ship, and this amount is really not worth killing a person.He also wondered if Brother Zeng had a bad temper, and started arguing with the people on the same boat, and then threw Brother Zeng overboard.Mr. Li insisted on calling the police, but I stopped him in the end, because I knew that even if I called the police, there would be no proof of his death. Where could I find the dead body in the vast sea?I propose to wait.

A week passed, and everyone lost their patience. While preparing to call the police, they were preparing to hire a boat to salvage.

Just when we were about to go to sea, Brother Zeng, who was tanned darker than blacks, came back.

Instead of getting Mr. Li's warm hug, he got a crisp and loud slap in the face.Brother Zeng was not annoyed, he seemed to be very excited like a normal person, and explained to us: "Our ship didn't catch anything, and they were going back. I got on another fishing boat, and let me tell you, the Fujianese are still better at fishing than the Cantonese, and I promised them to buy all their seafood, so hurry up and prepare cash for me, they are still waiting at the port!"

Everyone was stunned, and everyone was worried about what was going on. As for him, he seemed to be okay.

Mr. Li roared angrily: "Do you know what you are talking about? Everyone is doing nothing for you. They are all ready to go to the sea to salvage your body. You are alone and happy, and you don't even fart. Are you Dead or alive, shouldn’t you also give us a message?”

I snorted, and said to Brother Zeng, "Be honest, did you honeymoon with some little demon?"

Mr. Li glared at me and said, "Stop making jokes here, this matter is endless, Zeng Zhiqiang, tell me, how do you plan to end it? You have to give us an explanation!"

I smiled and said, "What plastic bags do you want? Environmental protection now! Just come back, just come back!"

Brother Zeng smiled and said: "It's okay, Ah Fei, I will give you a satisfactory explanation, and you will make a lot of money! I thought about it, the cost of this batch of seafood came back is only 200 million, and I have contacted some of them on the boat to buy them." Home, these are rare seafood in the deep sea, and these alone will definitely pay back the cost. We keep the rest for ourselves, and we can contract some of the seaside farms and raise them ourselves. Some of them are directly frozen and found in a processing factory to freeze. Packaged and sold directly to major supermarkets.”

I think there is something to do, it is a business opportunity, I thought about it and said: "This is really a way, but you can have as many ships as you want. If you can come one after another, we will buy them regularly to form an industrial chain. Breeding, Processing and sales, let's form a seafood food group, this is a way to make a fortune!"

Brother Zeng nodded and said: "Yeah, I was thinking about this on the boat. In the future, I can contact the fishing boats that go out to sea and buy the seafood they return. They also hope that they will be sold immediately. The price must be first-hand." Yes, the cheapest one, and they don't screen them, some of them are rare seafood, and this part is actually the most valuable!"

Mr. Li also forgot his anger towards Brother Zeng before, and asked a question: "How to preserve it? Deep-sea seafood is not easy to preserve? If it is frozen, it loses its value. Even if it is cultivated at the seaside, the seawater is too shallow. Can't support it."

I said happily: "Don't worry, this is easy to solve. If you can't keep it or keep it alive, you can take it directly to the restaurant for cooking, or once you arrive at the shore, you can put it in the freezer, freeze it directly, and pack it up. There are a few things to do, Brother Zeng, you should contact the fishing boat immediately and sign an agreement with them, we will buy their seafood first; Master Yin, go find the fishermen who supply us in the fishing village, and hire a fishing ground; Sister Li , you go to contact the frozen processing factory, it is best to buy one back."

Everyone nodded, then looked at me together and asked, "What about you? What are you doing?"

I laughed and said, "I'll contact the supermarket and the restaurants in the city and tell them the good news!"

Just do what you say, several lines are very smooth, the agreement with the boatman was signed quickly, Master Yin’s fish pond is easier, and the processing plant is also easy to find. Unexpectedly, I thought it was the simplest thing , has become the biggest problem.

First of all, other restaurants don't trust me at all, they are not sure what my seafood is?Where did it come from?Was it polluted?I'm not sure when the goods will arrive. People can't wait for my goods to open.

Then there are supermarkets. Their purchase channels must pass the national inspection and must have a food safety certificate. The packaging and the quality of seafood are strictly controlled. It doesn’t mean that you can sell them if you want to. .

The preliminary work has been done, and I lost the chain here, and I started to get a little anxious and angry.

As the so-called doze off, come to the pillow.It happened that a Jiuzhou seafood food company came to me to solve the problem.

This company is a local seafood company in Zhuhai, mainly engaged in some seafood instant food, such as shredded squid, seaweed and other small foods.Their problem is that the cost is too high, the packaging is old-fashioned, and there is basically no market except for some tourists.

It was not their boss who found me, but the sales director. The sales director hoped that I could think of ways to help them solve their sales.I started to use my brain, and first analyzed it with him. If the problem of high cost cannot be solved, there will be no market. Like the food they sell, they are all small food, and they must enter the supermarket. Supermarkets also get a portion of their profits. In this case, their prices will have to rise again, which is difficult for the public to accept.

The sales director was a little disappointed and asked what should I do?
My answer is very simple, that is, to work hard on raw materials, we must do first-hand processing, and we cannot allow processors to make too much difference.

The sales director doesn't know much about production, and he didn't want to make a big deal about it, but he was forced by the boss, so he had to talk to the boss directly.His boss disdains consulting companies like me very much, but there is really no good way, so he came to me with the attitude of giving it a try. When we met, he said: "Listen to our sales director, what do you think of my The company’s biggest problem now is that the product price is too high. You may not know much about our industry, but our cost control is already the best in the industry. I can say it proudly.”

I groaned and said, "That is to say, the price of your finished product should also be the lowest?"

The boss hesitated for a while and said: "There is no one there, most of the prices are about the same. So, I wonder why our products don't sell well, while other people's products do."

I took out a survey report of a seafood food company, handed it to the boss and said: "This is a sales report of your peers this year and last year. You can look at their sales channels, most of which are supermarkets and seafood markets. You If your prices are about the same, why didn’t you enter the supermarket? If that’s the case, you just need to lower the price a little bit, and you can beat other competitors and dominate seafood and food products!”

The boss said with a masculine face: "We can't lower the price, and if we lower it, we won't make any money."

I hummed and said, "Didn't you say that your cost is the lowest in the industry? If you lower your cost a bit and you won't make any money, wouldn't others have already lost their money?"

The boss said in embarrassment: "Our labor costs are high. You also know that this is a special economic zone. Everything is high. There is no way!"

I laughed and said, "Labor cost is not cost? That's easy, you can fire some people, what labor cost do you want? Aren't your products all produced by cost processing factories? It's just handling, and you Operations staff, sales staff, other than these?"

The boss nodded hurriedly and said, "That's all, this is a lot of expenses, don't you think so?"

I also stopped entangled with him on this issue, and changed the subject and said: "You can figure it out yourself, so I won't talk about it. I think if you want to solve the cost problem, you have to produce and package it yourself. Only in this way can you really reduce the cost. .”

The boss sighed and said, "I think so too, but it requires investment. How can I have so much money?"

I knew the opportunity was coming, so I said: "Well, I can find you an investor, but it must occupy 51% of your company's shares and hold your company. You can make the same money, and it must be more than now. But the family has the final say on the company, are you interested? Of course, if you think you are capable of running the business, you don’t have to consider my suggestion.”

The boss immediately refused: "You are asking me to sell the company, so don't think about it, it's impossible!"

I snorted and said: "Then I didn't say it, but since I took your money, I'd like to tell you, if this goes on, you may not have a chance to sell your company. I don't know if you heard about it. , The National Tourism Administration has issued a new regulation. Any scenic spot is not allowed to sell products that exceed the average market price by more than 2 times. If you can’t even sell the place of the scenic spot, think about where is your way out? Or Transformation, or transfer. According to your current market value, your company may still be worth a little money now, but your sales volume is declining, and when it is worthless at all, what should you do?"

The boss knew that I was not alarmist, so he said with a dark face: "Why don't I know what you said? But this is all my own hard work. You told me to sell it to others, and I..."

I shook my head and said, "You have to change your thinking. If you have money, you don't need to work. What is better in this world? Why do you start a company? Isn't it just to make money? Others bought your company , you still hold shares, you still earn money, the company grows bigger, you earn more money. But if it is still in your hands, what can you get? With money, you can still start a company , Start a business again, don’t you need money now! With enough funds, you can build a better company, and now someone knows how to run your company, why not do it?”

The boss sighed and said, "Do you want to buy shares?"

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed, and I blushed and said, "'s's my friend... Hey, it's me. I just have this kind of connection right now. I want to do seafood processing, but I don't have a license. If we cooperate, you will still be your general manager, the executive director of the board of directors, and you will still manage!"

(End of this chapter)

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