Confessions of a Salesman

Chapter 515 Acquisition of Nine Continents Company

Chapter 515 Acquisition of Jiuzhou Company
It took me a lot of time to sign the contract. He is a cautious person, and every detail is deducted very meticulously. However, his professional knowledge is still weak, and he doesn't ask professionals for advice. In the end, he voted against persuading power. He did not expect that, generally speaking, he has the right to participate in the company's decision-making and management, and the rest is still in my hands.

After this series of work is done, my Jiuzhou Seafood Food Group will be officially established. The legal person is Brother Zeng, who holds 51% of the company's shares, and the original boss holds 49%. Even if he sells it 51% of the shares, but according to the market valuation, his company is not worth much, and the money he got was not enough to pay off the bank loan, so at my instigation, he sold another 25% of the shares to me, I agree that if he has money in his hands in the future, I will give priority to selling the shares back to him. Of course, this is just empty talk.

In fact, many things, as long as you dare to think and do, are not as difficult as imagined. From Brother Zeng's conception to our final implementation, but in less than a month, we have a family of our own. A food trading company, to be precise, is a food group.Because we not only do sales, but also manufacture by ourselves.

The next step is to build momentum and do publicity. I'm good at this. Radio advertisements are essential. Afa and Qin Ge's program investment is necessary. The effect of such a popular program advertisement must be good. Every day his program, All played repeatedly.

Romantic and proud, our restaurant has ushered in the first batch of real diners. There are famous food columnists in China, the editor-in-chief of the National Travel Magazine, and gourmets. These are all related to Yaoyang. They have been in the entertainment circle for many years, no They did it for nothing, but they have accumulated some contacts. These gourmets are also very face-saving, and their evaluations are very high, boasting that we have nothing in the sky, but nothing in the earth.Master Yin, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage, is in charge of the spoon himself. With the previous reputation of our restaurant, the reputation has really risen.

It is also specially emphasized here, the freshness of our food, and some seafood that are not available outside, but any smart restaurant owner will see business opportunities, without us looking, someone will come to our door and negotiate with us for purchase thing.

Soon, all the high-end restaurants in this city began to order seafood with us. This late-night seafood is seasonal, and you can eat such good seafood three times a year at most, so the people who make reservations are very popular. Some People also deliberately dragged their connections to find me, hoping that I could make a reservation.

On this day, a group of people who claimed to be from the Food Supervision Bureau came to our restaurant for dinner. When paying the bill after the meal, Master Yin was still very good at being a man. Discounts, but these people should be used to eating and taking, and they don’t appreciate it at all. One of the leading section chiefs emphasized arrogantly: "We are the Food Supervision Bureau! Do you know what we are in charge of?"

Master Yin understands what they mean, but when you come to our restaurant to eat, even Mr. Dong has to keep accounts, not to mention them, they have already discounted the lowest price. Master Yin also took out a lotus king for them, In this way, they were still not very satisfied, and repeatedly emphasized that we should issue an invoice, saying that they would take it back for reimbursement.Master Yin ignored them, issued them an invoice, and sent them away.

It’s easy to ask God to send God away, how could this group of people be dismissed so easily, not only did they not get the overlord’s meal, but they even paid for it themselves, how could they just let it go and come here to make trouble within two days, I just happened to be away.

A group of people in uniform came in, and they were about to enter our kitchen, saying that they wanted to check the sanitation.I have told the people in the restaurant before that outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter the kitchen casually. This involves food safety issues. If someone deliberately makes a mess, poisoning or something, the consequences will be disastrous.Did not let them in.This time, it has stabbed a hornet's nest, saying that we violently resisted the law and hindered law enforcement officers from performing their official duties.

Originally, we had just received a new batch of seafood. After the closure of the business for rectification, our seafood would be smelly, so we didn't listen to them at all and continued to operate.

At noon that day, two bread vans stopped directly in front of our restaurant, and a group of people came down and said nothing, and they came up to stick the seal directly. The restaurant and the guests were all shocked. , Mr. Yin is not a person who can be so angry, he just tore up the post on one side and the other side, and the two sides confronted each other.When I arrived at the scene, Master Yin and a group of chefs were ready to copy the guys, so I hurriedly stopped them.

And this group of law enforcement people asked: "Excuse me, who is the leader at the time?"

A middle-aged bald man came out. I was about to go up to say hello, but he pointed to a young man behind him and said, "This is Section Chief Yan from the picket brigade of our Supervision Bureau."

I said displeasedly: "You are not, what are you doing here so excitedly?"

The middle-aged bald man said angrily: "If you want to care, what do you eat?"

I replied: "I'm the person in charge of this restaurant. What kind of law are you holding on to? Why do you want to close our restaurant?"

Section Chief Yan came out from behind, took out a list and said: "We have received reports from the masses that your place is involved in food safety and sanitation issues, and you are ordered to suspend business for rectification. If you don't listen, we will enforce it now!"

I reached out to ask for the list, but Section Chief Yan didn't give it to me. I asked curiously, "Shouldn't you show it to me?"

Section Chief Yan said sternly: "Closing the business first, this will be shown to you, now hurry up and clean up the scene, your people stay where they are, no one is allowed to move, we need to conduct an on-site investigation!"

I snorted and said, "I'm questioning your law enforcement right now. Show me your stop order first, and then talk about other things. If you say investigate, just investigate? Do you know how much loss I will cause if I suspend my business for one day?" ? If we have no problem, who will bear the loss?"

Section Chief Yan pointed at me and said, "This is the second time you have obstructed our normal law enforcement. Do you know what you are doing?"

I reasoned and said: "You need to be justified in law enforcement. You said that we will suspend business for rectification when you receive reports. If you receive reports every day, will I have to close the door every day?"

Section Chief Yan explained: "When we received the report, we must come to verify and investigate, but when we came to verify, you did not cooperate with the investigation at all, and gave you a rectification order, and you continued to operate, so we had to forcibly order You are out of business!"

I looked at Master Yin, and Master Yin knew that he was impulsive this time, so he lowered his head.

I smiled and said: "Chief Yan, they may not understand your law enforcement procedures clearly, and they may have misunderstood them. Can you accommodate me? You are welcome to investigate and collect evidence, but can you stop us from closing down?"

Section Chief Yan knew that I had given up, and said loudly: "Since the rectification order has been issued, there is nothing you can do. What did you do so early? An investigation is absolutely necessary!"

I nodded and said, "I will definitely cooperate. When do you think we can finish the opening?"

Section Chief Yan said solemnly: "That depends on the results of the investigation. How did you rectify it? If the report is true, it will not be a simple rectification. We will also fine you!"

"Penalty! We must be fined! But what if the report is not true? If we delay our normal business, what about the loss?" I knew that Section Chief Yan was determined to punish me after eating the weight.

Section Chief Yan said seriously: "It's best if it's not true! You can just go about your business as usual!"

I snorted and said, "Business as usual? I'm asking about the loss of this rectification time!"

Section Chief Yan laughed and said: "If you have something, you will be crowned, if you don't have it, just change it. This is also an education for your food safety! Well, don't talk about it, we will start investigation and evidence collection now!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand , this group of law enforcement officers like wolves and tigers rushed into the hall and started a comprehensive investigation and evidence collection.

I asked the people below to write down the license plates of the two vans, and let them figure out which department they belonged to.After two hours of investigation, I had to take away all the frozen seafood in my refrigerator and fish in the fish tank.Master Yin couldn't bear it anymore, stopped in front of the fish tank and said, "If you fish it out like this, all the fish will die. Do you know how much these fish are worth? And you frozen ones, you don't need any measures. If It’s broken, why are you still investigating? Besides, when you send it back, how can we use it?”

A law enforcement officer yelled: "This is not your business! Get out of the way!" After saying that, he pushed Master Yin, and my heart sank, thinking that I was done.Master Yin's temper is on the rise, so don't do anything to kill people!
The result was beyond my expectation. Master Yin suddenly fell to the ground and shouted in pain: "I beat someone, the law enforcement officers beat me! Violent law enforcement!"

I almost laughed out loud, Master Yin, who was as strong as a bull, just fell down when he was pushed.I immediately reacted and said, "Hurry up and get Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, Master Yin has a heart attack!"

Someone immediately ran in with the understanding, and after a while came out with a bottle of quick-acting heart-relief pills, I cursed secretly, am I stupid?Don't really take it, if you eat this thing, will you die?

I picked up the medicine, helped Master Yin up, and made a look. Master Yin understood, and took the medicine, and he would make a mistake, and took it without thinking.Then he touched his chest and yelled.

This was frightening. The person who pushed him just stood there for a while, not daring to move.

But it's impossible to just get away with it like this, and soon they yelled to leave.

Master Yin immediately yelled again: "After beating people, and then robbing things, are you bandits? You can't leave, call the police!"

Then others followed suit, and the scene became very chaotic.

Section Chief Yan had seen the big scene, and shouted: "Shut up!" Then he said to Master Yin: "Who hit you? So many pairs of eyes are watching, but it's just a light touch." Take a look. These things are all physical evidence, what’s the problem with us taking them back? We have always handled cases like this, if you have any problems, you can directly complain to our superiors!”

Then an order was given, and a group of people drove away.

My teeth itch with hatred, he has successfully provoked me.

Turning to talk to Brother Zeng, Master Yin said, "This is intentional to punish us! This matter is not over, I can't punish them to death, have you recorded it?"

Brother Zeng nodded and said: "Yaoyang was afraid that something like this would happen, so he installed surveillance cameras in all places. I'm going to get the videotapes now. When I opened the lobster base, this I have met many kinds of people, if you don’t want to punish them, you have to kill them! Taking so many things from us without evidence, what’s the difference from robbing them?”

I hummed, thought for a while and said, "Call the police now, and say that a group of people came for some reason, robbed our things, and ran away. We have surveillance throughout the whole process, and we also have the license plate. Let's see how they deal with it? "

The police car came and saw that a group of people like us had been robbed, and said in disbelief: "You are such a large group of people, you can be robbed in broad daylight? Why didn't you call the police at that time, and now everyone has run away? Just call the police!"

Master Yin said pitifully: "They are very fierce and even beat me. We are ordinary people, we are also afraid!"

A policeman in the area snorted and said, "You are ordinary people? Don't think I don't know. How did Kang Shiwei escape? It's because you are relatively honest that I didn't come to see you. Let's be honest, what's going on? "

As soon as Kang Shiwei was mentioned, I felt a little guilty, but Master Yin replied calmly, "Who is Kang Shiwei? We don't know each other. A group of people in uniform came here just now, and they just said something when they came in." Those from the Health Supervision Office took away a lot of our ingredients, which are very precious and expensive, and now they have taken them away, so we called the police, hoping that the government can uphold justice for us!"

A leader said, "Then you explain the specific situation in detail, and we will make a record."

Brother Zeng was about to hand me the video tape to the police, but I stopped him secretly, and Brother Zeng understood what I meant.

After finishing the transcript, the policeman looked at the surveillance cameras around and said, "You have surveillance here, and the videotape, let's take a look."

I smiled and said, "This is just a decoration, there is no video."

The policeman said in embarrassment: "After what happened, we can't be sure whether what you said is true or not? Well, you wait for our news, and we will give you an answer after we investigate!"

We waited for two days, but we didn't hear from the police, so we went to the police station to inquire.

The result of the reply to us is that the case cannot be filed at present, because it involves the enforcement of the functional department, which cannot be regarded as an illegal act, and the police station has no right to handle such matters, and must be handed over to the higher-level department for handling.

Brother Zeng said a little angrily: "Since you have no right to deal with it, why didn't you give us the result earlier. If we don't come to ask, will you never notify us?"

The policeman at the police station also had a bad attitude, and said bluntly: "If you don't file a case, it has nothing to do with us. You have to figure out the nature of your false report. Can they count it as robbery? Aren't you just opening your eyes?" Are you talking nonsense? After being investigated by other functional departments, you will call the police, and we policemen are all fools? Are you playing us?"

(End of this chapter)

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