The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 455

Reflection consequences. It is the upper level of the US government, and the "soft knife killing" opinion, accounting for the wind. From the cactus to the "Iron" Dewey's truntery muscles, the hard diplomatic government began to transform.

Although the United States is now being tossing for the economic crisis, a large number of factories in China is constantly being closed, and they have to sell a large number of newly unsophisticated machines in the factory, and sell them to China and the Soviet Union with very cheap prices. But the United States is still the United States. Today, its national industrial product is still the world's first.

Eisenhower is very clear, if he doesn't do anything in the president, the United States currently has a bad situation, will continue to exist.

In addition, President Eisenhower began to learn the high-profile imperialism of Sino-Soviet Union and sing "against the decaying" colonial imperialism, and the strategic policy of Sino-Soviet English limb disintegration system is echo.

During the President of Dulu, the United States began to find their "spokesperson" in India and Southeast Asia, starting the "national independence" cooperation between indigenous indigenous indigenous. During the Eisenhower period, the US investment in this area was increasing.

In the diplomacy, with the disintegration of the Five League and the beginning of the black knife, the United States has achieved breakthrough progress in the two of the two sides of China.

In 1953, Eisenhower personally visited the Soviet Union, see the Soviet Solitan Dalin, after a discussion, Mei Su Dabu has reached a lot of "similar" opinions in India, which means that the "national liberation movement" must be "national liberation movement" Give greater support.

Then, Eisenhower has "Lishuo visits" China, and the Chairman of Li Runshi, in addition to accelerating the normalization of Sino-US relations. Eisenho Well also talked to him "India" and Southeast Asia, when he also issued an invitation to "Shen Ming" Lin Han through China - of course, Lin Han said nothing will go to the United States.

As the United States has been secretly sneaking and secretly in secret and secrets in the British colonial, China has also been unused in the past few years.

In India, the guerrillas of the Latany are like smashing, and after the start of the Banglades, after the Banglan, they have been suppressed by the British army, and they have a thing in the adjacent Orisa, and they will make a vigorous - Then the script is still the replay of the West Banglan. The guerrilla war of the Tatani guerrilla has lasted for nearly seven years, and the activities were scored in five states in India. In 1952, Lati successfully reached a "peace agreement" in the British. In the sea area adjacent to Orissa and West Beibala, the lap arrived at a land of about 30,000 square kilometers, and then announced here to establish "Oriss Republic".

In the hard guerrilla war of the Tatani guerrilla, China Soviet Union or even the United States. All the means of each other will be supported, and the three do not know is that Latany has also supported this British.

According to the British opinion, the Tatani guerrillas are all, the first thing is the big name and the landlord. Upgrade the local class contradiction to the class hatred, and finally use the class massacre to help the British "empty the land".

This kind of trick has been playing for so many years. Even in the two countries see that the essence of the Tatanian guerrillas seems to be a little unsatisfactory, gradually slowing down to him, until the end, this double arch play even the British It's so embarrassed, and finally ended in the way to end the war "peace talk" with the Tatani guerrillas.

And such tricks, the British played more than Latuni in India, in the southernmost Nandend of the Indian Peninsula, Tamil Nadu. The British also got a few so-called print guerrillas in this development. After they, they cleaned the high-yield of the local "no obedience".

In this process, under the acquisuit of the British, Sino-Soviet Three Kingdoms gave some funds, drugs and even weapons.

After all, the British Empire is a hundred years, and when they go to the target clear, it is also good to play this kind of trick. The original Latany guerrilla is just a "test product." In case, in the Northeast of the "non-harmful land" in the Northeast, it is not affected by it.

The southernmost "Kara" and "Tamil Nadu" in Guam, India, which are close to the Indian Ocean. It is the focus of the British trying to keep.

After the experience of the success of Latuni, after 1948, these two city-states also bought a number of "Socialist Democracy Guerrillas" in rural and inter-city activities, doing similar things like Latani. Face these rushing guerrillas. It is naturally supported by Americans and the Soviet Union.

During this period, due to the new China's leadership, the new leadership in India issues decreased, but did not enter this. Lin Han, which is collided with the dark Altolia, which has been playing with the banner of the new China in the "release" of the British's "release".

But the British cultivated "its own" print guerrillas. Help them to clean the upper level of the India, after playing for so many years, the negative response that caused. The upper layer of India has gradually seen the sinister intention of the British "borrowing knife and killing". They have become stronger and stronger for the UK - no one will always be a fool. It is used by the British for nearly ten years, and the upper part of India Stupid, until 1954, it has also begun to return to taste.

Before 1953, the last words left were: "The British is the contradiction of the model of India, extending their strength to colonial rule here."

In the next year, he also repeatedly lobbyed in the uppermost year of India, revealing the sinister heart of the British. He used two years to slowly integrate the supersive opinions of India.

All the basic achievements of everyone is: No matter the abduction of the landscaping system, no matter what the people who have a rice bowl and low surnames, first take the British, and end them to use the printed guerrilla to say that our game will say. !

After 1955, in this case, in the case of the United States, began to promote internationally, and the so-called "Indian guerrilla" active in the southern India, its head is full of "truth" in the fifth place in the British. .

In fact, this time, China's two countries have heard the odor, but because these print guerrillas are really "Tai Revolution", and the "uncompromising" war of India's feudal forces, it is really "red can't picky ", In the middle of the country, the two countries are not good enough - even if the Chairman of Li Yunshi, can only criticize him to talk about their practice," over ", do not know how to establish a unified front.

Although the two countries of China Southern Sews have been different, they are not well expanding, and the Americans are very suitable. Through the general propaganda of Americans, the secret support of China and Su, India's domestic separatist power once again, and the British people were burn.

And not only India, British colonies, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, as well as Indonesia, and after 1955, it also begun "fire". Zhongsu's red camp and the US white lines, frequently met the leaders of "independent power" in these areas, want to give money, we must give weapons, and training to training.

At this time, the British Empire is no longer a king of the world in front of the war, but a "old empire" of an old dragon clock. From the Middle East to India to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, to Maaxia and Indonesia, such a large area, when three "ambition", when they are "aston", at this time, the British is like mounting The "Wolf" on the Tokyo Metro Station, even if Altolia "God" is bigger, she can't protect the "salty pig hand" that all the mutant in all sides.

First, the problem is that the East Malaysian area under the Tuli Dan Island, the British controlled by Lin Han.

At this point, the new China in the instigation of Lin Han, using a year war to swallow the entire Vietnom area and Laos, and more deeper in the South China Sea. The Malay Peninsula and Garymann are more treated by China as their forces. From the founding of the country, China has been in the layout, and the brain juice will squeeze out from here.

More than ten years, I was prepared by 1955, with the "Successful Visiting China", Sino-US Relationship, China and the United States, reached a "consistent" opinion on colonial issues, and the Chinese side believes that everything is ready. The order is time to "output the revolution" in Southeast Asia.

In July 1955, the third month of Eisenhower returned to the United States, China Sumei three countries, in San Francisco, the Southeast Asian issues, condemned the British "Ethnic Slaughter Behaviors" in Southeast Asia in the past ten years.

British colonial system collapsed

In the past ten years, in order to achieve the company's core from Europe to Oceani, the British and Japanese collude, cleaned the local indigenous indigenous is crazy on the island of the South Pacific, resulting in millions of indigenous Direct death, and several times the "indirect death" of this number. In the Sino-Soviet Three Kingdoms collected a large amount of evidence, when the three jointly issued a voice, the Evidence will be announced internationally, and the British immediately suffered great pressure.

In the first three years of 1955, Lin Han requested "importing" graduate students to New China, which is also preparing for the "Independence" sports battle for the soon. During this time, in addition to the large-scale delivery of the population, New China has provided a large number of weapons to Nanfang. From a new four-semi-automatic rifle, a 43-style rocket, a 50-type light tank that has just started production.

However, the place where the British colonies ruled the first domino domain, not in Southeast Asia, but in Egypt.

After the first Middle East War, although the Arab countries ended in a victory, the Arab independent movement of the Arabian movement was ignited after the defeat.

With Israel, it is "the more and more Arabs", more and more Arabs, to completely eliminate this dangerous opponent, need to do something: Let Egypt, "truly" independent liberation, completely detached Control of the UK.

Before 1955, although Egypt is an independent country, it is still controlled by the British to control the internal government, controlling the Suez Canal, so it is independent, not really independent. In the first Middle East War, the Egyptian government wanted to declare the War of Israel, but did not dare to make a shuffle in the pressure of the British. Then, with the continuous expansion of Christian forces in the Sinai Peninsula, its contradictions in the UK are getting bigger.

After the first Middle East War, Egypt's domestic anti-engines received more and more domestic international forces. There is financial support from the darkness of the Dachamia, and there is also a secret helper from the United States and even the Soviet Union, the dollar, the ruble has taken enough. There is a large number of "Arab Renaissance Warriors", not far away from Egypt.

They learn that the Israelites have done before, and constantly manufacturing various types of feet activities, find trouble to British.

In history, in 1952, the Freedom Dynasty, headed by Nasale, overthrew the Farut Dynasty, established the Revolutionary Steering Committee, and mastered the regime.

And this plane, "Division" from the father Lin Han's Altolia, learned from Lin Han, from Lin Han, "killing all crises in germination". As early as 1945, Nasale was "extremely dangerous characters" as "extremely dangerous people", and was quietly killed by the Anti-Information. In the following years, the British also uses various means to secretly assassinate the backbone of the free military officers, and with this means once the anti-engangle forces in Egypt will fall into chaos.

But the light is assassinated, it is impossible to truly solve the problem of Egyptian wants to resist the UK control. By 1956, the locals had extremely anticipated the rule of the UK. In the March, some young military officers of the Egyptian army launched their coup and easily overturned the Faruk Dynasty. It also announced that the Suez canal is returned to state.

In this revolution, the Soviet Union and the United States jointly dispatched special industries secretly. After Egypt, the British rushed to mobilize the army to suppress Egypt, and colluded Israel to enter from Egypt. At the same time, the "spare" scheme prepared at Altolia is also started at this time. The "Christian" gathering point in the Sinai Peninsula also "launched the uprising", claiming that the Government of Egypt is not admitted to "autonomous".

The second Middle East war broke out.

As in history, in front of the British, the Egyptian army was defeated on the battlefield. The British coalition controlled all the land on both sides of the Suez Canal.

However, this time, the two countries, even China, where is the British to easily settle the chaos of Egypt?

When the British army raged in the land of Egypt, the Soviet Union was immediately launched a military exercise of the "red hammer" at the Indian border.

Not only is the Soviet Union, and India, Myanmar has bordering India and New China, and also dispatched the army to move frequently, and the British will conduct dramatic demonstration. And China SUII (North) tripartite also has a uniform caliber to issue a strict warning to the British government.

Not only the red camp, even the United States that is still struggling in the economic crisis, and the Navy has also dispatched frequently in the Pacific Ocean, showing the existence. The US government also announced the opposition to the "aggression" of Egypt.

In addition to the British relationship of Germany, the British statement, the gun condemns the British aggression behavior, but there is no exacerbated action on the action, and the British in the United Kingdom is not too reliable in Japan. In order to give the British pressure, several forces are even prepared to conduct economic sanctions against the UK.

The fire of Egypt is unsteady, and the Indian crisis has started, and this time, the independence of the Myanmar area, under the secret support of China Soviet, and also started at this period.

Soon, several warfare forces in Myanmar, including activities in Myanmar, all statements, announced from the UK's colonial rule asking independent autonomous. In China, India has the first multi-power, see the opportunity, and also take the opportunity to launch the "non-violent non-cooperative movement", call on the local Indians refuse to serve the UK to enter the Egyptian aggressive army service, and hold a large-scale strike throughout the country. Sports - Nihru's movement, beforehand, the support of Saudi Golden Lord, and the people in the United States provide funds, so the momentum is very long, and lasts longer.

At this time, even the Southeast Asia, the Ma Ya Peninsula, the Indonesian Islands area, and the independent movement of the Southeast Asia, and the independent movement has taken a headed response.

"The wall is pushing" is not enough to describe the British's wolf, "crossing the mouse, everyone shouts" to evaluate them may be more appropriate. Coupled with the "Southeast Asian Ethnic Slaughter" incident, the British, the Difficulties in this point, let them think of the reproduction of 1940.

At that time, when the new British queen (that is, the next generation of the Lord's sixty-year-old prince), At the time of the prime minister at the time, Altolia was also sighing:

"Queen, the prime minister, we should promise reality. The colony of the old colonial system has not been avoidable!"

At this time, the British royal family is not in London, but a many key departments and factories of Australia, and even the British government have also moved to Australia.

However, a country should move ®, not such a thing. Altolia has worked hard for more than ten years, but only part of the UK. At this time, the UK, halfway, seems to hang in the air, in fact, is in the weakest in China. If you can give her three or forty years, I can complete this great industry, but I will not give them this opportunity to see all countries in the UK.

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