The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Cap 454

Gandhi finally died in despair in August 1953. After he died, Nihru took the stalls left in Gandhi and continued to fight against the British. Just at this time, the internal party members of the Indian country, the party members of the individual's personal rice bowls and interests are also swaying on the problem, causing a lot of splitting, which is the opinion of these people, Nihr flower is very large. Energy.

Rise of Southeast Asia Independence Movement (1)

Because the negative impact of the "nationalist mentality" of the Lin Han family, India has enjoyed the "colonial" treatment of the "colonial" in history than history.

After Gandhi, Nihru has been struggling. However, the British of this time rely on a large number of honor not Chained Tanians, and still firmly control India.

Not only India, the whole Southeast Asia, the "three daughters" of Lin Han and the same evil "four daughters" manipulated, the fate here is equally miserable.

After 1955, the Germans have been satisfied with some oil fields in the Middle East, and they have been satisfied and decided to have an attitude towards the British "good neutral" on the colonial issue. The Soviet Union is about to die because Stalin is full of life, and the Soviet Union is being transferred to the power of power. The British's colonial rule here, and it seems to continue to maintain a considerable period of time.

However, two two variables that lead to the British colonial disintegration, but in China and the United States.

First of all, China, after 1952, the Chairman of Li Yunshi returned to a position. In 1955, the new China founded a whole for 18 years.

In 18 years, it has been enough to cultivate enough knowledge of knowledge.

At this time, development of new China is facing a big problem: in the past 18 years, due to the importance of the government, a large number of people have cultivated a large number of people. The speed of the birth of the youth is far more than the speed of industrialization.

"Unemployment" became a big problem in the new China's headache in industrialization. In another place, New China also also facing the 18th year of the country, facing similar situations. At this time, China has a population of up to 605 million, and students facing the unemployment crisis have reached more than 20 million. - Similar problems, the Soviet Union has also encountered, and this place, the Soviet Union did not experience the World War II, there was no foot loss of 30 million to 40 million people, and I also broke out the knowledge youth in the past few years. It is impossible to provide a pressure of sufficient multi-employment.

Stalin's solution is to conduct a large-scale cultural movement, change the way to immigrate in the past, and urban youth is the main body of the city, two years, a total of hundreds of thousands of people have been migrated, such as the Dalin worry. The Far East is the focus of the cultivation of the Soviet Union. (Real history is in 1954)

China wants to solve this problem, learn the Soviet Union, is the famous mountain to go to the countryside. And this plane, new China's solution, and history is similar (specific situation, seeing in the group), but another way out, it is a large scale to Nanyang, which is Lanfang immigrant output population.

Whether in the eyes of the new China, it is still in the eyes of the foreigner, the so-called "Lanfanghua People's Lord" is the difference between China's vest, is the difference between "left hand and right hand". Lanhua Republic of Down to the new Chinese thigh, even the currency insists on using the renminbi. From 1952 to 1955, Lanfang received an immigrant from the new China, but it was basically a twenty-year-old Qingzhuang immigration - of course, the official statement is help. Lanfang works in development. And these eight hundred thousand people are all in the past, and their role is equivalent to adding two million people in Europe.

In addition, China immigrants in the forties were in 1955, the Langfang's Chinese population has increased to 50 million. The population structure of Garimantan is a fundamental change.

When you have a data, you will understand: (Real historical plane) In 1950, the total population of Malaysia was 6.47 million, 7.73 million in 1957, and in these people, the Chinese also accounted for 100%, that is, said, Non-Chinese is only about 4 million. (Note: Brunei is about 200,000 people). And this four million non-Chinese is distributed in two places in Malay Peninsula and Garyannda.

And another power is Japan, but the Japanese people here have more than 500,000 people here - so there are not many, the main reason is that the Garman Dan Island is a tropical rainforest, in addition to a few In addition to the fertile volcanic area, the land is extremely poor (mentioned earlier, the rain water flushing caused land fertility), and the Japanese born in the cold land, and it is also extremely uncomfortable with the tropical climate here.

The immigrants sent here, mostly after the "Shen You Qiming", was identified as "sinner" Japanese Chinese. At that time, Great and Fuzi were reluctant to put the "black five" parts of the "black five" parts of the country, all existed here.

And this plane, the light of the Lanfang Republic of Caliman, the number of Chinese broke through four million people, and then calculated the Chinese in the East Malaysia, with a total of more than 5 million. On the island of Galiman, Chinese becomes an advantageous population, accounting for 70% of the total population here.

Although Garymann is large, there are more than 70,000 square kilometers, but in the 1950s, the area developed here is still just a rushing plain in the coastal and rivers.

Among them, it is the original forest to the landlocked, and there is always a dangerous place. It is known as "dark forest" (this situation is much different from the 21st century). The middle of the forest here lives with a daunting indigenous, which is the Akren who specializes in hunting. Da Yac is brave and brave and lives in the original forest. They raise rice, hunting, women raising livestock and cooking houses at home, do not want to contact the outside world, and do not allow the outside world to enter their lives.

In 1941, the British and Japanese San Dienan were divided into the Netherlands' colony. In this mammonious action, the British announced the income of the "East Garry Man" in Garimantane, the Japanese, the Japanese, the rest of the East Garry Man, and the province of China, and Some of the coastal areas of Sikari Maman Province.

On the surface of the Japanese, the Garyannda is a big place, the area or even the Langfang Republic established by Lin Han, and there are more than 380,000 square kilometers. But in fact, the best site here, but in the Kindian area of ​​the Lanfang Republic of Lin Han - the front of the front Sikari Maman, it is also the focus of the Netherlands colonial.

During this period, due to the reasons behind the trail, the whole land of the central area of ​​Caliman Dan belongs to the two melons of the English Japanese, but in fact, the two control capabilities are unlimited to zero - the original landform of the tropical rainforest , Poisonous snakes, mosquitoes, is the biggest obstacle to development here, even if it is difficult to be difficult in the 21st century, not to mention is the 1950s.

After the Japanese occupied this, it quickly found that the condition of the condition is very losing. Although there is a big name, it is not a bunch of unopened soil people, and there is not much, and the terrible tropical disease here is a bitter, Japanese occupation. In the past few years, the harvest in the inland area is not worth the loss. Japanese and British are controlled here. In fact, it is actually sent here to enter here, stand up, and announced that it belongs to themselves, then it is controlled.

Its control is to use the metaphor of the image, that is, pass through it, sparking, and labeled, claiming to be his own site. In 1942, the newly established Lanfang Republic was still very weak, weak and the British Japan two countries were rumored, and it was also equipped with this.

To develop Caliman Dan Island, the cost is even far better in the history of Japanese (Note: Japan's occupation of Taiwan in history, in the early days, even because of the huge loss of the previous development, almost want to give up). At this point, although the Japanese won the Pacific War, the development of the development is concentrated in the area of ​​the cotton.

Dahe Fuzi later went to Lin Han three-thirds of the day-controlled site, in fact, the land is purely "papermaking", after the Japanese occupied the land, because the national strength is limited, basically not entering Over. Big and Fuzi know "father" Lin Han's ambition of Garim Man Dan, she also understands that Japan's national strength is limited, and there are some of the Pacific War, North Korea, Philippines, Sulawesi, and Garitan Island, if each piece The site wants to force it to eat, and the end is not good, and it is finally forced to spit out, and can only selectively give up the least digestible site.

She didn't give Lin Han, and after 1942, "concentrated", in order to increase the influence of Southeast Asia, they have been constantly immigrating to Nanfang. A large number of China from Yunnan, Guangxi, Fujian is suitable for wet tropical climate to enter Lanfang, centered, and constantly expand inland.

During the Pacific War, the British Japanese countries had to be in China, and the law of Lanfang Chinese did not swear to the landlocked, and even "cross-borders" practices, all have a closed-eyed decoration. The war has been played for five years, and the Chinese also expanded for five years, in five years, the actual control area of ​​the Lanfang Republic, the seven million square kilometers of the founding of the founding were increasing to approximately 2 million, nearly three times.

There is a new China's 60 million population base when Lan Fang, which can easily invest in the millions of Qingzhuang people. Japan who was dragged by the Pacific War, and the British of the motherland in the miles can only look at the Chinese every day in Garyannda, but it can't stop - unless the two countries Willing to tear the face here and the new China, but the consequences of torn face, whether Japan or the United Kingdom is unbearable.

After the big and well-being, "generous" will give Abandon the Siri Maman and the Sikari Mammill, and more than 120,000 square kilometers of sites will give it to Lanfang. It is not that she is really generous. It is really these sites. It has been eaten from the Lanfang Republic for five years, "eat" belly, unless Japan is planning to fight in the rain forest, and then play a bad turn, otherwise it can only spit it out.

But the greedy Lin Han, the degree of demand for land is endless. After getting the "daughter" was forced to spit out, Lanfang temporarily stopped to expand to the Japanese control area, but started digestive work.

From 1948 to 1955, the Lanfang Republic became the largest "population flow abroad" in New China. Lin Han and the leadership of the Lanfang Republic, every time I go to China, it is constant people, people, and others. The result is that this "small country" that has barely reaches two million people at the end of 1941, and the population has swelled to 5 million in fourteen years. When New China faces more and more serious employment crisis after 1953, Lanfang said that it is very atmospheric directly to New China to New China, "Accept" 100 Qingzhuang - Prerequisite is this millions of students Half is a man, half is a woman.

New China, less people, in addition to the frontiers and Beida Wilderness, most places face more people, even if they are no exception in rural areas - in the historical goeshawside, in fact, it is also forced. But Langfang is different, there is a large original forest here, and it is a long time to have the release of Lin Han, who has been foreseen by historical prophets, and has been used for more than ten years. Accept the basic work of large number of immigrants.

With the help of machinery, artemisinin (tropical development, these two things are key), countless from the new China, is a decisive "cut" Tree "," Road "," Building a House ", and Flat Dressing Labor. In this process, tens of thousands of people sacrificed in tropical rainforests for various reasons.

In the expansion operation, Chinese people also have a conflict with the landlocked natives. At this time, Lin Han's non-human existence began to play a role. With the early Lin Han out of the horse "jump big god", Lan Fang people quickly recovered the heart of the local original indigenous prevention, while the middle and late period came from the Chinese medical team, playing the "Shen" flag to the indigenous disease , The difficulty of simplification of the indigenous indigenous declines. With the cooperation of indigenous, Lanfang's difficulty in developing landlocks has dropped a lot.

At this point, Altolia and Dahe Fuzi, because there are too many distracions, they are not likely to be because of this "small things" and long-lasting in Garim Man Dan.

For more than ten years, the Republic of Lanfang has been taking roots here. Its influence in Southeast Asia is getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Han is in a row of a million young people, it is really that he is "hungry" at this time, ready to be a weapon, and then carry out a round of circle expansion movement here.

In the case of Lin Han, this is called: the timing of exporting a revolution in Southeast Asia has matured.

Southeast Asia Independence Sports (2)

In 1952, the President of Dulun was detrimental to the people in the folk, because of the revitalization of the civilian economy.

In order to take him, the army of the Ai Senwell from the Army staff, he is a republican.

The reason why he seals him as a US president, on the surface is the result of one vote for a vote of a US, in fact, is actually the result of the behind-the-scenes of the financial group.

After the new round of economic crisis broke out, the United States is sitting on the crater. The domestic factory has a large area of ​​abundance, and countless people are generally generally in general, facing unemployment and hunger torture. The crisis is still a feast of Wall Street consortium, but these Wall Street is clearly understood: Then they need a strong and obedient iron-fledged person, to suppress the trend of socialist thinking of the country. To prevent the "tragedy" in Germany and Saulan from staged in the United States.

The Eisenhower from the Army has entered the eyes of the consortium.

"Don't ask the country what to do, and ask you what you have done for the country."

The United States of the Economic Crisis, this old man is again raised again.

While the US government hooked up the patriotic flag, the US government has strengthened the strike pressure of the folk left power, while continuing to expand the power of CIA and FBI, and strengthen the power of the police institution. It is gradually turning the United States into a country that is increasingly like fascism.

In order to ensure that the army does not rebel, "Revolution", after the war in 1948, the average salary of the army has risen by 2.5 times to Eisenhower, and the average salary of the army has risen by 2.5 times. ", The government's budget on violent mechanisms such as FBI and CIA and national institutions are also raised in line.

In the Pacific War, the United States produced a bunch of army equipment, but because there has been no large-scale land war, these equipment are facing the "cemetery" in the desert (referring to the tank of the storm Field and aircraft cemetery) slowly rusty down.

Under the official license. A large number of weapons used by the Army was transferred to the domestic law enforcement department. After a few years, whether it is the tax bureau, the police station or a federal agent, all bird guns replace the gun. Even the "open armored car on the street law enforcement" is very common.

After the United States, Eisenhower, the United States has also changed the policy of contraction in Dulun, and it began to become offensive - main reasons, it is Eisenhower. Once the previous "evil alliance" for the United States, the evil alliance, in the war, has been completely disintegrated.

In this alliance, in the "orthodox socialism", the two countries are the main force of the mid-mid-to-mid-Empire colonies. Although Germany is being repaired with the UK, the eyes are deadly staring at the Iraqi oil well by the British "protection". And the only "ally" Japan in the UK, after discoloration, its idea of ​​continuing to improve relations with China has also encountered a lot of obstacles.

"As long as the United States of America is not directly from the West Bank of the Pacific, the anti-American evil alliance is impossible to recombine."

After understanding the status quo of the old continent, Eisenhower is in diplomatic attitude towards the old continent. Start beat.

"Union China Soviet, neutral German, dismalmonic", this is the new foreign policy taken by President Eisenhower.

Japan's death, Americans are no longer possible for a hundred years, and the British mixed stick will not say more, and the two countries hate to my bones.

In the past few years, Americans also reflect on major mistakes in the US foreign strategy, reflect on the results of the United States in 1941 to 1942, in the series of self-ticking. Some excessive floating, self-confidence excessive expansion. The second largest white ship will show off the behavior of the world to show off the power of the world, but causing the full dislike of European countries, it is the main reason for the US in the war.

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