The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambulaby Men's Crossing Remember 453

Altolia renewed the "Japanese Infair Empire", but natural defects in the British industrial productivity and main population, with the advancement of the times, it is getting more and more obvious, and it has maintained global hegemony. It is daydream, maintaining Eurasian hegemony is also like a joke, even if you want to keep the Middle Eastern interests, in other "four rogue" plus a United States, it will only be unhappy, and finally I will give up.

At this time, from the front of the front of Altolia, they lived in the "Middle Eastern Christians" in the Sinai Peninsula. By helpless, the British agreed with Egyptian autonomy. However, the British announced the second day of exiting, living in the Sinai Peninsula "Arab Christians" announced that independence is separated from Egypt to set up the "Sinai Republic", and hard-to-life will bid two points.

In the Middle East, the Republic of Sinai is a "freak" that Lin Han family jumped out. Then, this is less than two million people, the Republic of Sinai, very fast and the Israelites will be warm. They jointly controlled half of the Suez Canal. Then, for the sake of the Suez Canal, its conflicts from the new independent Egypt continue. In order to this Suez canal, the two do even have a deep ship to block the river, and the operation of the rules of the canal for five years. (A similar event has also occurred in real history)

Gandhi, dead in desperate

Crown Indian tray

In 1953, India died, his name is Gandhi. Full name, Mohadas Karam Changde Gande, respecting the Holy Gandhi, is the leader of the Indian National Liberation Movement and the Indian National Conference leader.

Compared to history, he died in 1948 India's assassination of a crazy religious partner. He was fortunate to escape the assassination, and finally "good".

However, if the fate can be selected, Gandhi will definitely choose the "true", he is assassinated, not this history of cross-seekers.

Because he died in the bed because of the aging, he did not see the hope of India's independent autonomy, but the panic and depression of the future fate of India.

"I am very unhappy ... India is split, and split into a lot of broken blocks."

This is a unwilling story before Gandhi.

He did not see India's rule of the British, but he saw India's split, and saw the establishment of Sikashi and Nanxhemir region, which was the main "Calistan" in the country. This is his year. Indian Strive for independent "biggest results".

Of course, Gandhi himself is Ning himself to die for a hundred times and don't want to see this "result."

Gandhi did not forget that he did not visit the new China in 1949 and see the second leader of New China. At that time, he thought that the new China changed people, and the attitude of India's independent movement will change.

However, after living in Beijing, the newspaper on this country has begun to popularize the "India" "Since ancient times," since ancient times. " Although Gandhi is an Indian, I don't understand Chinese characters, but some people in his hand can understand that China's attitude is imagined.

In the later years, the British suffered a growing political pressure in the "opposition colonialism" internationally, and the Soviets in the north of India did not have fewer understanding of the British, and they have been secretly encouraged to close the Kashmir area. The Siki in the Punjab is independent.

And China, at this time, it also called: "New China supports India 'all national" people to strive for independent power. "Slogan. The Soviewer wants to apply pressure to Gandhi's relative complete Indian, but the Chinese side seeps the private goods while

The British is getting more and more unstable in seeing the situation in the Punjab, and the Siki in the colonial army is increasingly unpleasant. Decisively, in 1951, the "geck and tiger end" surgery is directly given. The most joyful Siki is tied, "the big square" makes them "independent autonomous".

The Sixk is the strongest force in the Indian army in addition to the number of people who have the most combat power. The number of Sik people in the Indian colonial army is more than 100%. The Siki went, the rest of the Indian or Muslim people composed of the Indian colonial army, and its combat power became five slags.

The Sixk has made "Calistan", and the people who are happy to join the country, they are also grateful to them "loose" the British Zener - when the Sikin is founded, the British deliberately account for some Hindu people. The advantageous site is also available to the Sik people to meet their "independent wishes". Of course, this is an uneasy.

After leaving the Sixk, slow down the pressure inside the India, the British immediately changed his face and started to suppress other power of the Indian region to engage in "Indian".

By 1951, the British maintains its standards in India, mainly relying on the army, except for a small amount of local troops, another important main force, is the use of the so-called "Honor Naijian" "" "And" Shou Du Lu Lu ".

These troops consisting of low surnames and spree people, they are grateful to British people, Gandhi's own reasons, where they can't find the market. Gandhi even heard the wind, the British privately committed the new upper level in these "Honor, Nañas", and they will gradually hand over the ten states in the southern India in the next decade. Born people govern.

That is, the British is changing the "class structure" in the southern India.

And the British is not speaking in the empty mouth.

Beginning in 1944, the British conducted "pilot" in West Bengal, and began to implement the "Honor Non-Charonia" system, in addition to using a short title, it is also established. Specialized schools, tempted young children from these spree people and low surnames, cultivating knowledge.

At that time, the British said very high-key listening.

"Knowledge alters your fate."

"The honor does not take the Tanians to be a truly equal person, must have enough knowledge."

From 1944 to 1953, the British people have cultivated the knowledge of the "honor Non-Tannie" people in the British, and then use them to replace the increasingly restless Indian "high-rated surname" .

There is a sentence in China, and the chairs of the upper level are to be dead.

It is true that in the upper layer of India, many people realize the lattice of the surname system, resolutely require abolition, even after 1950, it has become the "recognized" of the entire knowledge of India.

However, the "romantic", hypocrisy, and reactionaryity of the "small bourgeois Bolsh Joa" parts, which is just in their "words" and "line", reflecting in change hurt to their After the benefit, your position changes.

The mouth is called opposition to the surname system, which can meet this class's moral superior sense.

However, when the surname system is abolished, and it is "true", and the most of these benefits are impaired, and these interests are often like the mice who have been burned to the tail. One time changing the position jumped to the other end.

Inheriting the Altolia, the human dark understanding of the human heart, very clearly what the horses of India's knowledge of the smoopers - In fact, the small small and fresh fresh in the countries are the same.

So, she raised the "pilot" in India, "truthfully" abolished the surname system.

First of all, it is still experimenting, still the best Western Bengal, the foundation. Here, in 1951, the British resigned in a large number of "Indian high surname civil servants", and changed their own cultivation "honor Lentatanians ".

The rice bowl is taken, the unemployment crisis, and the small freshmen of these India against the surname system are closed. Many of the previously standing on the street, waving the Hindu of the "Anti-Play System" banner, and recognized his "class" attribute in the first time, and then learned that "standing in his own class interest" said "real words" .

Through Altolia, the British also learned to play this big murder of "class struggle", which cleverly contradict the class of colonial countries, covering the contradiction between colonial countries and sectors.

A large number of prodrugs, the "honor of the Nagnia" from the low-breeded surname, replaced the "high surname", served as many important agencies in India, and suddenly made the whole India to blow the pot.

This British is very beautiful. When they meet the accusations of China Soviet, they are more reluctant to take the reaction of Indian high surnames and refute two people in China:

At the time of the European Union Council on India's discussion, the British represents the two cows in the geomarium.

"The British Empire is doing in India. It is a real revolution. It is breaking India to maintain a sinful name system for two thousand years. If the British Empire is now giving up India, then who will continue this revolution? Rely on Gandhi? Loss a little bit of your own interests, is it a small Bur Qiao romantic that the anti-plated belongs? "

Socialist camps actually be pointed at the "revolutionary topic" by capital spokesperses, this is the first time. At the time, the Soviet Union represents the urgency of emergency.

"Of course, it is not a national party's socially speculative speculator, and truly rooted in the low-rise of India."

The British representative is a point of mind: "Are you talking about the Indian Communist Party? If they can do the Latani guerrillas, the British Empire does believe that they can really abolish the model system in India."

At the Eurasian Union meeting, both the British and China Soviet countries were fighting guns, but after the content of the gun is transmitted to India, it is frightened by the old upper level of India.

"Honor Naganians" from the low-breed and the people of the people, they just grab their work and status, print a total? Does the group of the Latany guerrillas? This group of people must grab all of their lives. Even if it is a hundred years of cow to the United Kingdom, India's old upper level is not willing to see you fall into the hand of "Lati".

Rely on threats to hand over India, and use the "Honor Niki" to differentiate India's old upper, the British will stabilize their colonial rule in India.

Unlucky Gandhi, of course, is aware of the sinister heart of the British, but in the face of this situation, he has a good way.

The biggest difference between India and New China is to establish a new Chinese. Many people in them are also rich in farmers, small landlords, small bourges, and their families are very good, but these in the age of revolution, there are "betrayal" The class, breaking with your own class, leaving yourself, then leather the courage of others.

Therefore, in addition to the historical background of the two countries, the cultural atmosphere is different, and the other reason is that in the nearly a hundred years ago before the founding of New China, China has come through the endless oppression and struggle. . Marxism-Leninism, the reason why socialism will succeed in China, that is the "final" choice after trying all the roads fail.

A tree seedlings, only experience the wind blowing sun, frozen snow, can grow into a big tree. The Chinese revolution can last successfully. Before successful, there have been a test of countless pain torture, and a group of elites is calcined with blood and fire. Although there is a lot of calcination, there are more calcined, but the suffering of the "elite" in the "elite" in the "Elite" in the "Elite" of the "Elite" in India, before Lin Han appeared. .

Lying on the bed, when you swallow the last breath, Gandhi can't help but recall, he visited China in front of China, in China, in China, in China, "Oriental Shen Ming" Lin Han, Lin Han to him and his country Party 's evaluation.

"You and your country's party, the biggest failure and mistake, is the 'non-violent uncomfortable' exercise."

"Excellent cadres, will of the revolutionaries, or the unparalleled print universities, is it cultivated? It is not to board an advertisement on the newspaper, write articles, and can blow up the gun. Instead, the big waves, after a fierce and brutal struggle, use the enemy's butcher knife to do the filter, will not be firm, eliminated! Small bourgeois romantic, elimination! Ability to eliminate! Eliminate! Will be eliminated! "

"New China's grassroots organizations are eliminated by this elimination of countless revolutionary life, and finally will be born on countless corpses. This kind of life with countless revolutionary Have you eighten again, have you experienced the country of the country? Even a few honors of the Tanians robbed your rice bowl 'pain' could not stand, handed over India to your organization to launch a revolution? Well, One 'improved', I hope you can smash India's seed system? I am not as good as the British bayonet more likely. "

At that time, Lin Han was so sourly thinly lossed. At that time, Gandhi was almost 80 years old. When the line will be, he will be better than the titsis of Lin Han. He is smashed by Lin Hanxiang's words. The "non-violent disconnection" personnel who insist on his life, Gandhi's spirit collapsed.

After losing this breath, Gandhi has returned to China, and the wet beauty has already summoned him. Lin Han was accused of Gandhi, afterwards, afterwards, were subject to organizational criticism and was forced to have a review. But he thought that he could use "the tongue to fight Gandhi", and he is simply cool. As for what is reviewed, this guy's face has long been a city wall. When reviewing it, it is worthless, but the heart is resolute, and I still think about it to find the opportunity to grab the Gandhi this old guy again. For his virtue, the Chairman of Li Runshi has long been clear, but he is helpless.

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