The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 456

"We should learn some things to keep other things."

At that time, the Queen and the Prime Minister were ejaculated.

However, as the old empire, the British politicians are not the second two, or the young people of the Japanese Ministry of Military, they can be seen after seeing clear the situation, they quickly admitted the reality, and then according to ten years ago Altolia reminds them that the plan beforehand begins to act.

In Egypt, the British agreed to fully withdraw from Egypt, and everything here was "Egyptian people". But when I left, they left a so-called "Republic of Sinai".

This day, the British announced the revocation of the dismantled army, the "country" of the founding of the country, which occupies the Suez Canal, accounting for the entire Sinai peninsula, and has formed "steel alliance" in Israel. According to Altolia, the UK uses this way to get "half" Suez canal.

This behavior of this split Egypt must certainly not satisfy the new Egyptian government and the entire Arab world. Soon after, the Egyptians were shipped in the Suez Canal, blocking the whole canal. This action has led to the next six years, the Suez canal completely lost its role. One of the reactions that brought, it is a rare thriving period, giving a big breath of the Americans who have suffered heavy in the economic crisis, got a bit of gasping.

In 1956, Myanmar finally left from the UK's rule and announced independence. Just at this time, the independent Myanmar, under the manipulation of New China, is divided into several pieces according to the principle of "national" self-determination.

The Mali Peninsula, the British did not want to give up, but Lin Han has passed the relationship and issued the "war warning" to Altoli. Although the Republic of Lanfang has only five million people, but because this is a "immigrant country" that is born in the short term. The nationalized proportion of the country is quite high, and there is a new China. Don't see only five million people, you can take a military army from one million people. In addition, the forest is densely covered, and I want to make a terrible strain in the rainforest and Lanfang, the British has a headache.

Whether it is the Queen of the English or the Prime Minister, I know that the current British Empire is not worth a large war. The common pressure in China and Nanfang is still unwilling to spit out the site here.

The British government and countries reached an agreement, requiring three-year buffering period, and the British forces will gradually abandon the Malay area.

Under the private, Altolia visited the Republic of Lanfang in October 1956. In his capital, the capital of "New Kunlun" has been changed, and the two sides have negotiated and reached an agreement.

Altolia knows what Lin Han wants what. He wants to Nada Islands, to Singapore, but also want Brunei, and even want to make ethnic cleans in East Malaysia.

She told Lin Han, she can lobbying the British government to help Lin Han reach this series of strategic goals, but Altolia raised the conditions that he must guarantee the United Kingdom in other parts of the Indonesian Islands, such as Su Dalu Island, Java island, as well as the interests of Sri Lanka Island in South India. She wants Lin Han to make a promise to prevent new China from using Lanfang as a springboard, continue to output revolution from other places in Southeast Asia.

Lin Han has never been a real communist, nor a social righteous person, is a big Hanistist and Chinese interests, in the bones, in fact, a colonial style of robbery in other countries.

Lin Han agreed to the requirements of Altolia. And tell him that he will use his own practice, let Southeast Asia's "monkey", I'm regretted from "protection" from the UK.

After a series of negotiations, the UK announced that they will fully withdraw from the Malay Peninsula and Garyannda, and give the people of the people "independent autonomous power".

The British will be retired in Myanmar and Southeast Asian issues, in order to get China. New China in 1955, the strength is very powerful, even if it is one-on-one, the British will not expect himself to defeat China on the land - even the Soviet Union during this period, all over the east The stronger "Chinese Brothers" is taboo.

The British is an initiative to retreat in these two places, in order to concentrate on the Indian layout. The Orisan Republic of Osali, which is established by Latani, and the coming "South Own Republic", which is the hard work of Altolia for many years, and retaining the British colonial power.

India will definitely fly away from the British fingertips, which is unable to doubt in the UK. They are all of the most important parts of this time that they are ready to spit in this meat.

In the Malay Peninsula and East Mallasia, the British in the three-year buffer period is to start armed local Malay forces, picking up their contradictions and Chinese.

I am a "specialty" in Southeast Asia. In the past few hundred years, it has a good means of metastasis contradictions. Since the appearance of Lin Han, in the action of Melon, the "root" force acts in Jakarta's "chopping finger", it is well known. The consequences of this are the Chinese people in Southeast Asia. Most of the people of Lin Han after this incident, depending on the savior, not the Chinese kicks, will depend on the devil.

No need to encourage the British, these are worried, once the British forces exits, they have an impact of the Chinese, China and Lanfang attitude.

So, before withdrawn, the British rely on the sale of arms, and wiped a vote, and this is also good for Lin Han business.

In Lin Han, it is necessary to make a cleaning, no excuse than the war.

Foreign Dynasty

Chapter 1 Malay independence

In the later generation, one of the American police films is: Justice police in order to sanction of criminals who have the ability to drill the legal space escaping the trial, often to lure them pick up the gun refused, then take the opportunity to open the fire to kill .

In Lin Han, we must engage in ethnic cleansing. He also needs to create an opportunity to make the opponent "holding gun resistance", torn to the face.

So the British is abandoning the last "Mr. Garman" before giving up the Malay Peninsula. He himself has no opinions, but in the heart, I am worried that these Southeast Asia's monkeys are insufficient. I don't dare to open the first gun. .

On July 7, 1958, one-sided flats slowly dropped in Singapore, announced that the British's complete end of colonial rule here, Masacea and Singapore are also united from British colonial rule announced independence.

Before this, early 1946, the British began to play "divided into the governance" conspiracy, divide Singapore from Malaya, becoming a separate "municipality directly under the jurisdiction", and established "Malayan United State" in May 1948 All the rule rights of the Unitedbon Bank were mastered by the British King Committee, and implemented high-voltage rule on the Malayan people. In 1956, the UK announced that Malaya implemented "partial autonomy". (The above is historical facts, but because the travers, time and history are slightly transported)

In history, Singapore in this period is from 1965, it will be separated from Malaysia's Independence. The reason for Malaysia from Singapore, one is the factors from the British, the two are the contradiction between Chinese and Malay, and the population of Chinese people is not in a disadvantage in the local area, but the economically has advantages, but politically It is completely controlled by the Malay. In order to change the domestic "population" structure in order to change the domestic "population" structure, the largest Chinese will gather the largest Chinese to play the Malaysia to make the Malays become the advantageous group here.

The situation in this plane is slightly different. In the past decade, a large number of Malay Chinese were summoned by Lin Han, leaving the Malay Peninsula to Lanfang Settlement. During the one year war, the British clenked the Chinese in Singapore, and took a lot of Chinese. When Malaysia was independent in 1958, in Singapore, the residual Chinese population only accounted for a percentage of 60%, and the history of history 100% is completely unparalleled.

At this time, Malaysia's first prime minister Abdul. Rahman is very vigilant to Chinese forces. In advance, he was a reminder of the British, and realized that the South Afang Republic and his behind-the-scenes leader Linhan's wolf in Singapore. In the British agreed to give up the two-year transition period before Nanfang, he federated with the parties of the Malay Peninsula, and exhaled his army to prevent the army to prevent the British, and the British also took the opportunity to cooperate with the Malay in the formation. Government sells weapons.

In the Malay area, its population structure is: Malay 55%, 24% of Chinese, 7.3% Indians, 0.7% of other races, including Thai, high cotton, occupation and Sabah and Sarawak. Non-Malay indigenous occupies more than half of the population, over 23 in Sabah. There is also a small number of aboriginal groups - percent of 24%, which is a Chinese proportion of Chinese after the Singapore, and before Singapore is kicked out. The number of Chinese and Malays is not big.

After the history of Malaysia, the Malay (customary law) and the mushstion of the cultural are implemented. They have dominant in politics. As long as you are in Malaysia's Aboriginal Aboriginal, you can enjoy a property. Although the Chinese, Indians are the Malaysians, but they cannot enjoy this right because of color colors.

What is racial discrimination? This is a non-critical racial discrimination, but in the later generation, even if it is in the 21st century, this racial discrimination in Malaysia has not changed, and the international community is also presented. But this plane, the new Malay Prime Minister Rahman also wants to play like this, it is necessary to quantify your own pounds.

On July 7th, Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur, the city was cheered for Malaysia from the British rule, but the new prime minister was excited in the whole people, after returning to the premises, but it was full, because Singapore was also out of Malaysia, independent. .

It is a good thing to drive in Singapore, of course, is a good thing, but let Rahman feel full, he got news, tomorrow, Singapore will hold national referendum, decide whether to "merge" in the Lanfang Republic, this is let His headache is a big event.

Just within two years of the country, he encountered the Chinese people from Malay Local, and the trouble of the Southern Republic of the Southern Republic.

Representatives of the Republic of the Lanfang Republic, directly found Rahman, began to "talk" the political status of the local Chinese.

In the past few days ago, I have been very low in the world in the country, and I have been open to the "Chinese God" of "Walking in Human", and the Chinese is also open to the past. In the past few hundred years, Southeast Asia is suffering from race persecution. He even disclosed that after the British colonies have quit, it is not the beginning of the local Chinese in the past, but the beginning of another disaster. He called on the local Chinese to fight for his power and status.

Today, Lin Han, in the hearts of the Chinese people in Southeast Asian, have already been the incarnation of God, and this is an east, and the Chinese circle in the East, West Malaysia triggered a sensation.

In the UK, the so-called "buffer period" of the Malay Peninsula is given up, and the local Chinese is also auntie, requiring independent "autonomous". As a stirring stick, the British did not give clear statements in this matter, but the mold as a picture of the residents of the Malay Peninsula. By talking about it, we must quit here soon, no matter what it is here, what do you want to independence, or the Malay government that is about to be established?

During this period, Southeast Asian Chinese is the mother-of-child country in his heart, with Lin Han for its spiritual leader, in their eyes, the so-called Malay Prime Minister, what is it?

As for the local famous Chinese head, Li Guangyao, in this place, there is no part to him. All "outsiders" likely to affect Lin Han in the local Chinese, they have two ways to go: either follow Lin Han, or follow God, directly to the country. The history of "Singapore's father", he was "not going" in 1945, he was sent to heaven and Changkai.

In the transition period of more than two years, Rahman has passed the various channels, found Lanfang, contacting the Lin Han, and negotiated with him on the status of Southeast Asia.

Can become the Prime Minister of Malaysia, it is not the starting point network to send the brain and anti-face. He is very clear. At this time, the Southeast Asian situation will be withdrawn. The Republic is definitely the strongest force in the Malay Peninsula and Garymann. When I met Lin Han, he mentioned the conditions and requirements, and the "Sino-Rules Master": Agreed Singapore is independent, and even allows Singapore to join the South African Republic, the Nata Islands can also give up, and I will also give "equality" in Malaysia. Political status.

His attitude cannot be unordered, but Lin Han wants, far more than this.

From the beginning, Lin Han started from the attitude of the Malay Peninsula. It is not only to be east, West Malaysia, and dismantled two independent countries. It is even more than a dozen small ". Fragment "country, so that Lanfang is dominant here.

Of course, when I met, Lin Han's words were not so straightforward.

In 1957, the MAL government that was about to be established was launched a long-term negotiation in the capital of the Republic of the Lanfang Republic.

At the time, on the conference venue, it was rare to play Lin Han in the international occasion, and a look of sorrow and sorrows were very high-profile:

"In Malaysia, Malay, Chinese, Indians, these three ethnic groups are actually a nation that has been moved into the past three hundred years of colonial era, the Chinese are the most serious nation that suffers from persecution. This is already aware of everyone's well-known things, but the most older indigenous people's fate, how many people have to pay attention to their tears? "

In the Nanyang, everyone knows that Lin Han is a non-crux of large and medium-sin and revenge. He suddenly said that there is no one who cares about the death of the "original indigenous" in the Malaysian area, only open, Malay The representative is not bad.

"After the past white colonists landed in the Americas, they were sagged hundreds of millions of Indians, but they did not make compensation for the Indians' tragedy. And in Southeast Asia, Western colonists also slammed thousands of indigenous peoples. ... of course, this is all past, although we have to forget the past, look at the future, but the local Southeast Asian indigenous residents who have suffered persecuted, I think we have given these people, and they must give compensation. "

Standing in the forests in front of Malay, when he said this, the "saints general" holy light is discharged. Then, he walked out of the original indigenous forces of the Malay Peninsula, and made its own requirements to Malay representatives: national self-determination, independent autonomous.

The narrow Malay Peninsula is not large, and the nation is very much, with more than 30. In the past few years, Lin Han did the link to contact these national representatives that have formed a self-cultural consciousness, and encouraged them to exit in the UK, independent autonomous countries.

At that time, Langfang's Chinese representative was so encouraged.

"Ning is the chicken head, not after the cattle. You can call the king yourself, why is you willing to get rolled by the alien?"

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