The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report Chapter 414

The mushrooms continue to rise, expand it on the sky.

The atmosphere was tens of millions of high temperature light flames and sudden expansion, and the wind swept the earth was invincible. Immediately, the violas are not ringing. It is continuous roaring, and then the powerful shock waves expand in the wilderness, the thunder is in the mountain, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves to destroy everything along the way.

Soon, I have long been squatting in the nearby country of Sude, after dozens of seconds, driving a special plane through the mushroom cloud "sampling".

On the ground, researchers located at a remote security location in the nuclear explosion center, the equivalents of the nuclear explosion are simplified by the related instruments.

Finally, their data is approximately 30,000 tons of TNT equivalents.

This is a uranium bomb manufactured by the Soviet Union for nuclear material, and its power has been better than the three nuclear bombs made in the history of Americans during this period. So there will be such a result, Lin Han and Hannah are not small in this matter. They consume their own belief to explore, providing a more accurate data in explosive mechanics for nuclear tests, so that this nuclear bomb is high in the utilization rate of U materials.

During the few kilometers, the Sudue Kerrien country nuclear experts who spectacularly, excitedly held each other in the bunker.

After the nuclear explosion, the whole land in the heart was burnt, and there were many bodies of sheep and horses without the skin and eye beads, and the black sand and a bunch of distorted airplanes were recognized. And tanks and other weapons and equipment. The scientists in the latter Three Kingdoms approves the use of the nuclear weapons in the war by testing the damage of these equipment.

This nuclear test, Lin Han and Hanna have not lived on the spot. However, in China, the nuclear test in China will come to the scene.

After the success of the nuclear explosion, the head of Moscow is in the middle, Germany, San Kingdoms, signed a "Mutual Nuclear Weapon Agreement" in Moscow. So far, the leaders in the Three Kingdoms can maintain a gram system in war, and the emergence of nuclear weapons, let three realities of the terrible consequences of each other's nuclear war.

As for this agreement, it can really prevent the opponent from using nuclear weapons, in fact, the three hearts do not believe. However, this agreement is always a security guarantee.

After the agreement signed, Hitler, Xiahan Na's incarnation, was shaking hands with Stalin: "The best way to nuclear war between Sude is that it will never declare war."

Stalin also agreed to his point of view.

The tripartite Moscow meeting, three final decisions, after the War of Pacific, will set up a United Nations organization to coordinate relationships with each other. Unlike another historical situation in another place, this time the United Nations can enter the standard of "permanent member", it has become the country with "British".

Considering the UK also has an union factor, three decided to pull the British, in the Moscow Conference, the tripartite has issued a call to the UK, and the Britain also agreed. Four plans were in several months, in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, held a four-state meeting. In addition to the United Nations issue, in addition, the current focus of the world, the Pacific topic of the Pacific Ocean.

Germany is very important to pull the Soviet Union into the Pacific War. The current US Navy has occupied the Ashilian Islands of the Pacific North, and its huge Pacific fleet has been directly topped on the side of the Soviet Kamchat. Although the Kamchatka Peninsula Ice Snow, Americans are not very madly, but by a country with more than 4 million tons of naval, Stalin is very uncomfortable. In this year, the Soviet Union has also increased the number of garrison in this direction.

In addition to nuclear weapons issues and the future, in the Moscow Conference, the one thing in Germany is one of Germany, that is, the Soviet Union has also joined in the Pacific against the United States.

The current Soviet Navy has two battleships, two battles, three aircraft carriers, and there is also a aircraft carrier. The overall strength has surpassed the Italian Navy, which has become the world's fifth largest navy behind the world, and the world. If you can encourage the Soviet Navy to participate in the Pacific War, this is more than one point for the United States.

The German promises that after eliminating the Pacific Fleet, the Ashilian Islands, Germany, in the northern part of the Pacific, support all of the Soviet Union. Regarding this problem, savvy Dalin does not immediately express, he said it also needs to be careful.

By July 1945, Stalin has just completed the big cleaning he did not complete in the Soviet Union. A large number of he believes that the Soviet Union or "hindrance" has been processed by him, and then replaced a large number of newcomers. In this process, more than 100,000 people were killed in the name of the people's universal enemy, and hundreds of thousands were sent to the labor renovation camp.

From a humanitarian point of view, this practice in Stalin can be said to be extremely cruel.

However, from the perspective of class flow, the big cleaning droves a bunch of upper and related disciples, the seven gods of eight big, eliminated the centered interest group, giving the middle and lower talents to rise , Broke the class curing, which is "good governance" completed with "most violent" means.

Regarding the big cleaning, now I am more and more, I will stand in Lin Han, who is a "ruling class" stand, but it is more recognized that this practice of Stalin: This is the Soviet, or the Slimlin's temporary "high-efficiency" solution "class The best means for curing "problem.

Of course, such practices must have endless suffering.

Afterwards, when he talked about this, he talked about this, sighed: "Stalin comrades will be a whip of the corpse."

After the Moscow meeting, the Sino-German represents the second nuclear bomb that the three continue to be busy in China's Robell.

Unlike the first one, the second nuclear bomb is a bomb manufactured by Germany, and it is an enhanced nuclear bomb that plans to detonated in China on August 15th. The manufacturing of this nuclear bomb, Lin Han this traveler provided manufacturing theoretical direction, and the three experts estimated that its bursting power may be above 50,000 tons.

In the morning of August 20, with a shocking loud noise, China's Roboy made a huge mushroom cloud.

This enhanced atomic bomb has more than 60,000 tons when the event is measured.

After the nuclear test is successful, at this time, the two countries have a secret "backup nuclear bomb" in the hands of the two countries, but both sides are dying in their hands to prepare from time to time.

In the next day, the nuclear work plant in Sude is also 24 hours a day, and has started working with more nuclear materials.

Because of the excellent confidentiality, although the United States knows the nuclear engineering of Sude, but she has not known that they have opened the door to the nuclear age.

This plane, due to the United States and British evil, the United States is not like the development of nuclear weapons, and the predecessor of Dewey's predecessor of Wilky's predecessor is also a month after history. Plus Linhan has earlier "Dirty Action" in US universities, as well as the assassination of American nuclear physicists, let the United States lose a lot of this area.

Until October 21, 1945, US talents detonated their first atomic bomb in New Mexican, which was more than a month. (Note: The first atomic bomb in the original history is detonated in the Alamo desert in July 16, 1945)

The American nuclear test is successful, although in the United States strictly confidential, only twelve of the United States know the United States in manufacturing this superior weapon. However, in front of cheating travers, Suide has long known that they even have passed the "history", and they arranged the relevant spy monitors near the Alamogo in the United States in the United States.

In the early morning of the same day, 5:29 45 seconds, as this is called "thin and thin" atomic bullet, a mushroom-shaped big round ball suddenly rose to a high altitude of more than 10,000 feet, and the southwestern United States felt the shock of explosion. In order to conceal the truth, the US woven lie said that it was an explosion in the ammunition library of the Alamogo military base.

But this lie deceived ordinary Americans, but couldn't lied to the nuclear experts from Sude, which was prepared. In less than three hours after the US nuclear test was successful, the sum of Sude has received successfully from the United States, and the US nuclear test was successful.

On Ten Street, Tangning Street in London, Edli Prime Minister is almost in Hardong, and the US nuclear test is also known.

So so fast, because the current UK, there is also a similar existence with Sude, and also knows "history". The British people also arranged spy and proficient in nuclear knowledge. When realized that Americans were expected, the relevant spies were reported to Tangning Street in the first time the secret line.

Chapter 489 Trading

Regarding the atomic bomb, Altolia, which was born with "blocking the sun, the end of the Empire,", of course, also known the importance of nuclear weapons.

However, she was born too late.

I have experienced a big British Empire, a serious blood loss of war, and it is also poor. On the side of the warship to restore military power, the other side has to burn the money to conduct nuclear weapons research, and it is impossible to find two people in Germany to help share the development funds, and to achieve these two goals. It is really difficult.

However, Altolia, who came from Lin Han belly, is very clear from Germany of this era, and what is the Watching of Germany, what is afraid?

In some places, Hanna inherits Hitler's point of view: I hope that Germany will be united with the UK and jointly "maintain the world's new order".

Altolia is also very clear, because the people in the congenital fence, the British and Germany have not become the world's ability, and for the United Kingdom, in the face of the two new challengers of the Soviet Union and the United States, even maintain saving The original sites are very hard.

The British Empire needs a strong allies.

In the past, the old allies of the past, I have been can't be reached by one, and the old hatred is Germany ...

Others are unclear, Altolia is very clear. After 1944, Germany, Germany, is facing the threat of "tank sea" from the East Soviet Red Army, in the heart.

In the past three years, in the former Poland, Germany has desperately built the building fortress behind the Sude buffer in that hundred kilometers. In this way, many of the amenities in the Queger Flying Wire and the French Marino line are moved to the East Line.

Altolia is very clear, and now Germany needs a strong allies, helping them share huge pressure from the east line. Germany under the control of Hannah sells almost anything else, what technology is output, and it is from this reason.

The things you want in Germany are precisely the current UK can give Germany. The light is a normal relationship between Yingde, and even further secretly the alliance, you can reduce the pressure of ignorance in Germany.

This is the birth of her influence, and she has a role in the bridge on the issue of Herdere.

Altolia knows that the British's current national strength, both nuclear bombs and large fleets can take them. Altolia chose the latter, she is very clear, the nuclear bomb This thing is to scare the gains unless the quantity reaches the grade of the country. Nowadays, the cost of developing nuclear battles is too high, and the price is very low. It is better to wait for the Germans to have a good time.

Therefore, after being blocked by the British, Although Altolia increased the study of nuclear physics, it did not strongly demand too much investment in the opponent. Her idea is that after the German developed nuclear bomb, some of the Britain made some interests and took out part of the technology and Germany.

When I met with Almsterdam, At that time, Altolia had secretly told the private secrets of Hanna, and began the follow-up work of the relationship between English.

By 1944, with the relationship between Yingde, the exchange of military sciences in military science and technology has also increased. In order to show yourself "repair" sincerity, Germany first provided the "lessons learned" in the design process of "kenne integrated" design in the UK to show sincere, this makes Brittania's construction Have a lot of reference.

At October 21, when receiving the news from the United States, Altolia is watching the Glasgow Air Force base in northern United Kingdom, watching the new meteor-fighter and the early ME262A3 sent by Germany for analog air combat performances.

Even in this traveler, it is more difficult to get rid of many scientists, but the British has a rich accumulation of basic science for hundreds of years, and its development speed in the aviation field is not too much. The more influence is still the second country that has developed a jet fighter after Germany.

In 1944, Yingde began to repair, in Hanna, there was an olive branch, and Altolia was in the airborne in the aviation field. In addition to sharing the traditional piston engine, both sides share each other in the study of new jet engines, and exchanged the experience of their respective aerodynamics.

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